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agian, mika is your age. and you two DONT know eachother. YOUR IN THE MALL.

mika is wearing a hoodie. so you cant see his gorgeous hair....



So... you just walked out of a clothes shop. directly across from that store is a toy store. your not paying attention, and neither is he.... so as you run out of the store....


BLAM! you two smash into one another!


your both on the floor, your bags next to you.


M: Oh...Oh my god I AM SO SORRY.

L: no no...its ok *lying, becuase it really does hurt.*

M: Oh no, let me help you up. please. im so sorry!

L: *in pain* ouch. its ok... thanks.

M: *grabs your hand and helps you up* I wasnt paying attention its my fault.

L: No...no its ok. hehe.

M: Now dont lie, i can tell you are in pain, let me atleast walk you to....

L: No, no im fine..really *gets up to walk, falls landing on mika*

M: *giggles* no, no.... you need an icecream. im taking you for one.

L: o..ok sure.

M: *Holding you under the arm and helping you walk to the icecream shoppe*

........*your at the icecream shoppe*

M: So.... your lucky you landed on that bag there. that was a hard fall, you could have hurt yourself. Wahts in the bag?

L: *blushing* oh....you would laugh.

M: No i wouldnt! come on you can tell me!

L: well...... its a pair of skinny jeans. I know theyre dorky, but...


L: No way!

M: Yes way *now laughing!*

L: Well no one likes them at school everyone says "Those arent in style! WEAR THIS! WEAR THAT! BE LIKE THIS AND THAT!" Why cant I just be my own person? Why cant I just do what I want with my life and be MYSELF?

M: I know.... ive had the same problem! exactly! Ive always had the feeling that I want to be myself, regardless of what other people think!

L: ME TOO! I even cry sometimes becuase i wish everyone werent so mean. But you right....So who cares if i wear skinnies! They make me happy!

M: Thats the way I feel!

*Akward silence.....dreamy stare!*

L: I also bought......wel..... a pair of suspenders and.....



*both laughing out loud*

M: yes i do!

L: omg wow! and finally.... well....i have straight hair see?

M: yes, go on...

L: And i always loved curly hair. so i bought some stuff to curl my hair with!

M: Really, you say you like curly hair? What about boys with curly hair?

L:...well theres nothing cuter!i find it some handsome.......

M: *as she is still talking, interupts by pulling off his hood to show his curly hair...smiles*

L: *blushes* hehe

*akward silence*

M:...ehem...well! do you wanna know whats in my bag? you probablly think im a weirdo in a toy shoppe/ Well... i bought a tofu doll. I just love them. i know how lame that is....but i love tofu dolls!



L: wow!....um... im liene by the way!

M: Liene. That is probablly the prettiest name I have ever heard. Hi liene, im mika.

L: oh well...now that we know eachother. and its getting late...i should go.

*gets up to walk, falls again mika catches her*

M: Wooah....easy there! relax! take it easy! its not that late, care to go to a movie with me?

L: Well i should go home and rest my leg....

M: Please, liene. WE have so much in common. we need to get to know eachother! you can rest your leg at the theater! its my fault that it hurts, let me make it feel better by taking you to rest in the movie!

L: *seeing the desperation in his, big, beautiful, brown eyes*

Oh...ok. lets go!

*you two are at the movie*

M: So...all that stuff in your bag.... we like the same stuff.

L: Well yes... sometimes i get made fun of for wearing skinnies and suspenders but...

M: Me too. what doe sit matter.

L: I know. i just wanna wear and do what i love. some people think im a dork but....

m: I feel exactly the same, love.

L: Welll...why cant i just do what i wanna do? ya know? *now starting to get some tears in her eyes.*

L: No boy IN MY SCHOOL likes suspenders and skinnies. they think a girl who wears them and plays with tofu dolls is nuts! if your not like the rest of the girls, a FOLLOWERE, your strange. thats why i dont think boys like me.*now tears falling from her face* because i am MY OWN person and refuse to follow others.

M: Well I like you liene. Alot.

L: *sobbing, tears in her eyes are now falling*

M: *****puts his hand under lienes chin, and lifts her face up to his. so he can see her. looks into her eyes hard......*

M: *in a sweet, loving voice.* Hey... I beleive that were in this together. So dont let me see you cry... smile like you mean it.



*faces very close to one another.*

L: Mika, im sorry you are taunted at school too. I have the same problem. its nice to know someone else cares. IM SORRY.

M: Dont say that liene....Maybe...umm.... LOVE is what I need, but not your sympathy.

*Faces even CLOSER CLOSER together..*

L: Ive never met anyone as sweet as you.

M: *takes his thumb and dries her tear away :wub2:* Well ive never met a girl as pretty as you, love.




L: Thanks for everything today mika. your such a sweetheart.

M: Its ok love, im sorry baout bumbing into you. im sorry about your leg.

L: Its ok.....my leg hurts, but if it didnt, i would have never met you.

M: I know. now doesnt it feel better? i knew sitting in a movie and letting it rest would make it feel better!

L: Well it does feel better. but it wasnt the rest. something else made it feel ok.

M: Oh no, what was it?


That Kiss.:wub2:


*Mika breaks into a huge, sweet, bashful smile....slowly but surely....his whole face lights up, and he blushes.*

*Liene does the same*





....the two of you are SMILING......like you mean it





tell me if you liekd it liene!

tell me what you think!!!!



ive decided liene, this is my ABSOLUTE NEW FAVORITE!




