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Forum Update/Message from Mika


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I am a bit late with my thanks - but they are no less sincere!!


Andrew and Mana - thanks for being there, all the time, and keeping

things running as well as you have done. And Andrew, thanks

for telling me how to register - I thought I just had to use my

MFC details - but when that didn't work you stepped in and

told me what to do!!! :huglove:


Christine - thanks for the brilliant chat room - it was a life-line and

my only problem was how to schedule a toilet break without missing

a whole page of chat!! :naughty:


Deb, Fred and all the mod team - thanks for your constant work and

input - the myspace bulletins were a great help. Communication in

these situations is essential - for sanity reasons!! :roftl:


Mika - thanks for buying the site, and getting involved when it

mattered. You are a star with a heart - and hearing from you gave

us the personal "touch" when we needed it most!! :wub2:


You always know exactly what to say Wendi:wub2:


You just spoke my mind, but better than I ever could put together in a sentence! :naughty:

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You're right about the chatroom, I never knew what a wicked sense of humour Violet Sky has, she's really funny.


You are right, she was hilarious, the number of times she logged in and out from the chat just to hear Mika's laughter was huge. :roftl:


VS is lovely, and indeed very funny!

You should check our our "random" threads like the HAHA, Here's the deal and Ok so...


I couldn't agree more!:thumb_yello:


OMG, what's happening here? It's Mika's fanclub! :bleh:

Thank you very much, you lovely lot, but I think this is a very mutual thing! Huuuuge virtual cuddle to you all! lo6bighug02hl2aq6.gif


Now I will go and hide in a corner until I can stop blushing...girl_hide.gif


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Because so many have been talking about how much of a family we have all become, how about helping a family member out?

Visit this thread for details.

Come on guys, show some love and support! :wink2:

I know how good all of you are at voting.

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Oh Caz, that last bit made me choke of laughter:roftl:. You're just hilarious.


Well, y'know....:blush-anim-cl:


haha, kidding. i'm nowhere near as funny in real life....unless i come out with a random comment like the one you quoted LOL, but when doing the scripts, i have to do a lot of thinking :roftl: now im gonna feel the pressure when we next meet (whenever that will be)!!

Sariflor: MAKE ME LAUGH, CAZ!!! Make me laugh....*shakes fist angrily*

me: uh...um....:sweatdrop: OOh! Oooh! I know! *starts placing hands randomly in the air* Oh look I'm STUCK IN A BOX!! *pretends to be stuck in an invisible box*

Sariflor: :poke:

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OMG, what's happening here? It's Mika's fanclub! :bleh:

Thank you very much, you lovely lot, but I think this is a very mutual thing! Huuuuge virtual cuddle to you all! lo6bighug02hl2aq6.gif


Now I will go and hide in a corner until I can stop blushing...girl_hide.gif



now you know how i feel in my script thread LOL! ha! xDD

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It was one of those "you had to be there" things... but trust me, be

glad you *weren't* there! :wink2:


Neil Diamond... pfffft!





I was watching Neil Diamond yesterday... there's nothing wrong with abit of Niel Diamond... :wink2:


It's off topic, but last week I saw Neil live in Rotterdam, and he was great! :blush-anim-cl:


Christine - thanks for the brilliant chat room - it was a life-line and

my only problem was how to schedule a toilet break without missing

a whole page of chat!! :naughty:


Deb, Fred and all the mod team - thanks for your constant work and

input - the myspace bulletins were a great help. Communication in

these situations is essential - for sanity reasons!! :roftl:


So true :thumb_yello:

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I can say with absolute, unfailing certainty that your guess is correct. If Mika hadn't taken charge and knocked some heads together, we definitely would have been down until at least Monday, if not later.


I'm sure he's wondering how the hell he was so out of the loop, considering we've been fighting these battles for months.


MESSAGE TO MIKA: The forum will go down again if you don't finish sorting this out. Finish what you started in terms of fixing this place!


As long as Andrew and I have any say in the matter, we'll make sure MFC stays user-friendly.


