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Advice: S.O.S means i need deo

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for my 9th birthday my grandma got me a leo/titanic shirt, and she said "now you can dream of him". and that night i soo did! i still wear that shirt.


i love leo :wub2:


I dream of lollipops and rainbows and curly headed boys :mf_rosetinted:

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ok so heres the story, me musicfreak and one of our friends was driving to the citrus bowl(i was driving) we did fine on the way there, but on the way back we got lost!! im not talking about just a little bit lost i mean lost, so when we got to a toll booth i asked the lady how do we get to oviedo and she told us so we finally got there, then we stopped at burger king cuz musicfreak was starving, cranked up mika:punk: and was on our way home, then when we were almost at musicfreaks house i saw a spider run across the windshield, so we were all screaming i turned on the windshield wippers and it went away, so after musicfreak was dropped off i was taking our other friend, ariel, home and right when she was about to get out of the car here comes the spider running across her door, so shes screaming and i have to get out of the car so she can get out on my side, she goes to get her dad cuz i wont get in the car until its dead, he sees it on the hood and squishes it with his hand!!! but thats just from 5-11pm the other part of the day was worse:thumbdown:

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ok so heres the story, me musicfreak and one of our friends was driving to the citrus bowl(i was driving) we did fine on the way there, but on the way back we got lost!! im not talking about just a little bit lost i mean lost, so when we got to a toll booth i asked the lady how do we get to oviedo and she told us so we finally got there, then we stopped at burger king cuz musicfreak was starving, cranked up mika:punk: and was on our way home, then when we were almost at musicfreaks house i saw a spider run across the windshield, so we were all screaming i turned on the windshield wippers and it went away, so after musicfreak was dropped off i was taking our other friend, ariel, home and right when she was about to get out of the car here comes the spider running across her door, so shes screaming and i have to get out of the car so she can get out on my side, she goes to get her dad cuz i wont get in the car until its dead, he sees it on the hood and squishes it with his hand!!! but thats just from 5-11pm the other part of the day was worse:thumbdown:



OMG! A spider -- I would have DIED! You should have seen me and Alex when a GRASSHOPPER was in my car! I would HATE to see up with a spider! :shocked:

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ok so heres the story, me musicfreak and one of our friends was driving to the citrus bowl(i was driving) we did fine on the way there, but on the way back we got lost!! im not talking about just a little bit lost i mean lost, so when we got to a toll booth i asked the lady how do we get to oviedo and she told us so we finally got there, then we stopped at burger king cuz musicfreak was starving, cranked up mika:punk: and was on our way home, then when we were almost at musicfreaks house i saw a spider run across the windshield, so we were all screaming i turned on the windshield wippers and it went away, so after musicfreak was dropped off i was taking our other friend, ariel, home and right when she was about to get out of the car here comes the spider running across her door, so shes screaming and i have to get out of the car so she can get out on my side, she goes to get her dad cuz i wont get in the car until its dead, he sees it on the hood and squishes it with his hand!!! but thats just from 5-11pm the other part of the day was worse:thumbdown:



2 weeks ago, i was driving my brother to work, and i see somethign floating in front of my face, and i realized it was a spider, and i was screaming, and having a nervous breakdown. and then it disappeared. later, i went to mc donalds with a friend, and we were about to order and i see it hanging from the mirror, and i started screaming, and freaking out even worse. and then the guy over the speaker was like "......can i take your order?" and i was like "can i have 7 cheeseburgers?" they're 59 cents on that day. he said "....ok?" it was sooo funny!

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2 weeks ago, i was driving my brother to work, and i see somethign floating in front of my face, and i realized it was a spider, and i was screaming, and having a nervous breakdown. and then it disappeared. later, i went to mc donalds with a friend, and we were about to order and i see it hanging from the mirror, and i started screaming, and freaking out even worse. and then the guy over the speaker was like "......can i take your order?" and i was like "can i have 7 cheeseburgers?" they're 59 cents on that day. he said "....ok?" it was sooo funny!


How many cheeseburgers did you eat? :mf_rosetinted:

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seven cheeseburgers... lol


hmm reminds me of the time we ordered like $100 worth of food at McD's and then drove out really quick (we were in a mini) and the person behind us got given a HEAP of food... gawsh i used to be so naughty...

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haha thank god it wasnt in my car!!!!:shocked:

ewww.... grasshoppers :naughty:


I KNOW! I literally pulled over in traffic and got out of the car! There was a line of cars behind us wanting to turn!!!!!! Alex -- did you get out of the car too? I can't even remember it was SO crazy! :naughty: The boys were dying laughing at us!

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seven cheeseburgers... lol


hmm reminds me of the time we ordered like $100 worth of food at McD's and then drove out really quick (we were in a mini) and the person behind us got given a HEAP of food... gawsh i used to be so naughty...


-- Glad to know I am not the only one who has done that! :lmao:

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2 weeks ago, i was driving my brother to work, and i see somethign floating in front of my face, and i realized it was a spider, and i was screaming, and having a nervous breakdown. and then it disappeared. later, i went to mc donalds with a friend, and we were about to order and i see it hanging from the mirror, and i started screaming, and freaking out even worse. and then the guy over the speaker was like "......can i take your order?" and i was like "can i have 7 cheeseburgers?" they're 59 cents on that day. he said "....ok?" it was sooo funny!

OMG:shocked::shocked::shocked: thats scary, me and musicfreak were taking the birthday pics for mika today outside on my back porch and i have this feeling to turn and this is what i see


that thing was f***ing huge!!

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OMG:shocked::shocked::shocked: thats scary, me and musicfreak were taking the birthday pics for mika today outside on my back porch and i have this feeling to turn and this is what i see


that thing was f***ing huge!!


eeeeewwwww! I have goosebumps just thinking about that! I was pumping gas the other day and had a similar feeling -- looked up and there was a spider that looked JUST like that one on the pole! Needless to say.... time to go enough gas! :roftl:

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