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Oldlings Part 20


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That was a nice pic Silver... please keep grumbling... :)


I just listened to your girl's vids Weely on YT... She's really good... When is she going on X-Factor then... :huglove:

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No :( I really hope she's ok... but she probably needs a break from this place... Wish I could go cold turkey... not a hope for me yet... maybe sometime next year... :)


how can you go cold turkey on the chicken counter

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That was a nice pic Silver... please keep grumbling... :)


I just listened to your girl's vids Weely on YT... She's really good... When is she going on X-Factor then... :huglove:


no chance of that ever happening


thank you for the compliment, i will pass on you comments

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Hi lurkers and posters. I thought I'd just see what was going on here, but it seems that people have made it another excuse to fall out with Mika. What is wrong with everybody?


Yes I'm still going to Amsterdam, it's the costume that isn't, so I'll probably be naked,ha ha ha ha ha ha!


Lovely, Rose.


I knew it! I knew it! As long as we get one pic of that, I'll be happy! :thumb_yello:




Well we do have a porn server so with the Amsterdam and the nudity, we'll be sorted :wink2:



I cannot believe you will all be travelling next week, and seeing our boy.


I am not jealous, more resigned ....to cyber-gigs forever....


I'm not travelling - unless I win the Mikasounds tickets. But they asked for a date of birth, so I won't be holding my breath there then :-(


Imagine if I had to ask for time off work again!!!!


I hope Wendi will feel ready to come back soon..... :thumb_yello: We need her here on Friday night to be offical Oldling correspondent for PDP!!!!:thumb_yello:


If she's not up to it, I daresay I could be persuaded to sit here all night relaying posts. <GREEN>

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My (new) puter is being a real pain in the arse so if I disappear you know why:shocked:


Laurel, sorry to hear about your accident..i think you should get danger money:shocked:

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Hi Silver...how are you.....still a bit down?


Yes still down, and I shouldn't be, as I've got two weeks off now.


I will see how I feel after a glass of wine or two.


And now I'm going to watch "Supernatural", so goodnight all :bye;

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hello kath, laurel, silver & company!

i just woke up from a nap... oh i love lazy sundays!:blush-anim-cl:

i'm happy that wendi is ok.


laurel... sorry about your burnt hand.

reflexes are not always a good thing huh?

(i would have done the same thing lol)


my son is happy a get together with friends at my house tonight...

anyone want to help make salads? lol

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Good Afternoon Oldlings. Wow, it's almost 1pm here and I can't beleive that I just woke up. Darn, my guest bed is comfortable...no wonder I can never get rid of the guests. :naughty: My dogs even slept all through the night without bugging me.


Skull...Oldlings? If only I were that skinny. :naughty:


Hi Charlie...did you find the bed? I see you are still online...did you fall asleep looking for it?:naughty:


It will be great to see you in Paris:roftl:


BTW.......do you think that the skull on the new artwork relates to The Oldlings!?:naughty:


Bye for now, love Kathxxxx


Well, I've got my passport out, I got the bag out, I have a picture of the Eiffel Tower, an airplane, Mika, and me on the way there. Now, I'm just waiting to hear the official word that I have won. :thumb_yello: I'm so there. :roftl:


Good morning! Good morning!

how is everyone??


charlotte... with my luck, i'll win the tickets and i don't have a valid passport!


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Hi Ruth and Guy.............Bye Silver..hope the wine helps...and enjoy your time off :thumb_yello:


Ruth do you want to pm me your mobile number as I don't have it.


Guy...salad sounds great!...we seem to have been talking for hours today..I started talking to you at 5am!:shocked:

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Well, I've got my passport out, I got the bag out, I have a picture of the Eiffel Tower, an airplane, Mika, and me on the way there. Now, I'm just waiting to hear the official word that I have won. :thumb_yello: I'm so there. :roftl:


Me too! :roftl:

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