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REPORTS, PICS, VIDEOS of MIKA @ Rock Werchter Festival, Werchter, Belgium

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Hang on, an interview: http://www.virginradio.fr/musique/videos/Mika-en-interview-Virgin-Radio-Show

Sorry for talking!!

Thank you to MARI62!!! It was ALL HER! She found it :wink2: I just posted it here.

EDIT: I don't know if you've already seen it. :P

Here http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1599865#post1599865


and here http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?t=11600&page=109


you can download it, too!

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OK we have about 40 pages and as OD said, only a few pics and vids.


How can you fill the thread with so much chatter about other stuff???


Sorry, but for those of us who want the news we do have to wade through so much else....can't we keep report threads to reports, and the chatter elsewhere?? There are several thousand chat threads and only one review thread per gig.


I have been a report-thread-sitter for WAAAAAAAY too long (comes with the geographical challenge of living in the unchartered part of the world)


I am sorry if I seem unreasonable, but honestly, can we keep non-review non-related chat off here please??? :argue:



:winner_first_h4h::bow: WELL SAID Blue Sky (winner of the best post in this thread so far :wink2:)


I have to get to work soon, but have waded through pages of chat to find... still no reports... sigh


Oh well, RL here I come - hopefully be something more exciting to read later!

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Review from some site:

Eigenlijk had Mika vorig jaar al op Werchter moeten staan, maar een of andere tv-show was toen belangrijker. Milow nam toen zijn plaats in en maakte er een zegetocht van in zijn achtertuin. De Libanees-Amerikaanse Londenaar doet zeer mysterieus over zijn seksuele voorkeur, maar gelukkig stond onze gaydar vandaag op scherp. De site van Wel Jong Niet Hetero kondigde dit optreden niet alleen met veel bombarie aan, maar ook het hele podium - van het drumstel tot en met de microstatieven - was versierd met ruikers bloemen. We zien het Tool nog niet meteen doen. Voeg daar nog de skinny jeans, het lendenlapje (of was het een handtas?) en de gestileerde poses van Mika aan toe en je snapt het plaatje.


Maar hey, er is niks mis met een portie kitsch en camp, en met zijn monsterhit Relax leek de toon gezet voor een uurtje licht entertainment. Om de Big Girls (You Are Beautiful) boodschap kracht bij te zetten toverde Mika twee volslanke danseressen uit zijn hoed waar hij zich met plezier tegenaan schurkte. Polyglot Mika introduceerde het nummer Billy Brown in een bijna accentloos Nederlands, en Any Other World werd ingezet met obligaat protest tegen de situatie in Mika's geboorteplaats Beiroet.


Wat volgde, was echter een kleffe ballad. Wij zagen de bui al hangen, want een halfuur lang sleepte Mika ons van de ene middelmatige song (Ring Ring) naar de andere slappe cover (Just Can't Get Enough van Depeche Mode). Achter het podium waren de regenwolken ondertussen samengepakt en even later gingen de hemelsluizen ook écht open. Ook de repertoirekennis van het publiek beperkte zich duidelijk tot de grote hits. Om het zaakje weer leven in te blazen, trok Mika dan maar zijn shirt uit. Kalf verdronken? Niet echt, want Mika heeft bijgeleerd van het Turkse voetbalteam en kwam in de laatste tien minuten nog sterk terug met de hattrick Love Today, Grace Kelly en Lollipop. Met de hulp van een stompzinnige 'Stompact', een heus confettikanon en twee jonge winnaressen van een Studio Brussel-wedstrijd die vooraan lolly's uitdeelden. Winnen in de toegevoegde tijd, heet dat dan.


It's a bit negative:blink::lmao:


Oh, and they call the cover weak:blink:

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Translation? :naughty:


I wished I could, but I don't know some of the words, so perhaps it's better if someone else translates it.


I try to explain what it is about:

Actually Mika has been on Rockwerchter last year, but some tv show was apparently more important.

They tried to find out whether he was gay or not, cause it was kinda hard.

But today the ''gaydar'' was on sharp.

The site of ''Young but not straight'' announced this performance with a lot of noise, and also the stage, wich was decorated with flowers and other stuff wich I can't translate. Add the skinny jeans, het lendendoekje-can't translate it, but it's the doormat, so you get it- (Or was it a purse?) and the styled poses of Mika, and you get the picture.

But there's nothing wrong with kitsch and camp.

And then they say relax was a monsterhit and good for the entertainment.

And then they say he had big girls where he enjoyed to dance close too (cant explain)

Then he introduced Billy Brown in almost accentless Dutch.

Then Any other world began with obligate protest against the situation in Beirut.

What followed was a cheesy ballad.

The other half hour that followed, Mika took us through the one mediocre song (ring ring) to the other weak cover (Depeche Mode's I just cant get enough)

And then they say it started to rain.

And apparently most of the public only knew the hits of Mika.