We have people from all walks of life on here, many with English as a second (third, fourth) language - we're not going to authorize crazy changes that make the boards hard to use. Only things that make it better. :thumb_yello:



Thank you very much. I don't know where this forum would be going without the both of you. :no: To the dogs probably. Hopefully Mika's ideas are not too crazy (but well, he generally doesn't tend to have crazy ideas, so he probably won't have to suffer from any sort of censorship here... )

Thanks for advising Mika what to do. I'm sure he'd be totally helpless without you.


now you know how i feel in my script thread LOL! ha! xDD

Your scripts are indeed the most crazyfunnyhilarious stuff I've read in a long time! You should really keep it up! :thumb_yello::thumb_yello:

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It's off topic, but last week I saw Neil live in Rotterdam, and he was great! :blush-anim-cl:


Oh, I like Neil Diamond, too -- it's just that hubby is a HUGE fan,

so I hear Neil a LOT, and some days I get a little tired of him...

and then of course

there was FD's *singing* Neil Diamond tunes... well, you had

to be there :wink2:



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Oh, I like Neil Diamond, too -- it's just that hubby is a HUGE fan,

so I hear Neil a LOT, and some days I get a little tired of him...

and then of course

there was FD's *singing* Neil Diamond tunes... well, you had

to be there :wink2:




I read the first page yesterday and this one today, but I read Neil Diamond????? I love the song sweet caroline!!!!!

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Oh, I like Neil Diamond, too -- it's just that hubby is a HUGE fan,

so I hear Neil a LOT, and some days I get a little tired of him...

and then of course

there was FD's *singing* Neil Diamond tunes... well, you had

to be there :wink2:




I guess that explains it all :naughty:

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MIKA super hero of the pop world, known by many as SUPERMIKA:naughty:


*imagines Mika on the next tour flying across the stage on those wires, wearing a Superman type outfit and a masquerade mask, exclaiming "I AM SUPERMIKA!!"*




:shocked:But I dreamed this!!!


Last week I got woken in the middle of the night by reflux and needed to be vertical for a while, so came on MFC and mentioned in the Oldlings that I'd been woken up from a dream where Mika was dressed in a superhero outfit with tights and cape etc etc. In my dream he was running around a city, saving the world. I had no idea it was a prediction for the near future!


*cue Twilight Zone music*




I can say with absolute, unfailing certainty that your guess is correct. If Mika hadn't taken charge and knocked some heads together, we definitely would have been down until at least Monday, if not later.


Would it be reasonable (and not too cynical) to say that MFC being out of comission is bound to mean more to Mika himself personally then to his management? I commented in the chat room that it shouldn't really have to be his headache, that he has a team to deal with this sort of thing, and while I know he is very involved in the small details of everything, it would be easy to see how we would not be a huge priority for his management who have a million vast details to attend to. But I'm so glad he did get involved... Didn't realise that msg from him was written at midnight... Lovely boy:wub2:

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Yesterday I found out how much I am addicted to this place.And not just for Mika, even when there are no news I come here to check what everybody's up to, so StandardToaster, LollipopMonkey, dcdeb, Mika, everybody who worked to get the site back on track, thank you!


Now to the serious business: what's the deal with the squirrels? Is that an inside chicken-tipe kind of thing that I missed or what? They are lovely though:biggrin2:

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i'm soooooooooo glad that the site is up and running again!! when i tried to get on earlier and i saw the "MFC is broke" message i was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

but then i saw the message from mika and i was immediately cheered up again! lol.


thanks to everyone who helped fix it and especially to mika for staying in touch with us during those stressful and scary 36 hours that we seemed to survive!!

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Yesterday I found out how much I am addicted to this place.And not just for Mika, even when there are no news I come here to check what everybody's up to, so StandardToaster, LollipopMonkey, dcdeb, Mika, everybody who worked to get the site back on track, thank you!


Now to the serious business: what's the deal with the squirrels? Is that an inside chicken-tipe kind of thing that I missed or what? They are lovely though:biggrin2:


Squierrels!!!!! YEAHHHHH :punk::punk:


God save the squirrels!! (?) hahha


the squirrels are for a script made for one gril of the MFC CazGirl. you must read it!


I think that we all are adicted to the MFC, the people here are so good, and we wana spend our time with them!

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God save the squirrels!! (?) hahha


Just as a crazy side note: 'Squirrel' is one of the funniest words ever. I love it. :naughty: And a few years ago I read in the news that rabid squirrels were chasing people around in some part of England, and one had actually jumped on a woman! She was quoted as saying "I'll never trust squirrels again!" :roftl: I thought that was so funny it became my favorite quote for weeks. :mf_rosetinted:

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Hey all...


Looks like the forum is back, after more than 36 hours down!

Special thanks to StandardToaster for his efforts :) and to

all of you for your patience.


As you may have heard, earlier today, Mika learned of the problems we've been having with the forum and he wrote to tell us he would look into it.


We received this message from him and he asked that we share it with all of you:


"This is a message to you and to all the members of the MFC.


