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2008 - REPORTS, PICS, VIDEOS OF MIKA @ Westerpark - Amsterdam


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Ooh Kaviiii :fisch::naughty:


Kaviii? What does that mean?


Kavi, one of the MFCers, she's in love with Just Can't Get Enough, you've pretty much made her day posting that vid :bleh:


Ok, in that case that made my day 2. I Love to make people happy

I saw some one ask for that video but don't know who anymore

so I put it on.

The rest will be tomorrow, because I slept 3 and a half hour today.



Hello :bye:

Yes I'm in love with that cover!!! Thank you so so much!!!

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I was just wondering...


I think it was at this concert:


When Mika came to greet the fans I understand he turned down a request for a photo from someone (ircazo) but took photos with other people saying that he was only taking a few photos.


Any more info on this?

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Neuken in de keuken?


Oh oh oh...Oh lala!! Been there, done that :naughty:



some more:




Oooh another one from the moment when he laughed and said "You and your petitions!" HAHAHA that was so funny.

Dammit, where is Louiza, she has it on video and I am dying to see it :roftl:. He laughed so much!



Pink is the new Blue.


Welcome to the Pink Side :thumb_yello:

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Someone passed it on to me just before Mika started his performance, can't remember who it was and where it came from. I gave it to Ingie after the gig, as a souvenir for her scrapbook. Nice to see it here on the forum. :naughty:


I never keep things secret you know that:roftl: It was Ioana by the way...


And I will make an Amsterdam scrapbook, adding all the lovely moments with Uhnoana:roftl:

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I was just wondering...


I think it was at this concert:


When Mika came to greet the fans I understand he turned down a request for a photo from someone (ircazo) but took photos with other people saying that he was only taking a few photos.


Any more info on this?


no, you basically said what happened, just that it wasn't only ircazo who got a "no" from him, but also others. but i think we're finished with discussing it. the meet+greet was great, this picture thing was a bit unfair, but we can be (and most of us are) happy that he did a m+g at all. and i think that's all there is to say about it. :wink2:

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no, you basically said what happened, just that it wasn't only ircazo who got a "no" from him, but also others. but i think we're finished with discussing it. the meet+greet was great, this picture thing was a bit unfair, but we can be (and most of us are) happy that he did a m+g at all. and i think that's all there is to say about it. :wink2:



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no, you basically said what happened, just that it wasn't only ircazo who got a "no" from him, but also others. but i think we're finished with discussing it. the meet+greet was great, this picture thing was a bit unfair, but we can be (and most of us are) happy that he did a m+g at all. and i think that's all there is to say about it. :wink2:



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Dear all,

I'm an Italian Mika fan and I would like to greet my two "friends" of the Amsterdam concert, one Dutch girl standing to my left, at her second mika's concert, actually I don't know if she's part of this forum, and on my right side Starrats both very friendly. Actually we didn't speaks to much just because my English is not that good....even thought we have understood each other, of course we have sung and danced ...they have also helped me, that's why I would like to thanks them. It's so true that for the music doesn't exist any language or geographical limits. Thanks!!!!!!

ciao ciao

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Waaa, finally I'm home!

Omg, it's going to take me the whole night reading all these reports and watching the vids and pictures! :naughty:

Well, I just have a few pictures of Sam Sparro, because my stupid Aldi camera broke just a few minutes Mika came on stage! That sucked..


Well, it al started in the morning of the 8th Juli, when my wake up call was my friends bulldog riding on my leg at 6 o'clock in the morning...

But I just couldn't care because I just realized that this is going to be the first day when I'm about the see my little obsession. So full of happiness I jumped out of the bed, and forgot that there was a plank right above my head, and yes, it hurt like hell! Haha, but again, I just couldn't care!

So I jumped underneath the shower, put on my slutty "sucking too hard on your lollipop"-shirt, and then waited for a loooong time. Well, finally we had our ride to Westpark at 14:00. So we arrived at 14:30 or something. My first reaction when I saw all those people in happy colourfull clothes sitting on the ground talking in-I don't know how much different languages- was like: Where the hell am I? :roftl: So I also put on my lovely yellow poncho, and also start waiting for the moment of truth.

