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Oldlings Part 19


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I'm sorry Weely, I should have mentioned it, but it was common knowledge on the Hamsterjam thread the same week I saw Mika, so I assumed everyone knew.


Rose, can I tell you that though I love you to death, I want to poke your eyes out with sharp pencils?!!! :wink2:

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He sings Black and Gold, which is nice enough. Very smart. May have a lot of background stuff in common with Mika.


hi Ruth! Oh, thanks, Yes, I like that!:thumb_yello:

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MMM Can't do yeast myself...and i'M DRIVING SO i DON'T WANT YOU SMELLING THE CAR OUT WITH YUMMY THINGS THAT i CAN'T EAT! sAYS kATH, VERY SELFISHLY...........and in capitals! Sorry!:naughty:


Oh well, It will just have to be chocolate then:naughty:

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kath, what's MIKATH?


It's just that I was laying in bed one day looking at the word 'Mika' and it suddenly struck me that it ended in the same letters that 'Kath' began with ...........it took me over aa year to realise this fact!:naughty: So I just thought I would combine the two!

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4 girls in one car, it won't have a chance to melt lol:naughty:


How true........we can just make regular chocolate stops!:naughty:


If I were going, I'd swot up on him. But I'm not :(


But you said last night you didn't want to go!

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It's just that I was laying in bed one day looking at the word 'Mika' and it suddenly struck me that it ended in the same letters that 'Kath' began with ...........it took me over aa year to realise this fact!:naughty: So I just thought I would combine the two!


OK that makes total sense. I just couldn't see it.


Sam's posted photos of his flight on FaceBook and is working IN the Grand Canyon from Thursday. How great is the internet?


I take it work was good? It was so hot today they should have declared a holiday!

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But you said last night you didn't want to go!



Well..............erm... no, I don't really. I just hate the thought of missing out on any jollies. I've got very fond of that. And whether Mika is at his best or not, or accessible or not, you fans will have a ball.

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OK that makes total sense. I just couldn't see it.


Sam's posted photos of his flight on FaceBook and is working IN the Grand Canyon from Thursday. How great is the internet?


I take it work was good? It was so hot today they should have declared a holiday!


Oh, that is good news! Fantastic! Yes, I totally agree, the internet is fantastic for finding out what ones kids are up to!:naughty:


Yes thanks work was fine........a bit brain draining but I will get used to it.......and they have the radio on which is a big plus and even better......within the first half an hour 'Relax' was played!:thumb_yello:

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and they have the radio on which is a big plus and even better......within the first half an hour 'Relax' was played!:thumb_yello:


That's good. When we were away last week the only Mika I had was my own mp3 player. Not a single burst in any shops or anywhere.


Hi Oldlings, thought I would never make it here tonight, just going to read back a bit :thumb_yello:


Hi silver. It's still lovely and light even though it's getting late.

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Well..............erm... no, I don't really. I just hate the thought of missing out on any jollies. I've got very fond of that. And whether Mika is at his best or not, or accessible or not, you fans will have a ball.


Sorry, nearly missed this one...yes, I know what you mean, that is definatly half the fun!


Hi Oldlings, thought I would never make it here tonight, just going to read back a bit :thumb_yello:



Hi Silver.......sorry to miss you:naughty:

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sigh...my home pc expired today.a big scary blue windows screen appeared telling me something i cannot understand...but sounds serious!:shocked:


Ah! The famous blue screen of death. Sometimes it's serious, and sometimes there is nothing wrong at all - just Mr Gates having a little fun :naughty:


Hi silver. It's still lovely and light even though it's getting late.


Hi Ruth, hope you're not going to desert me too :emot-sad:

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Hi Ruth, hope you're not going to desert me too :emot-sad:


No, no. I'm around for a bit. I just pop out every half hour to turn the garden sprayer. I'm guessing the hottest day of the year wasn't the best one to lay turf?

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Ruth, sorry for the cloak and dagger stuff but we try not to talk about tactical voting on the other thread, as the GB fans may read it (well we read their forum!).


The aim is to keep nos 14, 23 and 24 in the second poll at 2%, and hopefully not to let RW go below 11%, so that GB can never get the same percentage as Mika.:mf_rosetinted:

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No, no. I'm around for a bit. I just pop out every half hour to turn the garden sprayer. I'm guessing the hottest day of the year wasn't the best one to lay turf?


Turf laying :wink2: - no probably not the best time to choose.


I was late home from work and then had to spend a couple of hours watering - we have lots of trees in pots and they drink gallons.:sweatdrop:

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Turf laying :wink2: - no probably not the best time to choose.


I was late home from work and then had to spend a couple of hours watering - we have lots of trees in pots and they drink gallons.:sweatdrop:


I read somewhere that trees in pots or newly planted ones need a bucketful each every day.


Last week in holiday in Sardinia, they had an automatic system with a pipe trailing round all the pots and borders. It gave us the shock of our lives the first time it turned itself on :shocked:

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Ruth, sorry for the cloak and dagger stuff but we try not to talk about tactical voting on the other thread, as the GB fans may read it (well we read their forum!).


The aim is to keep nos 14, 23 and 24 in the second poll at 2%, and hopefully not to let RW go below 11%, so that GB can never get the same percentage as Mika.:mf_rosetinted:


That makes sense. Thanks :)

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