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The Most Marvellous Mika Mail


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My 1st Mika mail from tanya k arrived today for my birthday (how cool is that:thumb_yello:) I have taken some photos but my camera (which is rechargeable) conked out so i'll have to recharge it for a few hours then take pics of the rest of the stuff i didn't get to photograph & then I'll post the pics here:thumb_yello:


tanya has just pm'd me saying her mum called her to say a parcel has arrived for her at the post office & hopefully it's her mika mail (fingers crossed)


she's was on her break but just had to pm me to tell me


*anticipates finding out if it was my mm parcel she recieved*


I've so far gotten quite a few things for the 2nd round of mika mail i'm doing with lucrezia & I have to say i'm loving taking part and I'd be more than happy to do a 3rd round if someone else wants to partner up with me for mm I can start on the 3rd package in about 2 weeks


edited: I was wondering if lindemfc would like to be my 3rd mm partner?


Tha's very cool that yours arrived on your b'day!


Did you have a good day (besides getting the parcel that is!)?


ooh that looks great & wow you've got a flashing heart I'd love one of those!!


Yeah, it's pretty cool... I got one from Rainbow Sky before the Sydney concert but I added it to my niece's hat (she had a crazy hat day) and I haven't seen it since...


It disappeared just like the chupa chup that hit me in the face...


well my camera is fully charged now!! woohoo so here's the pics of my very

1st mika mail (from tanya k) :woot_jump:



here's how the box looked before i opened it





as you can see it has a big pic from the parc des princes gig (i was just thinking a few days ago I'd love a copy of that for my wall so thanks tanya wot woot)


here is the bottom of the box




here is an australian copy of licm woot woot




here is a cool bag that had loads of chocolates in (see on eof the other pics below)




here's a bookmark & bracelet




more pics in a min...


Love your mikamail! It's awesome!


I knew what it was as soon as I opened it....I've always wanted the ring but I've never seen necklaces and bracelets. I remember when Bono had a massive one made of flowers and sent it over for the Michael Hutchence memorial.....it was soooo beautiful! I think I will have it put on a necklace!


Awwwwwwww... That's very sweet of Bono!


Love your Mika Mail too Tan!

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Tha's very cool that yours arrived on your b'day!


Did you have a good day (besides getting the parcel that is!)?


it wasn't too bad i suppose, It was quiet & pretty uneventful but not too terrible the only sucky thing was late that night thinking about last birthday when the man i love had just come out as gay a couple weeks beforehand (which still hurts me) and I ended up crying a bit to say the least besides that my day was ok i guess

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Ok....you've officially weirded me out...I'll make sure to wear thongs when I pick you up so you'll know it's me :roftl:


:lmfao: I knew you would look at those photos and pick out my scummy toe :naughty:


So, did you figure out my age by looking at my big toe....which is on zoom btw!


Okay! *pictures self walking around inspecting people's toes in the lobby-place* :lmfao:


Yes, of course! :das:


How could you not know what the English flag looks like!


I know! Well, I knew the union jack one and then I was completely stumped as to what "other" one there could be.

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I'm not worried

Don't be so sure ....

Now I'm worried

Funnel web spider? Drop bear? Not an alpaca :pbjt:

I never got a certificate


You should be!

Woo hoo....surprises!

I would be too!

Red back spider actually.....most commonly found on the toilet seat

You will....and extra special one!


no it wasn't there there was a letter and the list of songs but no no honourary aussie citizenship


That's because I'm stupid and put it in the other MM box :doh: I will send it to you!


ohh I forgot to tell you tanya (it's old age makes me forget) pmsl


anyhow the lollipop charm chain I actually made myself i got chupa chups lollipop gashapon charms & attached them to a chain & added a keyring loop to it you can't buy them like that


I made one for me & one to give to mika when I see him next (shh don't tell him will you)


Yours is a bit different to mine & Mika's in terms of the colours of the lollipops and length of the chain i would've made your exactly the same if I could but you can't choose what charms you get as they're from a gashapon machine so it's random what one's you get (though I did manage to make Mika's & mine identical) you're is not quite 100% identical but I hope you like it nontheless


You are really, really talented.....I love the chuppa chup charms, they're soooooo cute :wub2:


Awwwwwwww... That's very sweet of Bono!


Love your Mika Mail too Tan!


