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REPORTS, PICS, VIDEOS of MIKA @ Rock Werchter Festival, Werchter, Belgium

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:lol3: The people that are "The Fashion Police" are stupid. They don't know how to tell the difference between fashion and style...

Mika is stylish, not fashionable, and that's why he wears your bracelets. Because they're stylish :naughty:

I don't know if that makes sense :aah:


evil stepsisters, if you please.

Knowing Mika, he probably only wore them after because they said they hated them.


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I did the same thing Great minds....




Am I the only one who is ... perturbed by the fact that all the reports (okay, so this and the one with the picture of NKP) have introduced him as "Mika - that guy from last year!" :boxed:


Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee! This Fangurl is back...this might even mean I'll put Mika back in my sig!




Geoffrey Rush! He looks like my science teacher, so of course I have to see that now


Is that how you spell ... that name?


Haha, I'm so glad you can tell! I worked hard on that look. Harry Potter midnight party '07. W00T.


:lmao: I already MQed you before because I was going to comment. That's hilarious because my friend has the same hair and didn't know what to dress as to MY Happy Potter release party '07 and I had those exact same glasses and forced her to wear them + random assortment of shawls. You guys look identical. Best costume ever.

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once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who made magic bracelets. A hansom prince wore some of the magic bracelets to a ball and the evil stepsisters were jealous, so they said they didn't like them because they couldn't have them. The prince then fell in love with the princess and would:serenade: her and....

oh sorry, that's in the sequel.




arrggh, must we.:shocked:




aaand while wearing a doormat.




I think they're jealous because he looks so goddamn gorgeous. The bracelets just make him that much better. :eek: :drool:


findingmywords, what's the quote in your sig from?

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Is that how you spell ... that name?


Why yes, yes it is.



:lmao: I already MQed you before because I was going to comment. That's hilarious because my friend has the same hair and didn't know what to dress as to MY Happy Potter release party '07 and I had those exact same glasses and forced her to wear them + random assortment of shawls. You guys look identical. Best costume ever.



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so i said good night like, an hour ago...at midnight. but i clearly lied.

this time i mean it, nighty night=]:huglove:



oh, and don't let anybody post reports until i get back.


Just say "no":mf_rosetinted:


:roftl: Btw, you should just go. I don't think we're going to get anything. I just got almost 8 hours of sleep and all that happened were 8 pictures and 20 seconds of video :naughty:

And it only took me an hour to wade through the crap, I mean, intriguing conversation :cheerful_h4h:

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:roftl: Btw, you should just go. I don't think we're going to get anything. I just got almost 8 hours of sleep and all that happened were 8 pictures and 20 seconds of video :naughty:

And it only took me an hour to wade through the crap, I mean, intriguing conversation :cheerful_h4h:

*is gone*

yea, it's 1:30am, i should go.

no posting.

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Danke! :cheerful_h4h:

He's so adorable.

(And THAT'S where toi toi toi comes from!)




Pfft. 20$ says you stay on here all night. :mf_rosetinted:

Yep! And also from another T4 one where he's being interviewed by a girl with his electric green pants and he says toi toi toi there too :wink2:

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OK we have about 40 pages and as OD said, only a few pics and vids.


How can you fill the thread with so much chatter about other stuff???


Sorry, but for those of us who want the news we do have to wade through so much else....can't we keep report threads to reports, and the chatter elsewhere?? There are several thousand chat threads and only one review thread per gig.


I have been a report-thread-sitter for WAAAAAAAY too long (comes with the geographical challenge of living in the unchartered part of the world)


I am sorry if I seem unreasonable, but honestly, can we keep non-review non-related chat off here please??? :argue:

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:lol3: :lol3: The laugh after he says that is ADORABLE :wub2:


As soon as he starts saying it he's like "Oh, what the hell am I saying? This makes no sense and I sound stupid, I'll just have to finish it or I'll sound like an idiot, oh, no, I still sound like a complete idiot, just laugh and distract the fangurls." :blush-anim-cl:


*is gone*

yea, it's 1:30am, i should go.

no posting.


:rolls_eyes: Sure :wink2:


Yep! And also from another T4 one where he's being interviewed by a girl with his electric green pants and he says toi toi toi there too


What does toi toi toi actually mean? :blink:

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Yep! And also from another T4 one where he's being interviewed by a girl with his electric green pants and he says toi toi toi there too :wink2:


Oooh! What's that one? I haven't seen one from T4 with a girl wearing green pants... Link anyone?

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OK we have about 40 pages and as OD said, only a few pics and vids.


How can you fill the thread with so much chatter about other stuff???


Sorry, but for those of us who want the news we do have to wade through so much else....can't we keep report threads to reports, and the chatter elsewhere?? There are several thousand chat threads and only one review thread per gig.


I have been a report-thread-sitter for WAAAAAAAY too long (comes with the geographical challenge of living in the unchartered part of the world)


I am sorry if I seem unreasonable, but honestly, can we keep non-review non-related chat off here please??? :argue:


Yes, too true *zips lips* :fisch:


But there have (and will there be?) been no reviews :boxed: Good Mana has all the links in the first post though :wink2:

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Has anyone ever thought of a news of the day type post, that would have all the links listed for that day. Then, close it to replies and only add in the new links as they occur.


Then, you could maybe add to it for the week or for a certain time, but section it by the days. Thursday, wercherter news, friday, paris news.


Just a thought, cause I am so afraid I'll miss something along the way.

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OK we have about 40 pages and as OD said, only a few pics and vids.


How can you fill the thread with so much chatter about other stuff???


What we started doing for the dodgy holiday tour was editing the very first post in a report thread to state which page the real reviews began on...would that help any? That way people who want to chatter with anticipation can do so, and people who want to jump right to real, live reviews can do so as well?

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Has anyone ever thought of a news of the day type post, that would have all the links listed for that day. Then, close it to replies and only add in the new links as they occur.


Then, you could maybe add to it for the week or for a certain time, but section it by the days. Thursday, wercherter news, friday, paris news.


Just a thought, cause I am so afraid I'll miss something along the way.


*talks through sealed lips*


But how would the news be posted if the thread is closed? :blink:

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