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My Invasion of NYC!

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....So this summer my sisters, my brother-in-law, and I will be visiting New York City for two days! I am, of course, beyond excited because I've never been and have tried to visit for at least the last 4 years or so.


Anyway, I was wondering if any of you New Yorkers had any suggestions of places to see? We have compiled a list of many places we want to visit, but if you all would be willing to recommend others, I'd certainly appreciate it!


Tiffany's, here I come! :thumb_yello:

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Well I'm not a native New Yorker myself, but I could probably give some possible suggestions. One of my favorite things to do is just walk around, actually, and take in the atmosphere. Love, love it.


What's on your list so far? (And you'll be really pleased to know that you can get a LOT done in 2 days... I basically saw most of the famous things that interested me in a 36 hour period :roftl: even though they were just little tastes)

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Tiffany's, here I come! :thumb_yello:


:roftl: A girl after my own heart. That was the first place I stopped. Picked up one of these. I could have bought one in a small shop they have in Toronto but it's just not the same thing, you know?



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....So this summer my sisters, my brother-in-law, and I will be visiting New York City for two days! I am, of course, beyond excited because I've never been and have tried to visit for at least the last 4 years or so.


Anyway, I was wondering if any of you New Yorkers had any suggestions of places to see? We have compiled a list of many places we want to visit, but if you all would be willing to recommend others, I'd certainly appreciate it!


Tiffany's, here I come! :thumb_yello:


That is soooo cool. You definetely need to go to Times Square and Cental Park and Soho and the malls and fifth avenue!!!!!!!

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Well I'm not a native New Yorker myself, but I could probably give some possible suggestions. One of my favorite things to do is just walk around, actually, and take in the atmosphere. Love, love it.


What's on your list so far? (And you'll be really pleased to know that you can get a LOT done in 2 days... I basically saw most of the famous things that interested me in a 36 hour period :roftl: even though they were just little tastes)


Walking around and soaking in the atmosphere iss actually what we really want to do, too. I am so glad we are taking two days, instead of a couple of hours of one day!


Our list is quite long....I don't have the list on me now, but I can name some off the top of my head...


Central Park, Ground Zero, Tiffany's, Times Square, Guggenheim, Empire State Building, errr...gosh, I'm going blank! LOL Anyway...I can get the lis tlater and post it. :) Any feedback from you is greatly appreciated!


:roftl: A girl after my own heart. That was the first place I stopped. Picked up one of these. I could have bought one in a small shop they have in Toronto but it's just not the same thing, you know?




That bracelet is lovely! I am definitely planning to buy a little something....it would be criminal to go there and come out empty handed, right? ;)


That is soooo cool. You definetely need to go to Times Square and Cental Park and Soho and the malls and fifth avenue!!!!!!!


Ooh, I hadn't thought of Soho and Fifth Avenue! We'll have to add that to our list for sure! :D

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Walking around and soaking in the atmosphere iss actually what we really want to do, too. I am so glad we are taking two days, instead of a couple of hours of one day!


Our list is quite long....I don't have the list on me now, but I can name some off the top of my head...


Central Park, Ground Zero, Tiffany's, Times Square, Guggenheim, Empire State Building, errr...gosh, I'm going blank! LOL Anyway...I can get the lis tlater and post it. :) Any feedback from you is greatly appreciated!


Okay cool. :biggrin2: This is basically my favorite subject right now, so I'd absolutely love to make some suggestions.


If you make it down to Soho like Lucy suggested, I'd definitely recommend walking around the Village, and of course through Chinatown and Little Italy as well. All are really charming in their own right. Actually, if you're down with walking a lot, you could just head down from the Chinatown area to the Brooklyn Bridge, check that out, and then walk over to Ground Zero since you said you want to visit there and it's right around the corner. Kind of snake around a little (literally, with the streets down there haha) and you'll discover some cool places. Unfortunately Washington Square Park (in Greenwich Village) is all fenced off right now while they're redoing the fountain pff, but it's still a fun area to see. If you go straight down Fifth Ave. you run into that park. Annnddd if you like pizza, Lombardi's is really good (the first pizzeria in America actually) and located at the corner of Spring St and Mott St... pretty close to the number 6 subway line so then you could head wherever really easily.


In Central Park, definiteeeellyy walk down the Mall! It's so gorgeous and lined with a bunch of statues of famous poets and authors. You'll feel like you're in a movie. Then there's the statue of Balto which is cute, the Belvedere Castle (going to the top gives you a nice view of everything), Sheep Meadow, the Bethesda Fountain, and Strawberry Fields. All of which are quickly accessible by taking a brisk walk through the Park. (And that is of course just a small sampling of the cool things to see in there...)


