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Oldlings Part 19


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That's what's so great. We al have this Mika - love in common, so no matter what we're like, it's an instand bond. It's odd for me as I'm not so sociable in RL. But I seem to have developed a new persona and it's great fun.




This was back in November. I think Andy needed taking somewhere (s.w.) I don't know how Rose knew but she volunteered.




Egypt is going to be a holiday. I don't know why - I guess it's an empty nest thing - but Rob decided to take the padlocks off the family purse. Before this, we'd look at the price of - say - a meal and however cheap it was, when multiplied by 5 it was a lot, so we've done shoestring holidays for years. camping and caravanning in France. But this year it's Egypt.


And Sardinia? You know how Italy kisks Sicily into the Mediteranean? Well Sardinia is the big island just over Sicily.


I know I just said I was going, but thanks for answering all my questions. Well, do have a lovely holiday, I'm curious as to why Egypt in August of all places but that will have to wait for another conversation! G'night!

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Nice to see you back wendi, but I'm going to go now too. Apparently we're having a day out in Liverpool tomorrow. On the plus side of an empty nest; you can just up and go without any problems. And you need to buy less food but I've not got my head round that yet.


So, Sweet (Mika) Dreams



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Hello I'm not here:mf_rosetinted: I'm lurking:naughty:


Hello lurker :mf_rosetinted::naughty:


Nice to see you back wendi, but I'm going to go now too. Apparently we're having a day out in Liverpool tomorrow. On the plus side of an empty nest; you can just up and go without any problems. And you need to buy less food but I've not got my head round that yet.


So, Sweet (Mika) Dreams




Bye Ruth - sweet dreams, and have a lovely day out tomorrow!! xxxx

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Rose gave Andy a lift?:shocked: Still not quite up to speed with the night's conversation...


I gave Andy a ride from Birmingham to Doncaster after he "persuaded" me, on orders from his "boss", so he could interview myself, Bexxy and Tia on the way up.

Got back to this bit... Do you think he really doesn't know the effect he has? And I'm asking seriously, since you're the one who's talked to him...


I honestly don't think he does, but we were talking in a relaxed atmosphere, and we were both pretty chilled, so it was quite nice really. He is very charming, but it does seem to be natural, not forced, and I think it's just the way he is, just him being him. I guess he doesn't really think about it.

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Right I think it's bed time. I only had 3 hours sleep last night:naughty:

See you all tomorrow evening, I will looking forward to the goss:blush-anim-cl:

love ya:wub2:


Night night Jems, be off myself soon to play on my new addiction:wink2:.

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Sweet dreams lovely Jemma :huglove: xxxxxxxxxxx

You too Wendi:wub2: I will take a pic of my big Mika tomorrow night for you lol

Night night Jems, be off myself soon to play on my new addiction:wink2:.


Do you ever sleep Rose?:naughty: Love ya night x

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Just you and me now Wendo:wink2:

Where did Suzanne go?


Don't know - she was here, then gone :blink:


You too Wendi:wub2: I will take a pic of my big Mika tomorrow night for you lol


Thanks :wink2:

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You too Wendi:wub2: I will take a pic of my big Mika tomorrow night for you lol



Do you ever sleep Rose?:naughty: Love ya night x


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I gave Andy a ride from Birmingham to Doncaster after he "persuaded" me, on orders from his "boss", so he could interview myself, Bexxy and Tia on the way up.



I honestly don't think he does, but we were talking in a relaxed atmosphere, and we were both pretty chilled, so it was quite nice really. He is very charming, but it does seem to be natural, not forced, and I think it's just the way he is, just him being him. I guess he doesn't really think about it.


My glory be! You do have all the luck! I just wonder what on earth is going to happen to all that footage. Will it surface somewhere under an unlikely title like "The Secret Life Of Penguins" or something equally bizarre?


I have to almost pinch myself sometimes and remember, he's just a normal person... but I'm not sure that anybody who seems to have that degree of natural charm can really be called "normal" lol! I suppose there are some people who are just blissfully unaware of the impact they can have on other people...

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Good morning guys... thanks for all those lurverly pics... :)


Has put me in a very good mood now...


Anyway I'll be back sometime after 6.00 - so should be on later... :)

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I wish I had been at some of his earlier gigs - but as I have said .. it hadn't even occurred to me I could go ...just automatically assumed I was too old


As Ruth said, it really doesn't matter. I am lucky I guess, I don't worry about such things, if I want to do it I will just do it. It never even occured to me that I may be 'too old'


He will be a pussy-cat - and I have Kath as my minder!!!!


