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Forum Update/Message from Mika


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Is Mana a lesbian? I'd love to know. I want to marry her. she's like so hot.


we are not sure... until she tells us, we just don't know.

but newspapers are speculating about this all the time.

i don't see the point... do you? :naughty::naughty:

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*goes to start a "We don't care about Mana's sexuality" thread.*


Yeah right. We don't care. Tssss:mf_rosetinted:

we are not sure... until she tells us, we just don't know.

but newspapers are speculating about this all the time.

i don't see the point... do you? :naughty::naughty:


No, it's not about the sexuality, it's about the....yeah, about what is it actually?:blink:Her supermoderatorness?:naughty:

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No, it's not about the sexuality, it's about the....yeah, about what is it actually?:blink:Her supermoderatorness?:naughty:


Yes, we should only discuss her supermoderatorness (actually I think you mean supermoderation) in this forum, the question of her sexuality should not be bandied about the forums.:wink2:

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Deb....she's the bestest.


Happy to hear things are "rolling" with the site here. Sometimes it takes a glitch to get it together.


The MFC'ers rock.


And Mika, you rock too, of course.

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Hi guys!

I'm so glad that our forum is back! I was missing this crazy family. Thanks a lot to everyone who worked hard on it.

I know, I don't post a lot (my english is so bad) but I'm online everyday and these 36 hours were very sad.

Now we're together again with Mika taking good care of us. So long life to MFC!!!:thumb_yello:

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Is Mana a lesbian? I'd love to know. I want to marry her. she's like so hot.


Oh, now you tell me :doh:.....I could have started flirting with her all this time!:naughty:

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i'm very happy to read this..thanks to mika and dccb to post it!

that's why i didn't come yet on mfc..failure....

but now i'm really really enjoy for the future and hope all will be ok now for this very best website for mika's fans trought the world!!!:mf_lustslow:

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Yes, we should only discuss her supermoderatorness (actually I think you mean supermoderation) in this forum, the question of her sexuality should not be bandied about the forums.:wink2:


Supermoderation? Oh, so it is okay to say that we all like Mana, well, in moderation ,hehe, I mean, supermoderation???? :naughty::fisch:


I guess you'll be off to start the Managasmic thread soon then will you ST?


Hey, I have a pic I could donate to that thread, just cut out the big guy and it is pretty:chkn: :das:


Do you see him here? Anywhere?? There you have your answer! :naughty:


Wait a sec.....wasn't he the guy who wrote that note which started this thread, which built the house where Jack lives? Other than that, no, I don't see him at all. I wish someone would post photos somewhere on this forum so I could remember what he looks like.....:mf_rosetinted:

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Do you want us to put in a good word for you?

She likes that Mika guy though, you know........


And you know, that Mika guy has been pretty awesome lately...could be hard to beat. :naughty:


Oh, now you tell me.....I could have started flirting with her all this time!:naughty:


How YOU dooin?! :das:


No, it's not about the sexuality, it's about the....yeah, about what is it actually? Her supermoderatorness?


Yes. I don't talk about my personal life. Sure, I'll yammer on about my childhood and my kitchen renovations and my Lebanese grandmother's big hips...but no, not my personal life. :mf_rosetinted:


I guess you'll be off to start the Managasmic thread soon then will you ST?:wink2:




The day that happens is the day I ban myself. Y'all don't wanna see that! :roftl:

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Wait a sec.....wasn't he the guy who wrote that note which started this thread, which built the house where Jack lives? Other than that, no, I don't see him at all. I wish someone would post photos somewhere on this forum so I could remember what he looks like.....:mf_rosetinted:


... a webcam would be a nice idea - muhahahah, there goes secretiveness...:bleh:

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Mika said this!:shocked: I couldn t believe when i first read this! I love bcs he worry 4 us:blush-anim-cl: He is so goooood:wub2:


Mika,u re great!:thumb_yello:


P>S> Hey guys,sorrz 4 not being here 4 coule of days(my parents don t let me us my pc:thumbdown: but ... i had to:blink::wub2:)SEE U

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Wait a sec.....wasn't he the guy who wrote that note which started this thread, which built the house where Jack lives? Other than that, no, I don't see him at all. I wish someone would post photos somewhere on this forum so I could remember what he looks like.....:mf_rosetinted:






Edit: Yes a picture would be nice!:bye:

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Hey all...


