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The Most Marvellous Mika Mail


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I got Mika Mail again today :shocked:


But I can't find the camera and now junior has already chewed her way half through it before I got to take pictures :shocked:


Great that you got another MM package!!

Hope you find your camera - but you could get Junior's tummy

x-rayed so we can see what you got!! :mf_rosetinted:


Think I might have to do that :roftl:


LOL would be cool if you could post it, cause my friend has the camera and I'm not sure there will be any candy left when he gets back :lmfao:



Ok, here it is - Kata's 2nd package from moi ...:blush-anim-cl:

(minus the cookies 'coz went over the weight limit)



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Ok, here it is - Kata's 2nd package from moi ...:blush-anim-cl:

(minus the cookies 'coz went over the weight limit)




Be jealous everyone, best Mika Mail ever :wub2:


Those fruit thingies in the long thingy are my favourites :arf2:


Thank you again :wub2: and thanks for posting the pic :blush-anim-cl:

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Ok, here it is - Kata's 2nd package from moi ...:blush-anim-cl:

(minus the cookies 'coz went over the weight limit)




Oh, Reese's:wub2: I love them.

I always buy them when I go to London, they are really hard to find in my country!

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Be jealous everyone, best Mika Mail ever :wub2:


Those fruit thingies in the long thingy are my favourites :arf2:


Thank you again :wub2: and thanks for posting the pic :blush-anim-cl:


So happy you like it. I felt awful when you sent me soooo much and knowing that it was only the first? :boxed:


Do you mean these?


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hey petra don't know if you saw my message but petit mika pmed me & asked if i'd be her mm partner so I'm doing my 2nd with lucrezia & 3rd with petit mika:thumb_yello;


*didnt see it* *notes down names for list*


has anyone heard from Me-Mi-Ka lately?


Nope. :boxed:


karmah seems to have disappeared :boxed;





Ours arrived yesterday.:clap:

(...) IT WAS AMAZING! First of all the box was beautiful, and be both wanted it. So, we compromised. Shruti got the box half to carry her stuff home in, and I got the lid with the gorgeous Mika pic. I'm gonna hang it up. All of the food was delicious. My favorite was the Violet Crumble, and Shruti's favorite was the Fizzer. (...) Thank you so much, Tanya!!!!!!!:huglove:






Awww!! Brosey!!!! :wub2:

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So happy you like it. I felt awful when you sent me soooo much and knowing that it was only the first? :boxed:


Do you mean these?


You shouldn't feel awful :blink: unless you ate too much candy of course :lmfao:


Euhm I meant the thingies in the thingy on the right of that little pic now :blink:

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aahh thanks for the link :thumb_yello: I'd love to get some of those badges (when I can afford to that is)


My laptop was stolen in a break in at my great aunts a few months back me & my dad were visiting her for a week & I took my laptop with me & it was stolen in the break in I was gutted I'd only had it about 8 or 9 months approx:thumbdown:


WTF??? How??? :shocked:!!!



Lucky for Petra. She won't get seaweed but rice crackers.:naughty:


...and she already has a HUGE bad conscience :crybaby:!!! *makes plan to KM Tomomi back big style*

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I got not actually Mika Mail! But there were some old MM thread references, so it qualifies for posting here :P




*accuses tomomi of stealing her idea* :crybaby:!!!







It tasted absolutely awful. I think I vomited a bit in my mouth. But I am so glad I finally got to try it!! :roftl:



Reminds me of my first (and last) vegemite-experience :naughty:

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And since I've started posting pictures of non-official Mika Mails, I may as well continue:


From Tegan :wub2:




Awwwww!!!!! :punk:


And masses and masses of stuff from Petra




Yes, me. Can you see how much I hate you? :das:


I've just noticed how uncreative the London Lite newspaper is at headings :naughty:


The content isnt better. They are crap :smth:. But these had nice pictures on the cover :naughty:.

