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Oldlings Part 20


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Funny you should say that Laurel..........and I will get this in before Weely starts having a go at me............as once again I was unable to speak in Mika's presence.........but I have sussed it, having thought about it.......and it ties in with what Rose said earlier about him being 'touchy feely'. He is very tactile and when i think about times I have spoken to him/not spoken to him...it is the times that he has touched me that I have been rendered speechless!:shocked: If he keeps his hands to himself I can just about cockle a coherant setence together but quite frankly on Tuesday when he was stood holding my hand, looking into my eyes and saying 'Hello Love, how are you'............I mean, seriously..........there are some circumstances when an Oldling should be allowed to lose control of her faculties!:naughty::naughty:


Tena lady love???

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Ahhh no It's not rabbits in the headlights cos' he's famous or anything... I'm like this with everyone... even fellow MFC'ers... but esp with guys I fancy quite badly... I'm just too too shy (I feel a Kajagoogoo moment coming on...)


Don't worry Laurel...........a quick feel is just as good:roftl:

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You know seriously ... if I was ever in a meet and greet with him.. I'd be fine while he was over the other side of the room or something... but the moment he would start to come in my direction... I'd have an urgent appointment with the other corner.... :lmfao:


I can see it happening... :eek:


They'd be Meeks doing a circuit of the room... and me doing a circuit of the room the other way.... lol

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Bugger the nerves and heart palpatations.... they can go to hell...


Yep.........tactile Mika will do for me.........who needs to talk?:naughty:


Too shy shy hush - hush eye to eye


ok gotta go - need to feed kids:)


never be scared Laurel - just go in for the hug - I aLWAYS do :)


See ya Carry:thumb_yello:


You know seriously ... if I was ever in a meet and greet with him.. I'd be fine while he was over the other side of the room or something... but the moment he would start to come in my direction... I'd have an urgent appointment with the other corner....


I can see it happening... :eek:


They'd be Meeks doing a circuit of the room... and me doing a circuit of the room the other way.... lol


Yep...............But I enjoy that too.........I just like watching him....talking to other people etc............it is just good to be in the same room as him......stalker Kath:naughty:

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I just saw that pic on the front page of the crowd at Paris.........wow. It is the first one I have seen.......I really must NOT go into that thread until I have at least three weeks to spare.....but it looks AMAZING! I just can't wait to see the dvd!:thumb_yello:


OK I need to go now...hopefully will be back later:wub2:

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Gello Carri:wink2:



Some carer I am...........I had everyone else on fear of death not to go anywhere near Wendi's shoulder...and some great tall curly guy strolls up and puts his hand straight on it and I don't even notice....can't imagine where i was looking:roftl:




i never said anything, start p227 my posts are around ther, and if you were not looking below his belt you would have seen him the horrible man get cyber grans shoulder, perhaps he thinks he is holy and could heal it instead of trying to prise the shoulder off.


I think i am glad you made it back safely. lol

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Hello Oldlings!


Took me so long to catch up, I'm afraid I've missed Kath... but

maybe she'll still be here :wink2: stranger things have happened...



Yesterday was kind of surreal, it was like an Oldlings convention in Amsterdam airport, with Kath, Wendi, Weely and Julie, his partner,and myself sitting in Burge King drinking tea and coffee, catching up of the previous day.

I teased Weely, about looking like a tourist with his Amsterdam t shirt on, LOL!


Awww... I wish I could have been there, too! Well, I was in spirit, for



I do know what you mean, sometimes you get tongue tied, sometimes your mind goes blank.

The more you get to meet him, I think it starts to get a little easier, but like I say time constraints are what stop you from getting everything out.

With Andy it's slightly different as he tends to be constantly asking the questions, and he's like a big puppy, bouncing around all excited, always smiling with a gleam in his eyes. That's why I like him so much, his ebuillience is so infectious, it makes you happy too.

Mika is really charming, but not in a slimey way like some guys, but in a natural happy way, and he really concentrates when you speak to him, how he remembers everything, I'll never know, it's amazing!

It's always brilliant to make him laugh, his face just lights up. It's so great.

And although he is kind of touchy feely, it's not the least bit creepy. In fact, he's very gentle, which I guess is why the girls love it, ha ha.


