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Go To MikaSounds - Blog Updates Thread (Part 2)


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I feel like we're playing scrabble to fill in time while we babysit a sleeping Mika :roftl:


your turn


Ommmmmmmmmmm hush little baby, don't you cry..


I know :naughty:



Ugh, f*ck you :sneaky2::lol3:



I suck :sad:



*is still trying to fit a word in*

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Shhh, let the baby sleep:)

o im sorry :P

Ommmms very quietly, he doesn't like noise when he's sleeping



haha ok

Doesn't he??


*bangs pots and pans and stomps around the house* :naughty:


Your turn Nono..

haha lol


Ohhhh you all are gonna get fussed at :roftl:


*starts the dryer and blender*


I feel like we're playing scrabble to fill in time while we babysit a sleeping Mika


your turn


Ommmmmmmmmmm hush little baby, don't you cry..

niceeee lol






u guys r funny! im bored atm -sigh-

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*comes in seeing nothing **goes out *:naughty:

I hope you slammed the door on your way out. :naughty:


u guys r funny! im bored atm -sigh-
awww we're amusing because we're bored too.
Your turn. Check my word :roftl:

Om!!!!!! :bow:


your turn :bleh:

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cuz he opened it early?or cuz he said devil watever was nice cuz they send him toys for free? or what?


Neither. More the whole vibe I got from the video. I found him very cold there, which put me off a bit. Okay, maybe the fact that he opened it although he was not supposed to do it yet plus the careless way in which he mentioned that might be part of it. It's not quite the vibe you usually get from him in the fans/gifts context.

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Neither. More the whole vibe I got from the video. I found him very cold there, which put me off a bit. Okay, maybe the fact that he opened it although he was not supposed to do it yet plus the careless way in which he mentioned that might be part of it. It's not quite the vibe you usually get from him in the fans/gifts context.


o gotcha

ya. idk. maybe he was just tired.

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You know, I'm really behind with this thread, and you will probably think that this is TOTALLY off topic (which it is), but I watched that Syria blog again and think that I can safely say that the other person in the back of the car (who asks why their bags are in there) is a man.

Sounds like a man, looks like a man. So yes, I think it's a guy.


I know that you were all waiting for this useless piece of info :naughty:

It can be a man yeah. Yesterday my mom and I got stalked by a man with a very feminine voice:naughty:

So he has man bags?




Man or woman, they sounded bitchy :naughty:


I know more men who sound bitchy:lol3:

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I had a feeling it was a man, but there's still that possibility it's a woman :naughty:


You got stalked? Do tell!:bleh:


We were walking the dog..

And then some ''person'' came. From far it looked like a woman, but when it got closer it looked like a man. When it began to talk, I just couldn't behave myself. It sounded like a little girl.

So, he had this dog, and let his dog play with ours. We thought he would leave, and turned around to watch the window of a shop. But that man just kept standing there.When we began to walk, he walked with us. When we stopped, he stopped. And he kept behind us all the time. I was scared lol.:naughty:

But then there came this woman, wich was apparently his wife, and they went another way. Luckely. That was creepy.

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We were walking the dog..

And then some ''person'' came. From far it looked like a woman, but when it got closer it looked like a man. When it began to talk, I just couldn't behave myself. It sounded like a little girl.

So, he had this dog, and let his dog play with ours. We thought he would leave, and turned around to watch the window of a shop. But that man just kept standing there.When we began to walk, he walked with us. When we stopped, he stopped. And he kept behind us all the time. I was scared lol.:naughty:

But then there came this woman, wich was apparently his wife, and they went another way. Luckely. That was creepy.


:shocked: Whoa, that is creepy.


Maybe he was just lonely?:bleh:

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