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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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See, the opposite of me. Not that I enjoyed lectures and exams, but I'm better at the academic side than the practical side. Patients liked me because I listened to them but I was not the girl who was going to save their lives. And it really started to wear away at my confidence the more I realised this about myself and I decided I no longer wanted that kind of responsibilty. It was almost like, when I first came out I was so brash in my ignorance that I didn't realise how little I actually knew and then the more I learned the more I saw how much i didn't know.

Are you sure that you weren't just being too hard on yourself, lowering your confidence lower than you deserved? It can be hard to tell, your own opinion of yourself can sometimes differ greatly from the reality. If not, then it's good that you had the ability to recognise reality and didn't stay on in denial over-estimating like many people do - that's far more dangerous. I hope that you're happy - or at least satisfied - with your decision because that's what matters most. :thumb_yello:

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Are you sure that you weren't just being too hard on yourself, lowering your confidence lower than you deserved? It can be hard to tell, your own opinion of yourself can sometimes differ greatly from the reality. If not, then it's good that you had the ability to recognise reality and didn't stay on in denial over-estimating like many people do - that's far more dangerous. I hope that you're happy - or at least satisfied - with your decision because that's what matters most. :thumb_yello:


It's possible that i was too hard on myself, as other people would tell me I was doing fine etc even encourage me to apply for promotion (which scared me witless, knowing that since I interview well I was likely to get it even if i knew deep down that I didn't have all the appropriate skills), but I feel that there's only so much bluster and bravado you can use in nursing and after that you better back it up with skills. I had a professional face that I put on and for the most part it worked ok, but there were so many times i felt lucky that i was working with a great team of (mostly) supportive people who looked out for each other. Do you know how scary it is to feel like the weak link in the chain and come onto night shift and look at the others rostered on and think "Oh, God. Of the people in the room tonight, I'm the most senior, the most experienced and the most knowledgeable... and I know ****!" I had a couple of nights where I was on with a brand new grad and a nurse who was coming back to the wards after years in community nursing and we had some seriously ill people in the ward and they both looked at me like "Well obviously you're in charge tonight." And I had to do the allocations so that I had the sickest ones, cos I didn't trust the others to manage them. but then I didn't trust me to manage them either!

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It's possible that i was too hard on myself, as other people would tell me I was doing fine etc even encourage me to apply for promotion (which scared me witless, knowing that since I interview well I was likely to get it even if i knew deep down that I didn't have all the appropriate skills), but I feel that there's only so much bluster and bravado you can use in nursing and after that you better back it up with skills. I had a professional face that I put on and for the most part it worked ok, but there were so many times i felt lucky that i was working with a great team of (mostly) supportive people who looked out for each other. Do you know how scary it is to feel like the weak link in the chain and come onto night shift and look at the others rostered on and think "Oh, God. Of the people in the room tonight, I'm the most senior, the most experienced and the most knowledgeable... and I know ****!" I had a couple of nights where I was on with a brand new grad and a nurse who was coming back to the wards after years in community nursing and we had some seriously ill people in the ward and they both looked at me like "Well obviously you're in charge tonight." And I had to do the allocations so that I had the sickest ones, cos I didn't trust the others to manage them. but then I didn't trust me to manage them either!

I can't say that I know how that feels because so far I've had to deal with virtually no responsibility, but I imagine that it indeed would be very scary. That's just how it is in health care, the stakes are high because if you make a mistake you don't just break a printer or stuff up a computer program, you can harm a person's health. There's the flipside that you can also significantly help people but it's always a job that you can't take lightly.

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I can't say that I know how that feels because so far I've had to deal with virtually no responsibility, but I imagine that it indeed would be very scary. That's just how it is in health care, the stakes are high because if you make a mistake you don't just break a printer or stuff up a computer program, you can harm a person's health. There's the flipside that you can also significantly help people but it's always a job that you can't take lightly.


And since I'm a big chicken, I'm getting out of health care. There are other ways i can significantly help people that aren't so life and death. And I can't not try to help people ( I think it's programmed into my genes or something), so gotta find another way.

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And since I'm a big chicken, I'm getting out of health care. There are other ways i can significantly help people that aren't so life and death. And I can't not try to help people ( I think it's programmed into my genes or something), so gotta find another way.

That's very true. Good luck with it.

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It was pretty awkward taking that picture. I wandered over there when we were in front of a cathedral and some lady came out of the door so I was pretending to take pictures of the cathedral then walked back towards the group until she slowly walked away. I thought that she thought I was going to break in or something. :naughty: Then I went back over and took pictures which there was a window behind that gate thing over it and the plants.... probably to someone's house. :naughty: Then I was daring and got a picture of the cathedral through the gate that was hooked onto their door since it was left open. :fisch:


Sorry, I didn't mean the exact name or anything. I just meant was it like a photography school or something or a uni course or some visual arts school that includes photography or ??? General descriptors, not specifics.


Ah. It's an institute that's strictly photography, unlike the college I was just at where you have what you major and can minor in but then you have to take a whole bunch of other things like math, history, science etc. etc. etc. Those pointless classes where if you didn't have to take them you could probably graduate within two years, but the college makes you taken them because you need to be a "well rounded student" aka pay them more money because they're in debt. I WOULD be graduating with an associates this Sunday if only I had been given a math tutor like I requested numerous times and the college refused to help me and give me one yet they got mad at me when I had to drop math for the second time because I was so far behind. :mad: Oh well, I don't want a degree with their name on it. *sticks nose up in air*

Luckily this photography institute only goes from September to June and then you graduate.


As much as I try to call it an institute I always end up just calling it a college because college is so much easier for me to spell. I always put too many freaking t's in institute. :naughty:

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Kids!! How old are they??