It was and it made me cry :tears:

Thanks Teegs!


it wasn't too bad i suppose, It was quiet & pretty uneventful but not too terrible the only sucky thing was late that night thinking about last birthday when the man i love had just come out as gay a couple weeks beforehand (which still hurts me) and I ended up crying a bit to say the least besides that my day was ok i guess


*huggles you*


Okay! *pictures self walking around inspecting people's toes in the lobby-place*


I know! Well, I knew the union jack one and then I was completely stumped as to what "other" one there could be.


Sad thing is....I can see you doing it too :lmfao:


*shakes head sadly*

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it wasn't too bad i suppose, It was quiet & pretty uneventful but not too terrible the only sucky thing was late that night thinking about last birthday when the man i love had just come out as gay a couple weeks beforehand (which still hurts me) and I ended up crying a bit to say the least besides that my day was ok i guess


Ouch... :blink:



That's not good.




At least it was okay for some of it...


It was and it made me cry :tears:

Thanks Teegs!


Bono's just that sort of person I guess...

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You are really, really talented.....I love the chuppa chup charms, they're soooooo cute :wub2:



aww why thank you :blush-anim-cl: glad you liked the charms I think they're so cool:thumb_yello: I have the charm chain which i attach to my jeans bealt loop & then i have some made into earrings & a necklace:punk:

*huggles you*


aww thanks


*sorry don't know why I can't get it to double quote???* :boxed:

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You made charms that were lollipops, right?


How did you make them? :bleh:


no i didn't make the charms i got them from a gashapon machine but i made the charm chain i sent to tanya (see the photo of her mika mail a page or two back)


If anyone wants a lollipop charm then pm me & i'll try & get hold of some for you (tell me how many you'd like)

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no i didn't make the charms i got them from a gashapon machine but i made the charm chain i sent to tanya (see the photo of her mika mail a page or two back)


If anyone wants a lollipop charm then pm me & i'll try & get hold of some for you (tell me how many you'd like)

:doh: Well, I read things wrong.

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:doh: Well, I read things wrong.


lol :naughty:


ah well i've read things wrong too you're not the only one :naughty: I once saw a picture of mika with the name of a magazine written across the top & I thought it said something rude lmao:roftl:


it really made me go:blink: then :roll1::lmao:

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lol :naughty:


ah well i've read things wrong too you're not the only one :naughty: I once saw a picture of mika with the name of a magazine written across the top & I thought it said something rude lmao:roftl:


it really made me go:blink: then :roll1:

Okay, thanks. :naughty:



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Current MMers


lilmot (US) - Blue Sky (JP)

Jolene (AUS) - agnieszka (PL)

Babuccia - Sarah_Lollipop

celien - agnieszka

MIINA (JP) - Ina (Serbia)

englishrose (Canada) - bubuciis (Latvia)

Ankmet20 (USA) - Wendi (Scotland)

iadoremika (Canada) - Lady Godiva (USA)

kaeryana (Malaysia) - daydreambeliever (USA)

MikaMeka (from US) - Cintia_Jenny (ARG)

Me-Mi-Ka (NL) - England (USA)

Sinas (NL) - Fetal Lima Bean (US)

mika-obsessive-13 (UK) - OBSESSED_ily.mika (US)

Fetal Lima Bean (USA) - Sinas (NL)

nico_collard (AUS) - Petra (UK)

ircazo (Austria) - RosinaKiwi (NZ)

RosinaKiwi (NZ) - yogabear90 (USA)

Tanya K (Australia) - Silver (UK)

Suzy (CAN) - Kata (DK)

pianogirlsammy (?) - ?

JoseOle (NL) - dilek (Turkey)

DarkLight (UK) - Lucrezia (ITA)

musicfreak (USA) - cecires (CZE)


and these lovely MMers want to participate (again) and are looking for willing partners: :das:

lindemfc (NL)

mozarella (SWE)


PetitMika (USA)


MMers that are taking a break from MMing / please PM me if I should put you on the other list again:

Foalbaby (US)

Biekje (NL)

ruxi (Romania)

Karimah (UK) (where are you?)

Tomomi (JP)

Pinkunicorn123 (UK)

Vedrana (Belgrade)

lala_lollies44 (2 people, Katelyn and Shruti) (US)

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lol :naughty:


ah well i've read things wrong too you're not the only one :naughty: I once saw a picture of mika with the name of a magazine written across the top & I thought it said something rude lmao:roftl:


it really made me go:blink: then :roll1::lmao:



I thought the Mika's Pirates thread actually said Mika's Privates...




