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2008 - REPORTS, PICS, VIDEOS OF MIKA @ Westerpark - Amsterdam


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Woooow great pics!!




And thanks for this little piece of heaven!! :wub2::naughty:


:roftl: Was gonna say:

"Thanks for the lovely pics :wub2: Love one the most but I'm not gonna point it out.."


But I'm not the only one I see :naughty::roftl:

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and Grace Kelly blooper.. :naughty:


:lmfao: That was soooo funny!


:roftl: Was gonna say:

"Thanks for the lovely pics :wub2: Love one the most but I'm not gonna point it out.."


But I'm not the only one I see :naughty: :rotl:


Hahaha yeah, of course you're not the only one as long as I'm online!! :mf_rosetinted:



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oh, i missed two pics




cath, i love your pics! there's half of me on one of them :naughty:


really which one?

I love yours too, especially that last one, kinda artistic

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Btw, I am uploading my vids to myspace and have quite a few up already, check them out under my profile!


Here's the url for the one taken when Ioana and I were having a laugh with the new camera guy (yes, we're soo mature :roftl:) and you can find the rest of the videos from that link:




now wasn't he just nice? And quite the bright boy with his instant zooming on the paper :naughty:

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Ze report as such.





It all started when I landed in Amsterdam, around 10 pm on Monday the 07th July, with my pink suitcase and pink shoes (yes, I kid you not, and very proud I was ).


Getting to the hotel was easy peasy, a mere 10 minutes or so in a taxi with a driver who wanted to know who Mika was, so naturally I obliged, playing him a couple of songs. He “thought” that he recognised Grace Kelly, and I just about had enough time to go through the usual explanations about Mika, MFC, and our little escapades all over the world.


He did seem a bit surprised by it all, but he seemed to find it interesting. Ah, and he said that Mika had a very “English” sound, a bit like Madonna and other English singers. I tried to argue that, but quite frankly I didn’t have the energy or interest to do so, as he seemed so happy about his conclusion.


Anyway, so I got to the hotel, and quite soon met up with Violet and Mr. Violet. Both super lovely people, which we knew already, but I just felt like stating it again.


Later on Sienna and Rebeka joined us, and we stayed up for a good while chatting in the bar. Drinking some evil tomatoe juice, muahahahaaaaaaaaa!


S & R told us that apparently some people were going to queue overnight, which we all thought was incredibly absurd, pointless, and just crazy.

It was pouring down, windy, COLD!! People queing overnight should be examined for their mental health IMHO, but if the weather is like that, even moreso.

I find it really stupid.


Anyway, the evening was a great start to what would be a fantastic experience.


Even though we were quite tired, and I had only slept a few hours the night before and desperately needed rest, Sienna and I were very naughty and stayed up chatting for ages, resulting in us only getting around 3 hours sleep and waking up a bit too late, just in time to catch breakfast before they closed it.


We had breakfast with the other 3 musketeers (Mr&Ms Violet and Sienna), and watched the rain through the big glass windows….feeling absolutely knackered, and thinking what on earth are we going to do, if the weather continues to be this bad.

At one point we saw a woman come into the hotel TOTALLY drenched, as she’d been out in the rain, and we thought: no way are we going out in that.


Luckily, it soon sort of cleared up, and even though it was still not “good” weather, it was ok enough for Sienna and I to decide that we’d be brave and walk to Westerpark.


The hotel was only a 10 min walk away, so it was all right.


We got there to see a number of MFC’ers and non MFC’ers, and the usual “meeting and greeting” everyone ensued. It was really lovely to see all these people again, especially lots who I hadn’t seen since Feb in London, or even longer!

Equally nice was seeing the Paris gig people. Too many people were there to mention (80 plus!!) but it was really cool to see you all again.

We got a number on our hand, and started the queuing experience.

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Ze queue with ze loonies.

The queue wasn’t really organised at that point, it was just some sort of conglomeration of people at the entrance, as they hadn’t really opened anything, but later on they took the gate down and we could queue “properly” in front of the little openings that there were, a bit like those things that dogs come out of at races, if you know what I mean.

They had initially only taken down the gates at the right, so everyone was there, but then I saw that they opened the left side. Inexplicably, nobody was going to that side, so I saw the chance of bagging a good front row spot for going into the venue, and legged it over there.

I called out that we could also queue there, and soon many others had come that way as well. We had a nice little group there, who we had a lot of fun with during the coming hours.

Just to mention the ones that I had close: Sienna, Rose, Ioana, Meg, Violet_sky, Mariposa, Bienie, Xlindee, Blue, C@rin@, Greta, Wendi, Joseole, Violetsky, Vanessa, Ircazo, and I am sure I am forgetting a few now, but basically we had lots of people there.

