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Mikagasmic Part 13!


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:roftl: Yeah.. isn't it possible to make an 18+ thread were we just can say what we want? :naughty: Ah well.. I guess this is fun too! :mf_rosetinted:


That read would be ABSOLUTELY dangerous!! :roftl: And you know the young ones would want to see what we're talking about :bleh:

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That read would be ABSOLUTELY dangerous!! :roftl: And you know the young ones would want to see what we're talking about :bleh:


Haha yeah you're right.. if we could say what we REALLY want to say it would be dangerous! Better not then... :naughty:



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Bye!!! :huglove:




Kaatje!!! :groovy: How are you?? You're almost going on vacation, right?!


Yes, leaving tomorrow morning 9 AM. But I couldn't just leave without saying goodbye. And wish you all a lot of fun, :wub2: and :drool: at the july-gigs. :naughty:



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Yes, leaving tomorrow morning 9 AM. But I couldn't just leave without saying goodbye. And wish you all a lot of fun, :wub2: and :drool: at the july-gigs. :naughty:


Aww that's so cute! :wub2: How are you travelling? With car or train or ..?

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Haha yeah you're right.. if we could say what we REALLY want to say it would be dangerous! Better not then... :naughty:


Yeah, it's probably best if our thoughts stayed in our minds.. or maybe write it in code form. Mika=chicken :das::naughty:

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Car. It's only 750 km, but the hubby can't drive. We rented a little cabin on a campsite.


Last post, see you all again in three weeks! :bye::huglove:


BYEEEEE!!! Have a nice vacation and a save trip!! Try to keep up around the July gigs!! We will miss you here!! :huglove:


Yeah, it's probably best if our thoughts stayed in our minds.. or maybe write it in code form. Mika=chicken :das::naughty:


Haha everybody understands that code now... we should come up with some new ones! :naughty:

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his eyes!! :mf_lustslow:

Me likes his hazel!!! eyes as well. If you like his eyes, you might like this. If you haven't already discovered it yet...


Cool nails IadoreMika. very Mika-esque!

Thank you so very much :biggrin2: I'm glad you think there are nice!!!

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Me likes his hazel!!! eyes as well. If you like his eyes, you might like this. If you haven't already discovered it yet...



Thank you so very much :biggrin2: I'm glad you think there are nice!!!


oh whatever!! they are soo brown!





these are hazel:


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oh whatever!! they are soo brown!

Uh huh...:naughty:


Still think they are hazel because there is a nice shade of green in there with some brown towards the centre. I have to say that they are hazel still because although the green in his eyes may not be as light as some people think hazel eyes should be, there is still green in there. It's more of a subdued, mossy green as I see it...

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