This note is in response to the email with your account of the problems that you have been encountering recently. I am extremely sorry at the way the transfer of ownership of the MFC has taken place. Transfer of ownership aside, the MFC, in my eyes, is a self-created community that has been so supportive and pro-active over the past year that I want and aim to help it in as many ways as I can. This is why I purchased the website.


I will openly admit that I am disappointed in the technical difficulties that have recently been encountered and was unaware of the many shortcomings that you have been experiencing because of the quality of the server. Please do not underestimate the extent to which I value everything that you have done and continue to do. In a way I am glad that this has come to my attention so strongly in the past 30 hours. For it means I can now make appropriate changes, not only to restore the MFC to the technical functionality that you are used to, but also make significant technical improvements. This will hopefully include more personal email and online community functions (such as personal fan pages). This has already been in the works and the server that we have been using has merely been a stop-gap. This does not excuse the fact that the website is down. I ask you one thing, and that is to bear with me while I find out what has happened and fix it as soon as possible.


Please feel free to post this. I too am now waiting for some answers.




So... as Mika said, please bear with us. The forum is back for now, and

we're hopeful that the downtime is behind us... but you never know...


That said, we're optimistic that the future of MikaFanClub.com is brighter

than ever! :thumb_yello:


The MFC Mod/Admin Team


I must say, I missed the site having gone down. I seem to not be around when it does. It's nice to know that Mika is involved and concerned over the site. Though he does own it, so I guess he would be, lol. Here's to hopes that we are over the site down issues and if not, I'm not too concerned as I know we have a great crew working to keep MFC online, Mika included.

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Wow. I am floored at how fast this thread grew, and how large it's become.


Most of you probably notice that I don't post in many threads that are not technical, but I do read many of them. I also don't always have a chance to reply to the kind words that many of you post my way, but they always bring a smile to my face.


I've said it before, and I will say it again: The only reason I work as I do for this community is because of how wonderful it is. We all have something truly miraculous here.


I was very tickled pink by the amount of people viewing the error page. It really turned a random blow-off-steam-project into something that got the attention we needed. I'm sorry that I don't remember the members who were linking me to squirrels, videos, chickens and rainbow backgrounds, but thanks to all of you. I'm also very glad that we were able to use that page to find each other in Christine's chat thingy.


I've removed Mika's message from that error page, but i've left the link to the chat, as well as the videos and the picture. Hopefully we don't have any more downtime in the near future, but if we do, we'll all be able to kick back and chat again. I do plan to add a link to the chat on the top bar, and will eventually look at integrating it fully into the MFC, but until we're sure that everything is tip top, I'd like to keep it separate so that we have something when the forum is down. I will also put a message up letting people know that they need to register specifically for the chat.


Ah, this thread is making me all mushy :blush-anim-cl:

I was expecting to enter the chatroom again, and here we are, back from the void. I really missed all the pics and the smilies while the forum was down. But I also enjoyed the fast and very interactive chatting.

So many nice things happened in that room: I've talked to people I normally don't meet, we had people impersonating Mika and his evil-twin, we were chatting with StandardToaster about the boring error-page and saw it evolve, Christine reading us the Mika-bulletin before it was sent etc. I really felt part of the MFC-family. :wub2:


Thanks to everyone involved to help solve the problems. You've all done a great job :thumb_yello:

And how sweet of Mika to get involved personally. *sniffs*


I must say that this post brought back some really fun memories of when I decided it would be a bright idea to customize the error page. Again, it wouldn't have turned out as neat if there was not a roomful of people giving me good ideas.


Basically, THANK YOU MFC for being a community that is worth moving the moon (and more) for.

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Yesterday I found out how much I am addicted to this place.And not just for Mika, even when there are no news I come here to check what everybody's up to, so StandardToaster, LollipopMonkey, dcdeb, Mika, everybody who worked to get the site back on track, thank you!


Now to the serious business: what's the deal with the squirrels? Is that an inside chicken-tipe kind of thing that I missed or what? They are lovely though:biggrin2:


Oh, that's my fault LOL :roftl:


Basically, I started writing a script about Mika and co. It's in the chinwag section, and it's called "Introducing the MFC script writer: ME!" I've written 20 chapters and it's completely finished now, so feel free to go there and have a read. The squirrels started off as something small, once created for comedy effect, but they suddenly became quite popular and so they appear frequently throughout the rest of the script, hence all this squirrel talk. Somehow, and i NEVER imagined it, it's almost become as big as chicken, but only a handful of the fans know the true story behind the squirrels :naughty:

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