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Yeah we put it up last night. Didn't know they were talking about it on the kooks forum. We are in the midst of finishing our report so pics and that in a bit.


M. Twins


:biggrin2: Can't wait! :groovy:


It wasn't much, they mostly got peed off about someone making a new thread about it :naughty:



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OKAY GUYS!!!!! Get ready to read a long blog experience. We'll post in a couple of 'parts'. WOW!!!!


What can we say? Fantastic night! We arrived in St. Louis at about 2:15p.m. or so. We took our mom’s car which is a bright blue ford focus. We went by The Pageant and drove around the parking lot and saw the tour buses which were probably for The Kooks and for the opening band The Whigs. We wanted to go to Vintage Vinyl because we always seem to drop in there before a show and plus it’s a cool store.

Okay, so we were driving down the street of Delmar and Haley yells, “Megan! Look!” It was awesome to look over and see Hugh there not more than twenty feet away. He was smoking and was maybe waiting for someone we thought at the time. Then all of the sudden we see two more people and I remember saying, “That’s Paul!” and the other one was Peter! So Hugh must have been waiting for them and we got a few seconds of video footage of Hugh and Paul walking. We don’t know where Peter went. We were shaking. We parked the car across the street from Vintage Vinyl and hurried and got out. They had gone into Vintage Vinyl.

When we walked in the store, there Paul was looking at some records. Hugh we figured was probably in back talking with someone for their acoustic show there later that night before the concert. We wanted an LP of Konk so we picked one up, and Paul was but two feet away from us. It was so weird looking up from the LP and him being there. Then all of the sudden Hugh was walking towards us and we said hi and he said hi back. We both shook his hand which was fabulous to get to do that. We said we were going to the show that night. He said that’s great. Then he said “Are you from around here?” and I said “No, we’re from Illinois and we drove down here.” and he was like “That’s great.” He then said “Are you twins?” and we were like yeah. Then he said in his gorgeous English accent “Perfect!” I remember looking over at Paul and he was smiling while looking at records. He picked up a record and showed it to Hugh. So Hugh said to us “Enjoy the show.” And we just had to go over to Paul, who was in the midst of looking through an old crate of vinyl’s. We said hi to him and he put down his records and stopped what he was doing to shake our hands. Wow, we can still feel both him and Hugh’s hands. It was awesome. Paul said “Hi nice to meet you.” He said something about them looking around the city. He then said, “Is it pronounced St. Louis or St. Louie?” We were like it could be pronounced both ways. He was like “I like it.” We were all kind of laughing and laughed a little more when Paul noticed that we had the Konk LP in our hands to buy. He was like “Hey, you have the vinyl; I don’t even have one of those.” Both of them said more, we just can’t remember. He then was like “Have fun and enjoy the show tonight. Okay, see you in a bit.” We were like okay and thanks and we all said bye and they both walked out of the store. We circled the store in a trance that this actually happened. We were looking around but not looking around if you know what we mean. We bought the LP and the checker gave us two free Kooks shirts with our purchase.

So we went back to The Pageant and saw Paul and Peter waiting to cross the street. So then we parked right by the tour buses. We waited in the car for a bit and we called Capital street team for conformation of what to do. Waiting in the car was a good idea because we saw, Luke, and four other people (might have been band members) and we were so happy because Luke was wearing that coat from the video “Always Where I Need To Be”.


End of part 1 of 2

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part 2 of 2


So around 4:30p.m. we started walking to The Pageant when our cell phone rang, “Always Where I Need To Be” is our cell phone ringtone by the way. So Haley answered the phone and it was Adam. He had the thickest accent and Haley could hear in the background some of the band and Adam saying that he was on the phone. He then asked whereabouts are you and Haley said we’re just walking in front of The Pageant. Then he said “You’re f-ing amazing”. He said just to wait at the front and he’ll come out and introduce himself. We waited maybe ten minutes when he then came out. First thing he said was “Hey, you’re all Konked out” motioning to our shirts. He said “Are you twins?” in his great accent. We said yeah that we were twins.

