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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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Hello aussie types!!!


Man man man another chest infection , every sodding , smegging time I fly :boxed:


Aggggggggggggg last day at work , a weekend of chilling awaits :wub2:



Pfft about your smegging chest infection ....:thumbdown: ....


HAPPY to see you back here tho' !!!!! :dance_man: !!!!

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Pfft about your smegging chest infection ....:thumbdown: ....


HAPPY to see you back here tho' !!!!! :dance_man: !!!!


Ive never been away :wink2:


Just I dont know as many people in here :bleh:


Yeh .. I always have one , I was hoping scut would help me


They have put me on Amoxicillin and I cant do drinkies on them wagggggg:naughty:

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yes, well i need to study as well!

mid year exams are soon..:shocked:


well, i best be off!

Goodnight everyone!


Argh, meee tooooooo!



Ehhmmmmm, is the bit on LiveICM with the graffiti in Berlin? Because I could swear I just saw the exact same area on Getaway just now. But I'm probably just seeing things :naughty:

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Ive never been away :wink2:


Just I dont know as many people in here :bleh:


Yeh .. I always have one , I was hoping scut would help me


They have put me on Amoxicillin and I cant do drinkies on them wagggggg:naughty:

:thumbdown::thumbdown: STT ... do you have any 'legal drug dealer' advice for the FD ??!! :blink:

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Ohhh that is her ... right got ya


Yeh legal please :naughty:


Also long term how to not catch the damn things


<drinks coffee and coughs with puppy eyes to get sympathy>:naughty:


Vitamin C :wink2:


Random: But I am desperate to know what the song on the Snooze advertisement is. Where the mum is trying to convince this little girl her big sister's crappy bed or something is good. It's just the instrumental part, and not the proper instrumental. But I'm just like ARGH going crazy trying to figure out what song it is :naughty:


I'm going to study now!

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hello aussies and others! :)

WOOT !! Hiya STIM !!! :biggrin2:

Ohhh that is her ... right got ya


Yeh legal please :naughty:


Also long term how to not catch the damn things


<drinks coffee and coughs with puppy eyes to get sympathy>:naughty:

Awww ... the ol' FD is batting the eyelashes ... puppy like .... :wub2::naughty::roftl:

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Vitamin C :wink2:


Random: But I am desperate to know what the song on the Snooze advertisement is. Where the mum is trying to convince this little girl her big sister's crappy bed or something is good. It's just the instrumental part, and not the proper instrumental. But I'm just like ARGH going crazy trying to figure out what song it is :naughty:


I'm going to study now!

:roftl: Dunno the ad !!! :mf_rosetinted: Go & study !!! :mf_rosetinted::naughty:

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They have put me on Amoxicillin and I cant do drinkies on them wagggggg:naughty:


:thumbdown::thumbdown: STT ... do you have any 'legal drug dealer' advice for the FD ??!! :blink:


Also long term how to not catch the damn things


<drinks coffee and coughs with puppy eyes to get sympathy>:naughty:

If I there was a miracle cure for chest infections I would have given it to Mika last year. :fisch:


The best thing you can do is to follow your doctor's advice, especially about how to correctly take your antibiotics (e.g. no alcohol etc.) and making sure to complete the whole course of antibiotics even if you feel better before you've finished the course. It's useful to remember, though, that a lot of respiratory infections are caused by viruses not bacteria so antibiotics don't work on them. For most people the best way to deal with a viral infection is to drink plenty of fluids and rest. But there are medications that you can take to help ease the symptoms - your pharmacist can advise you which ones would help your individual symptoms best.


To prevent infections there are a couple of measures you can take:

1) Strengthen your immune system. Some people swear by vitamin C and a whole host of herbs etc. but none have significant scientific evidence to support their claims - but there's no harm in trying them, as long as you let your doctor and pharmacist know that you're taking them as some of them can interact with medications. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, getting plenty of sleep, reducing your stress levels (these two are especially important because a lot of people overlook them) and exercising regularly are the best ways to strengthen your immune system.

