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The Australian Thread: Part Twelve

Rainbow Sky

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(Yes, you Silver :naughty: )


Damn! Only missed you by two minutes that time. Perhaps it's a matter - anti-matter thing and we can't both exist in the same space-time thingy:roftl:

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hiya,im from NSW.. i dont talk much on this thread, but i need something to put off doing maths.. ive been playing asteroids, :hypo:

yah, im olivia btw. ^_^


Putting off maths is always a wise decision :rolls_eyes:

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For someone who was off work sick, you certainly weren't on the mfc much! (or at least, you weren't on when I was on) Maybe you really were sick!:shocked:


Not just me who does that then :fisch:. And as for when I'm supposed to be working from home .....

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hiya,im from NSW.. i dont talk much on this thread, but i need something to put off doing maths.. ive been playing asteroids, yah, im olivia btw. ^_^


HI OLIVIA! Welcome! Welcome! Hope to see you more on the Aussie Thread. :punk:


NEWSFLASH !!!! BONO IS ON DENTON TONIGHT!!!!!! The show has just begun ... he's interviewing musicians !!!


:shocked: Well that sucks. I didna know. *pouts*



Ohhhh, I missed my one year anniversary on here

It was last Monday Yay to me


Happy Belated Mikaversary Jolene!! :punk:


I totally missed my Mikaversary also. It was back in March and I only realised recently so I missed it by a long shot.


Just found this



Haha! WOO!


RBSKY :scot:

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G'day possums


Still clothed - still gorgeous




Yummy!! :wub2:


Sorry, can't mq cause my comp logged me out and I lost them all :thumbdown:


(can't even remeber what I wanted to say now....)

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i think it had to do with the site becoming official or summink? I never even found out to be honest!

Bty, i'm too old top be grounded hehe


Official....us....you're pulling my leg :shocked: You're never to old to be grounded!


Heya Tan !! :wub2:


I missed you again but Hi anyways :huglove:


Just found this :P





Oooohhhhh I like it, but it's a scary, scary thought....it's a wonder he's not shaking it to see if we'd all fall off!



For someone who was off work sick, you certainly weren't on the mfc much! (or at least, you weren't on when I was on) Maybe you really were sick!


Oh and do i detect a Mary Poppins quote there?



Oh and I spammed. I saw msgs from Tan and OD as well as a young guy I didn't know, but also noted that the account hadn't been logged into since the 13/5.


I was sick actually....looked like I could play the lead role in night of the living dead :naughty: Only thing I had been logging on for was my mikamyspace spamming!


Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious or backwards dociousaliexpilisticfragicalirepus...I think I have a fever best take a spoonful of sugar to make the medicine go down :wink2: *groans*...lame even for me!


Don't worry CD, we'll get him in the end!


Damn! Only missed you by two minutes that time. Perhaps it's a matter - anti-matter thing and we can't both exist in the same space-time thingy


Putting off maths is always a wise decision


Not just me who does that then . And as for when I'm supposed to be working from home .....


My fav PW...how are you deary!

I was sick......this time. I love the whole working from home thing too!


Happy belated anniversary RBSK!


Still gorgeous, but, looking a little ill. Ah, beautiful boy. Why do I care so much? *shakes head at self*


Scary isn't it...I've found myself becoming more and more fangirly as well :shocked:



Sorry, can't mq cause my comp logged me out and I lost them all

(can't even remeber what I wanted to say now....)


Hey Jols!

He is rather on the yummy side, although I'm not a fan of that pic coz he looks old.

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Damn! Only missed you by two minutes that time. Perhaps it's a matter - anti-matter thing and we can't both exist in the same space-time thingy

LOL!! it's because we're too much for MFC to handle at once :das:


ohmygod i love what it says in your sig
My Mzeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee *gropes your hair*


G'day possums


Still clothed - still gorgeous



Damn it.. :sneaky2: I'm trying to stay away from scruffy faced Mika..

Well that sucks. I didna know. *pouts*

And the vertigo tour was on abc2.. :das: I recorded it for continual pleasure *zhhz*

I totally missed my Mikaversary also. It was back in March and I only realised recently so I missed it by a long shot.

Aww, congrats on sticking it out for so long :naughty:

He is rather on the yummy side, although I'm not a fan of that pic coz he looks old.

And that would be why I like the scruffy faced ones.. :fisch:


i'm just watching the MFC/Mika meeting in Sydney. *dies* I've seen it before, but I'm in the zone atm and this is making me intensely sad and happy at the same time!

:roftl: TBH, I like watching them but I get a bit miffed that I wasn't there and not sure when we'll get another opportunity.


Heya Everyone!!!!!!!!

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G'day possums


Still clothed - still gorgeous



Thanks Silv !!! I love the scruffy Mika look aswell !!! :drool:

Congrats. RBSKY !! Mine was in early April ... I missed it by a few days ... the Bono thing on Denton was only a few seconds ... didn't miss much !

Heya CD, Tan, Peej & Kelz .... & anyone else who maybe lurking .... :biggrin2:

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What no answer Kelz?


How can you ignore?!



Sorry, I had to go out *zhhz*


JEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That's one helluva lot of delusion you posted there!!!!!!


Thanks Silv !!! I love the scruffy Mika look aswell !!!

Congrats. RBSKY !! Mine was in early April ... I missed it by a few days ... the Bono thing on Denton was only a few seconds ... didn't miss much !

Heya CD, Tan, Peej & Kelz .... & anyone else who maybe lurking ....

Heya HK!!


Once again you were online while I was out RLing :naughty:


Yeah but there's old scruffy Mika and hot scruffy Mika...



hahahah,, Yeah, that's a nice pic.. But I still prefer Old Scruffy Mika.. :das:

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*postwhoring* Because I can :fisch:


I just purchaRsed 2 U2 DVD's..

I got the Vertigo in Chicago DVD.. last nights only played 7 songs or smth.. So I had to get the full thing.. And I got the Popmart DVD which is 2 discs.. *Weeeeeeeeeeeeeee*

I heart bonus stuff *pbs*


And, also, just want to mention this: it's mum's birthday soon so I bought her Andre Rieu in Wonderland.. If you haven't watched any of his stuff yet you should.. :wub2:


Ok, So off I go to drool for a few hours over the Big Bono.. :drool:

See ya's later when I'm all delirious.. :naughty:

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I can't see it! Why won't it work for me?




Hi Olivia! See girls, she wasn't a figment of my imagination and I didn't have to invite her, she just turned up!



:naughty: haha yepp, i needed to get away from maths.. and i had my test today, turns out playing asteroids isn't counted as studying :boxed:

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