OMG sammt this is the best DAYDREAM EVER.

i LOVE it :wub2:


im gonna print it and put in my mika envelope :naughty::thumb_yello:


THANK YOU SAMMY :blush-anim-cl:

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hi :wink2:

its been a while since we talked before, im fine i, was working today, im gona make an earing holes (dont know the real word but hope you understood ) tomorrow.

i cant believe i STILL dont have them. i was GOING to make them a year ago. :roftl:


so i went to Mc donald today with Madara ans Signe (another friend) and we met another my class mate and her friend. we were laughing so hard all the time. it was SO fun. we stayed there for 3-4 hours hust TALKED. i paid ice-creams to EVERYONE. nobody had money and i HAD to pay them. for madara and and signe even two :sneaky2::roftl:

and even 3 hours i wasnt bored and i wanted to stay but it was LATE :D

so it was fun. while we wre there all the people around us were chanded 3 times but we were still there :biggrin2:

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hi :wink2:

its been a while since we talked before, im fine i, was working today, im gona make an earing holes (dont know the real word but hope you understood ) tomorrow.

i cant believe i STILL dont have them. i was GOING to make them a year ago. :roftl:


Believe me... I only made mine a month ago... Too scared to do it before...:naughty:

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Believe me... I only made mine a month ago... Too scared to do it before...:naughty:


well im not scared i just forgot about it cause it wasnt THAT important, but my mom let me to do it.

and NOW i WANT them and my mom DOESNT let me to :sneaky2:

but you know what i REALLY hate ? that i ask my mom several times and say "ppleease please..." when she answers "ok DO IT. but i DONT WANT YOU TO. but you CAN. DO it. but remember i dont WANT you to do it."

i hate when she puts me in that situation, it makes me to feel guilty, and that what she did :sneaky2:

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well im not scared i just forgot about it cause it wasnt THAT important, but my mom let me to do it.

and NOW i WANT them and my mom DOESNT let me to :sneaky2:

but you know what i REALLY hate ? that i ask my mom several times and say "ppleease please..." when she answers "ok DO IT. but i DONT WANT YOU TO. but you CAN. DO it. but remember i dont WANT you to do it."

i hate when she puts me in that situation, it makes me to feel guilty, and that what she did :sneaky2:

Yup, my mom does that all the time too:blink::thumbdown:

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Yup, my mom does that all the time too:blink::thumbdown:


annoying huh ?

i mean i LOVE my mom, i dont want to feel guilty in front of her, and i dont like doing things my mom dont want me to... :thumbdown:

its mean from her to say it, she uses me in some way. she uses that im too close to mom so i cant hurt her, and she KNOWS that and as it seems uses it really good. :mad3:

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annoying huh ?

i mean i LOVE my mom, i dont want to feel guilty in front of her, and i dont like doing things my mom dont want me to... :thumbdown:

its mean from her to say it, she uses me in some way. she uses that im too close to mom so i cant hurt her, and she KNOWS that and as it seems uses it really good. :mad3:


Yup, same here"

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what movie is it ?

and who is the man on avatar ?

*feels stupid*


:shocked::shocked: well i don't know what to say more!!!!!!!!!

Where do you live,hun?:shocked:

"The dark knight" (batman, movie) With Heath Ledger as The Joker! The best movie ever! Its the most popular movie in Latvia now!

haha, be scared!




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:shocked::shocked: well i don't know what to say more!!!!!!!!!

Where do you live,hun?:shocked:

"The dark knight" (batman, movie) With Heath Ledger as The Joker! The best movie ever! Its the most popular movie in Latvia now!

haha, be scared!





aah i know that movie pfftt.

dark night, i KNOW it i just havent seen the pic but ive heard of it a lot :naughty::thumb_yello:

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you mean an earing? you dont have one?


we get them as babies here. I got my first holes when i was only 3 weeks old!


and i just got my second hole last september.


the second hole is jsut above the first one, a little higher up.

My mom won't let me do a 2nd hole above the first one...:thumbdown:



*going to watch simpsons now. see ya all later ;D*

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Ok.... So i was walkign when suddenly i saw these giant lollipops! So i went outside the store and took pics of alot of them. The guy thought i was nuts...hehe
















Here is a pic of the display of GIORGIO ARMANI...MIKAS COLOGNE!


I got behing the counter, took a tester bottle, sprayed myself with it...and took a little peice of paper for displays and sprayed it to keep in ym purse! hehe, naughty!!!




Great Pics!!! And so many Lollipops:shocked: Looks tasty...:drool:

Omg and that perfume!!!I really really want to sniff that man...

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and here are three more pics....



I found a CD of Beatles music! It was called TAKE IT EASY and it was slow, chill out music by the beatles. but i was like OMG TAKE IT EASY liek mika!!!!





Here is a banner i just HAD to buy.....its the one in the middle... you can guess why!!!!!

hehe, if only the world knew what MFC jokes we have........









I ALMOST HAD A HEART ATTACK WHEN I FOUND MIKA IN THE MUSIC STORE! so i took him and put him INFRONT, and made a big display so it was easy to see!!!







This is my new purse!







and finally..... i jsut needed to take a pic for you guys......

a very very vERY CHICKENY PIC....





















Omg more photos!!Awesome!I love that banner and your Chucks(I ♥ Red Chucks!!!) Oh and your Purse!So cute!!!! The last one is so chickeny :roftl: lol


Me and my little Chicken when I was 9 years old:



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