Andy's ebullience! That's such a good way to put it -- I've only met

him twice, but yes, I think that gleam in his eye is just so cute, and

he IS ebullient. (Andy, if you're reading, we do so enjoy your company,

can you tell? )


As for Mika... yes... his face does light up... and his smile in turn lights

up the whole room. It's contagious -- I can't see him smile without

smiling myself. :wub2:



i put myself in trouble....

oh god


maybe i just need a nap


Don't worry about it, Robi. As you said, there are plenty who express

stronger opinions each and every day, every day, every day, every day...

ad nauseam. You can express yours once in a while without guilt,

I should think.


Hi Oldlings....good t be back!


Welcome back, kath! :wub2:


I can't see any videos on anyone's Myspace! I just get a big blank square,

does anyone know how I can get them to play?


Leona, try clearing your cache and your cookies -- that usually

works for me when that happens. And it does happen... with

youtube sometimes for me, as well as myspace.


She didn't feint but she was certainly in pain..........it just seems incredible.......of all the places he could have putr his hand he chose that one


OMG! Did anyone tell him? Yikes! :shocked:


Laurel, i may have said something if I was talking to him - -say if he hadn asked me what didi you thnk , I may have said it was fab, I enjoyed it more than Paris . . .


if i had been there and I had preffered one to the other.


to me my bes night to date was GLASGOW


Awww... me too! (Hi Carri!)


but quite frankly on Tuesday when he was stood holding my hand, looking into my eyes and saying 'Hello Love, how are you'............I mean, seriously..........there are some circumstances when an Oldling should be allowed to lose control of her faculties!


Exactly! I know that feeling exactly! He did that to me in NYC --

I was all set with what I was going to say, shook his hand, told him

my name... and then he said, "Oh yes, we've met before," looking

straight into my eyes so disconcertingly. And when he added, "Glasgow,"

that was it -- all coherent thought, gone. All I could think was, OMG

how did he remember that? And anything else I had planned to say was

gone, gone, gone. :blush-anim-cl: I'm so sorry, Mika! Normally I'm so




I just like watching him....talking to other people etc............it is just good to be in the same room as him......stalker Kath


I agree -- well, not with the stalker part, Kath, that's just you :wink2:

But I do like to watch him, as I said above, his smile lights up the

room, and watching him interact with people... it's just interesting.

Even watching him in the videos, talking with others at the meet and

greet -- it's just nice to see how he interacts and watch people's

reactions to him. :original:



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i never said anything, start p227 my posts are around ther, and if you were not looking below his belt you would have seen him the horrible man get cyber grans shoulder, perhaps he thinks he is holy and could heal it instead of trying to prise the shoulder off.


I think i am glad you made it back safely. lol[/QUOT


That is very maganomious of you.................you see, I CAN speak!


what is she going to be killed off like the dog (wellard) in eastenders, cyber gran is not a dog


She most certainly is NOT..............I am not a big fan of dogs:naughty:

Hello Oldlings!


Took me so long to catch up, I'm afraid I've missed Kath... but

maybe she'll still be here :wink2: stranger things have happened...





Awww... I wish I could have been there, too! Well, I was in spirit, for





Andy's ebullience! That's such a good way to put it -- I've only met

him twice, but yes, I think that gleam in his eye is just so cute, and

he IS ebullient. (Andy, if you're reading, we do so enjoy your company,

can you tell? )


As for Mika... yes... his face does light up... and his smile in turn lights

up the whole room. It's contagious -- I can't see him smile without

smiling myself. :wub2:




Don't worry about it, Robi. As you said, there are plenty who express

stronger opinions each and every day, every day, every day, every day...

ad nauseam. You can express yours once in a while without guilt,

I should think.




Welcome back, kath! :wub2:





I agree -- well, not with the stalker part, Kath, that's just you :wink2:

But I do like to watch him, as I said above, his smile lights up the

room, and watching him interact with people... it's just interesting.

