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Oldlings Part 19


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Ciao Robi :huglove:

Hazel was late finishing work last night - but she said she was going to

leave an offline message for Ale, and try and catch him today :wink2:


ok, i'll tell him..but pls don't press hazel, he'll be ok !:thumb_yello:

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i was wondering if the chat room was still working.............:wink2:


It is - and its great fun when there is only a few folk in, so its

easy to keep up!!! :naughty:


Oh wendi, am sorry to hear about that..

can't you take pain-killers? hope you will have a goodnight sleep today!

4 hours of sleep... thats the story of my life... though I do crash every now and then during weekends


I took so many painkillers I am sure if I jumped up and down I would rattle!!


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oh wendi...i'd love you could sleep instead of chatting............:wub2:


Me too Robi!! :naughty: By 4am I was ready for a fight in an empty

room!!! The painkillers are very strong, but they hardly worked, and my

dizziness problem meant everytime I tried to turn over, the whole room

spun and my shoulder stabbed with pain. I was not good company last

night!!!! :roftl:

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Keep going to quote you - then dont!!! :roftl:


I dont like tablets at all - and things have to be bad for me to take them

4 hourly - these are morphine based - but even they did not work.

The physio is concentrating on my back now, and strangely that has flashed

my shoulder up!! I know our body is connected, but mine seems to be in the

weirdest manner. I was so desperate that I even tried my herbal headache

relief on my shoulder!!! :roftl:

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hello Wendi, Racha, Silver, Robi, etc...

I'm off to pick up more fliers. we're having another neighborhood meeting this Wed. night, to Stop The Landfill project. Last week's was very exciting.

Out of 150 residents in the room, only one person stood up & said "doesn't seem like a bad idea to me" and then left! everyone else is against it.

After the meeting I met a lady who said she was glad a flier had been taped up on her bus stop wall, or she never would have known about it.

That was my flier! It is energizing to be involved & fight for a good cause!

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Hiya Leona - its good when the local community is involved in any

decisions to put things on their doorstep!! Keep up the good fight!! :punk:


I will!

sorry to hear you're still in pain...

are there projects you can work on to keep your mind off of it?

(or is that what MFC is for?!!)

yesterday I gathered up quite a pile of newspapers to recycle, I was glad I went thru them because 1/2 way down was a copy of my tax return from last year, I have no idea how it got there.

Now the pile is too heavy for me to take out, so I'll have to take an armful every time I go for a walk.

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Me too Robi!! :naughty: By 4am I was ready for a fight in an empty

room!!! The painkillers are very strong, but they hardly worked, and my

dizziness problem meant everytime I tried to turn over, the whole room

spun and my shoulder stabbed with pain. I was not good company last

night!!!! :roftl:



Afternoon all,

wendi try sleeping on a hammock, swinging between 2 trees, may solve dizziness

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I will get over this - pain does not bother me, but lack of sleep does!! :naughty:


We have recycling bins in a beauty spot car park that are causing an

uproar amongst locals - but I think if we had a good screen, in wood, in

front of them then there would not be the same visual impact. Because

they are in 5 bright colours they DO stand out!! My other problem with

them is that they are right beside picnic tables, so flies and wasps are

a problem for picnickers!! The local recycling depot is only 3 miles away

from them, so there is the question are they REALLY needed!!

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Afternoon all,

wendi try sleeping on a hammock, swinging between 2 trees, may solve dizziness


Hiya Weealx!!

Funny you should say that - I have a hammock between the apple trees

at the bottom of the garden. If the weather was warmer I might have

just tried that!!! :naughty:

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Wendi- what is a 'beauty spot car park'?

I hear you about the missing sleep!

Hi Robi & Weealx!


ok, I'm off for a walk, I'll check back later.

it is beautiful here today, about 74 degrees & sunny!

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Hiya Robi,


how are things with you and your family, well I hope.



I want to start a thread campaigning to keep MFC unofficial


i was well till you announced this crazy project!:shocked:

pls do not do it

we need peace and relax from now to the gigs...please.

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i was well till you announced this crazy project!:shocked:

pls do not do it

we need peace and relax from now to the gigs...please.




do you not think such a thread could work well introducing members to the reality


could do t shirts, MUFC


Mika Unofficial Fan Club

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do you not think such a thread could work well introducing members to the reality


could do t shirts, MUFC


Mika Unofficial Fan Club





and do a gig at Old Trafford Manchester

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do you not think such a thread could work well introducing members to the reality


could do t shirts, MUFC


Mika Unofficial Fan Club


You should of been around when the petition actually started like months ago :wink2:


Actually very few if any said no at the time :naughty:

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You should of been around when the petition actually started like months ago :wink2:


Actually very few if any said no at the time :naughty:




not being a fan in the true sense of the word, I just liked LiCM, and Brixton, in my opinion unofficial anything is better than official, example would be football fanzines, they do not have to toe the party line.



I wonder if the members would rather revert to the way it was before it was bought, and the members are a commodity

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