And are they single??:mf_lustslow:


*googles - cos she doesn't actually know!!*

The two daughters are in their late teens.. and the two sons are under 10..


either way, you're still stuck in the middle :roftl:


"I have a stepmum named Kel-zy"




"My dada has a lover named Kel-zy".... haha JK!


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The big questions:


What is Kelzy called today? :confused::wink2:


Has OD really gone now? :rolls_eyes:


Has HK gone to bed? :sleep_1:


And where has this smiley been until now? :boing:

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The big questions:


What is Kelzy called today?


Has OD really gone now?


Has HK gone to bed?


And where has this smiley been until now?

Hi Ho Silv .... :huglove:

#1. Last I wrote ... she is Melzy Jovi Vox Von Veiderheimer ... :naughty:

#2. Dunno ... OKD is full of surprises .... :wink2:

#3. HK is about to leave the building & call it a day ... :naughty:

#4. That smiley is new to me too .... Standard Toaster must be slippin' 'em in under the carpet !!!! :lmfao:









G'night !! :wub2::drool:

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Oh & Silv .... can you also address your schmexy Mika pics to ME aswell as Jols .... hahaha ... I still do like the guy !!!! :das:


Even though he's married to all these people now and wears diamond earrings?:shocked::roftl:

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Even though he's married to all these people now and wears diamond earrings?:shocked::roftl:

Pfffffttt ... married shmarried ... & anyway ... I like a guy who wears an earring ... pfftt .. what is all that fuss about anyway .... heaps of guys wore earrings .... not all that long ago ... *still has long term memory intact* ... :naughty: .....









*is really going to bed now* :biggrin2: G'night Silv .... :huglove:

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i know!

65 is like an A+

i need to get 65 or above to start teaching..


What? Was that sarcasm?




*wants to hear*


Maybe I'll record it...some day...


Walri? Toys-R-I?





Awesome! How do you do it?

It's probably really obvious ... I've never looked


There are little links that say 'edit' on top of each secshunn in the article.


*kicks pedant hat under the bed*

Haha, I am such a pedant with things like that normally, but there are a few words that I just never get right LOL. Sence/sence?? excercise??


Sense. Excercise. One I never got was practice/practise?! I think you use both of them, one's the verb and one's the noun...I never knew which though...


Right, so it didnt happen then, and it hasn;t happened yet, but after this MQ I SWEAR!


If you paid money for everytime you say 'I SWEAR!' you'd be millions of dollars in debt by now.



you're back!! :biggrin2:


Of course she's back...



Haha, I'm not a drug-peddling child murderer. I merely have close-minded bigoted friends whom I was foolish enough to put faith in.



Hah, I'm psychic. And don't worry, I think most everyone's been there...


The big questions:


What is Kelzy called today?


Has OD really gone now? :rolls_eyes:


Has HK gone to bed? :sleep_1:


And where has this smiley been until now? :boing:

Hee hee hee hee hee hee! I love it! :boing::drool:

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Someone called us (well Melbourne anyway) the arse end of the world....now who was that?


Edit: I just remembered, it was Jerry Seinfeld!


Dunno... all I know is Tripod used it in one of their song in an hour challenges on JJJ...


Well dammit!


Who decided comment spamming mikamyspace was a futile waste of time? Hmm? Dammit dammit dammit! Imagine if he had looked at his comments at any time during our campaigning months. He would have had to hop straight on a plane for an emergency verandah concert


Guuuuyyyysssss, who wants to start up the Mika-Come-To-Australia project again? If anyone remembers, the reason we decided to postpone it was ... to wait for officialness. What a fricking joke. Lets start it up again. We need a thread. *runs off the AMF ... that she hasn't been to in way too long*


Erm... okay...


As I said on the AMF... I think it was pure luck on their part that he was on while they were spamming his page...


And honestly, I doubt he would have taken notice if he had... I mean, he totally ignored the fact that he was nominated for an award for the MTV awards here...


And I think you'll find that I thought postponing for officialness was a waste of time... even though his royal highness wanted to wait cause apparently he's in with Jerry...


All it did was take the drive to do it away...


The petition is still online, so is the facebook page... if you want to do a book one, then we may as well start it soon so we get enough sigs... I don't exactly have time to be getting on and checking it all the time...


HOOPLA Teegs!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*stares at crotch cam* :drool:


errr.. ok I quoted that to say something..

Oh yeah.. It's not cheap to tour Oz..


Hoopla Kelz!


Sorry Kelz... but so?


He was just saying in the new blog that now he can afford to redo his webpage... besides, he did a concert here, I bet it was expensive too...


I make a distinction between pissy and joyfully pissy. The former is being irritable and easily annoyed but the latter is being so annoyed that your state of annoyance annoy others and you revel in it as a revenge at the world that if it wants to piss you off then you'll be pissed off in a fashion that will piss it off too. It's a sign of how bored I am that I've given it as much thought. :ap_rosetinted:


Erm... okay... I thought as much...


ft. guy, not as easily amused, shunning us




That film was brilliant, almost as good as U23D. :punk: But I do feel sorry for the guy who left, he must have thought us messed-up sadists. :devil:


Twas f**king hilarious!


I hope you lot know that I'm expecting you all to house me when I come to Australia for the gigs then. In case I find a sponsor :boxed:.


Of course... if you want to see the outback I'd be more than happy to show you around... I'll even take you to The Hilton...


It is true.. :naughty:

I'm just overly observant.. ask Bec/Scut/Teegs/Zoe..

They had to endure my observations in Melbourne. :roftl:


Bloody hell you are... I'm glad your observations weren't aimed at me...

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