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MIKA's possible girlfriend


What should Mika and Adele call their twins?  

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  1. 1. What should Mika and Adele call their twins?

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Talking about sound... yes, I know, rather lame.


But I thought that basically referring to Adele Adkins as the slightly overweight chainsmoker who might be Mika's cautionary girlfriend was unfair -after all, she is a singer- I went to Utube to listen to her (never had heard of her before, I am afraid).


Am I tone deaf or does she sing a wee little bit out of tune sometimes ? And not much of a voice either...


Sorry for those of you who find her very talented but I was a bit disappointed, having expected better. But she was singing live and may have been stage frightened, in which case your voice tends to fail you at times. Should try to find a studio recording.


So long,




I think Adele is a brilliant singer IMO and I have her album, which is wonderful. I have not heard her Live, but Christine and Suzy have and they said she sounded just like she does on her record - perfect. She does have a very distinctive and interesting voice, it's very unique, but she got lungs on her definitely. The sole live performance I've heard from her is "Hometown", which is her next single. The video is of her singing live and I agree with Christine and Suzy - sounds just like the album. She looked scared to me, but her voice did not quaver. Maybe the video you watched had poor recording and sound quality?

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HAHAAH!!! I just had to paste the text from that link that you posted in here, I love it.

:roftl:I REALLY find it hilarious!!

Here it is:



Are Adele and Mika an item?


Whilst chasing pavements on the office lunch run, Planet Notion came across a copy of tabloid freebie the London Lite. Who should grace the cover but beautiful chubby chick Adele, and our favourite nancy boy who sings about chubby girls being beautiful, Mika…


Naturally, the Lite has put two and two together to make thirty-three-thousand-four-hundred-and-sixty-seven (33,467), claiming that the pair are ‘probably’ an item after they were spotted together in Knightsbridge last night. Here's the evidence...


Exhibit A: Adele recently told The Sun’s ‘Bizarre’ column: “I’m seeing someone at the moment — let’s just call him Michael — and I’m hoping this time things will be different because he’s not like anyone I’ve dated in the past”.


Blimey love; if it’s Michael Holbrook Penniman, AKA Mika, you can sure as hell say that again!


Exhibit B: The pictures in the Lite, including a rather inebriated looking Mik-ahhhhhh, features the duo rolling-off in a taxi together. This means that a full-blown love affair between the pair is set in stone. FACT!


In the world of the tabloid rag, if you get a taxi together, you’re definitely an item. It’s like when you see someone squatting in a doorway. They're definitely not tying their shoelaces, picking up change, or waiting for The Man. Oh, no, no. They're definitely going for a dump...


Why else would they be clutching a copy of the London Lite?





How sad are we?:roftl:


Sad?:shocked: Nah....:naughty: Just easily amused



Mika, I hope you and Adele are having a :das: great time together.



Yeah, enjoy it before you have 2 screaming babies demanding every spare second of your time, mouahahahahaha:roftl:

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I have not heard her Live, but Christine and Suzy have and they said she sounded just like she does on her record - perfect.


Actually she doesn't sound like the record. She sounds better. She's the best singer I've ever heard live. Better than Mika IMO. I don't know if that's true technically, but I prefer the tone of her voice and the bluesy songs to a lot of Mika's music so maybe I'm biased.

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Which raises the question:

Who came first, the paparazzi or us?:


how dare you?:shocked:

of course us:rolls_eyes:



and well...to be honest Adele is not my cup of tea but it doesn't matter.


be careful when you're talking about adele!

pregnant women can be very sensitive:wub2:



So, how long has Mika been in London? Cos i had no idea! I'm just slow, as i've said many many times before.


according to heat magazine's interwiev with the lovely couple (which i had but can't prove because i don't have a scanner) he has been in london for 5 days!

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Talking about sound... yes, I know, rather lame.


But I thought that basically referring to Adele Adkins as the slightly overweight chainsmoker who might be Mika's cautionary girlfriend was unfair -after all, she is a singer- I went to Utube to listen to her (never had heard of her before, I am afraid).