If you can, I'd recommend at least stepping foot inside both the Museum of Natural History and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. The Natural History one is on the Upper West Side and the Met is on the Upper East Side; both museums abut Central Park so that's pretty nice. Inside they're really beautiful.


I haven't been in the Guggenheim, but it does sound really neat. The only annoying thing is that they're renovating the exterior and thus it's covered in scaffolding. :thumbdown:


Hmmm also, the Flatiron Building is cool to see (especially looking across the street at it from Madison Square Park). A word of warning: if you plan on going up to the top of the Empire State Building, consider purchasing tickets online since the lines will probably be massive (unless you go at midnight, and even then it might be crowded given that it's summer, hahaha).


Grand Central Station is great (E. 42nd St.) and the Chrysler Building on the horizon is breathtaking.


I looove Columbus Circle. I don't know why, but I just feel really happy around there. And FYMI (for your Mika info), the Borders in the Shops at Columbus Circle is where Mika played last year.


Rockefeller Center is cool with its famous Prometheus statue and skating rink.


There are some boutique-y neighborhood grocery stores on the Upper West Side that have a realllyyyy amazing selection of items, with a greater variety than even Whole Foods and Safeway (or whatever big grocery chain you're currently familiar with).


Make sure to pick up one of the free maps of New York City that you can get in the subway stations.


Ooh la la that was longer than I intended. But seriously, I just love everything and love talking about it right now. haha. I could probably come up with more things to tell you about, but I need to go and you're probably like :shocked: already. Sooo in conclusion... if the whirlwind tour doesn't allow time for all the things you want to see, well, you'll just have to come back! :wink2:

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Wow, thank you so much for the thorough response! I appreciate you taking the time to give me all of that information. I actually shared your post with my brother-in-law last night and he found your comments very useful because he been trying to work out a timeline, so your post was helpful in that regard! Also reading all that got me even more excited, which doesn't seem possible! lol :D


I definitely want to try out Lombardi's now that you mention it. We were already planning to get pizza while there, so that sounds like a perfect spot. That is too bad about the Guggenheim having scaffolding all over it...but maybe it'll be cleared by June...who knows...


I have never heard of Columbus Circle...so I will look into that! Thanks for the Mika tidbit. I may have to drop by there just for fun!


I think we are going to be staying in a hotel on the West side, so we may even be able to stop by those groceries you mentioned. It sounds amazing!


I will be sure to get a map...thanks for the reminder! We are going to look like such tourists.... :-S LOL!!


Anyway...thanks once again! I still need to get that list of all the places where we want to go, so I'll try to do that tomorrow!

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Oh it's my pleasure! I'm so glad it was helpful. There really are many amazing things there (and I haven't discovered the lot of them myself yet).


I'm looking forward to hearing about what else you're planning to do! :biggrin2:

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If you're into the whole drinking/bar/show seen, definetly go to the village @ night!

there's so many little places, that are jam packed w/ people, they're pouring off the streets.


you should try carmines too, it's right in time square, across from Nokia theatre. Mika played there in june! ; ) it's probably pricey because it's in time square but it's a great resturaunt!


Deffinelty central park!

if you're planing on going to ground zero, definetly make your way over to south street seaport, especiallyyyyyyy for knock of designer bags and stuff like that.

I think the bodies exhibit is over there as well, it sounds gross, but i find it interesting, it's like actually body parts preserved it's supposed to be amazing.



there's loads of other spots, once I wake up more, I'll list some more.

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Oh it's my pleasure! I'm so glad it was helpful. There really are many amazing things there (and I haven't discovered the lot of them myself yet).


I'm looking forward to hearing about what else you're planning to do! :biggrin2:


Okay, I got the list of the places we had initially written down.


Wall Street, Ground Zero, Empire State Building, Central Park, Times Square, Tiffany's, Macys, Virgin Records, Grand Central Station, NBC studios, Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Guggenheim, China Town, Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Radio Music Hall


It's a pretty long list and there are even more places we want to see since we made this list! I can't wait until we actually create a timeline of what we'll do first and all that. :)


Have a wonderful time! NYC was one of my favorite places to visit, so enjoy it for me too. :punk:


If you go to Tiffany's, you should check out this darling little necklace... :wink2:




Oh, that's lovely! I reaaaaallllyyyyy want to buy something while I am there! I'm wondering if it's foolish to spend $100 on something from there though... I'm inclined to not think so... ;)


If you're into the whole drinking/bar/show seen, definetly go to the village @ night!

there's so many little places, that are jam packed w/ people, they're pouring off the streets.


you should try carmines too, it's right in time square, across from Nokia theatre. Mika played there in june! ; ) it's probably pricey because it's in time square but it's a great resturaunt!


