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Hahaha this is cracking us up. We just have mental pictures of us pinning down Paul and Hugh to the floor. Paul and Hugh.....:wub2: Wouldn't that be cool if someday we'd all manage to go to the same Kook's gig.


The Meyer Twins

Set a date and we'll talk that through :das: I think we might get them for 30,000+ € or so per show (no idea though). Or we have to wait for the next tour :crybaby:.

My plan is to apply to 13 artists (the Kooks's agents) for a job anyway - maybe we could get a deal :das: *crosses fingers for job search :boxed:*.

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Set a date and we'll talk that through :das: I think we might get them for 30,000+ € or so per show (no idea though).

I'm waiting for the lotto results :naughty:


Or we have to wait for the next tour :crybaby:.

My plan is to apply to 13 artists (the Kooks's agents) for a job anyway - maybe we could get a deal :das: *crosses fingers for job search :boxed:*.


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Set a date and we'll talk that through I think we might get them for 30,000+ € or so per show (no idea though). Or we have to wait for the next tour.

My plan is to apply to 13 artists (the Kooks's agents) for a job anyway - maybe we could get a deal :das: *crosses fingers for job search :boxed:*.


I'm waiting for the lotto results





You guys are priceless. Tell you what.....we'll save our pennies,:naughty: And when we win the lottory, we'll get that 30,000 and fly everybody together for a concert. Just for all of us.:punk: The pinning down might come later. We think we could pin down three of them but we'd have to take turns.:naughty: So now we are just waiting like Ana for lotto results.

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You guys are priceless. Tell you what.....we'll save our pennies,:naughty: And when we win the lottory, we'll get that 30,000 and fly everybody together for a concert. Just for all of us.:punk: The pinning down might come later. We think we could pin down three of them but we'd have to take turns.:naughty: So now we are just waiting like Ana for lotto results.


We think you guys are FANTASTIC! let's do it! :naughty:

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OMFG, yes, you told me!! I really wished one could write more into these stupidly short & expensive text messages! I wanted to reply properly but I couldn't. OMG, how fantastic is that?? Standing there, hearing this COMPLETELY NEW SONG!!!??? *is in awe* Frick!!! Mmmmmmmmmmmmh, drum-ending... I want an extended drum-solo!


*despises text messages :naughty:* I ran out of credit today btw, that's why you got no reply. And that means I've spent $20 in 5 days, so I am not getting anymore until I get home :naughty:

But anyway, because I am an idiot, I only heard like 10 seconds of it before running away to where I couldn't hear it properly. Half because I wanted to figure out a way of recording it and half because I was looking at a glass window/reflection and I wasn't sure if I was actually looking at the stage (and therefore Luke, with a ":blink:Is that the stage behind this window? Why is it so loud and clear? Is that a new song? I'm quite certain that is a new song. Is that the stage behind this window? *squints*" sort of face.)


How tall is Hugh compared to you?


I don't know :crybaby: He walked straight to the far left of us and was never standing anywhere near us at the same level.

I just thought quoting it again couldn't do any harm.



:naughty: I remember that so clearly.

"Hm, I wonder why Hugh is crouching down there and not really playing his guitar properly and looking quite hot? ... Well, I guess I should take a picture of him for Petra and then go back to looking at Luke."


My plan is to apply to 13 artists (the Kooks's agents) for a job anyway - maybe we could get a deal *crosses fingers for job search*.


Oi! *urges you to do so* ... *right now*

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Hahaha this is cracking us up. We just have mental pictures of us pinning down Paul and Hugh to the floor. Paul and Hugh.....:wub2: Wouldn't that be cool if someday we'd all manage to go to the same Kook's gig.


The Meyer Twins


The same Kooks gig would be great! I have all these plans to meet up with people, and there's no way in the world it's ever going to happen... unless I marry someone rich and famous *keeps eye on Adam Clayton cause he's single :das:*


Set a date and we'll talk that through :das: I think we might get them for 30,000+ € or so per show (no idea though). Or we have to wait for the next tour :crybaby:.

My plan is to apply to 13 artists (the Kooks's agents) for a job anyway - maybe we could get a deal :das: *crosses fingers for job search :boxed:*.


OOooooooooh! Me likey!



We really need to win Lotto to be able to afford it... damn this whole living in different countries thing...

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Or we need thirty people to get a thousand dollars from the government :naughty:


Yeah well K-Rudd is stingy and won't give me any money... all cause I'm not a dole bludger, a student or a sungle mother/bogan...



Damn me for working... :sneaky2:





Hey, if I marry Adam, maybe he'll give me the money for us to do a Kooks tour... :fisch:


Or I could just have his child and hit him up for child support, but that's just not very nice... and K-Rudd still won't give me my damn money...

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The same Kooks gig would be great! I have all these plans to meet up with people, and there's no way in the world it's ever going to happen... unless I marry someone rich and famous *keeps eye on Adam Clayton cause he's single :das:*




OOooooooooh! Me likey!



We really need to win Lotto to be able to afford it... damn this whole living in different countries thing...


I know!


