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Yearbook: COVER ART chat room!

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1. Ankmet 20 [Turtle Shell]

2. Mozarella []

3. englishrose []

4. iadoremika []

5. MikaL00v3 []

6. Marianne84 [swan's wings]

7. Guineverer []

8. KaryLovesMika! [Giraffe's skin]

9. Emerald [Cow's udders]

10. Meyer Twins []

11. lovelove_mika [Peacock feathers]

12. daydreambeliever [Whale tail]

13. hotdlp [bull's horns]

14. findingmywords []

15. Louiza [Cat's eyes]

16. Zsina []


:naughty: Very interesting animal!!!


We are geniouses! :mf_rosetinted:

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Top Posters In This Topic

1. Ankmet 20 [Turtle Shell]

2. Mozarella []

3. englishrose []

4. iadoremika []

5. MikaL00v3 []

6. Marianne84 [swan's wings]

7. Guineverer []

8. KaryLovesMika! [Giraffe's skin]

9. Emerald [Cow's udders]

10. Meyer Twins []

11. lovelove_mika [Peacock feathers]

12. daydreambeliever [Whale tail]

13. hotdlp [bull's horns]

14. findingmywords []

15. Louiza [Cat's eyes]

16. Zsina []


:naughty: Very interesting animal!!!


We are geniouses! :mf_rosetinted:


Lmao, I can't wait to see how this animal turns out :roftl:

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Haha, I wanted to do something really silly, so... here's how our "animal" is looking so far!! :roftl: I couldn't put the swan wigns though, didn't found a proper image! :naughty:





if Mika saw that can you imagine him being like "wtf...:blink:"


omg I am seriously laughing out loud here. omg lololol

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Haha, I wanted to do something really silly, so... here's how our "animal" is looking so far!! :roftl: I couldn't put the swan wigns though, didn't found a proper image! :naughty:



that is such a cool creature:roftl:

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Hahahaha We could adopt our lovely chimera and make it the official pet of the MFC! Lol, that would be awesome!!

That WOULD be awesome:roftl:


What if it turns out too ridiculous to put on our yearbook cover? :aah:

To ridiculous? Psssht. I guess Mika will have to love it no matter how it looks:lmao:


A small child??? I'm an adult and it frightens ME!





Shoot! Mika is an adult? It might scare him:roftl:


Okay all, just to let you know we are starting some rough sketches of the female tamer. Can't wait to get it finished and show you guys!!!

Awesome! I can't wait to see it!:wink2:

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Okay all, just to let you know we are starting some rough sketches of the female tamer. Can't wait to get it finished and show you guys!!!


Wahoo! Excitedness! :punk:




Mr Fluffylumpkins





Sir Chunk Von Slapper :naughty:

Lumpy-chanchakooka :naughty:


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Mr. Chunky Von Fluffyschnauser...the third. :naughty:

*Tweety Bird voice* That's poi-fect!


Mr Chunky Von Fluffyschnauser III


I like:biggrin2:


(if anyone asks what happened to the other two Mr Chunky Von Fluffyschnauser's...this one ate them. What? He was hungry:roftl:)

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Just adding the word 'von' to the name is hilarious, actually it's von-derful! I know that was corny, our family complains all the time at our sad jokes.

The 'Von' is courtesy of findingmywords:naughty:


That's okay. Wanna know a cheesy joke?


What do you call cheese that's not yours?

Nacho cheese

Now how 'cheesy' was that:mf_rosetinted:

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