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New Mika blog (By him!!!)


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Sometimes I can't even believe what he has accomplished so far,especially here in the U.S.,with what little promotion he gets,but deserves more than the majority of the useless people that get more than enough of it. Can you imagine how amaaazingly popular he might be if was actually promoted properly?

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But something tells me that Mika's the kind of guy who gets swept away by what any particular agency can do visually, and as a result he lets content and functionality fall by the wayside.


His online stuff is so nice to look at, but so broken and outdated. And that's such a shame.

Those are the problems at the heart of his internet mismanagement. He and/or his "team" also need to set realistic time goals that can be met, he may have ambitious plans but they need to be realistic to prevent high hopes and disappointment (the "Jerry shall post something on the MFC" is an example of what shouldn't happen). Hopefully his new "team" will rectify it.


For the record, if you go to Mikasounds.com, click on "International" and then click on the Canadian flag, you get taken to the page for Belgium. :blink:
And when you click on the Belgian link, it says the page no longer exists :naughty:

The Australian site hasn't been updated since Grace Kelly, the Canadian link leads to the Belgium site and the Belgian link says that it no longer exists. It sounds like a joke.

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Those are the problems at the heart of his internet mismanagement. He and/or his "team" also need to set realistic time goals that can be met, he may have ambitious plans but they need to be realistic to prevent high hopes and disappointment (the "Jerry shall post something on the MFC" is an example of what shouldn't happen). Hopefully his new "team" will rectify it.




The Australian site hasn't been updated since Grace Kelly, the Canadian link leads to the Belgium site and the Belgian link says that it no longer exists. It sounds like a joke.


Are you laughing? cos I'm not.

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Are you laughing? cos I'm not.

Yes, I did laugh when I realised how many examples of outdated/broken sites there are. But then again I always laugh at inappropriate times in serious matters, I'm sure that "Team Mika" wouldn't find their failures as funny as I do.

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That was extremely fascinating. I particularly loved the part where it says "A good exercise is to picture your hero--whoever it is--passed out on his lawn, naked from the waist down." No prizes for guessing who I was thinking of!!:roftl: But this bit puzzled me:

"First, train yourself to get suspicious every time you see simplicity. Any claim that the root of a problem is simple should be treated the same as a claim that the root of a problem is Bigfoot. Simplicity and Bigfoot are found in the real world with about the same frequency.


So reject binary thinking of "good vs. bad" or "us vs. them." Know problems cannot be solved with clever slogans and over-simplified step-by-step programs.


You can do that by following these simple steps."


They've just warned me to beware of anyone claiming something is simple and then told me to follow these simple steps. I couldn't tell if they were taking the p!ss or not?!


And now I've forgotten what context you even used it in, so I'll have to go back and look...

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Yes, I did laugh when I realised how many examples of outdated/broken sites there are. But then again I always laugh at inappropriate times in serious matters, I'm sure that "Team Mika" wouldn't find their failures as funny as I do.


That's what i love about you. I feel like you're my polar opposite and a benchmark for the bizarreness of my feelings sometimes. And I do mean this in a good way.

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That's what i love about you. I feel like you're my polar opposite and a benchmark for the bizarreness of my feelings sometimes. And I do mean this in a good way.

I'm glad that you find our opposite views useful, in most cases it incites annoyance and arguments. :naughty:

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I was trying to have a look at the australian mikasounds earlier today and couldn't get anything to work and then realised that firefox had blocked 23 popups! 23!! I've never had a site have that many things blocked before from the one page!

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I'm glad that you find our opposite views useful, in most cases it incites annoyance and arguments. :naughty:


Hmmm, that may still happen from time to time, but that's ok. Strangely enough, I tend to argue a lot more online than I ever do in real life. I'm generally either a coward or a peacemaker in RL but for some reason the whole anonymity of the net brings out a different side to me.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

My one day off in Connecticut, rain, and itchy scalp


Im sitting 45 mins outside of New York, planning the last few days of my US trip. I've been here for 12 days now but only have two more to go. As I started searching through the internet and going through comments and messages on myspace as well as spying into various forums(the latter always being a bit of a dangerous activity), it became clear to me that I needed to write something and let people know what I'm up to.


