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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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Hiya Teegs !!! WOOT !! What happened ??!!


Hehe... involves alcohol... and a man... who I hope to see again...


I'm sure you can think of what that would equal...


*laughs at freddie*

*waits by the mail box* (*hint hint*)


Funny how Freddie has all of a sudden disappeared... seems to do the disappearing act when I'm on... *wonders if there's a correlation*


Hints don't work on me...


I didn't bring my DVD burner with me so I can't do it... it will get done though...


wow, 3 in 1!

makes it easier for you to remember then


Hehe... yeah... you could say that... :das:


*sends you to dirty mind corner to join the rest of us*


tell the truth it's because you don't love us anymore


I was there ages ago... I am the resident literary smack dealer after all...


You're right... I don't love any of youse... not any more...

I'm kidding of course...

Don't forget Good News Week


Damn Imparja!


(Imparja is a tv channel which braodcasts from NT... it has a mix of Nine and Ten... but mostly Nine...)


I feel so distant from this thread lately.


Welcome to my world M... *huggles*


Yay for Mexico & Argentina, I'm happy for them

BOOOOOOO for us....what did we do to make him not love us


Oh yeah... great to see he noticed them...


Oh, didn't you realise? It's cause we're at the arse end of the world (to quote Tripod)


well girls I left a message there...



I bet Mika would like to know Australia, now that the 2nd album allows him to do a sort of 'world tour'. You are already in Caz Scripts and Mika will read!!



I celebrated in big letters for the anouncement, and Caz quoted me saying:

"And Australia gets ignored again" :mf_rosetinted:


I felt really bad...we really happy and didn't notice you were waiting for Mika as well!


so I came to cheer you up...you're welcome in our South Mika Fans family (it includes as well southafrica for MikaFreaka :naughty:).

good day (here is midnight)

And relax take it easy.We're on part 12 too :wink2: but we fight since we opened part 2 and look what we achieved. The key is being perseverant, strong, organized, participative in projects, and send thousands of messages to Mika :naughty: If all that doesn't work, we'll tell him to go to Australia


Don't ever feel bad... You did nothing... *huggles* It's great to see he's realised that there's mopre of the world than just Europe and the US... no offense to those places of course...


Mika is the one who should feel bad for ignoring us... and other places he's ignored...


I hope you get to meet him when he does come...


Ah Romis, I saw your msg in the other thread and wrote back there. We did have a campaign a couple of months back to send daily msgs to his myspace page, but kelz and I were kind of the push behind it and then i moved house and had no internet access for over a month and it kind of lost momentum.... Makes me wish we had kept it up tho. Oh and go ahead and tell him to get his butt down here. You wouldn't be the first person to do so, but maybe the more people around the world who tell him, the more he might listen and realise that us Aussies have spread our msg across the forum and most of the world on MFC know that we want him to come here.


I honestly don't think anything we did or not did causes him to ignore us... they'd be looking at the record sales...


I'm starting to think he'll never come back... but I want him to so I can have something to look forward to... though I have a few things to look forward to :das:


Hi/bye Teegs...


Hi/Bye ER!



Tis me - back from afar!!


Well I never really went anywhere...but I wanted to say hi to everyone.

hey Joels :)




Hey ya WM! Long time no see!

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You even bothered to ask?


:drool: x 10000000000000000


I've only had one Mika dream...it was pretty


I love it when she does that:naughty:


*slaps self for her stupidity*


I take it you liked it :roftl:


Ditto....and pretty isn't exactly the word I'd use :mf_lustslow:



Tis me - back from afar!!


Well I never really went anywhere...but I wanted to say hi to everyone.

hey Joels




Hello, I don't think I know you :biggrin2:



You're right... I don't love any of youse... not any more...

I'm kidding of course...

Damn Imparja! (Imparja is a tv channel which braodcasts from NT... it has a mix of Nine and Ten... but mostly Nine...)


Oh, didn't you realise? It's cause we're at the arse end of the world (to quote Tripod)




Bugger...that would kill me :shocked:


Someone called us (well Melbourne anyway) the arse end of the world....now who was that?