2) Good hygiene. That includes washing your hands after using the bathroom, before and after you cook, before and after you eat, and as soon as you get home. That's especially important if you use public transport or public toilets or a shared kitchen/tea room, where other people regularly touch the same surfaces - it's very easy to pick up infections in places like those. Don't share food or eating utensils. Etc etc etc.


To be honest, it's mostly common sense stuff that a lot of people already do. But many infections are air-borne so in the end even if you do all that you can still get sick, it can't be helped.


Take all of this with a huuuge pinch of salt. I'm not qualified yet to give professional advice, anything I recommend is just as a friend and not as a healthcare provider. Your doctor and your pharmacist are the best sources of info (in the age of instant google searches many people forget this). Especially since in different countries there are different products and different recommendations anyway.

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Hello everyone!!!!!


i always use wikipedia, but apparently it's full of crap and many of the facts on there are made up.. i'm not sure though, i heard that from a friend.

So, did your friend read that on Wikipedia?? lol!


Oh ... & yeh , it's true WIKI is continually being 'adjusted' by ppl's 'points of view' .....

That is true.. I recently read why a certain somebody:wink2: didn't perform at a festival and L'dMFAO!!!!!!

You mean your slaughter of their fashion sense? I'm surprised you didn't turn on us too with a "honey, no amount of black is going to hide the fact that you've gained weight" or "you may love purple, dear, but purple doesn't love you".

:lmao: You've got me worked out.. I could be Carson Kressleys bitchy sister.

Oh, I've had a f*cker of a day. We had a car crash this morning (the car's deceased but thankfully no one was hurt), then I failed a surprise practical quiz, then I had a falling out with a friend who disagrees with my "lifestyle", then I lost my wallet. On the bright side it can't get any worse.

Clearly, today, you weren't meant to leave the house.. :huglove:

What are we doing on Monday?? lol!


Hello aussie types!!!

Man man man another chest infection , every sodding , smegging time I fly

Aggggggggggggg last day at work , a weekend of chilling awaits

Good *checks time* Afternoon Fred!!


Don't worry, I'm fine. All so that the universe can throw more crap at me another day.

I wish I knew what day that is so that I can be there with my powerade bottle *zhhz* :bleh:


hello aussies and others!

Heya Hunny!!!!!!!!!!!!


STT ... do you have any 'legal drug dealer' advice for the FD ??!!

Berocca to feel better.. if Berocca unavailable - lots of Whiskey.

Really, just boosting your immune system prior, during and after flying will help..

When washing your hands in a foreign country, wash all the way up to your elbows..


If all else fails, you could use a surgical mask.. Michael Jackson Style :roftl:




*dances like at the end of discotheque style* 1mario.gif

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If I there was a miracle cure for chest infections I would have given it to Mika last year. :fisch:


The best thing you can do is to follow your doctor's advice, especially about how to correctly take your antibiotics (e.g. no alcohol etc.) and making sure to complete the whole course of antibiotics even if you feel better before you've finished the course. It's useful to remember, though, that a lot of respiratory infections are caused by viruses not bacteria so antibiotics don't work on them. For most people the best way to deal with a viral infection is to drink plenty of fluids and rest. But there are medications that you can take to help ease the symptoms - your pharmacist can advise you which ones would help your individual symptoms best.


To prevent infections there are a couple of measures you can take:

1) Strengthen your immune system. Some people swear by vitamin C and a whole host of herbs etc. but none have significant scientific evidence to support their claims - but there's no harm in trying them, as long as you let your doctor and pharmacist know that you're taking them as some of them can interact with medications. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, getting plenty of sleep, reducing your stress levels (these two are especially important because a lot of people overlook them) and exercising regularly are the best ways to strengthen your immune system.

2) Good hygiene. That includes washing your hands after using the bathroom, before and after you cook, before and after you eat, and as soon as you get home. That's especially important if you use public transport or public toilets or a shared kitchen/tea room, where other people regularly touch the same surfaces - it's very easy to pick up infections in places like those. Don't share food or eating utensils. Etc etc etc.


