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The "gig frustrated" thread


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At first, I'm jealous when I go on the gig threads. But then, I get very excited too!

I hope he'll got to Australia!!

I can go to Milan cause it's so close from Switzerland and I was all right with my exams; I am really lucky. I don't want to go to several gigs. One is fabulous, wonderful, I'm on cloud nine!!

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Well I long since accepted I can not be there at any of these gigs, and I am used to the disappointment of it all.:mf_rosetinted: I am more disappointed by the fact I cannot get to meet all my MFC friends, who are going to London, Paris, Milan etc....


So what I do is come here and keep myself busy in the pre-gig chatter threads, which I find usually get quite exciting...which MFCers are in the line...oh wow they got donuts from mika...sound checks...the rush going in....I love all that anticipation!


And then while the gig is on, when people get texts or calls and post about them here, it is almost as good as being there...we usually know what song he is up to, whether he did a new song, who the band was....


Then the afterwards...did anyone stay back to try to meet him, how was it....the reports/photos/vids....


So these days I look forward to the hours of enjoyment I get here on MFC when gigs happen on the other side of the world!! I just put all the disappointment and jealousy behind me and get into the online virtual gig fun. And the time difference means it might be my daytime after the show is over, and everyone has gone home to bed, but I can find the photos and videos on youtube, and bring them all over here for people to enjoy.


Yes, I am probably as addicted to doing this, just as much as some people are addicted to jumping on planes at the drop of a hat...how decadent!!


So instead of staying OFF here from June 1st for 2 weeks, and being disappointed, come and join our online virtual gigs, we will be here every day, scouring the net for all kinds of fun stuff to post here....usually on the gig thread, the pre-gig chatter thread or the gig report thread, depending on the time you get here.... you might even enjoy yourselves!!:biggrin2::wub2:



Oh Blue Sky...you are a trooper. And a stronger woman than I....I'd be a "liar liar pants on fire" if I said I'm not a little bit disheartened. But yeah, I've had my super fantabulous Mika moments and I am still very happy for all those who get to live that too. I'm even more saddened for the Irish, the Australian, the Asians, and the South Americans. But you're right, there's something about reading the thrill of a gig report - especially for the newbie who's experienced the magic for the first time.

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Well I long since accepted I can not be there at any of these gigs, and I am used to the disappointment of it all.:mf_rosetinted: I am more disappointed by the fact I cannot get to meet all my MFC friends, who are going to London, Paris, Milan etc....


So what I do is come here and keep myself busy in the pre-gig chatter threads, which I find usually get quite exciting...which MFCers are in the line...oh wow they got donuts from mika...sound checks...the rush going in....I love all that anticipation!


And then while the gig is on, when people get texts or calls and post about them here, it is almost as good as being there...we usually know what song he is up to, whether he did a new song, who the band was....


Then the afterwards...did anyone stay back to try to meet him, how was it....the reports/photos/vids....


So these days I look forward to the hours of enjoyment I get here on MFC when gigs happen on the other side of the world!! I just put all the disappointment and jealousy behind me and get into the online virtual gig fun. And the time difference means it might be my daytime after the show is over, and everyone has gone home to bed, but I can find the photos and videos on youtube, and bring them all over here for people to enjoy.


Yes, I am probably as addicted to doing this, just as much as some people are addicted to jumping on planes at the drop of a hat...how decadent!!


So instead of staying OFF here from June 1st for 2 weeks, and being disappointed, come and join our online virtual gigs, we will be here every day, scouring the net for all kinds of fun stuff to post here....usually on the gig thread, the pre-gig chatter thread or the gig report thread, depending on the time you get here.... you might even enjoy yourselves!!:biggrin2::wub2:


I'm happy for the people who are going to the gigs, but I know how it is to stand there yourself and that's much better. I don't know yet what I'm going to do, now I'm less dissappointed then first. I'm still a little bit sad, but I think I will be in the Dutch thread when Mika is playing in Amsterdam and Brussels. Even if it hurts a little bit, I'm too curious :roftl:

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I'm happy for the people who are going to the gigs, but I know how it is to stand there yourself and that's much better. I don't know yet what I'm going to do, now I'm less dissappointed then first. I'm still a little bit sad, but I think I will be in the Dutch thread when Mika is playing in Amsterdam and Brussels. Even if it hurts a little bit, I'm too curious :roftl:


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  • 4 weeks later...
Hmmm.... I really don't want to feed your frustration, but believe me, what you get to see on the DVD is nothing in comparison to the real deal. :naughty:

One might think on the DVD it's just a lot about make-up, light and angle - until you get to see him live on site :das::wub2:

Don't be sad, it won't be the last time for him to be seen in Swizerland, or else, why not seize the opportunity to travel and see him abroad? :wink2:

Hihi reading this post one year-ish ago didn't make much sense to me. Now it does :original:

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:punk:Hi everybody! I don't think I'm the only one here to be reaaaaaally frustrated and jealous about all the people who had the oportunity to go to a Mika live show!:wub2:So I thought that us, frustrated people, should have our thread, just, you know, to talk about our frustration and jealousy and all that haha:roftl:

As for my story, well, I live in Switzerland. It's not Mika's fault really, but he comes here this summer, in the "Paléo Festival" in Nyon. But only, he happens to come when I can't!!:shocked:So I'm really frustrated. I have the DVD (of Mika of course) and when I watch it, I feel blue, cause it looks awsome!!:wub2:.