Eventhough my ass hurt like hell because of the hard ground, the waiting wasn't boring at all! Everyone started talking, and everybody was very funny and nice! And then suddenly we heard Big girls out of the speakers! So I climed on the gate thing, and yes! Ohhh hallelujah! I SAAAW HIM! (don't ask me how, but I saw a 3 cm long thing walking across the stage, and I just knew it was our Meeks) But however, I saw the man of the interviews, pictures, and vids in real life for the first time! Aaaah!

Well after that we waited again, and again, and yes, again ofcourse!

So after a few hours suddenly everybody jumped up, because the gates were open of something. I didn't knew what was going on, but I think it would be smart if I jumped up also I think? Haha.

So after that I run with all my power to the stage! Well at least.. That was my plan, because some securuty guy stopped me and told me I had to run slower. So totally in nordic walking style I walked as fast as I can to the stage! Jeeej, I was almost on the front row!


After a hour of waiting the show began! First Sam Sparro, who was dressed up way too cool! I absolutely loooved his outfit. A black and golden legging, a rainbow poncho thing, and a big black sunglasses, very stylish!

I never heard more of him except his Black and gold song. But I must say that I was absolutely suprised! He really made me dance and sing along! Really amazing!

And then, as we all know that stupid band after him. Hercules and Love Affair.. Well, I actually don't know what to say about them. *uch uch*

What does a band like that doing in the support act of Mika? Please! Maybe they fit as the support act of a boring dance gig or something.. But as the support act of Mika? Hell no! :thumbdown:

First those 2 singers. One was a ugly transsexual with the most ugliest hair ever, and the the other you even didn't knew if her job was being part of a band, or a stripper at a nightclub. She rided her microphone like a wh*re, with her wáy to short dress when I can see her panty's in, bleg.

They really turned my mood very bad! But you can also see it as a bless, because I would be even more excited for Mika!


Well, than finally! The moment we all been waiting for! Mika's performence!

First you had this lovely intro, with the clowns. Some clown with a umbrella hanged above the stage while you heard the music of Any Other World, and Billy Brown and stuff. It really gave me goosebumps! It was so nice!

During that the band came on the stage, and started playing Relax! The whole crowd went crazy, and everybody was screaming their lungs out. And yes! THERE HE WAS! MIKAAAA! I don't know how it came, but I was screaming like a little hysteric girl Meeks' name, and things like I love you! :naughty: So then he hit the first notes of Relax. Everybody was singing allong, it just was soooo amazing!

After Relax, he sang Big Girls! That was also very nice! All those big girls on stage with their huge diet coke balloon thing, and ofcourse Mika dancing with all of them. Especially with one dark lady, who was flirting like crazy with him! Very cute to see. And then! Ooohyeah! I had my little Mika moment.

He was singing "big girl" and then he looked me right in the eye: "You are beautifull!" Like 2 whole seconds or something! I was having heart attack! :mf_lustslow:

Well, Big girl was like a big party! I absolutely loved it!

After Big girl we had My Interpretation, lovely song, but live even better if you ask me! It was so cute! It went wrong 2 times or something, and he said something like: "I feel like a kid at a piano lesson" and then he had this amaaazing sexy very chickenly scream, and he began to sing!

Omg, I just see I have to work about half an hour, so I have to be short, haha. Well, after that I think was Any Other World? But I don't know actually! Well at elast, Any World World was soo lovely! It really you know, got me rillings all over my back. He looked so cute, and serious. And damn, those eyes! Like he had the tears in his eyes.. So beautifull!

After that he had Holy Johnny. I never knew I knew that song out of my head actually! I started singing, and I was singing along the whole song, haha. I was like: uuh you never listen to Holy Johnny? how do you know this? I was suprising myself, haha.

Well, maybe my favorite song of the show was Stuck In The Middle. It just rockt my socks! I was jumping, singing, and dancing with all the people around me! And he put the crowd in a few parts, and then he had this little contest thing, who can sing along the best. And yeah! I was on the winning side! Haha. That was so lovely! He seemed to enjoy it also very much!

Well, Love Today was cool too! I wanted to hug the poor guy with the umbrella in the snow, haha. I also loved the drum solo! The way he played with Cherisse was amazing! When she got absolutely mad with their drums, and mika was like: Ssssht, to the crowd. He just hit his drum 1 time, and then made a bow. The whole crowd went mad! That was so cool! Loved the beat!

