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That does sounds like a game show! :aah:


Oh cool -- it'll be awesome to have those close to you there! Hope all goes well, I'm sure it will. :biggrin2:


Aww, it's normal.


Just randomly: for those people who don't pass or whatever, do their photos suck really bad? Or are these judges just really though?


More like a game show that determines if over $50,000 was put to good use.


I thought some of the portfolios that failed were reeeally good. Some of the photos outdid mine. It seemed to be really tough judging the first two days but things seem to be okay now. I'm just not going to feel too comfortable. Have to hope for the best prepare for the worst! *keeps fingers crossed*

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More like a game show that determines if over $50,000 was put to good use.


I thought some of the portfolios that failed were reeeally good. Some of the photos outdid mine. It seemed to be really tough judging the first two days but things seem to be okay now. I'm just not going to feel too comfortable. Have to hope for the best prepare for the worst! *keeps fingers crossed*

The most dangerous of game shows. :(


I'll be keeping my fingers (and toes and arms and legs and eyes) crossed for you! :original:

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The most dangerous of game shows. :(


I'll be keeping my fingers (and toes and arms and legs and eyes) crossed for you! :original:


Ha thanks!


I keep on having dreams about it. So far I've had five.

1st one I passed

2nd one I failed

3rd one I passed

4th one I fell out of the dream before I could find out if I passed or failed

5th one was a jumble I think I passed failed then passed.


Gah :aah:

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My sister wants to know if there's any Polaroid Spectra instant film and/or Polaroid Spectra Grid film at any of the local camera stores/cvs pharmacy/target/walmart in your area?


Please let me know. :bleh:

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My sister wants to know if there's any Polaroid Spectra instant film and/or Polaroid Spectra Grid film at any of the local camera stores/cvs pharmacy/target/walmart in your area?


Please let me know. :bleh:


Aw I don't sorry! :( I haven't shot polaroid since I was young!


Oooh, good luck Jen!!! :shocked:


Thanks! :)

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Since this thread is about photography...I guess you can answer my question.

Can you tell me where can I found textures or other pics' date=' which can funcion like layers for signatures?




http://www.brusheezy.com/ :thumb_yello:

There's more brushes than patterns but some of the brushes are really good quality that you can make them really big and use it as a pattern.

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OMG OMG! That's amazing! :boing:






That's great! CONGRATULATIONS! :woot_jump:


Thanks everyone! I truly didn't think I was going to pass. Judging was tough and about half the first group failed, everyone in the second group passed and then our group got a speech that scared me and the first person failed.


I could seriously feel my heart pounding against my chest, it was beating so hard and this was before my portfolio was on stage. I was having such bad panic attacks while waiting.


Finally the curtains started to open (I was third to go) and I caught sight of one of my photos and after I saw the second one my head went down into my lap and I started crying. Good grief it was so terrifying... the whole year and all of your hard work and time was up on stage and out of your hands. Every time I tried to lift up my head to take in my photos on stage and feel proud my head fell back into my lap. :naughty: Oh well, my other friend started sobbing when her's was up on stage too so I wasn't alone. :naughty:


I really didn't think I was going to pass because one of the panelists (a big photographer) only spent close to two minutes looking at it and walked off the stage then the other two followed 30ish seconds later. I thought it was so bad that there wasn't much to look at. It's so hard to judge because if they don't spend long looking at them you think they're bad but if they take a long time you think somethings wrong.


I was then called up on stage and I walked up with my mom, best friend and a good friend from school. We sat down and my chair was angled towards the announcer. He then said, "Jen" *long pause* "portfolio accepted" then the spotlight on him turned off. It took me a second to realize what he had said (because accepted and not accepted sound close haha) then I fell forward in the chair. My hands were covering my face like I was going to start crying but instead I kind of squealed/laughed then cried. :lmfao: My mom thought I was goign to fall out of the chair and onto my face when I did that and when I finally got off stage 22 minutes later after the review my friend told me that she thought I was going to have a heart attack hahaha.


Whew I'm SOOOOOOOOOO relieved. They liked my sense of humor I had with my photos and said that my strongest ones weren't really the portrait studio type but more like photos that if someone from a magazine had the right article I'd be the photographer for it.

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Oh Jen! It's not me graduating but I'm getting goosebumps.

What an ordeal you went through on stage.

Congratualtions! :flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2::flowers2:


Thanks!! The process is so intense. I thought I was going to die waiting haha. I'm so glad I had my mom and friend come up so that I could go the first day. I wouldn't be able to go not knowing if I'd be going the first day or the second. I had my friend tape it but she only was able to get them then my instructors looking at my photos and then my review. My camera crapped out when I found out I was accepted. Oh well. It's still nice to have the review taped because everything was such a blur after finding out I was accepted.


It feels so odd when my mom asked how it felt to be a professional photographer now.


I'm going to sleep so well this weekend hahahaha.


