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I just half watched it again cos I have it downloaded on my lappy top :bleh:


God, we're obsessed :naughty:


I still don't have any Russell stuff downloaded to my computer. I think you told me a website one time I could download stuff from but I forgot it :naughty:


We are obsessed :roftl: You're way worse than me though :bleh:

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It's his autobiography! :D So basically all about his childhood, his struggle with his addictions, and how he finally made it to where he is today! In an interview Jonathan Ross jokingly summed it up as "blah blah drugs drugs mouse" :roftl: cos he once had a mouse living in that hair of his, no joke! :naughty:

Sounds like an interesting book!


Say whaaat? A mouse:roftl: Oooohh did he feed is small peices of cheese?:bleh:

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Sounds like an interesting book!


Say whaaat? A mouse:roftl: Oooohh did he feed is small peices of cheese?:bleh:


His name was Elvis :bleh: You should watch that interview :roftl:


I've made so many people from school watch it. They think he is so strange :roftl:

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His name was Elvis :bleh: You should watch that interview :roftl:


I've made so many people from school watch it. They think he is so strange :roftl:

Cool name:naughty: Personally, if I ever had a mouse living in my hair (not that I would ever haha) I'd name Mr Lumpkins.


But strange is good, if that makes sense. The quirky and unique characteristics that people have about themselves are sometimes the best.

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I still don't have any Russell stuff downloaded to my computer. I think you told me a website one time I could download stuff from but I forgot it


We are obsessed You're way worse than me though





That will keep you going for a while!


Oooh my laptop is full of Russell downloads, radio shows, interviews, anything you'd care to name :naughty: Practically all my Realplayer downloads are Russell videos :roftl::blush-anim-cl:


Yeah I probably am, and if you are as bad as me I'm sorry for you :naughty:


Sounds like an interesting book!


Say whaaat? A mouse Oooohh did he feed is small peices of cheese?


Ooooh Louise let me tell you it is soo interesting! and it's so beautifully written, he has such a way with words! :blush-anim-cl:


Yes, a mouse :roftl: Haha I'm not sure how he fed it really, that's something I want to ask him now! :roftl:

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Ooooh Louise let me tell you it is soo interesting! and it's so beautifully written, he has such a way with words! :blush-anim-cl:


Yes, a mouse :roftl: Haha I'm not sure how he fed it really, that's something I want to ask him now! :roftl:

You know what? I actually looked online and I can get the book (or should I say booky wook) at the bookstore, paperback for like $20...


Hmmm makes me think now. He either 1) fed it by hand 2) left food in his hair for the mouse to find later on or 3) not fed it. hey! that's sick not feeding your pet:roftl:

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That will keep you going for a while!


Oooh my laptop is full of Russell downloads, radio shows, interviews, anything you'd care to name :naughty: Practically all Realplayer downloads are Russell videos


Yeah I probably am, and if you are as bad as me I'm sorry for you :naughty:




Ooooh Louise let me tell you it is soo interesting! and it's so beautifully written, he has such a way with words! :blush-anim-cl:


Yes, a mouse Haha I'm not sure how he fed it really, that's something I want to ask him now!


Oh thank you for those! :wub2: I'll favorite them now so I don't forget this time

I'll probably be as bad as you before too long. :naughty: I get obsessed with people/things so easily :bleh:


I hate mice! That's disgusting. And didn't he say they were incontinent? :roftl:

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You know what? I actually looked online and I can get the book (or should I say booky wook) at the bookstore, paperback for like $20...


Hmmm makes me think now. He either 1) fed it by hand 2) left food in his hair for the mouse to find later on or 3) not fed it. hey! that's sick not feeding your pet


:roftl: No I know for a fact he did actually feed it, cos I remember something being said before about the mouse pooping in his hair :roftl::roftl:

What else do mice eat other than cheese I wonder? :bleh:


Oh is it actually available at your bookstore? That's so cool! I didn't know they were available to buy off the shelf over there yet! :D

You should get it if you can afford it, it's verryy good! I must warn you though, it is a brutally honest in every sense of the word! He did go through some very dark times and did a lot of things he's not proud of, some of them were quite appalling :bleh: and he doesn't hold back when writing this! So just be prepared :naughty:

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I used to have boots like that when I was little! But they were red :blush-anim-cl:


Aaaaw did you really? :D :D


Those boots are wicked cool! Wait! Is that Courtney Love?


