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Forum Update/Message from Mika


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I'm so glad to see that MFC is back!:woot_jump:


A big thanks, from the bottom of my heart, to everyone who is doing such a great job with this forum.

And big thanks to Mika too! How sweet of him to write us this message.

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Talk about Kind and Fine! The wiz is surely living up to his apple appointed motto!


What can I say that hasn't already been said?

Thanks to everyone who worked so hard on this.

It's also a tribute to how we feel about the MFC and the friends we have made here that lots of us were in the chat room, on myspace, facebook and MSN, chatting anyway. Nothing can stop us! :naughty:


I know lots was and is going on behind the scenes and for those involved you know who you are, and you are truly appreciated.



awwwwww I feel so special now :cheerful_h4h:

Honey, you know you are always special to me and the apples.




Jokes aside, a big thanks to everyone. Admins, mods, our resident Toaster techie....and of course Mika, who acted on it so fast once he was made aware of the problem.


Thank you all guys, for your great efforts and for your love to this site.

I don't think that I class the MFC as a fansite or even as an online forum. To me it's way past that stage. It's like a little "family".


The friendships and relationships that have been formed through this, and the incredible experiences that I have gone through thanks to this place are countless and I can't even begin to express what it means to me.

My life has been enriched by people I have met here, and obviously also by Mika's music and presence, so I now see MFC as an integral part of "life as I know it".

Sorry for getting so serious about it, but it just came out, haha!



Way, way past that stage, and I second everything sari has said here.


Now, that's enough mush for now, where's the sarcastic apple thread, I think I am lost. :ap_rosetinted:

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:blush-anim-cl:Oh my Mika! I forgot to thank Mika! :naughty:


Anyway if he does happen to read this, THANK YOU, and I really mean that.


I expected to still be offline this morning and I am sure we would be if Mika hadn't taken control.

Much more than just a singer, much more.:kaf:

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Yes, that is the thing, and one of the reasons why Mika is so unique as an artist. Because he hasn't lost his "normality" (I mean that in a good way) and he is still grounded and level headed, and accessible.


I just can't look at him and see a popstar, no matter how great his achievements like that are, cause I can only see a really nice, sweet guy.

Which is, IMO, a thousand times better.


To me, "popstars" as such are nothing special or to be proud of. Artists who have a soul, and a human side, like Mika, are.


And that is part of the reason why I love him.

Much more than just a singer, much more.:kaf:



Same to me! Thx for saying that, Sara and Bab! Couldn't express myself better!

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:blush-anim-cl:Oh my Mika! I forgot to thank Mika! :naughty:


Anyway if he does happen to read this, THANK YOU, and I really mean that.


I expected to still be offline this morning and I am sure we would be if Mika hadn't taken control.

Much more than just a singer, much more.:kaf:



He's a Wiz! :thumb_yello: Kind and Fine!


Same to me! Thx for saying that, Sara and Bab! Couldn't express myself better!


We're all getting emotional:naughty:

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And just because it is so true, let's quote it again:


Yes, that is the thing, and one of the reasons why Mika is so unique as an artist. Because he hasn't lost his "normality" (I mean that in a good way) and he is still grounded and level headed, and accessible.


I just can't look at him and see a popstar, no matter how great his achievements like that are, cause I can only see a really nice, sweet guy.

Which is, IMO, a thousand times better.


To me, "popstars" as such are nothing special or to be proud of. Artists who have a soul, and a human side, like Mika, are.


And that is part of the reason why I love him.


Do you hear us, Mika? We love, love you! give_heart.gif

Not that this was news... but anyway :wink2:

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Awwww :wub2: Thanks for posting!

Thanks for all your support Mika. You'vebeen really great to us.

And of course thanks to everyone who's worked to contact Mika and anyone who's helped get the forum working again. All your work is much appreciated. We were all having withdrawal symptoms really. Hopefully, as you said Deb, the future of the MFC will be much brighter!

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wow, great!...maybe the site crashed, because we were all so emotional? :P.

No, thanks a lot! That shows again, that mika really cares what his fans are doing! not like "i'm the hero and i don't care what you little groupies are doing, leave me alone...".