To blow the job into live Mika decided to take his shirt off.

Cow drowned? Not really, cause Mika learned from the Turkish footballteam, and came back strong the last 10 minutes with the hattrick Love Today, Grace Kelly and Lollipop. With help from a stupid act, a real confetticanon, and 2 young winners from the Studio Brussel competition who gave lollipop's away in the first few row's.

Winning in added time, that's called.


Hope you understand it:bleh:

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I wished I could, but I don't know some of the words, so perhaps it's better if someone else translates it.


I try to explain what it is about:

Actually Mika has been on Rockwerchter last year, but some tv show was apparently more important.

They tried to find out whether he was gay or not, cause it was kinda hard.

But today the ''gaydar'' was on sharp.

The site of ''Young but not straight'' announced this performance with a lot of noise, and also the stage, wich was decorated with flowers and other stuff wich I can't translate. Add the skinny jeans, het lendendoekje-can't translate it, but it's the doormat, so you get it- (Or was it a purse?) and the styled poses of Mika, and you get the picture.

But there's nothing wrong with kitsch and camp.

And then they say relax was a monsterhit and good for the entertainment.

And then they say he had big girls where he enjoyed to dance close too (cant explain)

Then he introduced Billy Brown in almost accentless Dutch.

Then Any other world began with obligate protest against the situation in Beirut.

What followed was a cheesy ballad.

The other half hour that followed, Mika took us through the one mediocre song (ring ring) to the other weak cover (Depeche Mode's I just cant get enough)

And then they say it started to rain.

And apparently most of the public only knew the hits of Mika.

To blow the job into live Mika decided to take his shirt off.

Cow drowned? Not really, cause Mika learned from the Turkish footballteam, and came back strong the last 10 minutes with the hattrick Love Today, Grace Kelly and Lollipop. With help from a stupid act, a real confetticanon, and 2 young winners from the Studio Brussel competition who gave lollipop's away in the first few row's.

Winning in added time, that's called.


Hope you understand it:bleh:


Thanks, I do. :thumb_yello:

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Yeeah! After a four month dry spell, the Mikster is back on stage!


Post your gig reports, pics and vids in this thread! :punk:




http://www.mediafire.com/?fc31u9ynlxz - compliments of our very own Helen100: Relax and Big Girl, from Belgian radio.




http://s257.photobucket.com/albums/hh227/mari62_album/mikarockwerchterfestival03072008/?start=all - thanks Mari62!




http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=YjtocSSCT2M - compliments of Droopsy and CaroLollipop, a clip from a Belgian news station.


thanks mana for including all the links in the first post:thumb_yello:

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I'm going. Will come back in the evening. Can't wait to read everything tonight, and to listen to Virgin radio and stuff.

Have a nice day:huglove:


Bye, you too :huglove:

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i totally agree with Blue Sky post about filling report threads with chatter.

i suggest mods open a report thread a little bit more later, when reasonably ppl attending the gig are at home and partly rested and ready to post something relevant.


i know it's more work, but we are trying to make mika stuff available to all fans, not to chatter about new keyboarder (god may save him from mfcers) or fashion.


then if some reports start being posted in the gig thread (not the report one) mods or careful fans can put the link (or help mods to put the link) to that report in the first post of report thread...does it make sense?


please remember that we are not only a bunch of cliques here...we are an OFFICIAL fanclub (yes we are...stop the jokes pls...they're quite old and boring now) and we should let stuff available to all people coming here for Mika news.


if someone doesn't feel this responsability...oh well, it's ok...but please do not come across the work of ppl who do.


sorry for being rude...it's the language problem...i love you all..blablabla

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Hang on, an interview: http://www.virginradio.fr/musique/videos/Mika-en-interview-Virgin-Radio-Show

Sorry for talking!!

Thank you to MARI62!!! It was ALL HER! She found it I just posted it here.

EDIT: I don't know if you've already seen it.


Ohhh, what's he saying? :P At least he looks nice.


Well a mod would have to edit the post, if that is possible to edit a closed thread.


But if the thread is closed no one can post any news for the mods to have anything to put in the first post?


The problem is there IS no reports, and people keep wading through the crap because they think their might be, maybe a little "there's no reports yet" in the first post would help? I don't know :P


What do you want to say with that?*points to hear own blonde head*

Or were you just talking about blonde guys?


Exactly what I thought :roftl: Discriminating against him for his genetics? :sneaky2:


het lendenlapje (of was het een handtas?)




And then they say he had big girls where he enjoyed to dance close too (cant explain)


Om de Big Girls (You Are Beautiful) boodschap kracht bij te zetten toverde Mika twee volslanke danseressen uit zijn hoed waar hij zich met plezier tegenaan schurkte.


It made me laugh the little I got of it :naughty:

I don't know what schurkte is?? But I'm getting that to add to the message of BG he rubbed against then BG dancers with pleasure :lmao:


And there also was an...ahum...sexy..pic:



Haha! Look where he's pointing :das:

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It's hard to find a balance between keeping threads for reviews and allowing chatter.


