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Forum Update/Message from Mika


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Wow I am a little overwhelmed and slightly tearful that I am not quite sure what to say. I know in reality 30 hours isn't a long time but when your social life depends on it, it really is:naughty:

Our forum really is amazing, even when we are down we pick our selves up and there is no stopping us.

First of all thanks to all the admins for all your hard work ( I truly love you guys:wub2:). The chat room was fabulous, I really enjoyed the 'I wanna talk to you' :das: every time someone came in LOL and also the videos and pictures on the error page really made me smile. It brought back memories from Hammersmith last year- another time when we picked ourselves up (obviously the huge quantities of alcohol helped that time:roftl:)

Secondly to Mika himself- Wow writing a message to us personally really means a lot, especially one written close to midnight on a Saturday. Not many people would do that, they would have waited till the morning or the next official working day (I'm loving Mika's work ethic). It's such a nice feeling to know that Mika really understands what we do here and how important it is to us.

And to all you guys. This place is special. I like the fact that people from all over the world have made lifelong friendships through a popstar. This place is like a family- we have people that feel like our brothers and sisters, cousins and nutty aunties (not naming any names :naughty:). We also meet up and do things not Mika related- but we all have this one connecting force.

Right I'm not one to be soppy (unless I have had a drink) but I think it takes being away from somewhere for a little while to truly appreciate what you have.

I really excited for the plans Mika has for us, things can only get better :biggrin2:


I resemble that remark jems, I couldn't get on to the magical chat room for some reason so I really DID have to go cold chicken (pfft just went looking for a chicken smiley and we don't have one...:shocked: I can't believe MFC aint got its own chicken smiley.


But yeah, this place is so special to us all and as they song goes "You don't Know Waht Youv'e Got, Until You Loose It"

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I resemble that remark jems, I couldn't get on to the magical chat room for some reason so I really DID have to go cold chicken (pfft just went looking for a chicken smiley and we don't have one...:shocked: I can't believe MFC aint got its own chicken smiley.


But yeah, this place is so special to us all and as they song goes "You don't Know Waht Youv'e Got, Until You Loose It"

We do hun? You missed it.


Take this :poke:


and a nice :ap_rosetinted: and a :kaf: kind and fine wiz!

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We do hun? You missed it.


Take this :poke:


and a nice :ap_rosetinted: and a :kaf: kind and fine wiz!

oh yeah I guess I was looking for a yellow one, I thought chicks were yellow but then hens are white...hmmm :naughty: oh the dilema.

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I agree! I think it should be Mika to tell us about our officialdom...and not Jerry...it's been, what, nearly 4 months now?


blimey Caz don't be so impatient, it takes 9 months to make a baby after all, unless your an elephant and I think it's 2 years for them...lets hope it's not an elephant baby. :naughty:

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He just noticed we were down because he missed his nightly puruse of the MFC. :naughty:


well yes that's cos he is as much interested in himself and what he gets up to like we are , bet he's always on the mikagasmic thread.:naughty:

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well yes that's cos he is as much interested in himself and what he gets up to like we are , bet he's always on the mikagasmic thread.:naughty:


I honestly hope he will never take a look in that specific thread! :lmfao:

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blimey Caz don't be so impatient, it takes 9 months to make a baby after all, unless your an elephant and I think it's 2 years for them...lets hope it's not an elephant baby. :naughty:


Indian or African?

I am the resident expert you know.:ap_rosetinted:

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Ah, this thread is making me all mushy :blush-anim-cl:

I was expecting to enter the chatroom again, and here we are, back from the void. I really missed all the pics and the smilies while the forum was down. But I also enjoyed the fast and very interactive chatting.

So many nice things happened in that room: I've talked to people I normally don't meet, we had people impersonating Mika and his evil-twin, we were chatting with StandardToaster about the boring error-page and saw it evolve, Christine reading us the Mika-bulletin before it was sent etc. I really felt part of the MFC-family. :wub2:


Thanks to everyone involved to help solve the problems. You've all done a great job :thumb_yello:

And how sweet of Mika to get involved personally. *sniffs*

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Awwww... everyone's gone all marshmallowy, sweet and gooey -- even

my dear bab. :wub2: I feel like I just want to add my 2p.