So we talked business and he told us to wait for a minute for him to get our guest badges. So we waited and he let us in a lobby/foyer area. He gave us the badges and said to put them on our jeans. Haley got her sticker backing off easily but I didn’t. Haley tried and it wouldn’t come off so Adam tried and we were all wondering why the backing wasn’t coming off. It was so exciting in that foyer area because we could hear the band playing. He let us come on in while he tried getting that sticker thing off. He did and handed it to me. We were standing by the table for us street teamers. He went to get a laptop for us and we got to hear some of the sound check. Luke sang bits of songs and Mr. Maker completely which was outstanding. Paul was at the drums for a bit so at least we got to see him play a bit. Adam brought us the laptop and I helped him plug it in, (I remember well what he said. He handed me the cord because I was right by the outlet and he said “Plug that bad boy in.”) His accent was so neat. So he told us what to do. We were in charge of gathering email addresses for a certain drawing and also handing out posters. Adam said that he would be gone for an hour to take the band to Vintage Vinyl (which we weren’t able to go to since we were the street teamers). During that hour we saw Peter and Paul walking about and got to hear some of The Whigs sound check. They were an awesome band also and totally nice. We gathered email addresses clear until the opening band was finished. Adam helped out a few times and told us to enjoy the show after we were done.

So of course the mosh pit was filled. So we didn’t get front row like we did with Vampire Weekend. So we made our way to the restricted over 21 section, us being 22 years old. We got a pretty good view about 20 feet from the stage. The concert was awesome. They came out and sang “Always Where I Need To Be” first. They sang many songs, we forgot the order. All of them were fantastic. Some of the songs Luke did by himself and a couple with him and Hugh. Paul wasn’t at the drums, it was somebody else. It was a neat ending when Luke crowd surfed during the final song, “Sofa Song”. Hugh finished his last chords and flung down his guitar and walked off with the others we remember.

So on we went to the merchandise room. We wanted to get an LP from the opening band. Their names were Parker, Julian, and Tim. We asked for a Vinyl and asked if they could sign it and Parker just stared at us for a moment and said with all consideration and a smile on his face, “Yes”. We paid for it and Julian signed it first and asked for our names. Haley spelled out her name and Julian asked if it was okay for him to put both of our names down and we were like yeah. I said that my name was Megan and I spelled it and he didn’t hear the last of it and Tim was like, “The usual easy way to spell Megan” or something like that. It was awesome. Julian then passed it to Tim who said our names and he signed it and passed it to Parker. They all signed our names and Parker signed something cute. They noticed and asked if we were twins. Almost all of them said in unison, “TWINS!!!” We all laughed and then we said that they were awesome and headed out to the back of The Pageant to where there was a crowd forming.

So we waited about 45 minutes until somebody said that Luke was down about 100 feet from where we and the crowd were. So we all made our way down there. Peter and Hugh had already made their way to their tour bus. So we were like in the middle of the line and asked this guy to take the picture for us. We said hi to Luke and he said hi back and we asked if he could sign our LP. We let him sign the inside since it was lighter than the cover. We then asked if we could have a picture and he said sure!! He put his arms around our shoulders and we two put our hands on his back and waited for the nice guy to take our picture. Luke rubbed and patted our shoulders when the picture flashed, which was awesome. We said thanks and he looked back and forth at us and said “Are you two……” he motioned his finger back and forth at us. We knew what he meant and said, “Yes we are twins.” He was like, “That’s great.” We all said bye. We didn’t want to leave so we stuck around for a bit to get some video footage.

The Halo Bar was having an after party like they did with Vampire Weekend but the bands usually don’t show up so that is why we got to the back of The Pageant. It was an awesome night and The Kooks were so nice and sweet. That concert is always where we need to be!!!!!!


Next post for pics and links!!!!

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Isn't Luke cute. Snapped this one while waiting in line.








Love these pictures. The pics with the logo in the bottom right corner is from a guy who was there. He got some really neat photos!! The others without the logo are taken by us.




AND this is us with LUKE!!!!!!!!!! Isn't he so sweet?