I am down the gym everynight building up my muscles!:naughty:


Er... that's because it is from the Crowded House song



I just LOVE the way we work in the Oldlings!:naughty:

OK Oldlings, must go now as I am soooo tired. Sweet Mika dreams all :wub2:






My God Silver you have excelled yourself there! And since I have got this new puter with a fancy screen (thank you dear sweet insurance company!) it looks even better! I did not even know what to name it as when I saved it as anything I could have thought of would have had to be censored!:naughty:


Very nice Ruth....I have to say though, I hope you are taking some travelwash with you though as I think you will need a fresh dress everyday!


Oh, I was being lazy and very decadent and I'd hired a cleaning lady. And she kept saying 'buy tickets, go, get tickets, you'll enjoy it' and so on. And so I did, and she was right. I was the oldest person there but it didn't matter. And it doesn't, does it?


(And later I had to sack her because she kept breaking things and not owning up, but I will always be grateful to her for pushing me into this madness.)


We need to start a campaign to re instate Ruth's cleaning lady :shocked: However rubbish she was, you will be forever in her debt!


Good morning everyone!

I have just been looking at what I missed last night.....yes, things definatly did get better as the night went on didn't they!


If I can just add my tuppence hapennies worth (well, I am going to anyway!) on the 'Mika effect' theory.............I think his personailty is quite complex. I think because of his early problems he has built barriers to enable him to cope...and I think he does so incredibly well. But deep down, I think he truely does think that he is unattractive (God alone knows why of course) and probably can not really understand, or accept, why we would all go nuts over him. He IS incredibly charming and polite and I think the way he 'tolerates' his diversity of fans is incredible. I think he has an incredibly mature head on his young (beautiful chickeny) shoulders and the fact tha he IS so genuine and kind and nice just adds to his appeal. In my opinion he is as near to a perfect 'pop star' as it would be possible to get, talented (incredibly), Good looking, Polite and kind..............what more could anyone want...no wonder he sends us all nuts!:naughty:


OK folks....I have two South African Golfers arriving today to stay for a week (as you do)...very chickeny young men by all accounts...so Ab is understanably excited, to the point that she has given her bedroom up for them....so I had better go and start making beds or something...oh bliss and joy!



Have a good Oldling day everyone x x x

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As Ruth said, it really doesn't matter. I am lucky I guess, I don't worry about such things, if I want to do it I will just do it. It never even occured to me that I may be 'too old'




I am down the gym everynight building up my muscles!:naughty:





I just LOVE the way we work in the Oldlings!:naughty:



My God Silver you have excelled yourself there! And since I have got this new puter with a fancy screen (thank you dear sweet insurance company!) it looks even better! I did not even know what to name it as when I saved it as anything I could have thought of would have had to be censored!:naughty:



Very nice Ruth....I have to say though, I hope you are taking some travelwash with you though as I think you will need a fresh dress everyday!




We need to start a campaign to re instate Ruth's cleaning lady :shocked: However rubbish she was, you will be forever in her debt!


Good morning everyone!

I have just been looking at what I missed last night.....yes, things definatly did get better as the night went on didn't they!


If I can just add my tuppence hapennies worth (well, I am going to anyway!) on the 'Mika effect' theory.............I think his personailty is quite complex. I think because of his early problems he has built barriers to enable him to cope...and I think he does so incredibly well. But deep down, I think he truely does think that he is unattractive (God alone knows why of course) and probably can not really understand, or accept, why we would all go nuts over him. He IS incredibly charming and polite and I think the way he 'tolerates' his diversity of fans is incredible. I think he has an incredibly mature head on his young (beautiful chickeny) shoulders and the fact tha he IS so genuine and kind and nice just adds to his appeal. In my opinion he is as near to a perfect 'pop star' as it would be possible to get, talented (incredibly), Good looking, Polite and kind..............what more could anyone want...no wonder he sends us all nuts!:naughty:


OK folks....I have two South African Golfers arriving today to stay for a week (as you do)...very chickeny young men by all accounts...so Ab is understanably excited, to the point that she has given her bedroom up for them....so I had better go and start making beds or something...oh bliss and joy!



Have a good Oldling day everyone x x x



So I guess we'll get no sense out of Abby for the next week then? LOL!

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I see Carry has gone so it is not going to be the Cash and carry show today!:naughty:


Anyone else around?


I am just having my lunch break....everyone else is at work today:thumbdown:


Mind you, I have to say, my lunch is a little odd. I bought a tin of mixed beans and thought i would cook up a bit of pasta and make a pasta and bean salad but, being an Oldling, I didn't realise that the beans were 'In tomato sauce' as in, like baked beans!:shocked: So, it is a bit odd to say the least!:naughty:

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