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Yelle gig in London, May 21st


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:naughty:Just testing your reflexes:bleh:


I'm off to bed now- utterly exhausted and need to get up at 7 tomorrow. God knows how I will make it through the day, I was knackered already when I got up this morning:roftl:.


Good night everyone


good night!! and try to sleep!! (bet you can't!):naughty:

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Oh before I forget, we tried to coax it out of him how much he'd been snooping around MFC, but I think that he didn't tell us much...Just that he doesn't come on "a lot":naughty:


But he did ask about usernames:fisch:

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Oh before I forget, we tried to coax it out of him how much he'd been snooping around MFC, but I think that he didn't tell us much...Just that he doesn't come on "a lot":naughty:


But he did ask about usernames:fisch:


really which ones?

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In short, it was fantastic to chat to him in such a normal relaxed situation. Oh, and I asked about the Novellos and "of course" he will go tomorrow. Hahaha! He didn't seem to consider it a possibility not to go.


Anyway, I don't want to hog the whole thing so I will leave stuff for Rose to post....But all in all it was a great night!!


So who's wishing now that they had gone? LOL!!


:naughty: Oh, Sara! I wished I could have gone, except for that pesky

ocean that keeps getting in my way!


Sooo happy that you got to see Mika and Andy and that you had

such a nice chat, though... hard not to be jealous, but still... I'm

thrilled for you! :thumb_yello:


Thanks for the wonderful report! Made my night! :biggrin2:



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Oh before I forget, we tried to coax it out of him how much he'd been snooping around MFC, but I think that he didn't tell us much...Just that he doesn't come on "a lot":naughty:


But he did ask about usernames:fisch:


do tell !!!

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I hope! That would be a shame.




Cr@p that would be a bit mad, hehe...Not sure how I would handle that!




Ok gals....now are you ready?


Yelle was great, although they started quite late (just after 10) and the support before that was ATROCIOUS!! But she was fantastic. And I mean FANTASTIC.

Full of energy, she did quite a few songs, some I had not heard before, and the usual ones.

She was great and the crowd loved her. There were around 200 people I would say, maximum...maybe less.It was a very small venue.


The funny bit was when she had just started, and Rose says to me: "there's Andy". So I look.....and I say to her "And next to him is Mika":roftl:. They were there with some other friends.


We let them do their thing during the gig and did ours, though Rose said a quick hi to Andy, but we really didn't want to appear stalkerish or anything, so we *ignored* them. I must add, quite well I think! We didn't even look at them.

Well, hardly:roftl:. They were both enjoying the gig a lot, and Mika seems to have taken a leaf out of Andy's book when it comes to dancing to Yelle's music, as he was doing this really "crazy" dance. Very cute.


Anyway so after the gig was done, we were sitting around, and the place became quite empty. We took the chance to go and say hi, and I'm not sure how, but we ended up sitting next to the M and having a nice little chat with him for quite a bit.

It was really nice. I said that I was planning on not saying that we'd seen him (thinking that it was him out on his own time, so maybe he wasn't expecting to be "seen") but he said that it was ok to say.


We chatted about many things, and he was trying to convince us quite a bit that we should go to the Paris show:naughty:.

Oh and we spoke about MFC and how things should start changing and moving "soon". Not quite sure on top of what we were talking about here, but he said what we already knew (that "we" are already official).


In short, it was fantastic to chat to him in such a normal relaxed situation. Oh, and I asked about the Novellos and "of course" he will go tomorrow. Hahaha! He didn't seem to consider it a possibility not to go.


Anyway, I don't want to hog the whole thing so I will leave stuff for Rose to post....But all in all it was a great night!!


So who's wishing now that they had gone? LOL!!





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really which ones?


Our names we use on here.

He even asked me to spell mine out, god I hope he doesn't go looking on the Oldlings thread:-0

Back to the beginning again, the support act was, to say the least, different!

I know some people like to experiment in, shall we say expressive music. But there is expressive and downright terrifying! I haven't heard a guy scream like that in a very long time.

At one point we had to go back into the bar area, as we couldn't heard ourselves talk.

I really was trying to find something nice about it, but failed miserably.

The venue is very interesting, it's an old stables and the bar area is where the stalls for the horses would have been, so they have been turned into small rooms for different things, one being a green room/dressing room for the bands, which tonight is where Yelle and he band hung out in, before the show.

Yelle's show was fantasic, I love her energy and the audience really responded to it tonight. As Sara said, she did all the songs we know as well as some new ones. At the end no one wanted her to leave, and she must have done 3 encores, before finally escaping, bless her.

As Sara also said, we hung out with Mika and Andy after the show. I said hello to Andy before the start, when Mika had wondered off somewhere, I didn't really want to bother him too much. But Andy said to come and say hello after the show, so I went to talk to Andy first and he said Mika wanted to say hello, so I went over to say hi and ended up sitting talking to him for ages. He was really sweet the whole time, even when I wouldn't tell him what the new costume would be, but I think he's now a bit nervous as I said to him "you want big, you're getting big"LOL!

