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The Oldlings - Part 18


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The last thing you need on a Sunday morning is being dragged out of bed at stupid 'o clock to go get them, heh heh.

So are you gonna do anything nice today?


.....or by someone singing happy ending aloud in the shower next to your room! :roftl::roftl:


hi rose!


logistically i cannot be a stalker, you know....so mika can feel safe as far as i'm concerned. but he can stalk me, if he wants...:roftl:, italy is such a lovely place to play the tourist.........


ciao again wendi!

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Morning to you too Robi, and to anyone else who is up and about this fine morning.

You definitely hit the nail on the head with the comparison there Robi.

God, I 'm getting a little worried that should Mika be reading my recent posts, he might be thinking "potential stalker". Not that I ever would do that, as I've said many times before, even when being filmed by Andy, I'm far too lazy and too much of a couch potato to even consider it, can't have Mika interrupting my programmes, already missed the last series of Mitchell and Webb because of the rescheduled shows!. And I'm more wrapped up in my work to want to chase him around 24/7, so I hope he knows that I am not a crazy nut job. I just think he is a nice talented guy who happens to be incredibly attractive,even if he thinks he isn't (the nice and attractive parts I mean, he must know he's talented, right?)


Ah yes, trying to convince yourself there Rose that you're not a real fan like Babs eh?!!:roftl:


I take my friend out for her shopping this afternoon, and then I will

go onto the hospital to see the 81 year old who fell down the stairs!!

I have some banking stuff to do for the bairns as well - all good, clean fun!!

Have a good one Wendi but take care :wub2:

That always annoys me, how they do all this assessing, and take a dogs age to get the work done, in the mean time that poor woman will be left wide open to another fall.


Must pop off now, a run to London has popped up.

Talk to you later;-)


South Kensington is it??:naughty:


afternoon all you lovely people, here for a short spell, who is a witch


talking about doggies again, can you not lower the tone please


Ah he's back, the demon post altering Scot!:sneaky2:

I'm keeping an :shocked:on you, in fact two!!!!:bleh:

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My goodness, The Oldings all the way back on page 3!:shocked:


Taking temporary respite from the withering heat outside :sweatdrop:


:Update: Mika on 72% (388,416 votes) in sexy man poll

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afternoon all you lovely people, here for a short spell, who is a witch


YOU are the only one needing spanked!!!! :sneaky2:


Hiya Silver - thats some total!!! :punk::punk:


Vicky - I am watching him with both eyes as well :sneaky2:

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Hi Wendi, don't think I'll be here long (though I've said that before :roftl:) as I still have gardening to finish.


Its been cloudy most of today - but very warm!! There was a spit of

rain in town - but not out here!! :biggrin2: My son has banned me from

gardening now - so his pal is coming tomorrow to do it for me!! :naughty:

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Its been cloudy most of today - but very warm!! There was a spit of

rain in town - but not out here!! :biggrin2: My son has banned me from

gardening now - so his pal is coming tomorrow to do it for me!! :naughty:


I usually really enjoy my gardening, but the heat gets to me. I get quite grumpy and irritable - I'm definitely a winter person. LOL

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I usually really enjoy my gardening, but the heat gets to me. I get quite grumpy and irritable - I'm definitely a winter person. LOL


I am the opposite - I don't mind the heat, but the cold and grey days

leave me feeling really down - and grumpy too, if I have the energy!! :cool:

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I'm not usually around for Friday nights but may be able to log on tonight around tennish so dig out those :chkn: pictures

sounds like a plan...and what a plan! :das:


hola oldlings!

i'm around...........

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Hi guys *Waves*


I'm back now... stupid area manager turned up today - so has been abit hectic... why can't he come when we're not so busy - but no - he always has to come on a Friday or Saturday... stupid bloke :(


I still have stomach cramps but I'm ignoring them .... again :(


How's everyone today... hope you've had a nice day... it's been lovely here... not that I've seen it at all.... lol

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Hi Laurel and Miek!!! Not a lot happened today I don't think.

Just chit chat - and weealx mucking around with the quotes :sneaky2:

Hi Wendi, laurel, robi, silver and anyone else around. Ready for a fridaynight? :punk:

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Well I haven't got to do an early tomorrow... I'm on a late unfortunately... but well at least it means I get a lie-in :)


No peeing off early to bed tonight for me.... yayyyy.... lol

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I'm not usually around for Friday nights but may be able to log on tonight around tennish so dig out those :chkn: pictures



Ok boss, i'll make sure i get some looked out if you insist!!:naughty:


sounds like a plan...and what a plan!


hola oldlings!

i'm around...........


Ciao Robi:biggrin2:


Hi Laurel and Miek!!! Not a lot happened today I don't think.

Just chit chat - and weealx mucking around with the quotes


You have been warned, weealx is armed and changing posts :sneaky2:

Wendi and i are on the look out !!!:mf_swordfight:

Hi Wendi, laurel, robi, silver and anyone else around. Ready for a fridaynight? :punk:


Hi Meik, i'm not quite here but will be in about an hour or so i hope ! will be lurking til then!! hope everyone is happy and healthy :wink2:

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Ok boss, i'll make sure i get some looked out if you insist!!:naughty:




Ciao Robi:biggrin2:




You have been warned, weealx is armed and changing posts :sneaky2:

Wendi and i are on the look out !!!:mf_swordfight:



Hi Meik, i'm not quite here but will be in about an hour or so i hope ! will be lurking til then!! hope everyone is happy and healthy :wink2:

hi vicky, see you in a little while then! :huglove:

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Hi Wendi, laurel, robi, silver and anyone else around. Ready for a fridaynight? :punk:


Hope so!!!! :biggrin2:


Well I haven't got to do an early tomorrow... I'm on a late unfortunately... but well at least it means I get a lie-in :)


No peeing off early to bed tonight for me.... yayyyy.... lol


Great - a lie in for me too!!! :biggrin2:


saw the above pic on the mikagasmic thread, i like it, for no particular reason. I like his shoes.


They make a lovely couple!! :ap_rosetinted::naughty:

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