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2008 Graduates: Congrats!

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Not terribly far from me!!! I will meet you there in a few short months! :biggrin2:




Yes indeedy. NY, here I come. cartwheel.gif


Tomorrow is my last college class EVER. I will have a paper due the following week and then I AM DONE!!!

Holy Crap, 5 years in the making and I will have my Bachelor's Degree! Huzzah! :punk:



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yes most certainly, it's a relief he finally got through it all, it wasn't always easy for him, he was always one of the cleverer ones at his school and cos it wasn't a private school he did receive a certain amount of bullying (though he didn't tell me about it until about a year ago) I knew the scally's in the school give anyone with even half a brain a hard time but I didn't know how bad it was for him, he kept a lot to himself, I think it's harder for boys to admit to bullying because they feel it shows them as weak. But it's cos he was an ok kid, clever, witty, funny but he also had a bit of a stammer so he got picked on a bit I guess for that too which will have made it worse. and in Uk schools it seems if you are a good kid your overlooked but if your a bad kid who isn't so bad one day then you get praised and given treats for being good, it's a stupid system that doesn't work and makes the good kids feel let down. (oh hark at me I have just climbed up on my high horse I think) eeek sorry lol I'll shut up.


This is somemthing thing that happens in every school, I would guess all over the world sadly enough!

Why the teachers react that way is a mystery too me. Maybe they just take for granted that the good kids will always behave and doesn't need any encouragement?

Or they wish to suck up to the bad kids with hope they will behave better in the long run. I don't know but I have seen it happen and I don't like it!

If you look at The Simsons, the sarcastic TV series, you can find it as a returning joke!:wink2:


Just got back from graduation and am now ready to go party hearty!




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I just graduated!:mf_lustslow:


The night was full of emotions...jammed packed :(


But I am relieved that I made it, that I passed chemistry lol and that I graduated with the awards that I wanted...


This is the epitome of BITTER SWEET


...Thanks to all of you, who through out the year supported me during some really tough academically challenging times...:thumb_yello:

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I just graduated!:mf_lustslow:


The night was full of emotions...jammed packed :(


But I am relieved that I made it, that I passed chemistry lol and that I graduated with the awards that I wanted...


This is the epitome of BITTER SWEET


...Thanks to all of you, who through out the year supported me during some really tough academically challenging times...:thumb_yello:



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Woot, Graduated from High school! Now off to college!!!


I already got in touch with my new roomie..and she is like..the opposite of me. but hopefully we will become good friends :)


o sweet, well hopefully u guys can become close friends! my sister had roomies that were all different from each other in her freshman year, and they are all like BFF's now

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and in Uk schools it seems if you are a good kid your overlooked but if your a bad kid who isn't so bad one day then you get praised and given treats for being good, it's a stupid system that doesn't work and makes the good kids feel let down. (oh hark at me I have just climbed up on my high horse I think) eeek sorry lol I'll shut up.


Can I just say something on behalf of the teachers?


I can understand where you're coming from, but why shouldn't a "bad" child get praised when they're doing the right thing? If bad kids weren't given some sort of positive encouragement then they would likely not bother trying to be good. I know from experience, because I have quite a few kids with challenging behaviours in my class.


Trust me, the good kids don't always get overlooked... In my class, the good kids are going very well. *looks at star chart*


Besides, it depends on the school. You might have only a few naughty kids in a class or have a lot, you have to work with the kids to try and get the best behaviour out of them... It's damn hard trying to get the right balance, because you can't please everyone.

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So how about it...Was 08' the year you graduated/ will be graduating (veeery soon)???


It is for me!:punk:


What are your plans? (high school & college grads...and middle school!)


I graduate next month from a psychology/mental health degree !!! :punk: Tis my ceremony in july :biggrin2: .... Im anxiously awaiting my marks next week , however i got one of them on thursday and got a 2.1 for my 5000 word essay (A) ... i have 3 more results to collect :boxed: .... anyway , i have no plans for the summer apart from well deserved partying and sun :naughty: .... Im going back in september and next year to do my higher education teaching certificate , to hopefully work with kids/adults one on one with special needs :thumb_yello:.... and i will graduate again ... YAY ... LOL :naughty:

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