And if Mika can't get it out of me, you guys have NO chance.Ha ha ha!

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Our names we use on here.

He even asked me to spell mine out, god I hope he doesn't go looking on the Oldlings thread:-0

Back to the beginning again, the support act was, to say the least, different!

I know some people like to experiment in, shall we say expressive music. But there is expressive and downright terrifying! I haven't heard a guy scream like that in a very long time.

At one point we had to go back into the bar area, as we couldn't heard ourselves talk.

I really was trying to find something nice about it, but failed miserably.

The venue is very interesting, it's an old stables and the bar area is where the stalls for the horses would have been, so they have been turned into small rooms for different things, one being a green room/dressing room for the bands, which tonight is where Yelle and he band hung out in, before the show.

Yelle's show was fantasic, I love her energy and the audience really responded to it tonight. As Sara said, she did all the songs we know as well as some new ones. At the end no one wanted her to leave, and she must have done 3 encores, before finally escaping, bless her.

As Sara also said, we hung out with Mika and Andy after the show. I said hello to Andy before the start, when Mika had wondered off somewhere, I didn't really want to bother him too much. But Andy said to come and say hello after the show, so I went to talk to Andy first and he said Mika wanted to say hello, so I went over to say hi and ended up sitting talking to him for ages. He was really sweet the whole time, even when I wouldn't tell him what the new costume would be, but I think he's now a bit nervous as I said to him "you want big, you're getting big"LOL!

And if Mika can't get it out of me, you guys have NO chance.Ha ha ha!


Glad you had such a great evening ! Still can't believe how lucky you girls are !


When Sara said he asked about usernames I thought he asked about some of the members, like who uses what username...

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I know! I must admit that it was a great opportunity...But did I not say it?:naughty:Nobody took my hunch seriously:thumbdown:


No, I seriously didn't think he'd go! I bow down to your superior wisdom!! :bow::bow:


That is so cool for you and Rose that you got to talk to them. Awesome!


Danika is going to be gutted. Hell I'm gutted and there's no way I could go.


Yelle is fantastic isn't she? Our audience was much larger - maybe 700-800. The crowd was nuts. Between her energy and the audience it was like a mini Mika gig. When I saw her wearing neon bracelets I had a flashback to Brixton. :wub2:


That incredible photographer who got great pics at the Mika gig was at Yelle too. He just uploaded some more photos a day or two ago. This hasn't been Photoshopped. It's just a trick of the lighting.



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No, I seriously didn't think he'd go! I bow down to your superior wisdom!! :bow::bow:


That is so cool for you and Rose that you got to talk to them. Awesome!


Danika is going to be gutted. Hell I'm gutted and there's no way I could go.


Yelle is fantastic isn't she? Our audience was much larger - maybe 700-800. The crowd was nuts. Between her energy and the audience it was like a mini Mika gig. When I saw her wearing neon bracelets I had a flashback to Brixton. :wub2:


That incredible photographer who got great pics at the Mika gig was at Yelle too. He just uploaded some more photos a day or two ago. This hasn't been Photoshopped. It's just a trick of the lighting.





Awesome pic indeed !

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Glad you had such a great evening ! Still can't believe how lucky you girls are !


When Sara said he asked about usernames I thought he asked about some of the members, like who uses what username...


Well, I was thinking Andy might be as he loves Yelle, but I wasn't too sure about Mika, work commitments and whatnot, but it was a nice surprise to see them there, that with Yelles performance, made an amazing end to what I thought was a rubbish day.

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I'm so happy for the two of you...lucky!

Firstly you get to go see Yelle and then you see Mika and Andy!!! And you guys chatted...OMG that's something we all dream about but would never really happen!!!

I'm a bit jealous but still so very happy for y'all.....I'd be too nervous to approach Mika if I see him outside of a gig/event though..although I don't have to worry cause I live nowhere near England :thumbdown:

AW I would have loved to see him dancing :blush-anim-cl:

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Curse living in Japan.:annoyed_h4h:


I'm moving to London:ap_rosetinted:


Can you believe my quasi brother-in-law was the promoter for Yelle here in Toronto? Why couldn't he be the promoter in London? It's not even 6 degrees of separation for me...it's more like 6000 km.

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oh my god! I was so positively sure as well that you'd see him, oh you lucky, lucky ... thing you two.. although SFG were amazing, I really wish I went to see Yelle, not only that she's not performing again in London any time soon is she? :sad: Oh I'm still so freaking jealous. Unless I see him today that is, but then I wouldn't know what to say.


edit: ooh ooh was he wearing an earring!? :naughty:

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Thanks girls!! It was really nice.


Oh and no granny curls, just his hair normally "done". :wub2:


Pffff! Typical! Fan riff-raff always get the granny style :thumbdown:


Hooray for your instinct, Sara :thumb_yello:, how nice, 200 people, I almost can't even imagine that. :blush-anim-cl:


And also good for Yelle's future gigs, no worries about having her venues sold out - to MFC people :naughty:


*run MIKA* :lol3:

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I hope! That would be a shame.




