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SO! Mika blogs huh?




What's everyone's favorite so far??

I think mine still has to be Benicassim :wub2:

That's a hard choice but I honestly think this Dead Sea one is my favorite. Nooo, it's not for the reasons why most on here would think so. Or maybe it's just because it's the newest?:naughty:


I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm not attracted to Mika like that! I have no idea why...but...I don't.:blush-anim-cl:


This video blog made me laugh the most though. "It's supposed to be very good for you...You better f***ing hope so!":lmfao: The way he said it.:naughty::wub2:

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That's a hard choice but I honestly think this Dead Sea one is my favorite. Nooo, it's not for the reasons why most on here would think so. Or maybe it's just because it's the newest?:naughty:


I've said it before and I'll say it again: I'm not attracted to Mika like that! I have no idea why...but...I don't.:blush-anim-cl:


This video blog made me laugh the most though. "It's supposed to be very good for you...You better f***ing hope so!":lmfao: The way he said it.:naughty::wub2:


there were so many mika-isms in that video.


the little whiney face, so happy to be with his family, suddenly getting grossed out, random intense looks at the camera...oo I could go on and on. :naughty:

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there were so many mika-isms in that video.


the little whiney face, so happy to be with his family, suddenly getting grossed out, random intense looks at the camera...oo I could go on and on. :naughty:

I know! His little...random blank face at 00:47.:naughty:

Definitely one of the more fun blogs. But hmmm.....is it my favorite? I really have to think of that some more!:lol3:


Ask me tomorrow.:wink2:

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Okay, just gone over thirty pages, most of which seems to be about Mika smearing disgusting crap all over himself, which personally I don't find remotely sexy, but each to their own I suppose:blink:.

What I find annoying, and it one case upsetting, is the total lack of respect for the mods here.

Firstly, Diana came on and asked nicely for things to be toned down, which seemed to get completely ignored and people carried on.

Then when Titania (I know she's not a mod, but bear with me) asked if people could not keep going on about the whole mud thing, and talk about some other aspect of the blog, she got shouted down. Now she is entitled to her opinion, everyone else took up twenty odd pages with theirs, and I know Mika does set himself up for this kind of posting when he does some of the things he does, maybe he likes it , I don't know. But to belittle someone for expressing their opinion about not liking it, is very disrespectful, and I thought better of people on here.

Finally, when Niki came on to calm another situation, which in my opinion was starting to get way out of hand, and was blatently ignored, that was it for me!

When a mod has to come back on and say that she feels she isn't being listened to when she has politely asked for a line of posting to be stopped, that is well out of order. If you cannot respect a moderators request, then there is something very wrong.

I am not trying to stir anything up, but I am disgusted by the way the mods have been treated on here this morning, and felt something needed to be said.

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Niki...your siggy....:wub2::wub2::wub2: I love a great Calvo pic.


Below is my response to the argument that somehow appeared while I was gone. Since I am neither a mod nor even a regular poster (at the moment), I understand that my opinion isn't exactly what everyone is dying to read, especially after the fifteen or so pages of other opinions you read through before coming to this point. If not interested, try not to get annoyed and just scroll to the next post without reading.:thumb_yello:


Okay, just gone over thirty pages, most of which seems to be about Mika smearing disgusting crap all over himself, which personally I don't find remotely sexy, but each to their own I suppose:blink:.

What I find annoying, and it one case upsetting, is the total lack of respect for the mods here.

Firstly, Diana came on and asked nicely for things to be toned down, which seemed to get completely ignored and people carried on.

Then when Titania (I know she's not a mod, but bear with me) asked if people could not keep going on about the whole mud thing, and talk about some other aspect of the blog, she got shouted down. Now she is entitled to her opinion, everyone else took up twenty odd pages with theirs, and I know Mika does set himself up for this kind of posting when he does some of the things he does, maybe he likes it , I don't know. But to belittle someone for expressing their opinion about not liking it, is very disrespectful, and I thought better of people on here.

Finally, when Niki came on to calm another situation, which in my opinion was starting to get way out of hand, and was blatently ignored, that was it for me!

When a mod has to come back on and say that she feels she isn't being listened to when she has politely asked for a line of posting to be stopped, that is well out of order. If you cannot respect a moderators request, then there is something very wrong.

I am not trying to stir anything up, but I am disgusted by the way the mods have been treated on here this morning, and felt something needed to be said.


Before finding this post, my mind was basically processing everything as "Blah, blah, respect, he's a PERSON, blah..." & "Blah, he plays up the sexy, he isn't a SAINT, blah, blah..." and I assumed I wasn't going to find anything I haven't heard (or argued over) many times before. But I was wrong. Thanks for bringing a bit of perspective into it. Although I would argue that Titania didn't express her opinion in a mature way that was conducive to receiving respect from the others (they were NOT the only ones doing the belittling), I do agree in general, I would just extend the being open to others' opinions point not just to the people allegedly "getting out of line" but also to those who feel that these individuals were in the wrong. One might feel that they are being inappropriate, but that is no reason to talk around them like they are less intelligent or less civilized than yourself (especially when your comments are so bluntly formulated for their eyes to read anyways). To everyone, no matter what side of this particular argument you stand on, do remember that the mods are THE MODS. They've got a job to do, and are trying to keep the peace, and as you've already seen, that is not an easy task. No matter their personal opinion, they have to do what's best for everyone, and ignoring them or attacking them is not the way to conduct this forum.


.....anyhow....I'm done.:naughty:

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Okay, just gone over thirty pages, most of which seems to be about Mika smearing disgusting crap all over himself, which personally I don't find remotely sexy, but each to their own I suppose:blink:.

What I find annoying, and it one case upsetting, is the total lack of respect for the mods here.

Firstly, Diana came on and asked nicely for things to be toned down, which seemed to get completely ignored and people carried on.

Then when Titania (I know she's not a mod, but bear with me) asked if people could not keep going on about the whole mud thing, and talk about some other aspect of the blog, she got shouted down. Now she is entitled to her opinion, everyone else took up twenty odd pages with theirs, and I know Mika does set himself up for this kind of posting when he does some of the things he does, maybe he likes it , I don't know. But to belittle someone for expressing their opinion about not liking it, is very disrespectful, and I thought better of people on here.

Finally, when Niki came on to calm another situation, which in my opinion was starting to get way out of hand, and was blatently ignored, that was it for me!

When a mod has to come back on and say that she feels she isn't being listened to when she has politely asked for a line of posting to be stopped, that is well out of order. If you cannot respect a moderators request, then there is something very wrong.

I am not trying to stir anything up, but I am disgusted by the way the mods have been treated on here this morning, and felt something needed to be said.


I agree with Rose here.


There are a lot of raging teenage hormones in here...well not limited to teenagers I am sure....but you younglings are the most obvious by sheer post volume:wink2:


But fantasies and such explicit stuff posted publicly can be quite distasteful to many readers here....we are from all cultures and all agegroups....and different standards and expectations...it isn't too much of a request to tone it down, is it?



...and public means really public. Like your mother can see what you have written if she comes on here. Would you still post the same stuff then? Hmmm????


The mods are not trying to be mothers though, they are trying to keep a balance for ALL the MFC users, and seeing as this thread is the ONLY OFFICIAL one for discussing the blogs, maybe the other kind of chatter could move to one of the many threads which exclusively deal with such imaginary things...then the people who don't want to read about it don't have to.


Not such a big ask is it?:mf_rosetinted:



Edit: I just saw another blog discussion thread has been started up...the unofficial one....

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