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'thirteenturningfourteensoonandallMikaobsessives' group


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Sure he will!:roftl:

he willl!


Sorry,I dunno if someone answered to me earlier,cuz I didn't look back :blush-anim-cl:




o ya

ummm13 yr old ppl. idk! hahahaha


i was making this. but messed up. tried to fix it, but it still looks terrible! im no artist like sammy


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he willl!




o ya

ummm13 yr old ppl. idk! hahahaha


i was making this. but messed up. tried to fix it, but it still looks terrible! im no artist like sammy



LOL Sammy is supposed to know what fourplet is,I'll ask her tomorrow...


Now that's really the nice one,good job!:thumb_yello:

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Liene (Bubciiis) Started this thread after her and another girl (I think it was Bel)

were in some other thread. As they tried to post, they realized they couldnt keep up with all the posting the adults were doing and they felt liek they were getting trampled! They just wanted to have their own place!


So Liene created this thread, for people around the ages of 13 14 and 15.

That way we could talk abotu our stuff and no adults woudl make us feel small ;D




so................. I and another girl said how "We had the exact same feelings about Mika, and MFC and had the same thoughtS!"

so that made us say................... WE ARE TWINS!

But then i also realized that Liene had the same thoughts as us... SO WE BECAME TRIPLETS!


Finally, another member came to the group and we realized we also had the same feelings towards mika and MFC, so we became FOURPLETS! (or triplets plus 1, 4 triplets)


So as more girls, ages around us with the same LOVE FOR MIKA, feelings about MFC, ideas about mfc and so on came to the group, we couldnt keep changing our name from fourplets to five-plets to six-plets and so on!


so we just kept it at FOURPLETS!


but there are many of us....aroudn 10 i think!






so there you have is, the story of the 10 (or more, becuase we keep growing!) FOURPLETS!


That's a great story! Can you please pass me a link,I would like to see that thread and maybe join? :original:

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THIS IS WHAT MIKAS HAIR LOOK LIKE AFTER I STYLED IT! (see the little curl in front!?!)


and p.s. MIKAS WEARING LIP GLOSS IN THIS I THINK, so dont feel bacd about the mascara. do you agree??


haha. everyone does :roftl:


i know! thats why i decided to decorate it, but then i messed up lol


no way! it does look like it! yes i agree! haha

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Mika: *sits in a chair, looks at Devin and Sammy * hello girls, so what are you doing with me tonight?

Me: Well, you’re performing live on television. You’ll be broadcast to the USA, Latvia and Portugal! Aren’t you excited!

Mika: Yes! Very! So how am i going to look tonight?

Me: Well your hair is gunna be great! I’m thinking we leave your natural curls but enhance them a little. I also think we should leave one down so it bounces on your forehead, that’s very cute.

Mika: Hehe sounds great. So how about the makeup, Devin!? How is my makeup gunna look?

me: well your skin is already perfect, but i want this to be amazing

mika: *blushing*

me: im thinking just a little bit of blush. and i really want to bring out your eyes for this. it may sound strange, but i want to add some mascara. its all natural, but and not noticeable, but I want your eyes to be the focal point. and i want to know how your outfit is going to look too, before going on.

mika: you're the boss

Mika: youre the boss, but about the mascara, are you SURE ? im not a girl *giggles*

Me: Speaking of girliness, i was actually planning on using some tresseme on your hair. its great for curly hair and has a wonderful scent too.

Mika: Am I really going to go out on live television looking AND SMELLING like a woman?!?!

All of us (me,devin,carlota): JUST TRUST US!

Mika: Liek i said, *taking a deep breah* your the bosses! So what are starting with? hair makeup? clothes?

me: well i'll let them start, but we can get someone to go fetch some cologne for you

mika:thatd be nice

me: now would u want Armani Mania? or something else?

mika: o i want you guys to pick

me: GIRLS! what do we want mika to smell like tonight??


Mika: hehe, wow wow. ok. armania mania it is *lookign at devin*

Me: OK! now that your dressed, ill start with the hair! Youll need to come over here to the wash sink so i can wash it first.

Mika: Whatever you say.

Me: *tilting his head back into the sink and starting to wash it. taking out shampoo* Now this is the tresseme i told you about. doesnt it smell fantastic?

Mika: *smellign it* well yes, but its quite......sweet. fruity. woman-like...are you sure that...