This forum has become something amazing... but not just because of

Mika or the mods... it's because of the individuals who contribute here.

We may have 10,000+ members on record, but the active core group

is far fewer -- and those of us who are here every day have certainly

formed a special bond. I know that even though I may not have a

lot of interaction with certain members -- say for example Ingie --

if there's a day when I don't see her name on the Who's Online list,

I wonder about her and hope she'll be back soon. What I'm trying to

say is, we've all grown to care about each other -- we're not

virtual strangers; we have become virtual friends. :wink2:

And that's a very special thing, in this day and age, in particular.


I noticed in the chatroom last night, there were girls from all over, and

they were marveling at how they could be talking to someone from

somewhere else -- anywhere else -- in the world, and still find things

in common with them, and have an enjoyable time talking with them.

How cool is that? I've said it before, and I'll say it again -- there is

a certain "We are the World" aspect to this place, and I wish the rest

of the world could take a lesson from how we all get along (most of

the time :naughty: ) and resolve differences and band together to

get things done.


OK, heading into CareBear mode, so I'll just close by saying this: I'm so

glad that I've gotten to know you all, whether it's just cyber-ly or

whether I've been lucky enough to meet you IRL (and I am *so* glad

I made the effort to go to Glasgow and NYC and had the chance to

meet even more MFC'ers than I would have otherwise!). I love being

a part of this forum.


Thanks again to StandardToaster and lollipop_monkey (Andrew and Mana),

our Dream Team, who were integral to getting things going again, to

Christine for the brilliant chatroom, and to

FREDDIESDOUBLE and all my fellow mods who are ever-ready to provide

moral or whatever kind of support is needed -- you all rock!


Now, back to the business of the forum -- before this gets to sounding

any more like a sappy awards acceptance speech :naughty:





thanks everybody again:wub2:

i guess i'm gonna cry:tears:

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do you think mika actually wrote that though? im sorry, i just ddont see him using those words. but hey, im not his stalker :lmao:


I was thinking that too, but hey, what do I know :bleh:

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*imagines Mika on the next tour flying across the stage on those wires, wearing a Superman type outfit and a masquerade mask, exclaiming "I AM SUPERMIKA!!"*




Hmmm I dunno Caz, remember how he winged about it chaffing in a very tender place when he filmed H.E lol wouldn't want him to chaffe himself like that every time he did a gig (unless I could be in charge of the 1st aid box:das::taz::licks_lips::angel_not:

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Hmmm I dunno Caz, remember how he winged about it chaffing in a very tender place when he filmed H.E lol wouldn't want him to chaffe himself like that every time he did a gig (unless I could be in charge of the 1st aid box:das::taz::licks_lips::angel_not:


Cheeky! :roftl::roftl:

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OOoooh this thread has grown alot since this morning... :thumb_yello:


Makes me feel really proud to be a member here after reading everyone's posts... :blush-anim-cl:


*Now where are those tissues*


I don't normally post on forums... I never really used to have anything to say... I don't know what it is about this place that is so different for me, and so special. It's not even Mika to a degree, he's just the starting point... it's you lot... It's just the vibe I get from those I talk to in here... :bleh:


I can't even explain it really... you all know what I mean anyway....


MFC is amazing... Mika is so much more than amazing... enough said really :wub2:



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YAY WE'RE BACK!!! :biggrin2:


Thanks to everyone StandardToaster, all the mods, Mika's management.. well done :thumb_yello: and


OFCOURSE THANK U Mika for your words and care it's really appreciated :wub2:

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i guess im a bit late but anyway , i just wanted to say that its amazing how we all are like a big family and thanks to StandarToaster and lolipop_monkey for making this place working again.

About the chatroom, i think it was really cool that i could talk to everybody in the chat, that i had not even see in forum before but it was really nice and i actually thik we should something like that in daily MFC life !


and aof course thanks MIKA that he cares about his fans so much :wub2:

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