Am I tone deaf or does she sing a wee little bit out of tune sometimes ? And not much of a voice either...


Sorry for those of you who find her very talented but I was a bit disappointed, having expected better. But she was singing live and may have been stage frightened, in which case your voice tends to fail you at times. Should try to find a studio recording.


So long,




I'm agree with you, I didn't know that singer and I don't think she has a great voice, she's not exceptionnel at all... I with who think that mika deserves better, sorry for being honest, but please take it lightly, some people here are right to remind the others that it's all a forum! take care !

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Other article I just found:

Well stranger things have happened? Adele and Mika were spotted out on the town last night in London. They dined at the trendy Zuma restaurant in Knightsbridge before heading to Soho House for drinks.


Adele has admitted in the past that at the Brits she tried to chat up the Prince of Pop and that she thought he was gorgeous. Further evidence that points in the way of a relationship is that in recent interviews Adele has admitted she’s dating; but will only refer to her new love as Michael? Hmmmm sounds suspiciously like Mika.


Personally I’d love this to be true as I adore them both and can you imagine the vocal range of their children.

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absolutely perfect reading for lunch break:thumb_yello:...you are GREAT!!!...

now I understand why I love MFC...:wink2:...or threads like this one:roftl:...


only one what I can say (because of my poor english:thumbdown:) is:


if you want to be take over your problems, please go to MFC...:thumb_yello:



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Am I tone deaf or does she sing a wee little bit out of tune sometimes ? And not much of a voice either...

Sorry for those of you who find her very talented but I was a bit disappointed, having expected better. But she was singing live and may have been stage frightened, in which case your voice tends to fail you at times. Should try to find a studio recording.

I think Adele is a brilliant singer IMO and I have her album, which is wonderful. I have not heard her Live, but Christine and Suzy have and they said she sounded just like she does on her record - perfect. She does have a very distinctive and interesting voice, it's very unique, but she got lungs on her definitely.


I think she has far more talent than anyone out there right now. I went to the concert with Christine and Suzy, and we were all absolutely blown away. She just stood there with the microphone - no flashiness, no "show" - and the depth and quality of her voice sent chills down my spine.


She doesn't sing in an 'American Idol' style and she doesn't sound like anything that's currently on pop radio, so I can see why she's not everyone's cup of tea.


And btw, I think she's very pretty. Those pictures are really unflattering for both of them, but hey - we've all had unflattering pics of ourselves haven't we?


Other article I just found:

Further evidence that points in the way of a relationship is that in recent interviews Adele has admitted she’s dating; but will only refer to her new love as Michael? Hmmmm sounds suspiciously like Mika.


Personally I’d love this to be true as I adore them both and can you imagine the vocal range of their children.


I think so too! Hey, who knows... they have a lot in common... why not? I think he's full of suprises. We may think we know him, but how well do we really know him?

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Okay here is the Dutch article and I shall translate:


'Grote' liefde

Ondanks lange speculaties over een mogelijke relatie, wisten Chasing Pavements zangeres Adele en de flamboyante zanger Mika, bekend van o.a Relax, take it easy hun relatie lange tijd geheim te houden. Maar daar is nu verandering ingekomen nadat er foto's van het paar samen op stap zijn vrijgekomen en de verschillende hints die Adele in interviews gaf over een nieuwe liefde met de naam Michael. "Ik ben erg gelukkig nu," zegt Adele. "Mijn nieuwe vriend houdt niet van de spotlights ook al staat hij er zelf vaak in, hij is gewoon een enorme schat en ik ben het liefst bij hem, want hij denkt dat dikkere meisjes wel mooi zijn!" In hetzelfde interview onthulde ze: "Binnenkort zullen er misschien wel 2 nieuwe big girls of boys door mijn nieuwe huis rennen. Tenzij ze het figuur hebben van hun vader natuurlijk..."