Edit: I just remembered, it was Jerry Seinfeld!

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well girls I left a message there...



I bet Mika would like to know Australia, now that the 2nd album allows him to do a sort of 'world tour'. You are already in Caz Scripts and Mika will read!!



I celebrated in big letters for the anouncement, and Caz quoted me saying:

"And Australia gets ignored again" :mf_rosetinted:


I felt really bad...we really happy and didn't notice you were waiting for Mika as well!


so I came to cheer you up...you're welcome in our South Mika Fans family (it includes as well southafrica for MikaFreaka :naughty:).

good day (here is midnight)

And relax take it easy.We're on part 12 too :wink2: but we fight since we opened part 2 and look what we achieved. The key is being perseverant, strong, organized, participative in projects, and send thousands of messages to Mika :naughty: If all that doesn't work, we'll tell him to go to Australia


Such a sweety....:wub2:


But seriously, I am really, really happy for you guys!

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Well dammit!


Who decided comment spamming mikamyspace was a futile waste of time? Hmm? Dammit dammit dammit! Imagine if he had looked at his comments at any time during our campaigning months. He would have had to hop straight on a plane for an emergency verandah concert


Guuuuyyyysssss, who wants to start up the Mika-Come-To-Australia project again? If anyone remembers, the reason we decided to postpone it was ... to wait for officialness. What a fricking joke. Lets start it up again. We need a thread. *runs off the AMF ... that she hasn't been to in way too long*


It sounds like a joke to me, to be honest. As long as it gets a laugh out of him then it's served its purpose.


But planning his birthday present this early is a bit overzealous isn't it?


Hahaha, I know. It's really quite ridiculous now..

Yes, I'd think so. But everyone procrastintes to wonderfully - the final designs of the mugs are due beginning of July.


my holidays don't start until 6 weeks.

we only have a 2 week holiday..

but that means i can spend all my spare time on the MFC!




Oh sucked in :naughty:


Yes, yes. I didn't take pictures, I was in charge of videoing, other people took pictures .. let me see..




*is now watching videos from america, thanks to you*

*oh, we saw a performance with some actor for DH too ... some gardener or something*


BOOOOOOO for us....what did we do to make him not love us


It's not that, it's just that we quit on out myspace comment campaign to make him notice us, and that is now exctly how he has noticed other places. How styupid does that make us feel.


If all that doesn't work, we'll tell him to go to Australia




Who knows, good things may be just around the corner! Do you know what is really freaky- Mika was in a dream I had last night I was walking past a door and he was there getting ready for a concert and then we went and coffee or something and everyone from this threads names were on a sheet of paper to go backstage or something. It was pretty cool. And then I come out to the copm this morning and his blog is there!


:lmfao: That is fantastic. That would be so awesome!


hey Jols, I saw your msg on his myspace.

Funnily enough I had a mika dream the other night (my first) and he was playing at a small venue near me and it was somewhere that I was comfortable enough with (ie had been to enough) to know my way around backstage etc and so my son and I were just wandering around looking at stuff and then we were on the platform (wasn't really a stage) and looking at all the gear and my son started touching Cherisse's drum kit and Mika caught him and told him off. And I was so disappointed cos I'd hoped they would get along, cos in my dream Mika's curls were like an Afro, not individual curls, just this thick, wiry, boofy look that my son's hair does and I was hoping he would notice they had the same hair and befriend him. Or something like that. It all made sense in the dream.

But I prefer your dream!


:lmfao: Oh, but your's is funnier/randomer!




LOL! Thought so...


Who knows...I'm pretty annoyed, I mean, I'm in the "teapot" group and I was all excited for it but guess what, no teapot. The whole tea set idea was pretty cool but...mugs? Meh...


Yeah, i reckon. I wasn't too pleased with the "teaset", but at least it was reasonable as a "teaset" with teacups and teapot, sugar bowl, etc, etc. Now a bunch fo mugs just doesn't have the same meaning, it's just a bunch of mugs.



Tis me - back from afar!!


Well I never really went anywhere...but I wanted to say hi to everyone.

hey Joels :)




Woah, hello, how goes it?