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Here is the list of current Mika Mailers:


Current MMers


lilmot (US) - Blue Sky (JP)

Jolene (AUS) - agnieszka (PL)

Babuccia - Sarah_Lollipop

celien - agnieszka

MIINA (JP) - Ina (Serbia)

englishrose (Canada) - bubuciis (Latvia)

Ankmet20 (USA) - Wendi (Scotland)

iadoremika (Canada) - Lady Godiva (USA)

kaeryana (Malaysia) - daydreambeliever (USA)

MikaMeka (from US) - Cintia_Jenny (ARG)

Sinas (NL) - Fetal Lima Bean (US)

mika-obsessive-13 (UK) - OBSESSED_ily.mika (US)

Fetal Lima Bean (USA) - Sinas (NL)

nico_collard (AUS) - Petra (UK)

ircazo (Austria) - RosinaKiwi (NZ)

RosinaKiwi (NZ) - yogabear90 (USA)

Tanya K (Australia) - Silver (UK)

pianogirlsammy (?) - ?

JoseOle (NL) - dilek (Turkey)

DarkLight (UK) - Lucrezia (ITA)

musicfreak (USA) - cecires (CZE)

PetitMika (USA) - DarkLight (UK)


and these lovely MMers want to participate (again) and are looking for willing partners: :das:

lindemfc (NL)

mozarella (SWE)


England (USA)


MMers that are taking a break from MMing / please PM me if I should put you on the other list again:

Foalbaby (US)

Biekje (NL)

ruxi (Romania)

Karimah (UK) (where are you?)

Tomomi (JP)

Pinkunicorn123 (UK)

Vedrana (Belgrade)

lala_lollies44 (2 people, Katelyn and Shruti) (US)

Suzy (CAN)

Kata (DK)

Me-Mi-Ka (NL)


Is that ok? Any changes I forgot about?

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WTF??? How??? :shocked:!!!


me my great aunt & uncle & dad were all out & whilst we were out someone broke in via the glass door it seems they intended to do us in if we'd have been there as they'd left a knife on a chest of drawers so it's a damn good job we were all out!!!

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me my great aunt & uncle & dad were all out & whilst we were out someone broke in via the glass door it seems they intended to do us in if we'd have been there as they'd left a knife on a chest of drawers so it's a damn good job we were all out!!!


Wow!!! :shocked: That is really scary!! I am glad you were out -

things can be replaced but people can't!!

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You shouldn't feel awful :blink: unless you ate too much candy of course :lmfao:


Euhm I meant the thingies in the thingy on the right of that little pic now :blink:


Oh those! Those are Sweet Tarts. :naughty:





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( multiquoted a lot of posts, wrote my questions and comments on them then lost my internet connection:doh:)


wonderful MMs:thumb_yello:


thanks for the pics,they all look awesome:punk:



can't wait to post my MM to Jose:groovy:

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Hello all my lovely fellow mika mail participants :wink2:

Here is my second brilliantly awesome mika mail package from Katelyn and Shruti!

The box before I ripped it open!


A very cool pop up lollipop card!



Lots and lots of yummy lollies!




....and more yummy lollies...how cool are the tiny, little soft drink bottles that are filled with jelly beans....and some mega awesome lollipops of course




Some very cool items including: a little pooh bear and I love pooh bear....and a chicken finger puppet :naughty:




More pics to come!

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Part 2


The most brilliant Mika jewellery box! There were cool pics on the inside as well!




Heaps of awsome jewellery to keep in my new jewellery box!




More cool stuff including: colourful braces and a mini tea set!




This was such a brilliant idea! The girls took photos of themselves doing Mika things...as you will see from the second photo, there is a description of what the girs are doing!






Oh, this was such a great surprise...a Birthday Card....and it even had a kangaroo on it!




Thank you so much Katelyn and Shruti....you guys rock! :huglove:

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Part 2


The most brilliant Mika jewellery box! There were cool pics on the inside as well!




Heaps of awsome jewellery to keep in my new jewellery box!




More cool stuff including: colourful braces and a mini tea set!




This was such a brilliant idea! The girls took photos of themselves doing Mika things...as you will see from the second photo, there is a description of what the girs are doing!



Oh, this was such a great surprise...a Birthday Card....and it even had a kangaroo on it!



Thank you so much Katelyn and Shruti....you guys rock! :huglove:


Awww!!! :woot_jump:!! that's a fantastic MM!!!!

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