'Big' Love

Despite long speculations about a possible relationship, Chasing Pavements singer Adele and the flamboyant singer Mika, known from songs as Relax take it easy, knew how to keep their relationship a secret. But that has changed now after pictures of the pair together have been published and several hints Adele gave in interviews about her new lover with the name Michael. "I'm very happy now," says Adele. "My boyfriend doesn't like to be in the spotlights, although he's in them quite a lot. He's just adorable and I love being with him because he thinks big girls are beautiful!" In the same interview she revealed: "In a while, there might be 2 new big girls or boys running around in my new house. Unless they have their father's figure ofcourse..."

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Okay here is the Dutch article and I shall translate:


'Grote' liefde

Ondanks lange speculaties over een mogelijke relatie, wisten Chasing Pavements zangeres Adele en de flamboyante zanger Mika, bekend van o.a Relax, take it easy hun relatie lange tijd geheim te houden. Maar daar is nu verandering ingekomen nadat er foto's van het paar samen op stap zijn vrijgekomen en de verschillende hints die Adele in interviews gaf over een nieuwe liefde met de naam Michael. "Ik ben erg gelukkig nu," zegt Adele. "Mijn nieuwe vriend houdt niet van de spotlights ook al staat hij er zelf vaak in, hij is gewoon een enorme schat en ik ben het liefst bij hem, want hij denkt dat dikkere meisjes wel mooi zijn!" In hetzelfde interview onthulde ze: "Binnenkort zullen er misschien wel 2 nieuwe big girls of boys door mijn nieuwe huis rennen. Tenzij ze het figuur hebben van hun vader natuurlijk..."


'Big' Love

Despite long speculations about a possible relationship, Chasing Pavements singer Adele and the flamboyant singer Mika, known from songs as Relax take it easy, knew how to keep their relationship a secret. But that has changed now after pictures of the pair together have been published and several hints Adele gave in interviews about her new lover with the name Michael. "I'm very happy now," says Adele. "My boyfriend doesn't like to be in the spotlights, although he's in them quite a lot. He's just adorable and I love being with him because he thinks big girls are beautiful!" In the same interview she revealed: "In a while, there might be 2 new big girls or boys running around in my new house. Unless they have their father's figure ofcourse..."


:shocked::shocked: no comments:shocked::shocked:

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Okay here is the Dutch article and I shall translate:


'Grote' liefde

Ondanks lange speculaties over een mogelijke relatie, wisten Chasing Pavements zangeres Adele en de flamboyante zanger Mika, bekend van o.a Relax, take it easy hun relatie lange tijd geheim te houden. Maar daar is nu verandering ingekomen nadat er foto's van het paar samen op stap zijn vrijgekomen en de verschillende hints die Adele in interviews gaf over een nieuwe liefde met de naam Michael. "Ik ben erg gelukkig nu," zegt Adele. "Mijn nieuwe vriend houdt niet van de spotlights ook al staat hij er zelf vaak in, hij is gewoon een enorme schat en ik ben het liefst bij hem, want hij denkt dat dikkere meisjes wel mooi zijn!" In hetzelfde interview onthulde ze: "Binnenkort zullen er misschien wel 2 nieuwe big girls of boys door mijn nieuwe huis rennen. Tenzij ze het figuur hebben van hun vader natuurlijk..."


'Big' Love

Despite long speculations about a possible relationship, Chasing Pavements singer Adele and the flamboyant singer Mika, known from songs as Relax take it easy, knew how to keep their relationship a secret. But that has changed now after pictures of the pair together have been published and several hints Adele gave in interviews about her new lover with the name Michael. "I'm very happy now," says Adele. "My boyfriend doesn't like to be in the spotlights, although he's in them quite a lot. He's just adorable and I love being with him because he thinks big girls are beautiful!" In the same interview she revealed: "In a while, there might be 2 new big girls or boys running around in my new house. Unless they have their father's figure ofcourse..."



