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the winner?


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Well..in three minutes it turns to July 3rd. SO. Winners might not be announced for an international contest the day before (unless it was nobody we know)


at least the contest was closed. thats all I can say.


where i am it's nearly one, and in london it's nearly 6 (i believe)

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:no: Why didn't they just make it a France competition then???

Or at least find out who the winner is earlier.

Either way for whoever wins, it's gonna be really stressful at such short notice.



Not to sound "I told you so"-ish, but isn't this exactly what people were saying last night? And others were saying "no, give them a chance..." It's sad that this illustrates just how such chances go. :sad: And now even more people are seeing how Team Mika continuously makes an absolute mess of anything that requires outside organization.


Of course, I still think it's possible that they just won't do an announcement, but maybe the winners were personally notified already? And I still say that if anyone won, they were French or Spanish or German, so they wouldn't necessarily be a poster on MFC. Ie, the winners could already have been notified and maybe all the travel details have been arranged and everything's gone smoothly, and we just don't know because Team Mika decided only the winners needed to be told. The Mika world does not, after all, revolve around MFC, no matter how much we may think it does.


(Anyone who's die-hard enough to be an MFCer and who lives in those countries and could go would most likely have gotten tickets already. So if anyone from those countries won, they'd have to be someone who's a bit less of a hardcore crazy fan.)



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Not to sound "I told you so"-ish, but isn't this exactly what people were saying last night? And others were saying "no, give them a chance..." It's sad that this illustrates just how such chances go. :sad: And now even more people are seeing how Team Mika continuously makes an absolute mess of anything that requires outside organization.


Of course, I still think it's possible that they just won't do an announcement, but maybe the winners were personally notified already? And I still say that if anyone won, they were French or Spanish or German, so they wouldn't necessarily be a poster on MFC.


(Anyone who's die-hard enough to be an MFCer and who lives in those countries and could go would most likely have gotten tickets already. So if anyone from those countries won, they'd have to be someone who's a bit less of a hardcore crazy fan.)





exactly. Its like It was such an amazing contest, or so it seemed, and now it is just one big disappointment because I don't even know who won or if someone did...I just wished an MFC person had won.



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There's still no clue of the winner, it's 4 in the morning here in NYC which means that in London is 9 or something...


Can I encourage the europeans a bit?


You know France is part of the European Union, as far as I know ou don't need a passport to travel within the EU, you just need your IT...spunds good eh?:wink2:

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There's still no clue of the winner, it's 4 in the morning here in NYC which means that in London is 9 or something...


Can I encourage the europeans a bit?


You know France is part of the European Union, as far as I know ou don't need a passport to travel within the EU, you just need your IT...spunds good eh?:wink2:


We need our passports and we are part of the EU? (UK)

What's IT?

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There's still no clue of the winner, it's 4 in the morning here in NYC which means that in London is 9 or something...


Can I encourage the europeans a bit?


You know France is part of the European Union, as far as I know ou don't need a passport to travel within the EU, you just need your IT...spunds good eh?:wink2:


It's 12pm in London (for you)

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I really wish they would just post that winners have been selected or w/e just so as everyone else who HASN'T been lucky can breathe and leave their pc's and go eat, shower, get on with earning a crust etc etc. Even if they don't say WHO won, just say SOMEONE has and put everyone out of their misery.


(it's unlikely to be a regular MFC poster I think).


Ha Ha if I did win I am at work all day today, so that aint gonna leave me much time to throw things together lol, but I am gonna stop worrying about it now cos I think they MUST have been selected by now.


Have a great time guys whoever you are. :thumb_yello:

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Well, I am almost finished July 3rd here, it's dinner time coming up, so no surprises there.


One way to avoid Mika's myspace crashing thanks to Katherine's bleedn hearts is to quickly click onto page 2 or "next" straight away before the blog page even gets half loaded. (I suggested to her that she come on here and wax lyrical rather than spamming his blog with hearts.)


Although perhaps I wasn't that polite....:mf_rosetinted:

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one of my sources says that each winner is staff of MIKA's that would get free tickets and hotel and travel anyways. I suspect that one of my assumptions is true, The members have been kidnapped and now are in a maze or rather. MIKA's doll house, I know he has it for a reason


hi guys! man this is just insane! Its actually quite funny. At work I was saying that I was going to win a trip to France on Thursday and leave that night.

They all howled because they thought it was so funny.

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By the way, does anyone knows if I needed to receive a reply or something after I signed up?


I mean I received that thing that everyone else did but I suppose that was from the secret society....:shocked:



Pffff it puzzles me...


As for the thing with the EU,

I have an acquaintance in Romania (newly EU member) and they are able to travel all over europe just with their idenity card....:thumb_yello:

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By the way, does anyone knows if I needed to receive a reply or something after I signed up?


I mean I received that thing that everyone else did but I suppose that was from the secret society....:shocked:



Pffff it puzzles me...


As for the thing with the EU,

I have an acquaintance in Romania (newly EU member) and they are able to travel all over europe just with their idenity card....:thumb_yello:


Hmm UK the dogs of Europe again........

But we don't have ID cards though.

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ay ay ay guess I didn't win :crybaby:


Oh well...my interesting plan of watching tv alone is back on for tomorrow night then :mf_rosetinted:


I'll call you. I'll probably be bored anyway. I'm watching TV too. A big one.

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Just checked the French forum again. Still nothing about this contest, but there was some dailymotion contest and several people won VIP passes. Nice to know that other contests go on as scheduled!




Several people won! How many were up for grabs?

Who was running the comp? Daily motion themselves?

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I'll call you. I'll probably be bored anyway. I'm watching TV too. A big one.


fibber Babs, your just trying to make us who arn't going to be there and arnt a winning memeber of his team, :bleh::naughty: feel better lol (aww bless ya cotton sox).


I know you will be gently clapping your hands in time to the music and cheering in a polite British and demure manner, perhaps it will go something like this.....wuu huu (claps gently maybe 3 of 4 times to be uber polite) Mika yes how thrilling, wonderful wuu huu (I know you possibly may refrain from wuu huu-ing), you might then wave a flashing or glow stick once or twice (oh I forgot glow/flashing things are banned now), it will have to be your pants then Babs :bleh::naughty: if your feeling more.... adventurous by then , anyway have lots of fun and give him my regrets for not being there, I know he will be disappointed at that as he looks forward to seeing me in the crowd, but he can't always have everything he wants in life now can he :bleh:

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