Cr@p that would be a bit mad, hehe...Not sure how I would handle that!




Ok gals....now are you ready?


Yelle was great, although they started quite late (just after 10) and the support before that was ATROCIOUS!! But she was fantastic. And I mean FANTASTIC.

Full of energy, she did quite a few songs, some I had not heard before, and the usual ones.

She was great and the crowd loved her. There were around 200 people I would say, maximum...maybe less.It was a very small venue.


The funny bit was when she had just started, and Rose says to me: "there's Andy". So I look.....and I say to her "And next to him is Mika":roftl:. They were there with some other friends.


We let them do their thing during the gig and did ours, though Rose said a quick hi to Andy, but we really didn't want to appear stalkerish or anything, so we *ignored* them. I must add, quite well I think! We didn't even look at them.

Well, hardly:roftl:. They were both enjoying the gig a lot, and Mika seems to have taken a leaf out of Andy's book when it comes to dancing to Yelle's music, as he was doing this really "crazy" dance. Very cute.


Anyway so after the gig was done, we were sitting around, and the place became quite empty. We took the chance to go and say hi, and I'm not sure how, but we ended up sitting next to the M and having a nice little chat with him for quite a bit.

It was really nice. I said that I was planning on not saying that we'd seen him (thinking that it was him out on his own time, so maybe he wasn't expecting to be "seen") but he said that it was ok to say.


We chatted about many things, and he was trying to convince us quite a bit that we should go to the Paris show:naughty:.

Oh and we spoke about MFC and how things should start changing and moving "soon". Not quite sure on top of what we were talking about here, but he said what we already knew (that "we" are already official).


In short, it was fantastic to chat to him in such a normal relaxed situation. Oh, and I asked about the Novellos and "of course" he will go tomorrow. Hahaha! He didn't seem to consider it a possibility not to go.


Anyway, I don't want to hog the whole thing so I will leave stuff for Rose to post....But all in all it was a great night!!


So who's wishing now that they had gone? LOL!!




Darn, I felt sick last night, I feel even sicker now! :naughty:

Never mind, you win some, you lose some.

No use crying over spilled milk.

Whaaaaa :tears:

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Wow, that was a shock and I so very nearly went!

But now I have had time to think about it, I was really not up to it yesterday, still feeling ropey today and my hair needs cutting and my roots done. :naughty:

So I wasn't destined to go, but I am so pleased for Rose and Sara!

Nice to know he's out and about too!


Edit: Oh and I have no money either!

Definately not meant for me!

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Wow, that was a shock and I so very nearly went!

But now I have had time to think about it, I was really not up to it yesterday, still feeling ropey today and my hair needs cutting and my roots done. :naughty:

So I wasn't destined to go, but I am so pleased for Rose and Sara!

Nice to know he's out and about too!


Edit: Oh and I have no money either!

Definately not meant for me!


Yeah. Go on, put lipstick on the pig sarcastic_hand.gif


I have to admit, I probably would have gone if I lived anywhere near. Yelle's odd, but catchy, too, and fun... with venues of that size you can hardly do wrong.. and well, the opportunity to spot Mr. Curlz in a public place uncurled and out of his stage role... hm.

I probably wouldn't have had the heart to walk up to them after the gig, I guess for me basking in his mere presence would have done already. Yes, I'm frugal. :roftl:


Nothing against anyone on here but honestly, I'm quite happy it was just the two of them. Imagine, there would have been 50 die hard Mika fans out of 200 people, it would have been scary. And even if they all behaved in a more or less respectful way approaching him, they'd be still... approaching him, if you get what I mean. Nothing against a group of two or three or five people if they have a sense for what's okay and what's enough.

I'm genuinely happy for the two of them :cheerful_h4h: but I also think just a few more people would have sort of spoilt it.

But I'm also surprised it was just them. I thought Yelle would attract more Mika fans. Well, the scenario would definitely have been different if she had had her own gig at the end of February ...muhahaha :bleh:

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No, I seriously didn't think he'd go! I bow down to your superior wisdom!! :bow::bow:


That is so cool for you and Rose that you got to talk to them. Awesome!


Danika is going to be gutted. Hell I'm gutted and there's no way I could go.


Yelle is fantastic isn't she? Our audience was much larger - maybe 700-800. The crowd was nuts. Between her energy and the audience it was like a mini Mika gig. When I saw her wearing neon bracelets I had a flashback to Brixton. :wub2:


That incredible photographer who got great pics at the Mika gig was at Yelle too. He just uploaded some more photos a day or two ago. This hasn't been Photoshopped. It's just a trick of the lighting.




Morning all.

That's what she wore last night. I don't remember any neon bracelets, but she might have had one on.

Just woke up, didn't get home 'til 3am.

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