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I don't have time (damn!!!) but - THIS IS ****ING AWESOME!!! and when they say "middle of the next year", this could still very well be before mika even mentions a possible EP or so :sneaky2:.


Gotta go. Frick.



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First of all:


I had a word-doc with a fangurlish reply to Haley's and Megan's fantastic review and it's gone :crybaby:!!! I hope it's still somewhere at home on my computer but then this will definitely not be the finished version :boxed:. I wrote the final version here at work and now it's gone. I have NO IDEA where it could be :crybaby:. Frick.


But - THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the stickers!!! :woot_jump: What can we do to thank you? Ana and I are wrecking our heads at the moment :naughty::woot_jump:

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It sucks that they are supposed to be there and they AREN'T :crybaby: but it's brilliant that you get to see Paul :das:


But Nick is so cute!!! :wub2:


But I think in the excitement we have all missed something!!


WHAT? Another album already????? :shocked:


I need the film. Why the heck was there just this short article in the actual magazine? I think the NME doesn't like the Kooks (for whatever reason) - at least it seems much like that :sneaky2:.

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Anyone tell them to release EVERYTHING they have. Pretty please! :wub2: ASAP!!! :stretcher:


Waaaaahhhh it's a Japan-only release! I want-want-want-want :crybaby:


:crybaby: 55€... *think-smiley* :naughty:

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He's not as cute as Paul is hot and perfect :naughty:


True. But they should keep him on stage anyway. :wub2:


(Credit goes to the fantastic Kooks forum :naughty:)


(It's not really fantastic.)


(But fricking unmoderated :lmfao:.)

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