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its funny cuz when you look at it the right way it sounds like


four ton




his poor other sibligns are never mentioned or seen with him. why dont they travel with him like yasmine? i know she does alot of art stuff with their mother, but they should come too! and who is Audrey with? just herself! THAT GIRL IS SO LUCKY so have a cousin who would let her tag along all over the world! hehe


:roftl: :roftl:


Because they all can't stand his company? :naughty: I think there are a lot of people travelling with him. Didn't the "unidentified other woman" in the car fighting with Yasmine have an American accent? (I am bad at accents, I really don't know :naughty:) Would that make her some relation of Audrey's? I assume at least some more of Audrey's family are with him too.


Have you ever been bored and thought okay, if I was a star, what family member would I pick to travel with me.


I don't have any siblings, so it's harder. I would pick my cousin I suppose, although I doubt he'd do a very good job, but would be sure to find any bars around the world, lololol.



No I haven't. But I don't think I'd want any of my family members to follow me around.

OMG. Okay, I just realised I HAVE thought about this :naughty: I had a conversation with my friend and we agreed that my mum and her dad are the two most embarrassing people in the universe and to put them in close proximity to each other would result in ultimate catastrophy (of course talking about when we are a successfull band - you know, after we learn some kind of instrument and gain any form of musical talent)

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I come with GIF(T)S glasses2.gif




can i get one of those for my siggy pleaesee? :bleh:

i still don`t know what`s better

mika jumping on a moving bed or mika+mud? lol




"My legs are longer"??? That is the most hilarious reason I have ever ever heard.


mika is uniquee :roftl:

his humourrr!!! godd! so damn funny!!

i love the part of the pleaaaseeeee




"OMG these people are crazy/I am so keeping out of this for my own safety"

"... that bottle looks dangerous"



i though the samee!

yasmine seems dangerous when she`s mad

don`t mess with mika`s sis lol she can hit you with a bottle hahaha


poor mika by the way! 4 hours waiting?!

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I would pick my twin sister...because...she is the other half of my soul


You have a twin?? Wow, is it just me or is there an un-naturally high proportion of twins on this forum? :naughty:


can i get one of those for my siggy pleaesee?

i still don`t know what`s better

mika jumping on a moving bed or mika+mud? lol


Noo! Keep the mud! I like seeing it at the time, while not having the baggage of being the one to carry it around the forum :naughty::fisch:


mika is uniquee

his humourrr!!! godd! so damn funny!!

i love the part of the pleaaaseeeee


"Yasmeeeeeeeaan!!" :naughty:


i though the samee!

yasmine seems dangerous when she`s mad

don`t mess with mika`s sis lol she can hit you with a bottle hahaha


:roftl: :roftl:



The conversation I had with my friend is all coming back to me now! It actually started because I told her about how Mika's family follows him around the world! :lmfao:

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What is she saying in the car while wielding the bottle?


LOLOLOL I'm glad he has someone to keep him grounded.


The other voice, does not sound American to me. It sounds like the same person who said hello john, we are all on the way. and I think that same person says the excuse you...with the glasses.


and I think that's the same person who says, not on my bathing suit


hmmmmm, could this be Paloma's voice?


and is she the one he calls Whack, that never wants have her picture taken? I know Yasmine is Da Wack, but here she is on a lot of video, so that doesn't compute.


Although, seeing Yasmine with the bottle, makes me think Whack lololol.

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You have a twin?? Wow, is it just me or is there an un-naturally high proportion of twins on this forum? :naughty:



The conversation I had with my friend is all coming back to me now! It actually started because I told her about how Mika's family follows him around the world! :lmfao:


Identical twinlets.

yep. I have a twin and she is lovely :)

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What is she saying in the car while wielding the bottle?


LOLOLOL I'm glad he has someone to keep him grounded.


