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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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Hehehehe :drool: ......... Hey ER , I just went to become a friend on your myspace ..... only I can't answer your questions .... :tears:


Questions? Wot? :eek:

Well, if it doesn't work, PM me with your Myspace URL thing and I'll add you...



it is officially my favorite smiley!


i didn't know about it until minutes ago..:drool:



Hehehehe...me neither...:drool:

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:roftl: There are a few new smileys ... Standard Toaster put them in for us !! :drool:


Hiya Peej !! I have a Mac too !! :biggrin2::drool:


I have such a love hate relationships with macs but now that I've owned one I don't really care a whole lot for PC's. :bleh:

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I picked up our school newspaper that comes out every Friday and as I turned the page I ended up on our Spring Day pictures... guess who has the biggest picture on the page right in the middle?


That's right... it's me riding the mechanical bull.


My exact words when I saw it, "oh... my.... god.... oh dear."

I guess the photographer didn't go to Spring Day until the last hour like I did. I'm surprised she even caught a picture of me sitting on it.


LOL! PLEASE take a picture/scan it!


I'm going to try to go to the lab and put all my video clips together even though I have a looot of them.


Yup I made the music at the end with a program that's on my computer. I have I think two other songs that I made but that's the first one I clicked on. I like how right as the music changes the Eiffel Tower sparkling shows up on that exact beat.


Awesome! (Oh crap, there I go again with the awesome)


Good morning Australia!




Good Morning Mika, I mean, Silver!


Damn you! I was going to say this EXACT same thing :sneaky2:


OD, sorry if the Entertainment Gold books is not a good idea, it just jumped into my head at the time...


Oh gosh, don't be silly :P Thank you for the suggestion! I don't know anything about them though :P






Imagine how that smiley will revolutionize the Mikagasmic thread...


What, turn it into a swimming pool?



A teacher for HS added me on facebook today :shocked: But it's not creepy like that :P She wasn't my actual teacher, but she came with us when we went to America :wub2:


And I did the STUPIDEST thing in the world. I usually take my shoes off in my car and leave them there, and then when i go to leave in the mornign I just hop in my car with my socks on and put my shoes on when I get there, right? But apparently for some reason I took my shoes into the house yesterday, and I drove all the way to work to find that I had NO SHOES! So I had to do the most boganly revolting thing possible and go into the IGA to buy a pair of dodgy ugg boots to wear :yikes: I think I've learnt my lesson, I think I shall put a crappy old pair of shoes permenently in my boot or something.

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And I did the STUPIDEST thing in the world. I usually take my shoes off in my car and leave them there, and then when i go to leave in the mornign I just hop in my car with my socks on and put my shoes on when I get there, right? But apparently for some reason I took my shoes into the house yesterday, and I drove all the way to work to find that I had NO SHOES! So I had to do the most boganly revolting thing possible and go into the IGA to buy a pair of dodgy ugg boots to wear :yikes: I think I've learnt my lesson, I think I shall put a crappy old pair of shoes permenently in my boot or something.


HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahh, your stories never fail to make me laugh...*zhhz*

I can totally picture that, too. :roftl::drool:


EDIT: Night night Em! :drool:

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HAHAHAHAHAHA! Ahh, your stories never fail to make me laugh...*zhhz*

I can totally picture that, too.


EDIT: Night night Em! :drool:


Thanks :blush-anim-cl:




PS: I don't think she's going to bed, it should only be .. 3pm :naughty:


Hiya OKD !!! :drools:


Mmmmmmm ..... dodgy, bogan ugg boots .... mmmmmmm !!! :drools: :drools: :drools: :roftl:




P.S. :drool:, not :drools:

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PS: I don't think she's going to bed, it should only be .. 3pm






P.S. :drool:, not :drools:

:sneaky2: I edited it immediately ... :drool:


Hey, it's night-time for me, OK? Cut me some slack. Yeesh.





:roftl:What time is it there ER ?? :drool:

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Hey, it's night-time for me, OK? Cut me some slack. Yeesh. :bleh:




Hahaha *cuts you some slack* :drool:


Jeez. I'm pretty bored. I'm reading through the forum from that trip to America. It's kind of embarrassing, I spoke like an 8* year old when I was 16... :blink:


*an 8 year old hyped up on red cordial :naughty:

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:sneaky2 I edited it immediately ... :drool:



:roftlWhat time is it there ER ?? :drool:


10:30 pm....


:shocked *points* :scot YOU LITTLE BEEEEEWDY!!!!!!! :punk:


:drool: :roftl It's like looking in a freakin mirror.


:pbjt :dance_man... my banana and dancing man!!


I see you've discovered :drool: as well :naughty:

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