Me: ...IM SURE! YOULL SMELL GREAT! *Taking the shampoo and lathering it in his hair. Then i rinse it out.*

Me: NOW......to style it!

Mika: Do what you need to, aslong as it doesnt involve we being anymore feminine smelling than i already am *smiles*

Me: Ok...so lets dry this hair. *starting with hair dryer* SO...are you excited for tonight?

Mika: Yes! live television! i cant wait!

Me: *his hair is dry* No no, this well never do. its too poofy! *grabbing some cream and running it through his hair on my fingers* NOW! THATS BETTER! A little hairspray.... and voula! gorgeous!

Mika: Hey! not half bad!

Me: No, just to style it.... * I stand behind him and looking in the mirror, begin running my fingers through that lovely hair, styling it the way i choose.. Then i go in front of him. im very close to his face. i once again run my fingers through his hair, then i take one curl and twirl it on my finger. it falls perfectly onto his forehead. i look into his eyes. our faces are close*


Me: That mascar does wonders, really brings out your eyes!

Mika: *blushes* hehe, well....

Me: *to break the akwardness* well..ehem..um...your hair is wonderful! whats next?

Mika: Idk, who ever else needs to do some work...


Mika: What about my costume, carlota? What are you thinking of?

Me: Well, I wold like something coloruful, bright and bold. But not too vain.. So, you'll wear a striped-tail-jacket, and under it, I'm thinking of something like ... Hm... Just a white t-shirt, and then in the down part, you'll be wearing that cartoon pants. And of course... Black braces. And the louboutin designed shoes. Is that okay?

Mika: I think that will be very nice! Thanks!

me: but trust me on this one! your eyes will look MAGNIFISANT! u wont be able to tell its their, but youre eyes will be gorgeous!

mika: *sigh* *under his breath*i've got one crazy lady doing my makeup

me: *applying mascara* wow, look in the mirror mika, those are the most lovely natural looking eyes i have ever seen! i told you nothing to worry about!

mika: well who would have thought. it looks like regular, but it makes me wanna look right into my eyes!

me: *giggling* told you

mika: it just doesn’t make much sence

me: i know! That’s just the power of Lysol baby

mika: WTF? Theyres Lysol in this?

me: haha no. just wanted to see your reaction

mika: you little bastard you *chuckles* now SPRAY ON THE GLITTER!

me: but no calling me a fool *smiling*


Mika: What about my costume, carlita? What are you thinking of?

Me: (goes and gets clothes)

Well, I wold like something coloruful, bright and bold. But not too vain.. So, you'll wear a striped-tail-jacket, and under it, I'm thinking of something like ... Hm... Just a white t-shirt, and then in the down part, you'll be wearing that cartoon pants. And of course... Black braces. And the louboutin designed shoes.

Mika: I think that's great... *Starts taking off clothes*


Now... let's dress you up...


*puts the pants .... Mika stretches his arms for the t-shirt, then the jacket, then he puts his shoes on, then I put him his braces under the jacket.*

me: well, Sammy and carlita did an amazing job i would have to say! your hair is fantastic!

mika: well thank you. so is there anything left you want to do?

me: *spins his chair to face me, to compare better. all is silent. steps back, and spins the chair back around* you, you look amazing. im speechless. you 'd say are done! unless you see anything worth fixing sammy. or even you mika.

mika: you guys are the fabulous women making me spectacular. its up to you

me: *blushing. laughing* you are too sweet mika! and sammy was the one that did most of it!

mika: but you also made my eyes fantastical!

me: *staring into his eyes. * well, i. it was easy

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im doing homework.


and im also trying to shock myself back to life with a defibrilator because that picture of mika made my heart stop. 1,2,3.....CLEAR!












Oh god, they lost me. im gone. i suffered a mika-related cardiac arrest.




Sammy? Sammy? SAMMY!!?????!!!!



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when i look at that picture...............


i...i.. cant even.............


my heart stops:shocked:




so whats new? im doing my homework for religion class : (

haaha niceeee

o fun

Hey guys!! how you doin??? LOOOOOVE THE PICS!!

hey! haha fine. u?

im doing homework.


and im also trying to shock myself back to life with a defibrilator because that picture of mika made my heart stop. 1' date='2,3.....CLEAR!












Oh god, they lost me. im gone. i suffered a mika-related cardiac arrest.




hahahahaa thats funny


i just put up what weve got so far on the story

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