That happened at least twice... and I knew what it said! :lmfao:

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So...I decided to work from home today (having one of those days :boxed:). Just logged on to my computer and the doorbell rings a double, frantic ring (gosh, someone's in a hurry). It's the Post Lady and .....


.. it's my Mika Mail from Kata! (The first of two packages - I know, she's spoiling me :blush-anim-cl:)


And we just chatted about it a few hours ago! What a coinky-dink! (Although it makes me feel even more guilty that mine to hers got delayed :thumbdown:)



*Hurries off to open package and take pics*

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So...I decided to work from home today (having one of those days :boxed:). Just logged on to my computer and the doorbell rings a double, frantic ring (gosh, someone's in a hurry). It's the Post Lady and .....


.. it's my Mika Mail from Kata! (The first of two packages - I know, she's spoiling me :blush-anim-cl:)


And we just chatted about it a few hours ago! What a coinky-dink! (Although it makes me feel even more guilty that mine to hers got delayed :thumbdown:)



*Hurries off to open package and take pics*


:yay: Looking forward to seeing the pics :thumb_yello:

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I rang the postoffice and they couldnt do anything for me. They will send me a form to try and track foalbaby's parcel down, but because its not registered, they can just do with it what they like (like giving it to their own children or something like that)!

It should have been in the USA in 4-8 working days. That's an indication...

I asked him why I paid then, if I'm not certain that it will be delivered and he said I should have registered then :sneaky2:

I don't know what to do now:shocked:

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I rang the postoffice and they couldnt do anything for me. They will send me a form to try and track foalbaby's parcel down, but because its not registered, they can just do with it what they like (like giving it to their own children or something like that)!

It should have been in the USA in 4-8 working days. That's an indication...

I asked him why I paid then, if I'm not certain that it will be delivered and he said I should have registered then :sneaky2:

I don't know what to do now:shocked:


Yikes. I guess that's the risk we take. Your situation sounds worse than what happened to the parcel I sent to Kata - they mailed it back to me. :thumbdown: So I had to mail it again to Kata. My fingers are crossed for you and I (and Kata and foalbaby).

Edited by Suzy
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:blush-anim-cl:But there is good news too...(for me especially today). Here's the first pic:




Kata - you didn't even tape it. Someone could have taken these cookies I'm munching on right now, and I wouldn't have known. *Munches on some white meringue-looking cookie* :naughty:

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:blush-anim-cl:But there is good news too...(for me especially today). Here's the first pic:




Kata - you didn't even tape it. Someone could have taken these cookies I'm munching on right now, and I wouldn't have known. *Munches on some white meringue-looking cookie* :naughty:


Don't munch :shocked:


Take pictures first!!!! :roftl:

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So...I decided to work from home today (having one of those days :boxed:). Just logged on to my computer and the doorbell rings a double, frantic ring (gosh, someone's in a hurry). It's the Post Lady and .....


.. it's my Mika Mail from Kata! (The first of two packages - I know, she's spoiling me :blush-anim-cl:)


And we just chatted about it a few hours ago! What a coinky-dink! (Although it makes me feel even more guilty that mine to hers got delayed :thumbdown:)



*Hurries off to open package and take pics*


Yayness! Can't wait to see pictures!


I rang the postoffice and they couldnt do anything for me. They will send me a form to try and track foalbaby's parcel down, but because its not registered, they can just do with it what they like (like giving it to their own children or something like that)!

It should have been in the USA in 4-8 working days. That's an indication...

I asked him why I paid then, if I'm not certain that it will be delivered and he said I should have registered then :sneaky2:

I don't know what to do now:shocked:


I have a few suggestions... but some involve swearing...


1. Tell them to get their heads out of their arses and do their job!

2. Tell them to grow the f**k up...

3. Ask why your parcels keep getting misplaced... this is the second time you've been told the wrong thing...

4. Tell that man that his customer service is terrible and he should be doing more to help you instead of being a f**ker...


I just hope it's going by sea mail...






I'm sorry for swearing, but I'm really angry right now... some little bastards broke into a community building...

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More. I had to take pics real quick before I coudn't resist any longer from keeping myself from prying open some of the cookies. :naughty:




Bird's eye view:





Kata - you must have had to play some sort of "Tetris" to get these all to fit in the box. *Munches on some light crispy chocolatey thing* :blink:

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