He's amazing,and you mods are, too! :)

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Wow I am a little overwhelmed and slightly tearful that I am not quite sure what to say. I know in reality 30 hours isn't a long time but when your social life depends on it, it really is:naughty:

Our forum really is amazing, even when we are down we pick our selves up and there is no stopping us.

First of all thanks to all the admins for all your hard work ( I truly love you guys:wub2:). The chat room was fabulous, I really enjoyed the 'I wanna talk to you' :das: every time someone came in LOL and also the videos and pictures on the error page really made me smile. It brought back memories from Hammersmith last year- another time when we picked ourselves up (obviously the huge quantities of alcohol helped that time:roftl:)

Secondly to Mika himself- Wow writing a message to us personally really means a lot, especially one written close to midnight on a Saturday. Not many people would do that, they would have waited till the morning or the next official working day (I'm loving Mika's work ethic). It's such a nice feeling to know that Mika really understands what we do here and how important it is to us.

And to all you guys. This place is special. I like the fact that people from all over the world have made lifelong friendships through a popstar. This place is like a family- we have people that feel like our brothers and sisters, cousins and nutty aunties (not naming any names :naughty:). We also meet up and do things not Mika related- but we all have this one connecting force.

Right I'm not one to be soppy (unless I have had a drink) but I think it takes being away from somewhere for a little while to truly appreciate what you have.

I really excited for the plans Mika has for us, things can only get better :biggrin2:

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thanx everybody who has a hand in this:thumb_yello:


and mika's message to us:wub2:


we really have a great community here,:naughty:

i'm just glad to being a part of it:blush-anim-cl:

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He's a Wiz! :thumb_yello: Kind and Fine!




We're all getting emotional:naughty:


Wow I am a little overwhelmed and slightly tearful that I am not quite sure what to say. I know in reality 30 hours isn't a long time but when your social life depends on it, it really is

Our forum really is amazing, even when we are down we pick our selves up and there is no stopping us.

First of all thanks to all the admins for all your hard work ( I truly love you guys). The chat room was fabulous, I really enjoyed the 'I wanna talk to you' :das: every time someone came in LOL and also the videos and pictures on the error page really made me smile. It brought back memories from Hammersmith last year- another time when we picked ourselves up (obviously the huge quantities of alcohol helped that time)

Secondly to Mika himself- Wow writing a message to us personally really means a lot, especially one written close to midnight on a Saturday. Not many people would do that, they would have waited till the morning or the next official working day (I'm loving Mika's work ethic). It's such a nice feeling to know that Mika really understands what we do here and how important it is to us.

And to all you guys. This place is special. I like the fact that people from all over the world have made lifelong friendships through a popstar. This place is like a family- we have people that feel like our brothers and sisters, cousins and nutty aunties (not naming any names :naughty:). We also meet up and do things not Mika related- but we all have this one connecting force.

Right I'm not one to be soppy (unless I have had a drink) but I think it takes being away from somewhere for a little while to truly appreciate what you have.

I really excited for the plans Mika has for us, things can only get better :biggrin2:



Talk about emotional, I am all teary. :wub2:


We really are so much like a family. I was telling some non-MFC people about this today, and they couldn't believe it...that we weren't just here to talk about MIKA (sorry Big guy), but that we really missed being able to chat WITH EACH OTHER when the forum went down. The chat room was a complete gem.


....and I imagine I would qualify as a nutty aunty Jem. Although I am sure I was not the one you were thinking of at the time of writing.:bleh:

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....and I imagine I would qualify as a nutty aunty Jem. Although I am sure I was not the one you were thinking of at the time of writing.:bleh:


LOL I would love you to be my nutty auntie:naughty:

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It's so good to come and find it works!:groupwave:


You guys have said it all so well, it would be too much to quote...

I just love this place!:wub2:

Thanks everyone for your effort to make site work again, and that page we were getting while the MFC was down, it was really lovely, to hear and see MFCers singing was much better than just plane database error. And message from Mika:wub2: It's so nice to see that he really cares.

He really is something special:wub2: As someone said much more than just singer.

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BS, i'm so sorry i missed you in italy.......:thumbdown:

any chance of you coming back to europe?:blink:


I wish!! If there is a MFC only gig, you never know....:wub2:(Mika you listening??)



LOL I would love you to be my nutty auntie:naughty:



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