Tonight I'm off to watch Tegan and Sara at Terminal 5 in New York. If you don't know them, check out their song Back In Your Head. Its pretty damn good. They're playing the very same place that we all took over a few months ago. I'm also going to be checking out the illustrator Sophie Blackall's studio in Broklyn. I've spoken about her before. She illustrated a brilliant children's book called Ruby's Wish.


Its been a busy few weeks. Mainly, I've been working on the new album. Writing and demoing. But I've also been planning a few other things. Mainly my website and my short festival run in July.


I have decided to redesign my website and change the way that I've been approaching what I do online. From the very beginning, I always wanted a website that not only represented me, my music and my visual world but something that could take on a life of its own. I never really had a chance to make this happen the way that I wanted it to. SO... I have formed a small team, and together with them, I am going to write about what I'm up to on a regular basis. Posting things that we love from around the world as well as creating new art, cartoon strips, short films and loads more.


Ambitious? yes! but fun too. and thats the point. I suppose that as we have become less broke, creating things like this have become more possible. I know that if I started a normal blog people wouldn't be interested in reading what I was having for breakfast or which other musicians I think are asses. So that's not the point. Think of it as bit of an online scrap book.


We are going to start building the new site really soon and we will be looking for your help. So keep your eyes peeled for how you can get involved.


As for the July run of shows. You can find out where I'm gonna be on the LIVE section of www.mikasounds.com I will post the dates up here by tomorrow.


I have to say one more thing. I notice that the past few months I've been getting loads of messages and comments from people in the United States and especially from South America. I'm really proud of what's been happening with my music in Argentina and Mexico, Venezuela and all over South America. I am thanking you to high heaven for giving me an excuse to tour over there on my next record. Can't wait!


Right my ride to the city has been waiting for me for 45 mins. Its almost five and I havent showered or eaten yet. My hair smells as i have refused to wash it on a "natural" wash experiment I've had going on. Now that it itches, I've had enough. Screw natural. My scalp needs chemicals.


a bientot,





Look what I just discovered:hair:

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This is so nice. It was nice to hear from him. ???? Looking forward to more. Have a great weekend, peeps.


Monday, May 12, 2008

My one day off in Connecticut, rain, and itchy scalp


Im sitting 45 mins outside of New York, planning the last few days of my US trip. I've been here for 12 days now but only have two more to go. As I started searching through the internet and going through comments and messages on myspace as well as spying into various forums(the latter always being a bit of a dangerous activity), it became clear to me that I needed to write something and let people know what I'm up to.


Tonight I'm off to watch Tegan and Sara at Terminal 5 in New York. If you don't know them, check out their song Back In Your Head. Its pretty damn good. They're playing the very same place that we all took over a few months ago. I'm also going to be checking out the illustrator Sophie Blackall's studio in Broklyn. I've spoken about her before. She illustrated a brilliant children's book called Ruby's Wish.


Its been a busy few weeks. Mainly, I've been working on the new album. Writing and demoing. But I've also been planning a few other things. Mainly my website and my short festival run in July.


I have decided to redesign my website and change the way that I've been approaching what I do online. From the very beginning, I always wanted a website that not only represented me, my music and my visual world but something that could take on a life of its own. I never really had a chance to make this happen the way that I wanted it to. SO... I have formed a small team, and together with them, I am going to write about what I'm up to on a regular basis. Posting things that we love from around the world as well as creating new art, cartoon strips, short films and loads more.


Ambitious? yes! but fun too. and thats the point. I suppose that as we have become less broke, creating things like this have become more possible. I know that if I started a normal blog people wouldn't be interested in reading what I was having for breakfast or which other musicians I think are asses. So that's not the point. Think of it as bit of an online scrap book.


We are going to start building the new site really soon and we will be looking for your help. So keep your eyes peeled for how you can get involved.


As for the July run of shows. You can find out where I'm gonna be on the LIVE section of http://www.mikasounds.com I will post the dates up here by tomorrow.


