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Oldlings Part 19


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Ha! That was funny. I was wondering why Rob was watching a program about an infidel (Richard Burton?) making his pilgrimage pretending to be a Sufi Muslim. And now I know - the snores are quite loud :)

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Ha! That was funny. I was wondering why Rob was watching a program about an infidel (Richard Burton?) making his pilgrimage pretending to be a Sufi Muslim. And now I know - the snores are quite loud :)


The usual excuse is "I was just resting my eyes" :roftl:

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The usual excuse is "I was just resting my eyes" :roftl:


Oh, he used that one yesterday. He fell asleep in the garden and I needed to go out, so I did little jobs around the house but he didn't wake up. In the end I had to leave him a note. He slept for another half an hour :shocked:


And then he can't sleep at night and is crash-banging around making tea and shopping on eBay!

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Isn't this odd, just the two of us?


Well quite a few people were on earlier, and some of the regulars like Laurel aren't here tonight (she's off seeing Franz Ferdinand in London). I think Wendi may be on later, and weealx was lurking but not posting.

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Right, well reluctantly, I'm going to bid you farewell.


So have a good night


Sweet (Mika) Dreams



Night Ruth - I'll just loiter here a bit and talk to myself then :fisch:

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morning silver! and any other lurking Oldlings.


thats ok, but i dont really wander from here, wendi did not know so i told her as well, see only favoured fans get to know, och i dont mind, i would have filed under WHO? but hev and ewan are so well chuffed about ss


But this is not true! You've popped up in the Aussie thread just in the last couple of days, so who knows where else you may have been lurking, looking to cause a little mayhem... (actually, I should say that Weely's been "fairly" well behaved in our thread. *trying to be fair*)


OK that makes total sense. I just couldn't see it.


Sam's posted photos of his flight on FaceBook and is working IN the Grand Canyon from Thursday. How great is the internet?


I take it work was good? It was so hot today they should have declared a holiday!


Just curious... How hot is sooo hot in the U.K.? Cos I'm fairly sure that whatever cold temps I might talk about having here in Canberra would be not very cold for you all...

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Well, I'd love to hang around and chat but I've just looked at the clock and my hubby is still in bed and therefore going to miss his bus, so I'd better go and see if I can crowbar him out of it. Sleep well lovelies.

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morning silver! and any other lurking Oldlings.


Curses ! Foiled - and I was just off to Cuba:naughty:




But this is not true! You've popped up in the Aussie thread just in the last couple of days, so who knows where else you may have been lurking, looking to cause a little mayhem... (actually, I should say that Weely's been "fairly" well behaved in our thread. *trying to be fair*)


He is an incorrigible post bandit.


Just curious... How hot is sooo hot in the U.K.? Cos I'm fairly sure that whatever cold temps I might talk about having here in Canberra would be not very cold for you all...


Well most people would say 28 Celsius plus - but I'm a winter bunny and anything over 22 C is too hot for me!

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Greetings from Cuba



Just enjoying a llittle rum and coke :drink_nl: on the beach. Have done a little bit of surfing :surfing: and sailing:boat:


Food is basic but tasty :licks_lips: and have managed to avoid holiday tum :mf_pain:


Going back to hotel now for a banana daiquiri :pbjt: and meet up with friends to go and listen to some music:band:

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Well most people would say 28 Celsius plus - but I'm a winter bunny and anything over 22 C is too hot for me!


Hahaha! 28 degrees is getting quite warm and I don't want to be out in the sun in it, but I don't know if I'd call it hot. I used to live in Queensland where it's humid and it could be 28 degrees and it would seem so much hotter because of the humidity. My M-I-L still lives there and we'll be on the phone and she'll say "Now I know you guys had 0 degrees overnight and I shouldn't complain but... it's 18 degrees in my kitchen and I'm freezing!" And we just laugh at her. But then I think of all those places in the world where winter means snow and lots of it, and I'm quite happy living in Canberra, where we see just a dusting on the mountain tops (not that they're very high mountains) and if we're extra lucky, a sprinkle in the backyard.


And yes Fred. The weather is bloody interesting thanks! (I just find it fascinating cos people from all over the world are on here and it's so different everywhere.)


You might know the singer :mf_lustslow:




I already said it in the Aussie thread (fancy you duplicating the pics:shocked:) but both sweet and sexy in this pic. Just lovely.

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hey!!! Cuba would be great! plan to go there sometime soon for a holiday!




If only I could afford it, all my spare money these days seems to be in the Bank of Mika,LOL!

As far as th weather goes, it only seems like yesterday when I was huddled in my duvet to get warm. Tonight, I'm sweltering on top!

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