And then ofcourse the little shadow play before lollipop, it was so funny! Mika was dressed up as a tiger, prrrr. It just was one big happy party with the confetti, and people on stage!

After that I do was a bit dissapointed! I was like: Lollipop? Now? That's always the last song! Nooo! But then he came back, and sang Rain and Relax again! Everybody was screaming when he came back on the again, and after the huge applaus, when everything got a little bit calmer, I had such a emberassing moment!

I didn't knew what I was doing, so it was quite still, when I suddenly screamed: MIKAAA! MARRY MEEEE! Harder than I thought. So like 30 people or something turned around, and looked at me. Haha, totally didn't want to be there at that moment! I think Mika also heard it, but pfieew! He didn't react at it, haha. That would be even more ashamed!

So after that he started to sing Rain. Everybody was like, huh? Rain? And I was like: ooooh Rain! I can sing along yes yes yes! So I was singing along, and everybody was (inc Mika himself I think) Huh? How do you know this? :shocked: I heard just 10 other MFCers or something also sing along. That was so funny! And than the lest notes of Rain I thought: Ohno, this is it! He has to leave you again! But then he did Relax again! He said it would be different, but I didn't heard any difference than the first version. But however, what does it mather? He sang another song! So I was too happy!


Well, when the gig came to a end, I was waiting at the exit. But my uncle picked me and my girlfriend up at 12 o'clock, so I didn't meet him in the end. And the next morning I saw a krabbel from LadyGodiva, that if I waited a half hour longer I could have meet him! So I was very sad and dissapointed! That was really a pity after such a awesome gig.. Well, those thing happen in life right? Haha, maybe next time!

I can't wait to see him again, I'm officially obsessed and in love now.


Goooo Mika! You're my hero! :wub2:


And then, it was over. I've loved every minute of it, and it really gives me back those's warm feelings when I'm looking at all those gig vids and pictures! So thank you guys!

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I won’t write a long, chronological report, I guess this has been done before, so here just a few things from my view…

Unfortunately I had forgotten my camera at the hotel, so many thanks to everybody for sharing their material here. :thumb_yello:


Ending up in the front with a bunch of the loveliest people I have ever met was a fantastic experience. In spite of the not particularly fantastic weather the whole crowd was quite relaxed. It was really good to see that people didn’t beat each other halfway to death or break down with a crying fit whenever any random magic item was thrown into the audience. No fights there, just shared happiness, that was really a nice thing to see. No random pushing either.

Thanks to sariflor we had quite a bit of fun with the camera guy on the right before anything had started.

Sam Sparro was great, sort of a male Yelle stylewise and blessed with a stunning voice. He was very entertaining and seemed quite sympathetic, not taking himself so seriously. :bleh:

The second support band was not my cup of tea and I dare say, also not the cleverest choice to support Mika. Just my opinion.


The actual gig – well, it was Mika. Do I have to say anything more?

So yes, it was amazing, he was fantastic, I enjoyed the show a lot.

‘Rain’ sounded right and beautiful. I’m in love with this song and already very happy that it’s going to be on the new album. So while I really love that one, I will continue being honest and also say that I was quite disappointed in the Relax Remix. This one sounds to me like some no name product of some random pseudo DJ having had a bad day. Which I find is a bit of a bummer, there are so many of these slaughtered versions around, I don’t need another one. It might be just me, but frankly I don't think so.


I’ve been talking to some about the clowns and all the additional shizz he now has with him on stage, and while most of them said that they didn’t really like it, I have to say I’m a bit torn.

I actually quite liked it as I think I can see where he’s coming from. With all these viewy ideas coming up inside one’s head it must be awesome to finally being able to bring them to life, and I think he did it in a tasteful way…

Just for me personally the clowny comedy aspect doesn’t work very well. But that is probably just me, as I have never really been into clowns. I loved the Peter Pan facet, though, the Harlequin dangling from the ceiling, the umbrella scene for the LT intro and the astronaut kid. For this one I’d be very interested in the underlying idea.