We proceeded to be silly and have all sorts of games and fights, hitting eachother with that big inflatable thing that Meg had, and Rose and I had some funny chase-fight that I think Niki recorded…

We also did a stupid thing where we pretended that we had seen Mika and Ioana, Sophie and I started running towards “him” , but it didn’t quite work and people didn’t seem to react as we had planned. They probably thought that we were totally bonkers, but hey, that is the joy of MFC. You can act like a loonie, and there are always fellow MFC’ers to do it with you. AHAHAH!!

So yes, we had a few hours of this madness, with a bit of rain and a lot of non-rain and sunshine, so I can’t complain.

We also found out that some people had indeed spent the night out there, but in the end they didn’t get a better spot for it. Ha. I hope that this serves them as a wake-up call, to realise that it’s silly to do that. They were still soaked from the heavy rain that they had endured overnight, and were still wet at 2 pm!!

Lots of other people arrived, including Louiza with her wonderful RAH book (good work!!) and a few people were wearing the RAH T-shirts: Sienna, Jose Ole, Kath, Sarahlou, Wendi…. Probably also someone else that I can’t think of right now.

Anyway, I went to Niki’s car for 5 mins to leave my jumper there, and when we got back we heard that John had been out there giving bracelets to people to go into the “special circle” area, close to the stage.

He only had 30-40 of them, which were given to people by their number, although if they weren’t there the next number got it. So basically, many people didn’t get them, even they had been there earlier than others who did.

It kind of reminded me of Brixton, to be honest. The slight difference was that they tried to follow the numbers system, but if someone had just gone to the WC or the shop for a few minutes, they missed it.

Anyway, he said he’d try and come out with more, but when he came out later he said that he didn’t have any more of them, so that was i.

Of course some people were upset, as we were told that only these bracelet people would go into the special area, but later out this proved to be wrong and the first couple of thousand ppl to enter the venue would actually get in there, a bit like Paris.

I realised when John was out there tha giving Mika the Tshirt was going to be a bit of a bummer, as John said that he wasn’t sure if Mika would come out after the gig, so I decided to give it to him there, to make sure that Mika got it.

Louiza only arrived a bit later, so we decided that we’d give him the book if (hopefully) we saw him after the gig.

I explained the RAH idea to John, who was looking quite interested and amused, and he said that he’d give it to Mika. I really wonder what he thought at that point. Probably that we’re all nuts, haah.

So we continued queuing. Which meant sitting down and eating, chatting, and being randomly silly.

Oh yes, and we saw the sound check, for which we climbed on the gate thingies and could just about manage to see the stage and a bit of what was going on there. It kind of built the excitement up!

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The gig.


Around 5 or so, suddenly there was a moment where people panicked, and everyone stood up. As the queue was quite compact to say the least, we had to stand up as well, as there was no room to sit anymore. It’s quite stupid the way people just do that sort of thing en masse I find, but hey, what could we do.


We stood and held the positions, which was becoming harder and harder as some people were in proper “queue jumping mode” and were really going for it.


It’s unbelievable the cheek that some people have. How can one turn up somewhere late, see lots of people waiting, and still go and squeeze in front of them? I don’t get it. But one thing I knew: nobody was going ahead of me, as I guarded “my gate”. Hahaha, I did not move a cm.


Even one woman came late, saw the melee of people, and instructed her 2 little daughters to go in there, pointing to a small space next to us (which is where Rose and Wendi were, who had just gone for a bit, to the toilet and so) and told them to get in there.


After the kids were in place, the mum also wedged her way in, securing a great spot in order to get into the venue later.


Sorry but in my books that is not on. She knew that she did not deserve that spot, and that they were going in front of many people who had been there for hours.

I heard that they were MFC’ers, so if you read this, I hope that you are ashamed of what you did, and that you didn’t get such a good spot at the gig after all, using those dodgy techniques.

Anyway, once they opened the doors around 6 we ran in, the usual way (dodging security guys as we went in, and them telling us not to run, etc) and I got a great spot in the front row, at the corner of the catwalk with the front right hand side side of the stage.

I was initially aiming for the left, but it seemed quite crowded, so I moved to the right. Had Ioana to my left, and to my right Violet_sky, Sienna, Vanessa, and behind us Greta and I lost track of who else now.


We had a lot of fun filming the camera guy, and just being silly, and then the support acts came.

Sam Sparro was great, I love his attitude and sense of humour, and I really enjoyed him.


The others…pfffffffff what a disaster! They were terrible, and that girl must have thought that she was in a strip joint, I could not believe it when she got “down and dirty” with the microphone. Quite frankly, I found it pathetic, lol!


Finally Mika arrived. TBC.

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We also did a stupid thing where we pretended that we had seen Mika and Ioana, Sophie and I started running towards “him” , but it didn’t quite work and people didn’t seem to react as we had planned. They probably thought that we were totally bonkers, but hey, that is the joy of MFC. You can act like a loonie, and there are always fellow MFC’ers to do it with you. AHAHAH!!


That's brilliant! :lmfao:

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