Haha, yes it is. They're friends, God knows why! I can't stand the woman, I've always wondered why he is friends with her :boxed:

Don't look at her though, look at the boots! :mf_lustslow::naughty:

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Aaaaw did you really? :D :D




Haha, yes it is. They're friends, God knows why! I can't stand the woman, I've always wondered why he is friends with her :boxed:

Don't look at her though, look at the boots! :mf_lustslow::naughty:


Yes I did! I've had a few pairs of them actually :naughty: Everybody has cowboy boots down here though :bleh:

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:roftl: No I know for a fact he did actually feed it, cos I remember something being said before about the mouse pooping in his hair :roftl::roftl:

What else do mice eat other than cheese I wonder? :bleh:


Oh is it actually available at your bookstore? That's so cool! I didn't know they were available to buy off the shelf over there yet! :D

You should get it if you can afford it, it's verryy good! I must warn you though, it is a brutally honest in every sense of the word! He did go through some very dark times and did a lot of things he's not proud of, some of them were quite appalling :bleh: and he doesn't hold back when writing this! So just be prepared :naughty:

Okay, now mouse dropping in the hair must be...umm...well not nice. Hmmm, I don't know. Perhaps left over Cheerios, a peice of a breadstick or even maybe a little bit of cucumber.


*checks agin* Well, looking at it now, I don't know. It says this message- "Temporarily Unavailable to Order New". Oh, I see. Well even though he went through some really bad times in his life, he made some good decisions to be where he is now. And at least he was honest when he wrote the book and did not try to sugar coat anything.

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Haha, yes it is. They're friends, God knows why! I can't stand the woman, I've always wondered why he is friends with her :boxed:

Don't look at her though, look at the boots! :mf_lustslow::naughty:

Hmm I don't know *shrugs shoulders*


Don't worry, I noticed the boots FIRST! How could I not?:naughty:

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Yes I did! I've had a few pairs of them actually :naughty: Everybody has cowboy boots down here though :bleh:


Aaw haha how cool!! I've never had any cowboy boots, I've been deprived all these years:naughty:


Okay, now mouse dropping in the hair must be...umm...well not nice. Hmmm, I don't know. Perhaps left over Cheerios, a peice of a breadstick or even maybe a little bit of cucumber.


*checks agin* Well, looking at it now, I don't know. It says this message- "Temporarily Unavailable to Order New". Oh, I see. Well even though he went through some really bad times in his life, he made some good decisions to be where he is now. And at least he was honest when he wrote the book and did not try to sugar coat anything.


No not exactly pleasant is it? :naughty: But when you are a drug addict, I guess it doesn't really phase you :naughty:


Hmm you wouldn't know what to make of that really! :naughty:

Yeah I really admire that he just told it like it is, loads of celebs wouldn't dare write that kinda stuff, but he was always intent on being honest and I think that's a real merit to the book(y wook) :bleh:

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No not exactly pleasant is it? :naughty: But when you are a drug addict, I guess it doesn't really phase you :naughty:


Hmm you wouldn't know what to make of that really! :naughty:

Yeah I really admire that he just told it like it is, loads of celebs wouldn't dare write that kinda stuff, but he was always intent on being honest and I think that's a real merit to the book(y wook) :bleh:

That is true. I imagine as a drug addict your addiction takes over your life and things that are supposed to be more important now are less important. Have you ever seen the show "Intervention"? It's this show where they help people with addicitions (drug, alcohol etc) get better. At first I thought the show would be invasive and invade the addicts personal life too much. But in reality, the show is extremelly interesting and informative.


