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Identical twinlets.

yep. I have a twin and she is lovely :)


i didn't know that:shocked:




Yeah I had to watch it a couple of times to get what's going on :naughty:



Maybe if you watch a million times you're still not any wiser :naughty:

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But doesn't Yasmine say something else, possibly in french when she's about to get out of the car and she has the bottle in her hand?


Yeah I heard her speaking French as well.. something about the airport?


Haha, sorry, I got obsessed with my research of pronunciations :naughty: Totally off-topic


That's the way I'd pronounce Paloma in english :thumb_yello: But it's easier for me to pronounce in spanish for obvious reasons :rolls_eyes: That's what I meant


You can ask a french MFCer to say 'Fortuné' for you. You'll see how typically 'french' it sounds :roftl:


It's ok I went through that phase when I found out about their names last year :naughty: ok I wouldn't say obsessed, just curious.


I understand :wink2: Yeah at first I thought Fortuné was pronounced with the E at the end. But I'm still not so sure.

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*comes back* :naughty:


So this thread is turning into a 'how to pronounce mika's siters' names'?


From all the times I've heard him say Yasmine's name I've heard him pronounce it: Yz-mean... if you know what I mean lol.


Anyway on to the new vlog.. I'm kind of confused with what's going on. Like who's complaining to who, who's saying what....




Ah, yes, Yz-mean, that's better than what we've been saying. Yeah, he basically doesn't say the 'a' at all.


Mika just wants front seat. Yasmine is convinced this is her driver, and the other girl's bags are in the car. :naughty: Mika also had that driver before I think, because he looks in the car and says "yes, this is my car". What I think happened is that the driver got in the wrong car. And that Yasmine and Mika are not very good at recognising cars, and the other girl is not very good at recognising drivers :naughty:


Your parents are from Holland? Cool!


Yes :naughty:


I didn't put that example because in UK it sounds longer and with sort of an U at the end. Hard to explain uh? You put the mouth more round to say Paloma in spanish, and the 'u' thing is mute.


OK, sound example!:




(Click where it says Listen España on the top)


Oh yeah I get you, I was cutting the ending out in my mind :naughty:

It wont play for me! Damn it! I NEED to hear!


Supposedly when Fortune introduced himself to one of the MFCers he pronounced his name as Fortune (without the ay sound at the end).


What? Like "This jacket cost a fortune"? Or Fortun-eh? I guess in the context (I'd assume some kind of afterparty/aftershow thing) it might have been hard to hear the difference?


What's your name, I'll tell you how we pronounce it in Holland


Bianca. :naughty: none of my relatives can say it properly.


But doesn't Yasmine say something else, possibly in french when she's about to get out of the car and she has the bottle in her hand?


I think she's talking to someone on the phone ... in another language.


I always think of them like this:




Pah low mah




of course when I first started listening to Meeks I thought it was Mike-a, and then I heard him say Yo Meeka in lollipop and I was like "WAAAAAAAAAAAHT?"

I like Meeka better though.


I always thought








I always knew it was Meeka, I guess I heard him introduced on the radio or something :bleh:

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*comes back* :naughty:






Ah, yes, Yz-mean, that's better than what we've been saying. Yeah, he basically doesn't say the 'a' at all.


Mika just wants front seat. Yasmine is convinced this is her driver, and the other girl's bags are in the car. :naughty: Mika also had that driver before I think, because he looks in the car and says "yes, this is my car". What I think happened is that the driver got in the wrong car. And that Yasmine and Mika are not very good at recognising cars, and the other girl is not very good at recognising drivers :naughty:



Yup exactly :wink2: Basically how most names are pronounced in English. Also like Penniman which would be pronounced Penni-mn.


Ah, thank you for that explanation, makes it a bit clearer now :naughty:



Oh and also I meant Fortune like your first example :naughty:

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It's ok Kavi loves my bad ass attitude :original:



:shocked: nooo *runs off to mods to complain of bullying* :sneaky2:

LOL...I love me lil feisty cockerspaniel *pats head*


I love the new vlogs :wub2: the dancing bed one was hilarious!

and the other one...i see a puzzle!!! :) and i love how they r always fighting...and the look on his face when he crosses the border :wub2:

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meekaa? maika? meeks? O.o

i`m confused noww!

my name is easy.. Laura :bleh:


Oh! That's what I came back to MFC for! To find out who added me :naughty: I figured it might be someone from this thread :naughty: I didn't even have to click one everyone's myspace links to find it!


Sometimes in some shows, they say Me-ká:roftl:


Hahaha, I don't understand that little thingy thing thtat I can't do with my keyboard - how do you pronounce "Me-ká" even? :naughty:

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*comes back* :naughty:






Ah, yes, Yz-mean, that's better than what we've been saying. Yeah, he basically doesn't say the 'a' at all.