The other voice, does not sound American to me. It sounds like the same person who said hello john, we are all on the way. and I think that same person says the excuse you...with the glasses.


and I think that's the same person who says, not on my bathing suit


hmmmmm, could this be Paloma's voice?


and is she the one he calls Whack, that never wants have her picture taken? I know Yasmine is Da Wack, but here she is on a lot of video, so that doesn't compute.


Although, seeing Yasmine with the bottle, makes me think Whack lololol.

LOL! That whole analysis made me :roftl::roftl:

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It's possible with your accent that you pronounce men and mean the same? :doh: At least you've been saying Yasmine right all this time :naughty:


Oh funny thing, I was considering listening to the whole French interview today to try and catch that one too!


Paloma is a more common name (well, someone on australian Search for a Supermodel was called Paloma :naughty:) and it's pronounced the way you would guess. Err, well maybe that's because the first time I heard of it I heard it spoken ... hmm I would say "It's the same as Pavlova with no v's and an m", but that's an Australian word too :P


Ohh nooo! Don't tell me this! It's Zoo-leek-a in my head! You know Mika's cousin that lives in Tokyo?


Hmmm. Well this is confusing. It's possible he was saying it in a "french accent" sort of thing?


Okay, how about Fortune? Fortun-ay? Fortun-ee? Something else??:blink:


my oppinion. I think the differences have to do with english and french pronunciation...



Yasmine...in english you can pronounce it two ways:'dʒæzmən or 'dʒæsmɪn (it would be: "yas-men" and "yas-mean")

The difference in french is that you stress the last syllabe :) it usually is like that in that language


Same to fortuné. It's like protégé in english and protégé in french. In English would be something like "for-tu-NAY" and in french " fɔʀtyne" (the O is like in "law",the U is intermediate with a I, the last E like in 'met' )


Paloma...well, I speak spanish. Really easy for me, haha. I'd pronounce it like

pah-LO-ma. LO it's similar to 'law' but shorter. Dunno how to explain :naughty:


Zuleika..ohh it's hard. But pages about names say it's zoo-LAY-ka, maybe it's that way :thumb_yello:

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What is she saying in the car while wielding the bottle?


LOLOLOL I'm glad he has someone to keep him grounded.


The other voice, does not sound American to me. It sounds like the same person who said hello john, we are all on the way. and I think that same person says the excuse you...with the glasses.


and I think that's the same person who says, not on my bathing suit


hmmmmm, could this be Paloma's voice?


and is she the one he calls Whack, that never wants have her picture taken? I know Yasmine is Da Wack, but here she is on a lot of video, so that doesn't compute.


Although, seeing Yasmine with the bottle, makes me think Whack lololol.


:doh: I just wrote it down earlier :P


Yasmine: I've been with this driver from the very beginning of this trip.

Other girl: Then why are my bags in this car?


Oh! Well if it was Paloma it would make the group bickering and awkward driver about 400x funnier :lmfao: I thought the front seater from Nimes was their mother though? *checks* Actually, I'm not sure. But it's not Paloma I don't think, nor is this persom here (check the bit at the end where Mika has the funny smile - I guess we're not 'supposed' to take screenshots - but she looks too old I think)


And Da Wack is whack. Mika said in that article from Lebanon - she's crazy :naughty:


Identical twinlets.

yep. I have a twin and she is lovely


They're everywhere!

*attempts to run away*

*is cornered by the meyer twins and norwalk*

*gives up*


PIRATE VS NINJAS!! this video is INCREDIBLY entertaining.



WTF? :lmfao:

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Why would I EVER think that was you?


Yeah but see,I like teasing you

Aw,so you're not gonna buy the dvds,huh? Like someone else


Good point :fisch:


Cos you're a big fat bully :sneaky2::mf_rosetinted:


I don't think they sell Hollyoaks DVDs :naughty: But if they did, I'm not that sad :bleh:


Great! You have an excuse to go

I don't think my mum would be willing to buy a eurostar tix and a Design Museum tix just because it's the Beatles. But that's a tad different I guess :naughty:


Tell her that going on the Eurostar is a great experience.. as well as the musuem.. or something ridiculuos but believable enough :original:

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