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London, Ontario, Canada?:shocked: Just kidding, London England:biggrin2:


Anyways I better skidattle. Got work tomorrow and don't wanna be tired.


Bye ladies:bye:


there's such plac as London Canada?:naughty:no i'm sorry, i meant london england:naughty:



good nite!:bye:

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I just ate apples and peanut butter....bad idea. Now I'm full and the wires in my braces popped out. :naughty:


when i read that i pictured that you were so full ur braces were popping off i was like:blink: "i didin't know you could get that full!":roftl:

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when i read that i pictured that you were so full ur braces were popping off i was like:blink: "i didin't know you could get that full!":roftl:


That would be funny :naughty:



The wires I have in my braces are just really flexible so they come out all the time (especially when I eat apples and penut butter....I don't learn my lesson :naughty:) and I always have to go back to the ortho to get them put back in:thumbdown:

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That would be funny :naughty:



The wires I have in my braces are just really flexible so they come out all the time (especially when I eat apples and penut butter....I don't learn my lesson :naughty:) and I always have to go back to the ortho to get them put back in:thumbdown:

That sounds good right now though...:licks_lips:

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That would be funny :naughty:



The wires I have in my braces are just really flexible so they come out all the time (especially when I eat apples and penut butter....I don't learn my lesson :naughty:) and I always have to go back to the ortho to get them put back in:thumbdown:


oi sounds painful! when do you get them off?

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Not painful, just freakin' annoying :furious:




I don't know....probably not for 2 years at least:thumb_yello:(:crybaby:)


aww...but it'll go by quicker than u realize! my sister had it for that long, and now i can't even remember her with braces:naughty:

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oh man! i can't imagine....wheneever someone i knew got their braces off, we'd make a huge basket of all the stuff they couldn't have w/ their metal in the mouths:naughty:


Aww that's so sweet :wub2:


My friends won't do that :sneaky2::naughty:

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wel im gonna say what i did today

got my hair cut

went home

walked 0.8 miles to the front of my neighborhood to get picked up by my friend, sat there for 45 minutes

got picked up

swam w/ 2 friends at another friends house

went tanning

walked 3.5 miles from her house, up hill to a gas station for drinks (dont ask why) *in skinny jeans and a tshirt, in 98 degree heat*

got picked up

went back to her house

she restraightened my hair

then crimpped it

i looked like a poodle

my dad picked me up

we went to Target

then to AT&T so he could get, ANOTHER blutooth

went to my cousins car place to talk to him for 5 minutes when we sat there for an hr waiting

went out to eat at applebees

and im suppost to be cleaning, but screw that lol

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wel im gonna say what i did today

got my hair cut

went home

walked 0.8 miles to the front of my neighborhood to get picked up by my friend, sat there for 45 minutes

got picked up

swam w/ 2 friends at another friends house

went tanning

walked 3.5 miles from her house, up hill to a gas station for drinks (dont ask why) *in skinny jeans and a tshirt, in 98 degree heat*

got picked up

went back to her house

she restraightened my hair

then crimpped it

i looked like a poodle

my dad picked me up

we went to Target

then to AT&T so he could get, ANOTHER blutooth

went to my cousins car place to talk to him for 5 minutes when we sat there for an hr waiting

went out to eat at applebees

and im suppost to be cleaning, but screw that lol

sounds jammed packed with fun!:roftl:

I am sleeping over my friends house in her tent lol, with my sister as well :P


oh cool!! haha don't forget to tell ghost stories....wait u brought ur computer into the tent:blink:



goodnite yall!:bye:

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