I like it when people speak their mind, even if they risk people looking down on them for some reason. And Mr Brand laying everything down on the table, risking some negative feedback in regards to his addiction, shows what an open and honest guy he is.

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That is true. I imagine as a drug addict your addiction takes over your life and things that are supposed to be more important now are less important. Have you ever seen the show "Intervention"? It's this show where they help people with addicitions (drug, alcohol etc) get better. At first I thought the show would be invasive and invade the addicts personal life too much. But in reality, the show is extremelly interesting and informative.


I like it when people speak their mind, even if they risk people looking down on them for some reason. And Mr Brand laying everything down on the table, risking some negative feedback in regards to his addiction, shows what an open and honest guy he is.


No I've never seen that show at all! It does sound interesting though, I've never seen anything like that.


Amen to that :naughty: I totally agree with you there. And it's not often someone is willing to do that having lived a life like Russell's!

There is an audio version of the book coming out later this year, oh I can't wait! and he's also releasing another book on philosophy, that should be really interesting, I hope he does signings too and comes to Dublin!!


I just posted in the Happy Bday Mika thread, not pin pointing anyone but wow some of the posts in that thread are on the verge of scary! :boxed::naughty:

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No I've never seen that show at all! It does sound interesting though, I've never seen anything like that.


Amen to that :naughty: I totally agree with you there. And it's not often someone is willing to do that having lived a life like Russell's!

There is an audio version of the book coming out later this year, oh I can't wait! and he's also releasing another book on philosophy, that should be really interesting, I hope he does signings too and comes to Dublin!!


I just posted in the Happy Bday Mika thread, not pin pointing anyone but wow some of the posts in that thread are on the verge of scary! :boxed::naughty:

It is really interesting. You may see some things that may offend some people, but it's completely for the reason of letting people know what's really going on in an addict's life.


So true. I never knew he used to be an addict, but I guess you learn something new everyday. And perhaps by him letting people know what he went through he could have helped other people that used to be in the same position he was. Much like when people come out of the closet, it could help gay or questioning individuals who are afraid to let people know their sexual orientation.


I can only imagine what a happy girl you would be if he did a book signing in Ireland!:naughty:


I posted mine earlier today but hadn't really seen what other people posted after mine that is. I gave him his birthday wishes blah blah blah and "gave" him a birthday cake made out of plastic Legos. I fugured he couldn't eat it but the man likes plastic so much, so why not?:naughty: Here it is...:bleh:



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It is really interesting. You may see some things that may offend some people, but it's completely for the reason of letting people know what's really going on in an addict's life.


So true. I never knew he used to be an addict, but I guess you learn something new everyday. And perhaps by him letting people know what he went through he could have helped other people that used to be in the same position he was. Much like when people come out of the closet, it could help gay or questioning individuals who are afraid to let people know their sexual orientation.


I can only imagine what a happy girl you would be if he did a book signing in Ireland!


I posted mine earlier today but hadn't really seen what other people posted after mine that is. I gave him his birthday wishes blah blah blah and "gave" him a birthday cake made out of plastic Legos. I fugured he couldn't eat it but the man likes plastic so much, so why not? Here it is...




Yeah that's it, his story is truly inspirational! Just to see how he managed to turn his life around, it's amazing! :wub2:


Aaaawww that is so cute! Really clever! :wink2::bleh: I think he'll like that :naughty: I wonder will he see the thread? :bleh: Though isn't that always the question :naughty:

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Yeah that's it, his story is truly inspirational! Just to see how he managed to turn his life around, it's amazing!


Aaaawww that is so cute! Really clever! I think he'll like that :naughty: I wonder will he see the thread? :bleh: Though isn't that always the question :naughty:

That is true.


I hope he likes it:naughty::roftl::bleh: That is so true! We always wonder if he reads the threads...


hi guys.

i hate cleaning

i got yelled at, so i was cleaning, and then i ate dinner, but im still suppost to be cleaning. but my house feels like a sana, and im too hot. so im here

Don't worry, I hate cleaning as well. Though my house doesn't feel like a sauna because the AC is on:roftl:

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