I was also pleased to see that Mika didn’t appear on stage wrapped in his tapestry style outfits from the Paris gig. Those don’t suit him very well IMHO.


However, yes, I was smitten with the performance as a whole, just as expected.

The magic is back. :cheerful_h4h:


And random: I loved how the fake snow was twirling so blizzardy due to the strong wind. What? Yes, I’m a sucker for details.


I think I said it before, but I really had a wonderful time in Amsterdam, thanks to many of you. Sariflor, sienna, REBEKA, it was so nice to meet you at the bar on Monday night already! Sienna, you amazed me, I’ve never seen three tea bags in one single cup of tea. Sorry, we didn’t catch you at the hotel before you left.

Ioana, Rose, greta, it was great to see you again in the queue and at the gig… and afterwards!

JoseOle, loved how you did your t-shirt! Louiza, I love the book you made. Everybody who was wearing that RAH thing, you made me smile. MegPL (was that you? I don’t know), great cloverleaves (were those cloverleaves?)!

Greta! Catch some sleep! Thanks for your company to a random contemporary art exhibition and the theatre museum!

Haeschen02 and mariposa, it was great to finally meet you in person, I’m so sorry about your bad luck, however, there will be a next time for sure!

Mellody! You are my favourite clown! Many thanks for capturing the moment – AGAIN! Thank you. :huglove:

Sariflor, can’t thank you enough. You know what for. :wink2:

Everybody I have talked to on here before but didn’t address at the gig, I’m sorry, you were so many! :blink::wink2:

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Waaa, finally I'm home!

Omg, it's going to take me the whole night reading all these reports and watching the vids and pictures! :naughty:

Well, I just have a few pictures of Sam Sparro, because my stupid Aldi camera broke just a few minutes Mika came on stage! That sucked..


Well, it al started in the morning of the 8th Juli, when my wake up call was my friends bulldog riding on my leg at 6 o'clock in the morning...

But I just couldn't care because I just realized that this is going to be the first day when I'm about the see my little obsession. So full of happiness I jumped out of the bed, and forgot that there was a plank right above my head, and yes, it hurt like hell! Haha, but again, I just couldn't care!

So I jumped underneath the shower, put on my slutty "sucking too hard on your lollipop"-shirt, and then waited for a loooong time. Well, finally we had our ride to Westpark at 14:00. So we arrived at 14:30 or something. My first reaction when I saw all those people in happy colourfull clothes sitting on the ground talking in-I don't know how much different languages- was like: Where the hell am I? :roftl: So I also put on my lovely yellow poncho, and also start waiting for the moment of truth.

Eventhough my ass hurt like hell because of the hard ground, the waiting wasn't boring at all! Everyone started talking, and everybody was very funny and nice! And then suddenly we heard Big girls out of the speakers! So I climed on the gate thing, and yes! Ohhh hallelujah! I SAAAW HIM! (don't ask me how, but I saw a 3 cm long thing walking across the stage, and I just knew it was our Meeks) But however, I saw the man of the interviews, pictures, and vids in real life for the first time! Aaaah!

Well after that we waited again, and again, and yes, again ofcourse!

So after a few hours suddenly everybody jumped up, because the gates were open of something. I didn't knew what was going on, but I think it would be smart if I jumped up also I think? Haha.

So after that I run with all my power to the stage! Well at least.. That was my plan, because some securuty guy stopped me and told me I had to run slower. So totally in nordic walking style I walked as fast as I can to the stage! Jeeej, I was almost on the front row!


After a hour of waiting the show began! First Sam Sparro, who was dressed up way too cool! I absolutely loooved his outfit. A black and golden legging, a rainbow poncho thing, and a big black sunglasses, very stylish!

I never heard more of him except his Black and gold song. But I must say that I was absolutely suprised! He really made me dance and sing along! Really amazing!

And then, as we all know that stupid band after him. Hercules and Love Affair.. Well, I actually don't know what to say about them. *uch uch*

What does a band like that doing in the support act of Mika? Please! Maybe they fit as the support act of a boring dance gig or something.. But as the support act of Mika? Hell no! :thumbdown:

First those 2 singers. One was a ugly transsexual with the most ugliest hair ever, and the the other you even didn't knew if her job was being part of a band, or a stripper at a nightclub. She rided her microphone like a wh*re, with her wáy to short dress when I can see her panty's in, bleg.