Deffinelty central park!

if you're planing on going to ground zero, definetly make your way over to south street seaport, especiallyyyyyyy for knock of designer bags and stuff like that.

I think the bodies exhibit is over there as well, it sounds gross, but i find it interesting, it's like actually body parts preserved it's supposed to be amazing.



there's loads of other spots, once I wake up more, I'll list some more.



I am not sure if we'll be going out in the evening or not, but I'll mention the village to everyone. Sounds like a sight to see, in any case! Carmines sounds interesting as well, so I will make a note of that place, thanks! I have heard about South Street I think, because of the knock off bags and all that. I doubt I'd buy anything, but dropping by might be fun!


Wow, that exhibit sounds strange! May be worth a look. :D


Oh, and thanks for your imput, love love mika! I appreciate it!

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Okay, I got the list of the places we had initially written down.


Wall Street, Ground Zero, Empire State Building, Central Park, Times Square, Tiffany's, Macys, Virgin Records, Grand Central Station, NBC studios, Statue of Liberty, Rockefeller Center, St. Patrick's Cathedral, Guggenheim, China Town, Carnegie Hall, Lincoln Center, and Radio Music Hall


It's a pretty long list and there are even more places we want to see since we made this list! I can't wait until we actually create a timeline of what we'll do first and all that. :)



Ooh sounds like you guys will be having a lot of fun. :biggrin2: Since others have brought up the topic of food some more, I muuust recommend PJ Clarke's. I think they have multiple locations, but I went to the one by Lincoln Center so that would be convenient if you stop by that area in the evening or at lunchtime.


Also, I see you're planning on going to the Virgin Megastore... I haven't been in either locations in NYC myself, but seeing you mention that reminded me of how I saw the exterior of the one located in Union Square. That's a place I forgot to mention before. Union Square is a really cool area :biggrin2:


Magnolia Bakery.


That reminds me! Grom has really good gelato/sorbet... they have I think 2 locations now, one on the Upper West Side and one downtown on Bleecker St (conceivably you could gorge yourself on cupcakes from the Magnolia Bakery and then walk down to the ice cream place. :naughty:)


Ooohhh and I just saw recently on the Food Network a place called the Levain Bakery. They have huuuge cookies (1 lb each) that look delicious.


...It's such a good thing everyone does so much walking in NYC with all that food to choose from. :roftl:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Thanks so much for that, Rilo! We actually made up an itinerary last night and we did indeed include Virgin on the list.


We will be visiting NY on Monday and Tuesday...I am so so excited! Once again, thank you for all of your suggestions. I referred to your comments a lot when we were considering all of the places that we want to visit. I'll def be sure to share pics/a report when we return!

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Thanks so much for that, Rilo! We actually made up an itinerary last night and we did indeed include Virgin on the list.


We will be visiting NY on Monday and Tuesday...I am so so excited! Once again, thank you for all of your suggestions. I referred to your comments a lot when we were considering all of the places that we want to visit. I'll def be sure to share pics/a report when we return!


You're so welcome. :biggrin2:


Yes definitely do that, I love reading about others' experiences and seeing their photos! Hope you have lots and lots of fun. :thumb_yello:

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Thanks a lot! I wish it were already Friday...but tonight to keep myself preoccupied I have decided to go over what I need to pack. Yeah, I'm so premature..LOL ;)


Hey, it's better than waiting till the very last minute when you're supposed to be heading to the airport (:blush-anim-cl:...:roftl:). And you can never be too prepared!

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Yep! If you're considering visiting Texas sometime, definitely head to Austin and San Antonio (and then just around the Hill Country in general) to start. They're lovely... Austin with its live music scene and San Antonio with its history and the fun Riverwalk. If you ever need anything more specific, just let me know and I'd be glad to provide you with more tips. :biggrin2:

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Oh, thanks for those tidbits! I have visited a lot of the East side of the US, so I am hoping in the near future that I can visit elsewhere. I can't believe I've never been to Texas, but I guess that gives me something to look forward to seeing!

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Oh, thanks for those tidbits! I have visited a lot of the East side of the US, so I am hoping in the near future that I can visit elsewhere. I can't believe I've never been to Texas, but I guess that gives me something to look forward to seeing!


Definitely! And I need to visit the Midwest and the West Coast. Haven't done that yet myself but I'd love to go as soon as possible... in addition to vacationing overseas which I also haven't done. :plane:

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I hear you! My brother-in-law said he wouldn't mind if our next vacation was to the UK. I would looovvvee that! :)


Ahhh same here! Just for kicks a few days ago I was googling how much it'd cost to fly to London. Um, yeah, very much wishful thinking for me right now. :roftl:

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