To be honest, it's mostly common sense stuff that a lot of people already do. But many infections are air-borne so in the end even if you do all that you can still get sick, it can't be helped.


Take all of this with a huuuge pinch of salt. I'm not qualified yet to give professional advice, anything I recommend is just as a friend and not as a healthcare provider. Your doctor and your pharmacist are the best sources of info (in the age of instant google searches many people forget this). Especially since in different countries there are different products and different recommendations anyway.


Awwww thanks Ill take it as friendly advice ... muchious gratis


Yeh if I eat healthy , chill and exercise I catch nothing ... true true words


Also flying with dozens of people coughing and spluttering doesnt help!!!


I had a horrific experience one with antibotics once .. long story only to be told after lots of drinks :naughty:


Hiya everyone , Hiya Bon Jovi girl:punk:

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:wub2: ... back to you tooooo !!! :wub2:

Do you knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


You cant have enough Vitamin C ,, you just wee wee it away :wink2:

Aaaaaaand can also .... (poo too much) ..... I made an attempt at spelling the real word for that .... got close ... only am not prepared to actually spell it ... (will check dictionary ) .... :blink: ... I'm usually an OK speller ... pffftt ... braincells ... :lmfao: .....

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Do you knowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww


You cant have enough Vitamin C ,, you just wee wee it away :wink2:

Actually, you can have "enough" vitamin C in the sense that you can consume the amount that your body requires. It's the excess that you mean your body gets rid of i.e. taking extra vitamin C on top of what your body requires doesn't help because your body just gets rid of the excess in your urine. :wink2:

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i know!

i just had to type this compound, and it gave the formula!

makes my life so much easier..

they've updated information on mika on wikipedia!



i hate it!!

have you heard of a.m.e.b?

they accused me of cheating last time..


I loved A.M.E.B. They used to give me very good marks! O.K, so maybe I just had a great piano teacher who prepared us really well.






If I there was a miracle cure for chest infections I would have given it to Mika last year. :fisch:


The best thing you can do is to follow your doctor's advice, especially about how to correctly take your antibiotics (e.g. no alcohol etc.) and making sure to complete the whole course of antibiotics even if you feel better before you've finished the course. It's useful to remember, though, that a lot of respiratory infections are caused by viruses not bacteria so antibiotics don't work on them. For most people the best way to deal with a viral infection is to drink plenty of fluids and rest. But there are medications that you can take to help ease the symptoms - your pharmacist can advise you which ones would help your individual symptoms best.


To prevent infections there are a couple of measures you can take:

1) Strengthen your immune system. Some people swear by vitamin C and a whole host of herbs etc. but none have significant scientific evidence to support their claims - but there's no harm in trying them, as long as you let your doctor and pharmacist know that you're taking them as some of them can interact with medications. Eating plenty of fruit and vegetables, getting plenty of sleep, reducing your stress levels (these two are especially important because a lot of people overlook them) and exercising regularly are the best ways to strengthen your immune system.

2) Good hygiene. That includes washing your hands after using the bathroom, before and after you cook, before and after you eat, and as soon as you get home. That's especially important if you use public transport or public toilets or a shared kitchen/tea room, where other people regularly touch the same surfaces - it's very easy to pick up infections in places like those. Don't share food or eating utensils. Etc etc etc.


To be honest, it's mostly common sense stuff that a lot of people already do. But many infections are air-borne so in the end even if you do all that you can still get sick, it can't be helped.


Take all of this with a huuuge pinch of salt. I'm not qualified yet to give professional advice, anything I recommend is just as a friend and not as a healthcare provider. Your doctor and your pharmacist are the best sources of info (in the age of instant google searches many people forget this). Especially since in different countries there are different products and different recommendations anyway.


I love it when you're being professional. You're so good at it! Sorry you had such a ****ty day tho, what a run of bad luck.