Or we need thirty people to get a thousand dollars from the government :naughty:



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Just something I stumbled over in that unmoderated, bad, no-user-CP-having Kooks-forum - it's from 2006 but anyway. The bold bit is so mean :lmfao: :lmfao:!!





If you have heard a song that you don't recognise from the album and would like to get your grubby hands on it then

log into http://box.net

username thekooks

password itsalwaysbetterlive

There's a whole load of stuff on it.


5. Luke

If you fancy him that's loverly. Kiss his poster every night. Send him letters. By all means propose to him after their show, just don't tell us about it simply because it's very very boring




9. if u tlk lyk dis then nobody will care. Nobody will listen. Nobody will want you


10. There is ANOTHER band called The Kooks. They do not have luke or hugh or max or paul in. This band are from Sweden and have songs entiliets "Too much of nothing" "Indigo Lights" etc.

If you think you have a song that is by the kooks but sounds nothing like luke it is either:

The swedish Kooks

Paul trying to sing (I don't mind - Ooh La B side)

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Just something I stumbled over in that unmoderated, bad, no-user-CP-having Kooks-forum - it's from 2006 but anyway. The bold bit is so mean :lmfao: :lmfao:!!





If you have heard a song that you don't recognise from the album and would like to get your grubby hands on it then

log into http://box.net

username thekooks

password itsalwaysbetterlive

There's a whole load of stuff on it.


5. Luke

If you fancy him that's loverly. Kiss his poster every night. Send him letters. By all means propose to him after their show, just don't tell us about it simply because it's very very boring




9. if u tlk lyk dis then nobody will care. Nobody will listen. Nobody will want you


10. There is ANOTHER band called The Kooks. They do not have luke or hugh or max or paul in. This band are from Sweden and have songs entiliets "Too much of nothing" "Indigo Lights" etc.

If you think you have a song that is by the kooks but sounds nothing like luke it is either:

The swedish Kooks

Paul trying to sing (I don't mind - Ooh La B side)



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It's not nice :boxed: - I think he is REALLY good!!! It's just a different style; saying that he sounds bad or that he is failing when he tries is simply mean, I guess. I like I Don't Mind & I like the way he sings it :boxed:.

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I know! Paul is good at whatever he does.


We miss Paul by the way, just to let everybody know.:roftl: It was a shame that he didn't drum when they did their St. Louis gig but are glad that we saw him drum during sound check. I wish he was shaking my hand and towering over us again. (sappy I know :blush-anim-cl::roftl:) Paul just spreads the sunshine.

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PN: *tipps shoulder* "Paul, sorry... "

PG: "That´s Gary!” *points at his friend*

PN: “WTF? ” (He totally got me here.)

PG: “That´s Gary!”

PN / A: “

PG: “His name is Gary!”

PN: “ Hi Gary! “


We found out later that the name was Gary – what I understood was “That’s Garred” or so. I had no ****ing clue what Paul was trying to say but I finally understood my “Garred” thingy and came up with the explanation that Paul had said something like “That’s a Garred, too” ; I thought he meant this guy was his brother. Which then made me think that you just told me about a sister once. And then this guy here didn’t, in the slightest, look like Paul. Oh well, anyway :smth:.


So I was a bit struck by surprise (but just a fragment of a second; we are getting professional ) and then the original plan came up my mind again. Paul was grinning like an idiot, wearing a blue knitted jumper over a white shirt, holding a glass of champagne in his right hand. And he was smaller then me and I noticed that he had a bad back posture. Apart from that, he is just another one of these annoyingly handsome people with a perfectly shaped body. One of those with perfect DNA. One of those for who every day is a good hair day. Ideal Breeding Material so to speak. And he was in a most ****ING good mood. While Luke was nice and lovely, Paul seemed to have swallowed an entire sun. How can one person be so happy? I can´t really remember seeing a picture or a video where Paul is not in a bloody brilliant, chatty mood. He was grinning and cheerfully chatting to Gary & us. I´m really fascinated and from this very day on I will try to be more like Paul. *starts grinning*


PG: “ How do .. where.. *suddenly notices that the cap is still on the pen* I was wondering!!! ”




Anyway, the worst was still to come. Paul Garred. Oh man. Hot but confused like my late grandfather.


So he took the cap off the pen and then tried to write his name on the booklet in mid-air, then noticed that this wouldn’t work out properly and looked at me again with a “Where could I *rubs chin*…?” in his eyes. (Please note we were standing right next to a wall and a bar which could have both been used without a problem.) Paul turned around, seeking something to use as a.. can I say “background”? Underground? Thing to write on I mean. And then he saw something. So he turned towards the window and – BUMP – hit his head against it and drew, while bumping, a roughly 2cm long line on the window. If could be a feeling, then I totally had that. I had no idea what he had been trying but then he turned around, obviously ****ing embarrassed, laughing his arse off and shaking his head while grinning stupidly.