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I'm agree with you, I didn't know that singer and I don't think she has a great voice, she's not exceptionnel at all... I with who think that mika deserves better


If Mika's criterion in a mate is being a better singer than Adele, he is going to die a very lonely old man. :naughty:

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girls we are sure that they are really engaged? they could be also friends that have gone out together for speaking... We must remind us that Mika has been around the whole year... will it also have the need to talk to someone who is not his family no?

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Just stepping in to be the voice of reason for all the foreign-speaking

members who aren't fully understanding this thread... or for those who aren't

reading the whole thing and are taking it all out of context...


Some photos of Mika and Adele going out for dinner the other night

were published in a number of different tabloids.


We don't know if Mika and Adele are really dating, or if they are just



All the talk you're reading here about them being engaged, married

and/or expecting twins is just all in fun, not to be taken seriously. :thumb_yello:


(Sorry guys, I had to do it -- but I have had more than a few panic-

stricken PMs...)


OK... carry on...



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I think the pics of her smoking a tab are not flattering


She looks mega pretty here




Good look skip if you are :thumb_yello:


I agree!:thumb_yello: i was just watching that one, to check out how she sings live. I must say her voice is really good live.


Btw I found this:

"Unlike me," she adds. "I just did music. I can't act to save my life. I've got no rhythm either. Bloody hell, you should see my dance moves." She smiles broadly: "Well, you will when I'm on a table at the Brit Awards dancing to Mika, while singing You Are Beautiful!"


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I agree!:thumb_yello: i was just watching that one, to check out how she sings live. I must say her voice is really good live.


Btw I found this:

"Unlike me," she adds. "I just did music. I can't act to save my life. I've got no rhythm either. Bloody hell, you should see my dance moves." She smiles broadly: "Well, you will when I'm on a table at the Brit Awards dancing to Mika, while singing You Are Beautiful!"



:roftl:Yeh I can just imagine her , late night pictures drunk smoking a ciggy can always looks icky :boxed:


Good luck to him either way :thumb_yello:


I can imagine her being a bundle of laughs and really good fun too as a mate :punk:

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I think she has far more talent than anyone out there right now. I went to the concert with Christine and Suzy, and we were all absolutely blown away. She just stood there with the microphone - no flashiness, no "show" - and the depth and quality of her voice sent chills down my spine.


She doesn't sing in an 'American Idol' style and she doesn't sound like anything that's currently on pop radio, so I can see why she's not everyone's cup of tea.


Oh man, how I wish I could have gone to see her with you guys. Then I could comment as well :naughty:.


I must say that I love the idea of only her and the microphone, and no flashiness. That is what I would prefer Mika to do all the time, as I am much keener on just the artist on stage than on all this "circussey" or showie stuff...Hence why I find those rare acoustic or semi acoustic gigs that he's done so precious.

The Fiat 500 thingie was one of my favourite Mika gigs even though it wasn't a real gig, for that reason. The pureness of it :wub2:


This is an example of that night and why I enjoyed it soooo much:





I think so too! Hey, who knows... they have a lot in common... why not? I think he's full of suprises. We may think we know him, but how well do we really know him?


You know, I am starting to wonder that as of late...

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DcDeb, you are absolutely right to post that, but it was not necessary....

I've found the vid of Adele and her (Dutch) lover....She was on his show once before but was suffering from cold so her voice wasn't good at the time. Adele promised to back and sing together with Paul de Leeuw.

After that their romance started.....



















(Ps: this is also a made-up story, by me this time....:wink2::naughty:)

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be careful when you're talking about adele!

pregnant women can be very sensitive:wub2:


:roftl: sorry! i didn't mean to be mean...but she's got mika to make her happy again... i don't:thumbdown:i don't even get a new blog!

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DcDeb, you are absolutely right to post that, but it was not necessary....

I've found the vid of Adele and her (Dutch) lover....She was on his show once before but was suffering from cold so her voice wasn't good at the time. Adele promised to back and sing together with Paul de Leeuw.

After that their romance started.....



















(Ps: this is also a made-up story, by me this time....:wink2::naughty:)



Oh come on, who would believe that story?

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