Even watching him in the videos, talking with others at the meet and

greet -- it's just nice to see how he interacts and watch people's

reactions to him. :original:




Thanks Deb...................thank you for understanding and not making me a laughing stock of Amsterdam airport:blush-anim-cl:

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i never said anything, start p227 my posts are around ther, and if you were not looking below his belt you would have seen him the horrible man get cyber grans shoulder, perhaps he thinks he is holy and could heal it instead of trying to prise the shoulder off.


I think i am glad you made it back safely. lol


I was NOT looking below his belt...........I was looking at his beautiful face...of course:mf_lustslow:





Andy's ebullience! That's such a good way to put it -- I've only met

him twice, but yes, I think that gleam in his eye is just so cute, and

he IS ebullient. (Andy, if you're reading, we do so enjoy your company,

can you tell? )








I agree -- well, not with the stalker part, Kath, that's just you :wink2:





I love Andy to bits. He is just like a big overexcited kid:naughty:



Deb...............I would just like to say........after Mika had spoken to Wendi and I, as he was moving away, talking to other people Wendi handed me her camera and asked me to take a pic...but I said I couldn't...............he was just TOO close....................now who's a stalker?:naughty:

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I was NOT looking below his belt...........I was looking at his beautiful face...of course:mf_lustslow:




I love Andy to bits. He is just like a big overexcited kid:naughty:



Deb...............I would just like to say........after weealx had spoken to Wendi and I, as he was moving away, talking to other people Wendi handed me her camera and asked me to take a pic...but I said I couldn't...............he was just TOO close....................now who's a stalker?:naughty:




and how long did it take you to go to the takeaway? it was 2 minutes max from where we were, sneaking a look round where the artistes were I would guess,

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Hey Everyone! Wow, I'm so relieved right now. I'm at the car dealership getting my car worked on and I thought, "Great, what am I going to do all morning?"And then, I found the computer. :naughty: Yes, I now get to MFC while getting an oil change and new tire. Whhooooo hhoooooo, life is good.


What have I missed? Anything good? Well, I think I know the answer to that since I haven't been to the gigs. LOL

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Deb...............I would just like to say........after Mika had spoken to Wendi and I, as he was moving away, talking to other people Wendi handed me her camera and asked me to take a pic...but I said I couldn't...............he was just TOO close....................now who's a stalker?:naughty:


Well, we all know about WENDY! :wink2: LOL!


Hey Everyone! Wow, I'm so relieved right now. I'm at the car dealership getting my car worked on and I thought, "Great, what am I going to do all morning?"And then, I found the computer. :naughty: Yes, I now get to MFC while getting an oil change and new tire. Whhooooo hhoooooo, life is good.


What have I missed? Anything good? Well, I think I know the answer to that since I haven't been to the gigs. LOL


Hey Charlotte! I'm just waiting for all the chicks to come home to roost...

Slowly they're getting here...


Hey Charlotte:wub2:

No idea of the goss, was trying to find out myself:naughty:


Hey Jems, you know more of the goss than I do! You get around far more!

Have to go and read your blog yet... what else is happening?



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Hello Oldlings!

Just sneaked into my friends, to check out some of the vids, I didn't know Sara videoed Mika giving me a hug, also didn't realise he'd bent in that close, kind of disconcerting seeing it on film like that, kind of made me go all girly:wub2:.


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and how long did it take you to go to the takeaway? it was 2 minutes max from where we were, sneaking a look round where the artistes were I would guess,


I swear to God I walked straight there and back.....but I did have to wait a while for my chicken:naughty:


Right I'm off to write my report for Arras, catch you all later x


Oh Good God:shocked:

I spy with my little eye two Oldlings in a pic with Meeks... :)


Kath and Wendi - you look slightly soggy...


That is VERY polite Laurel...........I did say to Wendi at the time, 'It's typical isn't it, we get to meet Mika and we look like ****':naughty:


Wow, and they actually look like they are behaving. I'm so proud.


I have to say that personally I am MOST impressed that I could actually be that close to Mika and not actually be looking at him..........WHAT THE HELL WAS WRONG WITH ME?:shocked:


I'm so sad... in most of those meet and greet pics... the most occuring thought in my head is how nice his hair looks... :lmfao:


*Slaps self*


But it does..............but then he hadn't just been out in a storm that he had brought on by singing Rain:shocked:

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