They really turned my mood very bad! But you can also see it as a bless, because I would be even more excited for Mika!

Well, than finally! The moment we all been waiting for! Mika's performence!

First you had this lovely intro, with the clowns. Some clown with a umbrella hanged above the stage while you heard the music of Any Other World, and Billy Brown and stuff. It really gave me goosebumps! It was so nice!

During that the band came on the stage, and started playing Relax! The whole crowd went crazy, and everybody was screaming their lungs out. And yes! THERE HE WAS! MIKAAAA! I don't know how it came, but I was screaming like a little hysteric girl Meeks' name, and things like I love you! :naughty: So then he hit the first notes of Relax. Everybody was singing allong, it just was soooo amazing!

After Relax, he sang Big Girls! That was also very nice! All those big girls on stage with their huge diet coke balloon thing, and ofcourse Mika dancing with all of them. Especially with one dark lady, who was flirting like crazy with him! Very cute to see. And then! Ooohyeah! I had my little Mika moment.

He was singing "big girl" and then he looked me right in the eye: "You are beautifull!" Like 2 whole seconds or something! I was having heart attack! :mf_lustslow:

Well, Big girl was like a big party! I absolutely loved it!

After Big girl we had My Interpretation, lovely song, but live even better if you ask me! It was so cute! It went wrong 2 times or something, and he said something like: "I feel like a kid at a piano lesson" and then he had this amaaazing sexy very chickenly scream, and he began to sing!

Omg, I just see I have to work about half an hour, so I have to be short, haha. Well, after that I think was Any Other World? But I don't know actually! Well at elast, Any World World was soo lovely! It really you know, got me rillings all over my back. He looked so cute, and serious. And damn, those eyes! Like he had the tears in his eyes.. So beautifull!

After that he had Holy Johnny. I never knew I knew that song out of my head actually! I started singing, and I was singing along the whole song, haha. I was like: uuh you never listen to Holy Johnny? how do you know this? I was suprising myself, haha.

Well, maybe my favorite song of the show was Stuck In The Middle. It just rockt my socks! I was jumping, singing, and dancing with all the people around me! And he put the crowd in a few parts, and then he had this little contest thing, who can sing along the best. And yeah! I was on the winning side! Haha. That was so lovely! He seemed to enjoy it also very much!

Well, Love Today was cool too! I wanted to hug the poor guy with the umbrella in the snow, haha. I also loved the drum solo! The way he played with Cherisse was amazing! When she got absolutely mad with their drums, and mika was like: Ssssht, to the crowd. He just hit his drum 1 time, and then made a bow. The whole crowd went mad! That was so cool! Loved the beat!

And then ofcourse the little shadow play before lollipop, it was so funny! Mika was dressed up as a tiger, prrrr. It just was one big happy party with the confetti, and people on stage!

After that I do was a bit dissapointed! I was like: Lollipop? Now? That's always the last song! Nooo! But then he came back, and sang Rain and Relax again! Everybody was screaming when he came back on the again, and after the huge applaus, when everything got a little bit calmer, I had such a emberassing moment!

I didn't knew what I was doing, so it was quite still, when I suddenly screamed: MIKAAA! MARRY MEEEE! Harder than I thought. So like 30 people or something turned around, and looked at me. Haha, totally didn't want to be there at that moment! I think Mika also heard it, but pfieew! He didn't react at it, haha. That would be even more ashamed!

So after that he started to sing Rain. Everybody was like, huh? Rain? And I was like: ooooh Rain! I can sing along yes yes yes! So I was singing along, and everybody was (inc Mika himself I think) Huh? How do you know this? :shocked: I heard just 10 other MFCers or something also sing along. That was so funny! And than the lest notes of Rain I thought: Ohno, this is it! He has to leave you again! But then he did Relax again! He said it would be different, but I didn't heard any difference than the first version. But however, what does it mather? He sang another song! So I was too happy!


Well, when the gig came to a end, I was waiting at the exit. But my uncle picked me and my girlfriend up at 12 o'clock, so I didn't meet him in the end. And the next morning I saw a krabbel from LadyGodiva, that if I waited a half hour longer I could have meet him! So I was very sad and dissapointed! That was really a pity after such a awesome gig.. Well, those thing happen in life right? Haha, maybe next time!