Looks like the forum is back, after more than 36 hours down!

Special thanks to StandardToaster for his efforts :) and to

all of you for your patience.


As you may have heard, earlier today, Mika learned of the problems we've been having with the forum and he wrote to tell us he would look into it.


We received this message from him and he asked that we share it with all of you:


"This is a message to you and to all the members of the MFC.


This note is in response to the email with your account of the problems that you have been encountering recently. I am extremely sorry at the way the transfer of ownership of the MFC has taken place. Transfer of ownership aside, the MFC, in my eyes, is a self-created community that has been so supportive and pro-active over the past year that I want and aim to help it in as many ways as I can. This is why I purchased the website.


I will openly admit that I am disappointed in the technical difficulties that have recently been encountered and was unaware of the many shortcomings that you have been experiencing because of the quality of the server. Please do not underestimate the extent to which I value everything that you have done and continue to do. In a way I am glad that this has come to my attention so strongly in the past 30 hours. For it means I can now make appropriate changes, not only to restore the MFC to the technical functionality that you are used to, but also make significant technical improvements. This will hopefully include more personal email and online community functions (such as personal fan pages). This has already been in the works and the server that we have been using has merely been a stop-gap. This does not excuse the fact that the website is down. I ask you one thing, and that is to bear with me while I find out what has happened and fix it as soon as possible.


Please feel free to post this. I too am now waiting for some answers.




So... as Mika said, please bear with us. The forum is back for now, and

we're hopeful that the downtime is behind us... but you never know...


That said, we're optimistic that the future of MikaFanClub.com is brighter

than ever! :thumb_yello:


The MFC Mod/Admin Team


Thanks for posting to the MFC Mod/Admin Team and to Mika! :thumb_yello:

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I'm a bit late because I wasn't around...thank you guys for making such a great effort to maintain this amazing site in order. :thumb_yello:


Mika,you deserve all my love and devotion:wink2:

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Great job everyone getting the site back!


Thanks Mika for caring so much about the fans who care so much for you! We really appreciate every little thing you do for us, that's what makes you so special to us. YOU CARE.


Thanks for that!


Wish I could be around more right now, but working a summer job out in the middle of nowhere and internet is spotty at best. Hopefully once I get back to school in Sept, I'll be back alot more often! I really miss you guys alot, and I miss gushing about our favorite singer :) I'm still spreading the word, one set of ears at a time. You can't just TELL people about Mika, they have to EXPERIENCE him for themselves.


Since I last talked to you all, I've been to Hawai'i with my Mom, and now on a farm in the middle of the boonies, getting my hands dirty every day, communing with nature, growing plants and vegetables, eating healthy, and getting most of the junk food out of my life. I'm getting exercise (of which I'm doing more every day), losing weight, and generally getting healthy. I'm on a journey, and I hope to be an almost new person come September.


I don't know if I can get the Mika Birthday thing together, although I did bring the stuff with me so I can make something nice, I just haven't had any time. Up at 5am, out in the fields all day, come home at night sweaty, dirty and tired, and fall into bed after washing. But we've got most of the backed up stuff done, the catchup, so hopefully things will fall into a steady rhythm soon and I can get some time to myself to do things.


I love you all, miss you tons, and Mika, your bouncy music helps me keep up my energy throughout the day :) I have my speakers set up outside and blast the music into the fields (along with a few other artists as well) which keeps everyone hopping :)


I hope to talk to you all soon!


Love Crystal

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Great to hear from you Crystal - and glad the summer placement is

going so well - you will have to get the internet access sorted out

though, if you intend to move there in years to come :wink2:

Take care - and catch you properly in September!! :thumb_yello:

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