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This is absolutely beautiful! :thumb_yello Love it!


It is, isn't it? And she said that it's 'not photography' :roftl: - What is it then, a boiled cabbage? :naughty

It's amazing, Nono.

Aww you guys are so sweet:wub2:

It's not me, it's just my cat. She's a good model :das:







wow, that's really cool!:punk:

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This is what I've got...


'Tis my eye:



Do you see the similarities? Or is that just me...

Well… the center of your eye has some lines with a different color (around the black area)… it seems like the reflection on the wall around the heart! I don't know if I'm making any sense...:naughty:

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The sun setting over Hyde Park earlier...







Very pretty! Sunrise and sunset are pretty much the golden hours for photography. The light is so dramatic and not flat at all.


I don't think this is considered photography, but...



I love cats, they're so weird haha.


oh ur an exilimer too!


I got this one



made for pro photography


Did it really say that? Made for pro photography? HAHAHAH well then, why am I bothering to lug around a 10 pound camera and tripod? Silly me. haha


Ok, so yesterday I was studying, and when I looked up I noticed the sunlight was being reflected on the back of my MFC flashing heart, creating a nice effect.


Here it goes:




Nothing special, I know...but I wanted to share anyway!


No no! That's very pretty, amazing and interesting! I wish I had made a picture like that.


As someone who's addicted to taking pictures (although I am still quite crap at it :crybaby:) I really enjoy it, and I can't believe that I never discovered this thread before.

Your pictures are incredible!!! Some of these are pro-standard for sure.

I will certainly keep an eye on it from now on . I took a couple of nice close-ups of my dogs the other day, they are not spectacular but I think that they are nice enough.

I will post them now when I get to the other laptop :thumb_yello:


Hey! This thread isn't bumped very often so that's probably why you have missed it.

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Feels nice to check in here. I haven't had the chance because I've been busy working at school from 8am to 1am. 17 hours, I've never been so tired for so long before!


We got 21 assignments, 17 in one day and we can't photograph other students so we have to find models... so things are going to get interesting!


Anyway, I finally got to try some event/photojournalism photography. :punk: Last weekend I went to NYC to photography professional bull riders at Madison Square Garden because my dad (who's not a bull rider) was being honored in the event along with some other people. I got ahold of the PR person and everything was set up and I got to photography along side other photographers from newspapers and places like Sports Illustrated down in the pit near where the bulls came out. It was such an experience and being in a press room, just sitting back and watching people and everything that was going on. :wub2:


I haven't had time to look through all the photos though so here's a couple from school and one from NYC.


Commercial Studio. Light bulb and pear.




Nothing too grand but we had an in class assignment to shoot. The instructor gives us interesting things to shoot, like one time he had us go outside and walk around with our eyes closed and shoot what we heard or felt.







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Awwww B! Gorgeous pics! :wub2




Aww horses :mf_lustslow :roftl


It's just one horse :P But thanks :wub2:


:lmfao: :lmfao :lmfao


I can't stop laughing! Do you have a slightest idea how NEED to make a caption out of this?? :roftl:


:roftl: Are you gonna use all my pics? Even the not-Mika-ones? :blink:



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I'm gonna show some pictures ... hold on .. :roftl:




(sorry if I'm posting double, but I don't think I already posted them)

Really beautiful!:wub2:

This is my favorite photo… This seems to be a very calm place and full of good vibes!:thumb_yello:

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And my pride ... !



Wild and very beautiful!:wub2:


And some funny ones ..




I'm scare of this one!:blink::roftl:


Dead pony..



I love when horses do that! They look really funny when they roll over on the floor!:roftl:

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