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is any1 having a good weekend? or a terrible weekend (like me) or an okay weekend?


I'm having a pretty good weekend. Just laying around doing nothing. And my brother's friend is in Spain right now so we're taking care of their plants/pets so I get to use their pool whenever I want to :kachinga:

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is any1 having a good weekend? or a terrible weekend (like me) or an okay weekend?

Oh my goodness, why was your weekend horrible?


My weekend was okay (minus the homework of course).


I'm hoping my dad will take me to the store tomorrow to get the new Air Guitar Hero game!!!

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Oh gosh the Sarah Mclachlan video is so sad... I saw it on TV and it made me cry so much and I rewinded it over and over because it was so sad.


Hi guys :wub2:

I'm very content right now.

This Friday I went to a funeral for my great aunt, and it was so sad. It was the first funeral that I was actually aware of what was going on. I had been like 5 since the last funeral. It was amazing how many people were there. Probably about 500 people. My great Aunt Monica was seriously the most kind, caring, amazing, respectful, wonderful person. She was so amazingly kind to everyone and she was like a mother to everyone. She was like love and care itself.

I realized this weekend how much family really means to us. It was so sad to see her sons crying. They're in their twenties though, so I know they'll be strong. Everyone was crying, even my dad. When I see my dad cry, I sort of melt. I just want to give him a huge hug. My dad is the best person ever. He's amazing... I couldn't wish for a better pappa. We got together after the funeral at this lady's house and we just ate and talked and stayed together.

Sadly, the funeral was scheduled on my mom's birthday, so that wasn't one of her happiest, but I'm sure it was memorable for different reasons. At the funeral, it was just so sad to see all the people I love miserable and crying.


Ok I'm gonna start about my Great Grandma Lily (She's the mother of my aunt that died). She is the most phenomenal person on earth. I love her so insanely much. She's about to turn 90. It's horrible that her daughter had to die now though. The funeral was for her daughter Monica, who died from breast cancer. She actually lived for two more years than she was supposed to though, which was a miracle. It tore my heart to see Grandma Lily in such pain and sadness when they were burying her daughter. I love her so so much. I can't even describe it, but I'll never forget her. I know she hasn't much time left though. After losing her daughter, it must take a lot out of her.

(We're all from Chile, so everyone speaks Spanish. Her name is really Abuelita Lili. :wink2: haha)

Anyways, I'm content because I've realized how amazing my family is and how much I love them. We spent the whole weekend together, and we've all gotten so much closer.

I just wish it wasn't over this very sad event.


I just felt like writing haha. Goodnight!! :huglove: I love you all!! (I'm in a very loving mood :wub2::das:)

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trying to b happy.....how bout u?



Well, me? I am writing a stupid artist's statement for a Media Arts assignment and am thinking about the awesomely fantastic new game I got this afternoon.

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Well, me? I am writing a stupid artist's statement for a Media Arts assignment and am thinking about the awesomely fantastic new game I got this afternoon.


well yesterday was suppost to b a great day,

it was my sisters graduation from highscool

our party for both graduating (me from 8th grade) was that afternoon

my cousin had her baby

and 30 minutes b4 the party started, we found out my great "aunt"/godmother passed away :crybaby::rip_1


what game did u get?

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well yesterday was suppost to b a great day,

it was my sisters graduation from highscool

our party for both graduating (me from 8th grade) was that afternoon

my cousin had her baby

and 30 minutes b4 the party started, we found out my great "aunt"/godmother passed away :crybaby::rip_1


what game did u get?

Oh my goodness...I'm sorry.


I got such an awesome game. It's this...Guitar Hero Air Guitar.

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o sweet!!!

its ok tho, thats how she wanted to go tho, peacefully in her sleep

Thanks so much.


To be honest, I think that's how I would want to die (in my sleep). I definately don't want to pass away in pain...

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Thanks so much.


To be honest, I think that's how I would want to die (in my sleep). I definately don't want to pass away in pain...


yeah same here.. its just like something that doesnt feel real, but stings u so much in the heart

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mika-fan1001, as someone who has lost all 4 grandparents, a young austistic cousin, and a great uncle (many more..believe me :wink2:) I want to say i sympathize for you. It tips out your heart and stampedes on it. Especially to learn you have new regrets you never had when your loved ones were alive. "We should have talked more.." "I never told them how I felt." I've felt it all. None of my family members died peacefully in their sleep, except my dad's mum, I believe. It hurts to know my grandma doris, died the way she did. When you lose a loved one you feel a bit more mpty inside, someone you cared for so deeply, will never be around anymore to share your love with. But know this: As you digress through your life, at certain times, you will feel the presence of your loved one. Well, I did. I can feel my grandma disapproving of things at times. I can hear her through my mom sometimes, it's eery at first but it's comforting. It's as if they're not gone, they're still there. It doesn't hurt as much anymore. I lost them before i was born and when I was 7, so I've had some time to reflect on how I truly feel about things. It doesn't hurt as much anymore, but sometimes I will spontaneously combust into tears at the mere thought of my grandma doris. It doesn't go away, the love.


Just, try and keep up your spirits. :wub2:

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mika-fan1001, as someone who has lost all 4 grandparents, a young austistic cousin, and a great uncle (many more..believe me :wink2:) I want to say i sympathize for you. It tips out your heart and stampedes on it. Especially to learn you have new regrets you never had when your loved ones were alive. "We should have talked more.." "I never told them how I felt." I've felt it all. None of my family members died peacefully in their sleep, except my dad's mum, I believe. It hurts to know my grandma doris, died the way she did. When you lose a loved one you feel a bit more mpty inside, someone you cared for so deeply, will never be around anymore to share your love with. But know this: As you digress through your life, at certain times, you will feel the presence of your loved one. Well, I did. I can feel my grandma disapproving of things at times. I can hear her through my mom sometimes, it's eery at first but it's comforting. It's as if they're not gone, they're still there. It doesn't hurt as much anymore. I lost them before i was born and when I was 7, so I've had some time to reflect on how I truly feel about things. It doesn't hurt as much anymore, but sometimes I will spontaneously combust into tears at the mere thought of my grandma doris. It doesn't go away, the love.


Just, try and keep up your spirits. :wub2:



thanks. ive lost a grandpa, and some other "grandparents/greatgrandparents" bit i was 1` or less, so i dnt remeber. thank u tho

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thanku so much :)

No problemo.


It's just that I feel so bad that I can't say anything more, as I haven't had any major losses in my family yet. But my grandmother in England is recovering from breast cancer as well as my mother in Portugal had breast cancer as well and surgery not too long ago.

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No problemo.


It's just that I feel so bad that I can't say anything more, as I haven't had any major losses in my family yet. But my grandmother in England is recovering from breast cancer as well as my mother in Portugal had breast cancer as well and surgery not too long ago.


ive nvr known how to respond to this type of stuff either, so its fine

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