Mika just wants front seat. Yasmine is convinced this is her driver, and the other girl's bags are in the car. :naughty: Mika also had that driver before I think, because he looks in the car and says "yes, this is my car". What I think happened is that the driver got in the wrong car. And that Yasmine and Mika are not very good at recognising cars, and the other girl is not very good at recognising drivers :naughty:




Yes :naughty:




Oh yeah I get you, I was cutting the ending out in my mind :naughty:

It wont play for me! Damn it! I NEED to hear!




What? Like "This jacket cost a fortune"? Or Fortun-eh? I guess in the context (I'd assume some kind of afterparty/aftershow thing) it might have been hard to hear the difference?




Bianca. :naughty: none of my relatives can say it properly.




I think she's talking to someone on the phone ... in another language.




I always thought








I always knew it was Meeka, I guess I heard him introduced on the radio or something :bleh:



This is just like the logic puzzle that I have in my crossword puzzle book, where you end up finding out who is suppoosed to be where and when and with who!LOL!

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Gahhh, he's so effing cute. I just want to buy him an Oreo cookie ice cream, in a waffle cone. With colourful sprinkles. :wub2:


There's something about symbols of summer - rainy festivals, slimy dead sea mud, dancing beachside beds - that just seem to go so well with Mika. Mika is summery. I'd say Mika is sunshine, but sadly that name has been taken.


He looks so natural all half-naked in this blog. And it's not even in a chickeny way. It's in a fun-in-the-sun kind of way. :surfing:



wow that's the way i feel!!! He's so cute - not as in Hot/chickeny but more like puppy cute :wub2:

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Yup exactly :wink2: Basically how most names are pronounced in English. Also like Penniman which would be pronounced Penni-mn.


Ohhh, good point!

*just said Penniman about 40 times to herself and is discusted her own lack of actually pronouncing letters properly :naughty:*


Ah, thank you for that explanation, makes it a bit clearer now :naughty:


I only watched it a few hundred times :naughty:


Oh and also I meant Fortune like your first example :naughty:


Fortune. Fortune. Oh but that just sounds wrong! Why put the funny ' thing that we can't even do with english keyboards when it doesn't do anything to the word? :naughty:

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This is just like the logic puzzle that I have in my crossword puzzle book, where you end up finding out who is supposed to be where and when and with who!LOL!


:floor: :floor:


It sounds like a summary of an exciting game of Cluedo :naughty:


Okaaaaay, I really have to go now (for reals) :naughty::bye: :bye:

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Ohhh, good point!

*just said Penniman about 40 times to herself and is discusted her own lack of actually pronouncing letters properly :naughty:*




I only watched it a few hundred times :naughty:




Fortune. Fortune. Oh but that just sounds wrong! Why put the funny ' thing that we can't even do with english keyboards when it doesn't do anything to the word? :naughty:

Because otherwise, it is spelled and pronounced as the english word fortune!


It sounds like a summary of an exciting game of Cluedo


Okaaaaay, I really have to go now (for reals) :naughty::bye: :bye:



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Ohhh, good point!

*just said Penniman about 40 times to herself and is discusted her own lack of actually pronouncing letters properly :naughty:*


:naughty::naughty: It's ok, Imade that mistake too, then it suddenly clicked that you don't actually pronounce man like that in someone's surname :naughty:



I only watched it a few hundred times :naughty:


Ah, I have a few more hundred times to go then to get to your level of understanding.


Fortune. Fortune. Oh but that just sounds wrong! Why put the funny ' thing that we can't even do with english keyboards when it doesn't do anything to the word? :naughty:


I know. I'm gonna keep saying it Fortuné, I like it like that, not that you can choose how to pronounce people's names but whatever :cool: (Btw just press Ctrl+Alt+E and ta-dah!)

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Oh! That's what I came back to MFC for! To find out who added me :naughty: I figured it might be someone from this thread :naughty: I didn't even have to click one everyone's myspace links to find it!




Hahaha, I don't understand that little thingy thing thtat I can't do with my keyboard - how do you pronounce "Me-ká" even? :naughty:


it's an "acento", it's not used in english... Hm let me show ya...

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It's the repeat of all 5 episodes they showed during the week. At least I know how I'm going to spend 2 hours and a half of my life today :bleh:


...so that's why u have abandoned me...:tears: :tears:

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Oh! That's what I came back to MFC for! To find out who added me :naughty: I figured it might be someone from this thread :naughty: I didn't even have to click one everyone's myspace links to find it!




sorry!! i forget to put that it`s me in the petition :bleh:


myspace is a complete disasterrr!! lol

i don`t use too much... i like to comment other`s people and see the photos :bleh:


i`m off now!

see youu!!


i want the next part of the video tomorrow :mf_rosetinted: ommmmmmmmmmmmmmmm :naughty:

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