I have to say one more thing. I notice that the past few months I've been getting loads of messages and comments from people in the United States and especially from South America. I'm really proud of what's been happening with my music in Argentina and Mexico, Venezuela and all over South America. I am thanking you to high heaven for giving me an excuse to tour over there on my next record. Can't wait!


Right my ride to the city has been waiting for me for 45 mins. Its almost five and I havent showered or eaten yet. My hair smells as i have refused to wash it on a "natural" wash experiment I've had going on. Now that it itches, I've had enough. Screw natural. My scalp needs chemicals.


a bientot,



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I YouTubed Tegan and Sara last night and tried to watch and listen with an open mind (because Mika mentioned them) but they didn't do a lot for me. Maybe I neeed to listen more; I certainly wasn't hooked.

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"First, train yourself to get suspicious every time you see simplicity. Any claim that the root of a problem is simple should be treated the same as a claim that the root of a problem is Bigfoot. Simplicity and Bigfoot are found in the real world with about the same frequency.


So reject binary thinking of "good vs. bad" or "us vs. them." Know problems cannot be solved with clever slogans and over-simplified step-by-step programs.


You can do that by following these simple steps."


They've just warned me to beware of anyone claiming something is simple and then told me to follow these simple steps. I couldn't tell if they were taking the p!ss or not?!


:roftl:Such a good point!!:roftl:


Look what I just discovered:hair:


Oooh they made it especially for the itchy Mika head, and then he goes and washes it, so the smiley is no longer applicable.



About the Mikasounds site....it always annoyed the sheit out of me that the little popup window would come out every time you launched it, as well as the "main" window.

Oh, and the way one needs to scroll through items once inside the sections, like news, etc...

And the way the text is all written like in one long block that spans to the sides of the screen and one needs to scroll and scroll to the sides to read it all....As in, the little blog he wrote from San Fran and on the plane where he speaks on the way to South by Southwest.


So yes, those are the things that (amongst others) I found that his site needed to change in.


It just has a very basic and cheapy look to it, the graphics are pretty, but the design of the actual page seems very crappy. Just my 2 cents.


I'm excited to see the new one! :thumb_yello::punk:

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The Australian site hasn't been updated since Grace Kelly, the Canadian link leads to the Belgium site and the Belgian link says that it no longer exists. It sounds like a joke.


Are you laughing? cos I'm not.


Yes, I did laugh when I realised how many examples of outdated/broken sites there are. But then again I always laugh at inappropriate times in serious matters, I'm sure that "Team Mika" wouldn't find their failures as funny as I do.


Actually, it really makes me laugh too :roftl:

I didn't even notice the international sites (I knew the french ones mentioned though but not thanks to Mikasounds)

And i'm sorry, but the Aussie page where you can buy tickets :naughty:

He REEEAAALLY needs to do sth :roftl:


About the Mikasounds site....it always annoyed the sheit out of me that the little popup window would come out every time you launched it, as well as the "main" window.

Oh, and the way one needs to scroll through items once inside the sections, like news, etc...


The popup annoys me too :crash:

And the fact that you have to click on "MORE" to see the news when the news could be on the front page because it's not a long text.

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Monday, May 12, 2008

My one day off in Connecticut, rain, and itchy scalp

7.jpgI have to say one more thing. I notice that the past few months I've been getting loads of messages and comments from people in the United States and especially from South America. I'm really proud of what's been happening with my music in Argentina and Mexico, Venezuela and all over South America. I am thanking you to high heaven for giving me an excuse to tour over there on my next record. Can't wait!

a bientot,



really I was sad beacuse he didn't say something about my country (Colombia !!!!!) but ...he said Southamerica!!!!!!!!! and it's ok !!!!!

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My husband listens to a radio station that plays odd music here (the main one I've been petitioning our boy to because I think he's different as well) WXPN, and they play that Tegan and Sara song. It's been on here for about three months. Can't say as I'm a big fan but that particular song grows on you after a while. :)

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Tegan and Sara have been popular for a while, Mika just jumped on the bandwagon. :fisch:


How is him mentioning he is going to one of their gigs "jumping on the bandwagon"? That doesn't tell me anything about how long he's been a fan for...

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