Hope you are enjoying the rain-


Oh my god. The rain is ridiculous. It was HOT yesterday. WTF! And it was just BUCKETING down when i had to go from the parking lot to the train, and I got completely drenched to the bone...

And one of my sticky-tape-monster-posters has gotten water in it, but the rest are okay.


Hints don't work on me...


I didn't bring my DVD burner with me so I can't do it... it will get done though...



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I honestly don't think anything we did or not did causes him to ignore us... they'd be looking at the record sales...


I'm starting to think he'll never come back... but I want him to so I can have something to look forward to... though I have a few things to look forward to :das:

HOOPLA Teegs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*stares at crotch cam* :drool:


errr.. ok I quoted that to say something..

Oh yeah.. It's not cheap to tour Oz..


Heya Everyone!!

That is all..

*Mel Z signs out*

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errr.. ok I quoted that to say something..

Oh yeah.. It's not cheap to tour Oz..


But we're worth it :cheerful_h4h:


Check this out:




Sat 17 May 12:30pm Carson Kressley appearances and styling tips!

Level 1, Ladies Fashion


Sat 24 May & Sun 25 May 12pm - 4pm Meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Level 2



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But we're worth it :cheerful_h4h:


Check this out:




Sat 17 May 12:30pm Carson Kressley appearances and styling tips!

Level 1, Ladies Fashion


Sat 24 May & Sun 25 May 12pm - 4pm Meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Level 2




Ohh cool.. I'd do both.. :punk:

You should go and get photos!

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Well dammit!


Who decided comment spamming mikamyspace was a futile waste of time? Hmm? Dammit dammit dammit! Imagine if he had looked at his comments at any time during our campaigning months. He would have had to hop straight on a plane for an emergency verandah concert


Guuuuyyyysssss, who wants to start up the Mika-Come-To-Australia project again? If anyone remembers, the reason we decided to postpone it was ... to wait for officialness. What a fricking joke. Lets start it up again. We need a thread. *runs off the AMF ... that she hasn't been to in way too long*



Maybe we should start an all out offensive / war :biggrin2:


Oi...guess what? I gave my friend her facebook lesson today and boy I no longer consider myself challenged in any way :roftl:....and I was just online chatting on facebook...so proud of me...mind you if my friend hadn't have started it first, I wouldn't have known wtf!




Heya Everyone!!

That is all..

*Mel Z signs out*


YAY KELZY....and she's gone again....oooohhhhhh!

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Ohh cool.. I'd do both.. :punk:

You should go and get photos!


I reckon!

But I have to work sat morning and afternoon ... I'll see though (for carson)


Maybe we should start an all out offensive / war :biggrin2:




Oi...guess what? I gave my friend her facebook lesson today and boy I no longer consider myself challenged in any way :roftl:....and I was just online chatting on facebook...so proud of me...mind you if my friend hadn't have started it first, I wouldn't have known wtf!



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Well dammit!


Who decided comment spamming mikamyspace was a futile waste of time? Hmm? Dammit dammit dammit! Imagine if he had looked at his comments at any time during our campaigning months. He would have had to hop straight on a plane for an emergency verandah concert


Guuuuyyyysssss, who wants to start up the Mika-Come-To-Australia project again? If anyone remembers, the reason we decided to postpone it was ... to wait for officialness. What a fricking joke. Lets start it up again. We need a thread. *runs off the AMF ... that she hasn't been to in way too long*



Ummm, I have to confess I've already started again and was just gonna see if I could round up support on here. Soooo, who's with me?!


But we're worth it :cheerful_h4h:


Check this out:




Sat 17 May 12:30pm Carson Kressley appearances and styling tips!

Level 1, Ladies Fashion


Sat 24 May & Sun 25 May 12pm - 4pm Meet the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

Level 2




It's so bizarre reading stuff from you all in W.A. and going "oh, yeah, I know that place" etc. I used to just about live at Forrest Chase. I'm sure my Mum tries to singlehandedly keep Myer afloat and it kind of rubbed off on me when I lived in Perth.