What about you guys? Do you want to share you frustration?:bleh:

Hey, I read the first sentence and was sold on this thread! :punk:

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So, maybe start with some visual clues as to our emotions about being left out of the fun???




Hihi. I'm no frustrated anymore.

But come on, scream, shout, show your frustration!! It's this thread's aim!!! :D

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Hey, what about me girls? I'm from the Czech Republic and I think that Mika doesn't know what is it!!! :boxed: He has never been to Prague (I think)...:tears: and I'm so sad when I see your photos, videos and reports with him...you're so lucky!! How long I have to wait for him?

PS: Excuse my English please...

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I hate not being able to go to gigs, sometimes. Sometimes I am so near to crying out, that I have to stop reading gig reports. Sometimes I think, "Why them, and not me?" Although i know it's not fair. I hate thinking like that, acting like that, being so jealous, but I just can't help it. So I just try to ignore the fact that thing called gigs excist, but I fail time after time. I want to see Mika, I want to hear his voice. I want to meet MFCers and I want everything some lucky people in this world have. It frustrates me that I can't have it. But, I'll try to wait another three years, until I turn 16 and until my parents finally let me go.


Sorry for the rant, I just had to say it.

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I hate not being able to go to gigs, sometimes. Sometimes I am so near to crying out, that I have to stop reading gig reports. Sometimes I think, "Why them, and not me?" Although i know it's not fair. I hate thinking like that, acting like that, being so jealous, but I just can't help it. So I just try to ignore the fact that thing called gigs excist, but I fail time after time. I want to see Mika, I want to hear his voice. I want to meet MFCers and I want everything some lucky people in this world have. It frustrates me that I can't have it. But, I'll try to wait another three years, until I turn 16 and until my parents finally let me go.


Sorry for the rant, I just had to say it.

I completely understand! It makes me want to cry, too. I know, I live in the UK and am allowed to go...but that's the thing. I'm only allowed to go if he comes closer to where I live. I'm not allowed to travel anywhere (e.g London) he has to come to Birmingham. I know he's played at Birmingham before but when he did, I wasn't on the MFC (because it wouldn't let me sign up...grr) and knew nothingggggg about it.

To me, it's like living in this world, this incredibly magical world...and you're traveling through it as happy as ever...then suddenly, you come to a stop when you see there's this door you can't enter. A whole other room you cannot explore. It's such a horrible feeling and it bugs all the timeeeeee. uhhhhhhhh :(

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Well, it's true that he kinda always tours the same places... *coughFrancecough*. But anyway, it's impossible to make everyone happy... And that acoustic tour, I don't think he had planned it at first. So yeah, I think he chose the places cause they were "easy".


Before going to Milan, I wanted to cry too and I was so jealous (I hate being jealous... But sometimes you just can't help it... it's human). But guys, I'm sure you'll have your chance one day or another. I'm 20 and I had to use strong arguments for my mum to let me go. She wouldn't have let me go to London though. But now that I went and that everything went all right, I hope she'll let me live my Mika life!! :original:


And don't hesitate to whine haha. It's good sometimes :original:

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I hate not being able to go to gigs, sometimes. Sometimes I am so near to crying out, that I have to stop reading gig reports. Sometimes I think, "Why them, and not me?" Although i know it's not fair. I hate thinking like that, acting like that, being so jealous, but I just can't help it. So I just try to ignore the fact that thing called gigs excist, but I fail time after time. I want to see Mika, I want to hear his voice. I want to meet MFCers and I want everything some lucky people in this world have. It frustrates me that I can't have it. But, I'll try to wait another three years, until I turn 16 and until my parents finally let me go.


Sorry for the rant, I just had to say it.


I completely understand! It makes me want to cry, too. I know, I live in the UK and am allowed to go...but that's the thing. I'm only allowed to go if he comes closer to where I live. I'm not allowed to travel anywhere (e.g London) he has to come to Birmingham. I know he's played at Birmingham before but when he did, I wasn't on the MFC (because it wouldn't let me sign up...grr) and knew nothingggggg about it.

To me, it's like living in this world, this incredibly magical world...and you're traveling through it as happy as ever...then suddenly, you come to a stop when you see there's this door you can't enter. A whole other room you cannot explore. It's such a horrible feeling and it bugs all the timeeeeee. uhhhhhhhh :(


YES!!! I've got the same problem girls :tears:

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