Jen, I just read on your site that the photo with you holding chocolate. You ACTUALLY had the chocolate frosting on your face! Wooooah...cool. :shocked:


Ha yeah! It was all real frosting and sprinkles and it was SUCH a mess but so fun! I'd do it all over again, in fact if I thought of it sooner I would have recreated that for my final portfolio. I'm going to be updating the site in the next couple of weeks so it looks more professional. I just need to set up a date with an instructor. : )

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Thanks!! The process is so intense. I thought I was going to die waiting haha. I'm so glad I had my mom and friend come up so that I could go the first day. I wouldn't be able to go not knowing if I'd be going the first day or the second. I had my friend tape it but she only was able to get them then my instructors looking at my photos and then my review. My camera crapped out when I found out I was accepted. Oh well. It's still nice to have the review taped because everything was such a blur after finding out I was accepted.


It feels so odd when my mom asked how it felt to be a professional photographer now.


I'm going to sleep so well this weekend hahahaha.



Ha yeah! It was all real frosting and sprinkles and it was SUCH a mess but so fun! I'd do it all over again, in fact if I thought of it sooner I would have recreated that for my final portfolio. I'm going to be updating the site in the next couple of weeks so it looks more professional. I just need to set up a date with an instructor. : )

Cameras stop working at the most inconvenient times sometimes. :naughty:


What did you say?

Wait, you saaaaaaid "FANTASTIC!"?


Nice! Don't set the alarm. :mf_rosetinted:


I can only imagine. :shocked:

Good luck with the site. A more professional looking site will definately be great and display your photos how they deserve to be shown! :thumb_yello:

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Cameras stop working at the most inconvenient times sometimes. :naughty:


What did you say?

Wait, you saaaaaaid "FANTASTIC!"?


Nice! Don't set the alarm. :mf_rosetinted:


I can only imagine. :shocked:

Good luck with the site. A more professional looking site will definately be great and display your photos how they deserve to be shown! :thumb_yello:


I told her that I didn't even want to think about it haha. Everything was just so crazy that day and I didn't realize that as soon as I passed it meant that I'm officially one. It's a crazy thought to be considered a professional at something. I still feel like I have so much to learn, but practice makes perfect and experimenting finds something new.


Oh don't worry, I won't ever have to set my alarm again until June 18th.


*sigh of relief* It's done. I keep on having random bursts of happiness thinking about it. :kachinga: I hate to keep going on about it but it's such a huge accomplishment and I can't share the joy with most of my good friends here because they didn't pass. :( I was hoping they would so we could all be happy and do spur of the moment fun stuff together.

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I told her that I didn't even want to think about it haha. Everything was just so crazy that day and I didn't realize that as soon as I passed it meant that I'm officially one. It's a crazy thought to be considered a professional at something. I still feel like I have so much to learn, but practice makes perfect and experimenting finds something new.


Oh don't worry, I won't ever have to set my alarm again until June 18th.


*sigh of relief* It's done. I keep on having random bursts of happiness thinking about it. :kachinga: I hate to keep going on about it but it's such a huge accomplishment and I can't share the joy with most of my good friends here because they didn't pass. :( I was hoping they would so we could all be happy and do spur of the moment fun stuff together.


It's a little hard to understand because I really don't know anything about how the photo education works, especially in an other country than my own; you had to be on stage to receive your results? My good, could it be more public? An event like this is of course connected to so many feelings; imagine the poor soles that didn’t make it!:boxed:


Yes Jennie, now you are a professional photographer and with that approach about learning you will go very far!:thumb_yello:

Life is a constant learning process, you literally learn all the time, and the moment you stop learning and are saying that you already know everything that is worth to know, you really loose something valuable!


I’m looking forward to visit your site again….:wub2:

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It's a little hard to understand because I really don't know anything about how the photo education works, especially in an other country than my own; you had to be on stage to receive your results? My good, could it be more public? An event like this is of course connected to so many feelings; imagine the poor soles that didn’t make it!:boxed:


Yes Jennie, now you are a professional photographer and with that approach about learning you will go very far!:thumb_yello:

Life is a constant learning process, you literally learn all the time, and the moment you stop learning and are saying that you already know everything that is worth to know, you really loose something valuable!


I’m looking forward to visit your site again….:wub2:


Yeah we had to go up on stage to find out if we passed or failed. If you failed you go to re-review so the game isn't over yet!


I know it sounds strange doing this so publicly but we were told the reason why is because you can learn so much from someone else's photography and by what the panelists say as they critique it. Even though all you do is sit there half the time I feel like I've learned more from it.


We've been told over and over again that this is the best critque that we'll ever get on our photos because when you send your portfolio to someone they're not going to put the photos in matte board frames and have them sitting on shelves under bright lights. They'll just flip through it on a coffee table or desk, some while eating messy foods that get all over it.

I do feel bad for the ones that take "portfolio not accepted" really hard though. It makes you start to tear up in the audience. I'm so glad mine was accepted because just seeing my work on stage killed me enough. :naughty:


So true. I also don't think that there is anyone out there who knows everything either. I would think if they did or thought they did life would get pretty boring after that.


Thanks! I can't wait for it to look amazing!


Thank you very much. :biggrin2:


You're welcome. We used that site while we were making our ads. I love it. :)

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