It's also hard to draw the line. For example, the Rock Werchter review thread wasn't posted until well after Mika left the stage, but as you can see, it's 40+ pages of chatter. And, what about Wire Image pics and news media clips? While those aren't fan reviews, I think a lot of people do find those interesting.


And sitting around chatting with other fans around the world who are also anticipating information and reviews is one of the most enjoyable things about MFC. :wub2:


Okay, how about this:


We'll wait to post the reviews thread for Paris until Mika leaves the stage or until text message/superphone reports start coming in. Then we'll have a normal reviews thread where people can chatter about Mika's new keyboardist/new songs/new clown costume all they like.


Then, we'll have a second, closed thread just for reviews; mods will pull the reviews, pics and videos out of the the main review thread and post them in the solely-for-updates thread, bearing in mind that members will be able to view this thread but not post responses.


Thoughts? Is that a good balance between the information seekers and the chatter-ers?

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ahahahahaah mana! i started something dangerous......:naughty:


we can leave the gig thread for chatter...simply modifying the title

and have a report thread apart...but of course this will have chatter too...this is something we cannot prevent or (WORSE!) forbid!


it's difficult i know...but i was looking for a review and i found myself lost...i think it's good to apply to a little sense of responsability to each single fan from time to time. just to make the bell ring!


and then anyone is free to do what one likes...we are a free world here.

i can feel BS concern...she's so far and gig-deprived for a long time, so it seems...i feel for her.

i also was looking for info for a friend..and i lost my patience.


let's try different solutions...why not?

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It's hard to find a balance between keeping threads for reviews and allowing chatter.


It's also hard to draw the line. For example, the Rock Werchter review thread wasn't posted until well after Mika left the stage, but as you can see, it's 40+ pages of chatter. And, what about Wire Image pics and news media clips? While those aren't fan reviews, I think a lot of people do find those interesting.


And sitting around chatting with other fans around the world who are also anticipating information and reviews is one of the most enjoyable things about MFC. :wub2:


Okay, how about this:


We'll wait to post the reviews thread for Paris until Mika leaves the stage or until text message/superphone reports start coming in. Then we'll have a normal reviews thread where people can chatter about Mika's new keyboardist/new songs/new clown costume all they like.


Then, we'll have a second, closed thread just for reviews; mods will pull the reviews, pics and videos out of the the main review thread and post them in the solely-for-updates thread, bearing in mind that members will be able to view this thread but not post responses.


Thoughts? Is that a good balance between the information seekers and the chatter-ers?


I don't know. It's what it sounds like people want, but it would be a LOT of work, and we wouldn't be able to reply to the reports? No wait, so the reports are first post in the not-proper thread? So that pretty much means there is a "chatter + reviews" (what we always have) thread and then an extra one run by mods that just has the interesting posts out of that thread in it?

If you were willing to put that much effort that would keep everyone pretty happy I think. I would prefer a new thread for the reviews/chatter thread as well though (rather than using the one where you have to scroll through that bit with the attendees).

So like, make one like this, and then also one where we can't post?

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it's difficult i know...but i was looking for a review and i found myself lost...i think it's good to apply to a little sense of responsability to each single fan from time to time. just to make the bell ring!


I get what you're saying, but at the same time I agree with what Mana said *points down*


And sitting around chatting with other fans around the world who are also anticipating information and reviews is one of the most enjoyable things about MFC. :wub2:


And we can't just not talk, in our excitement, so we kind of need somewhere were we can talk and have the news coming in.

And we did try and keep it out of the report thread and in the other thread last night but then we were told to get out butts into this one :blink: (*but doesn't excuse self for talking about T4 (??really??) a few pages back*)

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So like, make one like this, and then also one where we can't post?


Yeah - so basically each gig would have three threads;


-One attached to the calendar when it's first announced, for gig-goers to do all their pre-gig planning


-One "normal" review thread created as the show is wrapping up, where people can post reviews as well as random chatter, if they're so inclined, and


-One locked thread where mods copy just pics/vids/audio and member reviews. The upside would be that it would consist of only live content - the downside is that there might be a bit of a lag if the normal review thread is very busy, or if no mods are online for a long period of time.


Let me know if my idea is wonky and half baked - it's 2am here, it's the hottest it's been all summer, and I think the late night and the heat are making me a bit crazy. :insane:

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Hang on, an interview: http://www.virginradio.fr/musique/videos/Mika-en-interview-Virgin-Radio-Show

Sorry for talking!!

Thank you to MARI62!!! It was ALL HER! She found it :wink2: I just posted it here.

EDIT: I don't know if you've already seen it. :P

Just opened a new 3d about it: http://www.mikafanclub.com/forums/showthread.php?p=1600031#post1600031
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