Here is our short (about 4 minute) video of some footage we got. Like the first 10 seconds has Hugh and Paul walking down the street. Then some randomness and then of Luke after the concert. Enjoy:




Below is our Flickr account so you all can view all of the photos we have:



Enjoy you all. We had a blast!!!!!!

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They are soooo sweet! You two are sooo sweet! Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww!!!! :wub2:

Omg, how many times a day do you get asked if you are twins? :lmfao:!


That is fantastic! Fantastically detailed report! *feels like she was there*


You guys are so lucky! Brilliant!


Okay, I'm not late for school because of reading this :naughty: *leaves*

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That sounds like an awesome night!!!


And you're very lucky you got to see them in the record store!




And that's a great pic of you two with Luke! (Though it was a bit strange that people kept asking if you were twins... seems kinda obvious to me! :naughty:)

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This is by FAR the greatest and BEST review I have ever read!! Oh my goodness!!!


I don't have time right now - I'll fangurl all over the place as soon as I have more time and less work on the desk :crybaby:.

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You all are like super great!!! We always seem to do detailed reviews for everybody who wants to read and for ourselves so we can remember in years to come. Because if we wrote it like in a couple of weeks it wouldn't have all the cute little details that we remember. So it's fun.


It was so weird this year. We have like gotten to see like every one of our top favorite bands. Starting with Mika (lovely Mika) on the 5th of Feb. with The Midway State opening band who we fell in love with. Then we saw The Ting Tings, then we saw Vampire Weekend, and what a lovely ending with The Kooks and The Whigs!!! Can't wait to see them all again hopefully down the road next year.:naughty:


By the way forgot to mention that Hugh and Paul we SOOOOO tall and SOOOOO dreamy up close. Not to make you all jealous or anything but they seem so much taller in person than from videos and what not. Their clothes where so 'english' so they were especially easy to spot on the street. Pauls face has been in my mind all day.:wub2: BTW Petra, thank you for your kind pm and stuff. Very sweet!


Well we have a habit for rambling on and on so we'll just quit......for now.:naughty:


The Meyer Twins

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I can't wait till January now! :das:... okay, I can't wait for 2 reasons... one being the Kooks, the other being that I'm going to the Gold Coast (aka Quensland) with some of the Aussies!


And another that you're seeing me, right? Right? :naughty: *pbs*

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holy uck im listening to Ace of base cover right now in the internet cafe!!!!!

its on the radio:punk::punk:


incredible review


OH no, wait.........wtf they are playing now that song which name i cant remember Petra!!! the barrel of my gun....hahahaha ****


editing again: i think a girl who works in the cafe is a kooks fan...its definetely insde in inside out in the stereo thingie

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Yet another grand example of reviews nobody needs & opinions nobody wants to hear:


It's now got to the stage where the The Kooks are so critically reviled that slagging "Sway"'s sub-Britpop bollocks off might be construed as kicking a band when they're down, even though commercially they're far from it. You can't have it all, however, so we feel not a shred of of remorse when we say: this is terrible. It sounds like they're straining over the sh*tter, hoping something artistically viable will come out. It doesn't. (from today's NME)

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Yet another grand example of reviews nobody needs & opinions nobody wants to hear:



It's now got to the stage where the The Kooks are so critically reviled that slagging "Sway"'s sub-Britpop bollocks off might be construed as kicking a band when they're down, even though commercially they're far from it. You can't have it all, however, so we feel not a shred of of remorse when we say: this is terrible. It sounds like they're straining over the sh*tter, hoping something artistically viable will come out. It doesn't. (from today's NME)


:sneaky2: :sneaky2:

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I absolutely don't understand HOW and WHY some people simply don't see the utter brilliance of these guys! They are so talented and such unbelievably gifted musicians, songwriters and performers! Their music is simply brilliant (*points at tags*) and I DO NOT understand why the heck those people don't see it :blink:. Sway is by far not my favourite of all the songs on the album (but I also think that they released it not only for it's-so-great-and-catchy-and-will-make-a-lot-of-money-reasons but also because it's Luke's message to Max yadiyadiya) but with the new string arrangement it sounds GREAT and BIG and superb!!!!

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