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Ew, fishsticks! They bring back memories of sitting with my friend at secondary school and she always bought fishstick sandwiches in her packed lunch! Yuck! I hate fish..:blink:



They remind me of being in daycare or something:roftl:

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OMG I AM SO HAPPY *this has to totally be an {American thing} :roftl:


Okay --


so I just got back to work from my lunch break --


I went to Publix .......


to use the bathroom *they have the cleanest public restrooms of ANY place I have EVER seen before*


.... and to get a pack of gum {juicy fruit - yum}


---- and as SOON as I walked through the doors GUESS WHAT I HEARD


..... ah ah ah -- is there anybody home.... who will beleive me won't decieve me won't try to change me -- ah ah ah IS THERE ANYBODY HOME


MY HEART just about JUMPED OUT OF MY CHEST!!!!!!!!


I can ONLY imagine what the shoppers MUST have been thinking as I started jumping up and down like a 2 year old -- going OMG OMG -- THAT IS MIKA!!!!


One man looked at me like :shocked::boxed:


I just repeated myself -- DO YOU HEAR THAT? THAT'S MIKA!!!!!

He looked at me -- as to say -- alrighty then!!! :naughty:


OMG -- that is the FIRST time I have heard MIKA out like that!!!!


So I totally bought a lottery ticket!!!! I mean COME on hearing Mika OUT is totally good luck!!!!!!!


Oh and last time I heard Mika OUT -- I got a strike bowling :mf_rosetinted:

*even though I am the one that played him on the jukebox*


Guess it still counts as good luck!!!!

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Right now I'm...


Eating fishsticks on bread and


Downloading sotware so I can put Youtube videos on my iPod


whats the software???

i knoow someone who has it



*cleaning my closet, so far ive gotten rid of 2 big bags of clothes! whoohoo!

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contemplating that THE DARK KNIGHT

which i saw last night





It's definitely not the type of movie that i would normally go to see, but i just might have to, everyone's talking about how amazing it is!

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It's definitely not the type of movie that i would normally go to see, but i just might have to, everyone's talking about how amazing it is!

GO! It's phenomenal... Haha


Still in my pajamas and having to take a shower and wash the dishes too, after I made chocolate chip pancakes this morning while singing/dancing to various musical artists :naughty: /watching cheesy soap operas.

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and watching this interveiw, !

it is so funny! I LOVE IT!


:rofl::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao::lmfao: i think that is the best interview i've ever seen!!! i love when he's sliding on the couch, and the guy's like come closer and mika"no you smell" :roftl: and when he's talking about the guy who annouces his name "did he belch?" and when he rubs the guy's stomatch and he's like "no it's farther down" ewwww:roftl:

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