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The Australian Thread: Part Thirteen

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And I had two Mika dreams last night. And it's not even like I've been on the MFC for the last couple of days!


Hmm now I remember. I had some funky dream last night and Mika was in it.


I think it might have been because I was watching random youtube videos last night and one of the last few I watched was something with Grace Kelly, he wasn't in the video though. I guess it was enough for my mind to pull him into the dream. No worries though, it was just him singing on stage. I get a great view of concerts in my dreams. :bleh:


I have such an odd way of dreaming. A lot of times my mind takes things that I've seen or heard about over a span of time and finds SOME way to mesh it all into a dream. :blink:

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I have such an odd way of dreaming. A lot of times my mind takes things that I've seen or heard about over a span of time and finds SOME way to mesh it all into a dream. :blink:


This isn't odd at all. This is what most dreams are, but most people can't usually remember seeing or hearing the things that crop up in the dreams (and it may be just a line from a song or an image from an advert).

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Very busy on other threads tonight so not really time to post here properly:no:


OD - a pica (sometimes spelt pika) is a small rodent related to rabbits but has small ears and looks more like a lemming. I'm sure you really wanted to know that.:wink2:

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Very busy on other threads tonight so not really time to post here properly


OD - a pica (sometimes spelt pika) is a small rodent related to rabbits but has small ears and looks more like a lemming. I'm sure you really wanted to know that.


Awesome. That's my thing learnt for the day :biggrin2: *gives up on studying* *assumes she will be asked what a pica is in exam*


:boing::pbjt: haven't forgotten you even if she has





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MZEEEE .....Ames just reported into Myspace .... she is back & fine .... now I'm going to bed .... a very late bunny indeed .... G'night !! :huglove:


We knew she'd be ok..


This isn't odd at all. This is what most dreams are, but most people can't usually remember seeing or hearing the things that crop up in the dreams (and it may be just a line from a song or an image from an advert).

I've been analysing dreams on the AMF.. It's something I've done for years. Of course I don't guarantee I'm right :naughty: But it's fun.


you transferred me over here




*Slaps you* :roftl::roftl: You should come by more often

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Yes, I saw that.. It is possible we'll get toured but I'm not holding my breath. I enjoy being pessimistic about some things.. :lol3:




I feel the need to post at least once in this thread before exams complete their goal of taking away my ability to string two coherent words together.


:lmfao: 28! Well done! :punk:

How many exams have you got left?

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I iz dere.


ooh, sew yew arr :naughty:


Auo, yous iz hertin mi brayn


Two more and they're the nastiest ones of all. :sad:


:sad: Aww, that sucks, at least your's have been spread out, I had all my hard ones at once and then they give me a week for the easiest, what gives? :huh:

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:sad: Aww, that sucks, at least your's have been spread out, I had all my hard ones at once and then they give me a week for the easiest, what gives? :huh:

I had my first few in a row too. Our exam timetables must be especially sh!tty. :boxed:


good poynt :wink2:


(haha, I'm really bad at it, I can not think of any way to change 'good')

'Doog', maybe? *shrug*

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I had my first few in a row too. Our exam timetables must be especially sh!tty. :boxed:


Oh, sucky, how many do you have? :boxed:


itz gud :naughty:


:bow: :bow:


LOOK AT THIS: http://www.skipharder.com There's a couple more videos in the site, I'm not sure if you have to sign up to see them (because I did anyway:naughty:), but this is fricking hilarious. And perfect. Screw skating (*glares at rollerblades that I've only used once*), I'm going to be a pro skipper! :punk:

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Oh, sucky, how many do you have? :boxed:

Two more. Yourself?


LOOK AT THIS: http://www.skipharder.com There's a couple more videos in the site, I'm not sure if you have to sign up to see them (because I did anyway:naughty:), but this is fricking hilarious. And perfect. Screw skating (*glares at rollerblades that I've only used once*), I'm going to be a pro skipper! :punk:

Make sure to buy a good sports bra.

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Evening all. Was just watching Rove, cos Michael Buble was on... And about a year ago it was Mika... *sigh*


Am I too late or have I managed to do it again......:bleh:





I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS!! On Friday night I was in JB Hi-Fi and I asked them to check to see if they had a release date for Relax yet. Not only was the answer "NO", but the guy tried to say that he didn't think Mika was going to be releasing anything more here off LICM. "Isn't it time for a new album?" he says. "Yes, he's currently working on it!" says I. Much easier to come here and find out what's happening....


you transferred me over here




Weely! And there was me thinking I was safe if I stayed out of the Oldlings!

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