Hi HK and Kelzy, OD and FD (sorry to hear you're sick again Fred) and anybody else I've forgotten.

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Hi HK and Kelzy, OD and FD (sorry to hear you're sick again Fred) and anybody else I've forgotten.

Heya ! *waves*

wouldn't you be Mrs Vox?:das:

Melzykins Jovi Vox... sounds cool:punk:


Yes, I would be Mrs Vox, wouldn't I.. :das:



Melzykins Jovi Vox.. I like that!!

I think I need to edit my AMF name again :naughty:

(if only these things could come true )



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Hi everyone!


PJ...you fell off my MQ.....but yay for your last day, hope it's a good one!!!!

them all how to dance. Spiderman.gif



Both.. I'm a Sturker.

[/color][/color]Disgusting thoughts.. slapmsn.gif

FYI, M&M's are the only other thing that melts in my mouth..


My spidy sense is tingling....:das:


I never have dirty thoughts!


Thanks Tanya for posting in our thread


You're welcome!:huglove:


Ok, I wrote something on his MS.. I have "contributed"


and it's about time too!


Hey everyone!


i've finally finished all my work, and now i am up to date!

oh, and i performed infront of the school yesterday..

scariest moment of my life!

and i have posted a comment on mika's myspace!


anyway..how is everyone?

i can stay on here for as long as i like!


Up to date....how good are you?

Yay for peforming in front of the whole school...well done!


Oh, I've had a f*cker of a day. We had a car crash this morning (the car's deceased but thankfully no one was hurt), then I failed a surprise practical quiz, then I had a falling out with a friend who disagrees with my "lifestyle", then I lost my wallet. On the bright side it can't get any worse.


Glad you're ok....sorry about the dead car and the quiz!


Sorry ST, but you're obviously better than him / her and frankly anyone who disagrees with any persons "lifestyle" choice is not a friend at all in my opinion.....I'm not opinionated much :biggrin2:


Hello aussie types!!!

Man man man another chest infection , every sodding , smegging time I fly

Aggggggggggggg last day at work , a weekend of chilling awaits


Hi FD....hope you feel better soon!

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No MQ's? I don't say anythign MQ-worthy? :tears:


I can tell stories if that's what you want. I love to tell stories.

I shall tell (aka. copy and paste) some stories.


This morning:

My parents were busy doing something in the front of the house while I was getting up/ready for school. And they kept coming out and asking me for peices of cardboard and rulers and crap. So I walked into the room when i finished my breakfast, after they'd been at it for like an hour and a half and see that they've painted a very nice straight line across the top of the plant box. Ehm ... it's hard to explain ... but it's a planting box thing attatched to the wall, and it's the wall they wanted to make the "feature wall" (like, a darker colour). Yeah, so they'd spent the morning trying to figure out how to make a straight line of the darker colour across the top of it and were standing there marvelling at it and I'm like "Errrrr ... why did you do that?" and they're like "To make it look neat, isn't it nice?" and I'm like "Um, but whatever you put in there isn't going to go exactly to the top, there'll be like 10 cm on no soil, and you'll see that line of dark-light paint." and they are like "Shut up! Mind your own business! Go to school!" And then when I walked back in on my way out they were hastily painting over their line. Which was hilarious. And they yelled at me for being a smart alec and making them have to paint over their hard work. :lmfao: Idiots. And they were SO proud of their line too.



yesterday we were standing next to a horse, and our tutor said "So, does anyone know what cholic is?" and we were all like :blink: and then at the exact right timing the horse lets out a huuge "neeeiiigghhhhhh" and we all stayed quiet for about 30 seconds and then all at the same time said "I think the horse knows!" :lmfao: it was hilarious

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuch a bad joke. and we all made it at the same time. and all spent a good 30 seconds thinking over whether or not we would say it


Lol, can anyone tell the difference between the way I write in FB comments and msn? :naughty: Anyway, am I MQ-worthy now? :tears:

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