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. . . did you see that?


. . . did you see it?





. . . direct photographic eye contact?



*instructs everyone to ignore his mouth, he was singing, leave him alone*



Edited by Oakie Doke
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.....as much as I hate to admit it, you have everything right :naughty:


....and you really should fangirl my camera I think :wink2:


Holy crap, we did good and thanks for uploading....saved me from doing it:naughty: :mf_lustslow:

OMG I know what we forgot....those stupid people next to us on your side who were asking if there were two drummers because of the two sets of drums....and the girl looked like she wanted to be anywhere but at the concert :lmfao:

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.....as much as I hate to admit it, you have everything right


....and you really should fangirl my camera I think


Holy crap, we did good and thanks for uploading....saved me from doing it


OMG I know what we forgot....those stupid people next to us on your side who were asking if there were two drummers because of the two sets of drums....and the girl looked like she wanted to be anywhere but at the concert


*fangirls your camera*

I have been editing and cropping them all to make them look better/remove a certain someone from them all :fisch::naughty:


That was so hilarious. I hate that girl :naughty: And her boyfriend's strange camera is in the way in some photos :sneaky2:

"Why are there two drumsets? Are there two drummers?"

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*fangirls your camera*

I have been editing and cropping them all to make them look better/remove a certain someone from them all :fisch::naughty:


That was so hilarious. I hate that girl :naughty: And her boyfriend's strange camera is in the way in some photos

"Why are there two drumsets? Are there two drummers?"


To be fair though, we didn't really have a certain person in most of them:naughty:

I'm sure if she had have tried to smile, her face would have cracked. :roftl: She so did not want to be there the stupid girl. I mean who would not want to have been in her place :shocked:

Never mind the boyfriends strange camera, the boyfriend was strange too....but at least he was reaching out for Luke like a normal person. Even if it was freaking his nit wit girlfriend out :naughty:

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From http://www.timminspress.com/ArticleDisplay.aspx?e=1389057


'Bad Girlfriend' takes Emmsy for one of the worst songs of the year


Posted 1 day ago



Before the Annual Emmsy Awards: In 2008 I believe it became more evident that in order to be a respected artist you have to actually know how to play and sing.


It may sound dumb to some readers, but I have been welcoming this trend ever since I started this column.


This goes for local, regional, national and international levels.


Don't get me wrong, every band like every golfer, hockey team, painter, etc., just has days, events or gigs where it is just not working.


That means practice.


On the other side, if you practise so much you become sterile with no sense of playfulness or fun, that's a drag.


What works for me is listening and watching other musicians.


It could be in a club, a concert or a DVD. Heck, you can learn from the guys or girls in your own band.


Another way is have someone take a video of your band. This way, as a band or an individual, you may say "oops, we could have played that much better," or "wow, that was cooler than I thought."


Either way, whether you are a professional or hobby player, you owe it to yourself, your audience and your bandmates to improve your craft.


Now the 2008 Emmsy Awards:


Worst songs of the Year (partial list): Theory of a Deadman with "Bad Girlfriend," Beyonce with the song


"Ladies" (Put a Ring on It) and Taylor Swift with the track "Forever and Always."


Best songs of the Year(partial list): Ryan Adams and the Cardinals with "Fix it," Serena Ryder with her killer single "A Little Bit of Red," Garrett Mason Band with the song "And Everything," John Mellencamp with "If I Die Sudden," "Shine On" by The Kooks :wub2: and the Lucinda


Rock Report


Williams' track "Real Love."


Cool Artists to watch in 2009:Garrett Mason, Serena Ryder, My Morning After, The Raconteurs.


Comeback of the Year:Live Music Festivals -- I have checked this out, readers. Between June and September there are more live roots and blues festivals in Ontario than you can shake a stick at. If you throw in the rest of the provinces, watch out.


Songwriters of the year: John Mellencamp, Serena Ryder, Rodney Crowell, Lucinda Williams, Luke Pritchard (The Kooks) :das: , Jack White & Brendan Benson (The Raconteurs).


Missing In Action:A brand new 2,000-seat performing arts centre in Timmins. Don't hold your breath, folks!


Lifetime Emmsy Award: Keith Richards -- How many more great songs, killer riffs and coolness could one rocker possibly accomplish in a lifetime? Whew.


Best Music Business Idea:I usually don't like anything corporate but merging Sirius and XM Satellite radio is cool. They get more subscribers and we get way more cool music in every genre possible. Nice!


Coolest guitarists of 2008 (partial list): Ronnie Earl, Brad Paisley, Colin Linden, Tinsley Ellis, Colin Cripps, Jack De Keyzer, Garrett Mason and Buddy Whittington. (:sneaky2:)


Worst musical device of the year:Autotune -- I'm sure you've heard when artists like Cher and T-Pain use that robot voice effect thing on their vocals. Uggh, it's enough to make Frank Sinatra restless in his grave.


Worst trend of 2008:Trying to mesh hip hop players with rock players. That "thang" should never meet. Ouch!


Most missed musician of 2008:Bo Diddley. They only made one like Bo. And that's good enough for me!


Rock Report Advice of the Year:Woodshed all you musician types. Learn your muse in an organic way. Listen, watch and no matter who tries to sway you, be yourself as long as you don't hurt anyone in the process.




John Emms is a local musician, songwriter and performer.

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Guess what? I found out it took the boys 5 months from stopping touring to record Konk to releasing Konk/touring again, with surprise shows during the break.

I doubt Mika will even have any album news before they release their next albuma nd are touring again *hmph*








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Guess what? I found out it took the boys 5 months from stopping touring to record Konk to releasing Konk/touring again, with surprise shows during the break.

I doubt Mika will even have any album news before they release their next albuma nd are touring again *hmph*


Mika is an idiot. And the Kooks rock like ****ing hell!!! WOHOOO!!!


Most awesome pictures ever!


I like the newspaper-reading guys :das:






Haha! I hadnt seen it in that size so far!



I dare say that guy on the right seems familiar. Hm.



That looks like me. :blink:


Edited by Petra
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