I can't wait to see him again, I'm officially obsessed and in love now.


Goooo Mika! You're my hero! :wub2:


And then, it was over. I've loved every minute of it, and it really gives me back those's warm feelings when I'm looking at all those gig vids and pictures! So thank you guys!





you are one happy person so glad you had a great day, thing is it is not just the gig it is the whole experience of the day, if that was good just wait till your next one, it will be even better.

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I won’t write a long, chronological report, I guess this has been done before, so here just a few things from my view…

Unfortunately I had forgotten my camera at the hotel, so many thanks to everybody for sharing their material here.


Ending up in the front with a bunch of the loveliest people I have ever met was a fantastic experience. In spite of the not particularly fantastic weather the whole crowd was quite relaxed. It was really good to see that people didn’t beat each other halfway to death or break down with a crying fit whenever any random magic item was thrown into the audience. No fights there, just shared happiness, that was really a nice thing to see. No random pushing either.

Thanks to sariflor we had quite a bit of fun with the camera guy on the right before anything had started.

Sam Sparro was great, sort of a male Yelle stylewise and blessed with a stunning voice. He was very entertaining and seemed quite sympathetic, not taking himself so seriously.

The second support band was not my cup of tea and I dare say, also not the cleverest choice to support Mika. Just my opinion.


The actual gig – well, it was Mika. Do I have to say anything more?

So yes, it was amazing, he was fantastic, I enjoyed the show a lot.

‘Rain’ sounded right and beautiful. I’m in love with this song and already very happy that it’s going to be on the new album. So while I really love that one, I will continue being honest and also say that I was quite disappointed in the Relax Remix. This one sounds to me like some no name product of some random pseudo DJ having had a bad day. Which I find is a bit of a bummer, there are so many of these slaughtered versions around, I don’t need another one. It might be just me, but frankly I don't think so.


I’ve been talking to some about the clowns and all the additional shizz he now has with him on stage, and while most of them said that they didn’t really like it, I have to say I’m a bit torn.

I actually quite liked it as I think I can see where he’s coming from. With all these viewy ideas coming up inside one’s head it must be awesome to finally being able to bring them to life, and I think he did it in a tasteful way…

Just for me personally the clowny comedy aspect doesn’t work very well. But that is probably just me, as I have never really been into clowns. I loved the Peter Pan facet, though, the Harlequin dangling from the ceiling, the umbrella scene for the LT intro and the astronaut kid. For this one I’d be very interested in the underlying idea.

I was also pleased to see that Mika didn’t appear on stage wrapped in his tapestry style outfits from the Paris gig. Those don’t suit him very well IMHO.


However, yes, I was smitten with the performance as a whole, just as expected.

The magic is back. :cheerful_h4h:


And random: I loved how the fake snow was twirling so blizzardy due to the strong wind. What? Yes, I’m a sucker for details.


I think I said it before, but I really had a wonderful time in Amsterdam, thanks to many of you. Sariflor, sienna, REBEKA, it was so nice to meet you at the bar on Monday night already! Sienna, you amazed me, I’ve never seen three tea bags in one single cup of tea. Sorry, we didn’t catch you at the hotel before you left.

Ioana, Rose, greta, it was great to see you again in the queue and at the gig… and afterwards!

JoseOle, loved how you did your t-shirt! Louiza, I love the book you made. Everybody who was wearing that RAH thing, you made me smile. MegPL (was that you? I don’t know), great cloverleaves (were those cloverleaves?)!

Greta! Catch some sleep! Thanks for your company to a random contemporary art exhibition and the theatre museum!

Haeschen02 and mariposa, it was great to finally meet you in person, I’m so sorry about your bad luck, however, there will be a next time for sure!

Mellody! You are my favourite clown! Many thanks for capturing the moment – AGAIN! Thank you. :huglove:

Sariflor, can’t thank you enough. You know what for. :wink2:

Everybody I have talked to on here before but didn’t address at the gig, I’m sorry, you were so many! :blink::wink2:


oh you were there :blink: there were so many I people I missed :thumbdown:

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