Anyways... Carson!! Go see him!!!! I think he's brilliant:biggrin2:

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Ummm, I have to confess I've already started again and was just gonna see if I could round up support on here. Soooo, who's with me?!


You mean myspace spamming? Of course! And I mean also getting something physical to him too. :cheerful_h4h:


It's so bizarre reading stuff from you all in W.A. and going "oh, yeah, I know that place" etc. I used to just about live at Forrest Chase. I'm sure my Mum tries to singlehandedly keep Myer afloat and it kind of rubbed off on me when I lived in Perth.


Anyways... Carson!! Go see him!!!! I think he's brilliant


:cheerful_h4h::lmfao: God, Myer is too expensive, EXCEPT their colourful stockings, they stock a brand that is really good quality, in really fantastic colours and is only $7 a pair :wub2: I can't help but buy a new pair every time I am in Perth :fisch:


I know! But I have to go STRAIGHT from work, I would be late too, I usually don't get home until about 12 on a quiet day, and then it's another hour to Perth ... so I just don't quite know if I want to be spotted by him :naughty: Which makes it hard to get a photo :roftl:

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I just got offered like my first photography "job!"


I got an email from one of my professors asking if I wanted to help out the pro photographers at the Graduation this Sunday. My reply back, "Oh my god sure!." :naughty: It was sent earlier this morning so hopefully she hasn't tried emailing someone else because it's early afternoon and I just got up.


Ahhhh maybe this will lead into a photography job somewhere this summer?! I've seen a photographer around at two of the events here on campus and I've had an urge to go up and ask him where he works. I just want to get my foot in the door and work in a studio or something this summer... even if I'm the b*tch having to clean up stuff or lug stuff around still being there to see how things are done would be great. :biggrin2:


Right, MUST go study for my worst exam I have in an hour. :biggrin2::boxed:

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Ditto....and pretty isn't exactly the word I'd use :mf_lustslow:



No, I meant the :das: to be used as a substitute...for a word that I couldn't think of...like, it was pretty *insert word here except it was a smiley. I'll shut up.*



*fades in*






*fades out*

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No, I meant the :das: to be used as a substitute...for a word that I couldn't think of...like, it was pretty *insert word here except it was a smiley. I'll shut up.*



*fades in*






*fades out*


Hi ER! *waves*

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Yes, yes. I didn't take pictures, I was in charge of videoing, other people took pictures .. let me see..




*is now watching videos from america, thanks to you*

*oh, we saw a performance with some actor for DH too ... some gardener or something*






wow, i am jealous.


:naughty: was a pretty good episode on monday!

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I just got offered like my first photography "job!"


I got an email from one of my professors asking if I wanted to help out the pro photographers at the Graduation this Sunday. My reply back, "Oh my god sure!." It was sent earlier this morning so hopefully she hasn't tried emailing someone else because it's early afternoon and I just got up.


Ahhhh maybe this will lead into a photography job somewhere this summer?! I've seen a photographer around at two of the events here on campus and I've had an urge to go up and ask him where he works. I just want to get my foot in the door and work in a studio or something this summer... even if I'm the b*tch having to clean up stuff or lug stuff around still being there to see how things are done would be great.


Right, MUST go study for my worst exam I have in an hour.


OMG that is so fantastic...congrats :biggrin2:....study an hour before...yes OD!


No, I meant the :das: to be used as a substitute...for a word that I couldn't think of...like, it was pretty *insert word here except it was a smiley. I'll shut up.*


*fades in*


*fades out*


I know that :roftl:....but doesn't fade away I hope!


How goes it my favourite neglectees? I'm feeling joyfully pissy today. :ap_rosetinted:


....still feeling neglected what else....but we :biggrin2: through the pain!

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right there with you. :mf_rosetinted:

I make a distinction between pissy and joyfully pissy. The former is being irritable and easily annoyed but the latter is being so annoyed that your state of annoyance annoy others and you revel in it as a revenge at the world that if it wants to piss you off then you'll be pissed off in a fashion that will piss it off too. It's a sign of how bored I am that I've given it as much thought. :ap_rosetinted:

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