Anyway, Gary and Paul (and we) checked the pictures and it ended up in a discussion about the camera ("This is far too dark!" "Doesn't it have a flash? You should use a flash!" "Yes, try it with a flash. We'll do it again!") – this was really nice. Paul considered this photo-taking hard business and Gary had fun . I tried to tell them (I think I spoke to Gary in that moment because I considered him the … how shall I word it? … more useful person to talk to :smth: ) that Ana's flash wasn't working and that we could use my camera.


Then Paul stretched out his hand to me and gave me the cap of my pen back ("Here – I guess that's yours." – "Oh, , yes, I was already looking for it. "). The thing is that I still had the pen and the booklet in my hands (and my scarf I guess) and thus searching in my bag for my camera was a little problem. But it wouldn't have been SUCH a problem if I had managed to find my fricking camera. However, this was one of the dear moments when I did, of course, NOT find my camera in my Mary Poppins-bag. Fascinating where small things can go in little bags . So I was getting a bad feeling in my stomach because a) where the **** is my camera? Did anyone take it? and b) I had an audience (consisting of, among others, no one less than Paul Garred himself) that watched me while searching (although I must say that feeling a) was far stronger & worse .


ZOMG that was fricken hilarious :roftl:


1. When you look like that, you don't need to be bright :naughty:

2. You had an excuse, you were excited:wink2:


*fangirls Paul* *fangirls Petra & Ana* :wub2::wub2::wub2::wub2:

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Just something I stumbled over in that unmoderated, bad, no-user-CP-having Kooks-forum - it's from 2006 but anyway. The bold bit is so mean :lmfao: :lmfao:!!





If you have heard a song that you don't recognise from the album and would like to get your grubby hands on it then

log into http://box.net

username thekooks

password itsalwaysbetterlive

There's a whole load of stuff on it.


5. Luke

If you fancy him that's loverly. Kiss his poster every night. Send him letters. By all means propose to him after their show, just don't tell us about it simply because it's very very boring




9. if u tlk lyk dis then nobody will care. Nobody will listen. Nobody will want you


10. There is ANOTHER band called The Kooks. They do not have luke or hugh or max or paul in. This band are from Sweden and have songs entiliets "Too much of nothing" "Indigo Lights" etc.

If you think you have a song that is by the kooks but sounds nothing like luke it is either:

The swedish Kooks

Paul trying to sing (I don't mind - Ooh La B side)


Awwwwww... poor Paul *huggles Paul... then grops him* :das:


Speaking of Paul, He's now on my wall of shame... I printed out the pic of Paul signing my booklet and put it right above where I sleep... and OkD is on there too! And Luke and Hugh (:das:)

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Awwwwww... poor Paul *huggles Paul... then grops him* :das:


Speaking of Paul, He's now on my wall of shame... I printed out the pic of Paul signing my booklet and put it right above where I sleep... and OkD is on there too! And Luke and Hugh (:das:)

I need all of your pictures in HQ pretty please :das: :das:

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Shibuya O-EAST, Tokyo




















PRINCES OF MY MIND (a brand new song?)




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They were amazing! Luke's voice is admirable!

During Do You Wanna, Luke dived into the audience and someone threw a bra into the stage....then he put it on his head.:shocked:


We sang Happy Birthday together for Tony - it was his birthday.

.....I don't know who Tony is though. It might be for me.:mf_rosetinted:


I couldn't take any pictures. Sorry.

Thank you who suggested me to see them.:original:

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They were amazing! Luke's voice is admirable!

During Do You Wanna, Luke dived into the audience and someone threw a bra into the stage....then he put it on his head.:shocked:


We sang Happy Birthday together for Tony - it was his birthday.

.....I don't know who Tony is though. It might be for me.:mf_rosetinted:


I couldn't take any pictures. Sorry.

Thank you who suggested me to see them.:original:


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Speaking of Paul, He's now on my wall of shame... I printed out the pic of Paul signing my booklet and put it right above where I sleep... and OkD is on there too! And Luke and Hugh (:das:)


Uh oh :naughty:


I need all of your pictures in HQ pretty please :das:


Me too! Can you upload them to mediafire or smth?


OMG, I'm sooo stupid!! Is that just me or did we all miss this version of Shine On? It is from the Live Lounge and I could SWEAR that we have a Live Lounge Shine On version somewhere (or maybe, now I think about it, I always mixed it up with the Shine On from that Australian interview) - anyway, I saw some pictures from a Live Lounge session yesterday and there was a girl with a violin, too, but, no, stupid Petra did of course not think about all of this properly and.. what did I want to say? Ah, yes. Shine On. Anyway, I acquired the new Radio 1 Live Lounge CD and I just heard that the version on the CD is one I hadn't heard so far which then made me think that there are probably some others here that don't have it as well. Until now.


No I'm certain we have it :naughty: Unfortunately we are as obsessive as previously thought. Live lounge Shine On ft. violin? Yes, I recorded the audio off of the video on my mother's computer, remember?

I haven't listened to your link but I'm almost certain this is it.


Shibuya O-EAST, Tokyo




















PRINCES OF MY MIND (a brand new song?)





Awww! HOW WAS IT??? :woot_jump: It is a new song but he has been playing it for a few months now. The set list is the exact same one they have been playing for a few months :wub2:

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