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The Most Marvellous Mika Mail


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Current MMers


lilmot (US) - Blue Sky (JP)

Jolene (AUS) - agnieszka (PL)

Babuccia - Sarah_Lollipop

celien - agnieszka

MIINA (JP) - Ina (Serbia)

englishrose (Canada) - bubuciis (Latvia)

Ankmet20 (USA) - Wendi (Scotland)

iadoremika (Canada) - Lady Godiva (USA)

kaeryana (Malaysia) - daydreambeliever (USA)

MikaMeka (from US) - Cintia_Jenny (ARG)

Sinas (NL) - Fetal Lima Bean (US)

mika-obsessive-13 (UK) - OBSESSED_ily.mika (US)

Fetal Lima Bean (USA) - Sinas (NL)

nico_collard (AUS) - Petra (UK)

ircazo (Austria) - RosinaKiwi (NZ)

RosinaKiwi (NZ) - yogabear90 (USA)

Tanya K (Australia) - Silver (UK)

pianogirlsammy (?) - ?

JoseOle (NL) - dilek (Turkey)

DarkLight (UK) - Lucrezia (ITA)

musicfreak (USA) - cecires (CZE)

PetitMika (USA) - DarkLight (UK)


and these lovely MMers want to participate (again) and are looking for willing partners: :das:

lindemfc (NL)

mozarella (SWE)


England (USA)

Tomomi (JP) - looking for someone not from the UK


MMers that are taking a break from MMing / please PM me if I should put you on the other list again:

Foalbaby (US)

Biekje (NL)

ruxi (Romania)

Karimah (UK) (where are you?)

Pinkunicorn123 (UK)

Vedrana (Belgrade)

lala_lollies44 (2 people, Katelyn and Shruti) (US)

Suzy (CAN)

Kata (DK)

Me-Mi-Ka (NL)

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WOW cool mm tanya:punk: I just had one of those whirly pops myself the other day, I'd bought it a fair few weeks ago yet still hadn't eaten it lol I thought it was about time i ate it:thumb_yello:


i love the braces & the mika jewellery box they're way cool:punk: also the gloomy bear is wicked too ohh & the hello kitty thing (I LOVE hello kitty!!) and the kangaroo card is wicked!! kangaroo's are one of my absolute fave animals!!!


i really can't wait to get my 2 mm's it's gonna be soo cool getting 2 & also seeing what lucrezia & petit mika think of the things i send them i mean i was stunned by your reaction to your mm you seemed like a kid at xmas especially with the watch :naughty:

btw how is the watch is it still ok?

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Wow!!! :shocked: That is really scary!! I am glad you were out -

things can be replaced but people can't!!


mm indeed that's what i thought it was really lucky we were all out at the time of the break in it was bad enough nearly being murdered twice in a space of a fortnight 2 years ago without nearly being/or actually being murdered this year too that'd have sucked big style!!!:boxed:

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mm indeed that's what i thought it was really lucky we were all out at the time of the break in it was bad enough nearly being murdered twice in a space of a fortnight 2 years ago without nearly being/or actually being murdered this year too that'd have sucked big style!!!:boxed:

NOW I'm scared :shocked: :shocked:

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[quote=Tanya K;1953152

This was such a brilliant idea! The girls took photos of themselves doing Mika things!





It was really hard fitting my hands in the screen, especially on the first pic. lol I'm stupid too because I looked at the screen instead of the camera, while Shruti is staring straight at the camera.:blush-anim-cl::roftl: We were in there for a long time, and when we came out, some old ppl were staring, as if we were up to no good.:naughty:

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my 2 mika mails are ready for posting in the morning:thumb_yello: which is cool


what i wanted to say is that I'd love to do mika mail again with someone else but i'd like it to be after xmas as i have presents & such to buy for both birthdays & xmas so i was wondering if anyone wanted to be my 4th mm partner & start getting items for mm every now & then as & when you can & then sending them in the new year I thought it may be good for someone who wants to collect stuff to do a mm over a longer period of time say if they don't have much money or something



just worth a mention I thought!

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Hej! I see that u people send really nice things to each other. I wanna participate also but not now, over 2 months I think i will put me on the list.


But i've got a question : How much do u pay average to make such a package ?



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Hej! I see that u people send really nice things to each other. I wanna participate also but not now, over 2 months I think i will put me on the list.


But i've got a question : How much do u pay average to make such a package ?




it can vary really for buying stuff you buy whatever there's no particular amount you have to spend & for postage it can vary depending on where you're sending the parcel to & how much it weighs



my parcel to tanya k postage wise cost £13.27 from the uk to australia it was over 1 kilogramme in weight. the contents well I couldn't even begin to estimate how much it came to, a lot is all i can say (I bought stuff over a couple of months not all in one go) so i wouldn't have a clue as to the total cost


I think if you were to stick to someone within europe it should be a bit cheaper for you i think


If you'd like to participate in a couple of months would you like to be my 4th mm partner?? I wanna do a 4th round but not til after xmas (i live in the uk btw)

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Hej! I see that u people send really nice things to each other. I wanna participate also but not now, over 2 months I think i will put me on the list.


But i've got a question : How much do u pay average to make such a package ?




A lot depends on which country you are posting to, because of the cost of posting the parcel. The things you put in the parcel don't have to cost a lot - sweets and candies mostly, pens, keyrings, that sort of thing. And you can always make bracelets and necklaces yourself. Some of the nicest presents that people have had in their MikaMail are things that their partners have made themselves.

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it can vary really for buying stuff you buy whatever there's no particular amount you have to spend & for postage it can vary depending on where you're sending the parcel to & how much it weighs



my parcel to tanya k postage wise cost £13.27 from the uk to australia it was over 1 kilogramme in weight. the contents well I couldn't even begin to estimate how much it came to, a lot is all i can say (I bought stuff over a couple of months not all in one go) so i wouldn't have a clue as to the total cost


I think if you were to stick to someone within europe it should be a bit cheaper for you i think


If you'd like to participate in a couple of months would you like to be my 4th mm partner?? I wanna do a 4th round but not til after xmas (i live in the uk btw)



Thnx for the info!


Yes i wanna be ur partner but indeed after X-mas, then i'll have more money :)

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Thnx for the info!


Yes i wanna be ur partner but indeed after X-mas, then i'll have more money :)


cool that's fantastic yeah after xmas I'll have more money too:punk: I have so many things to buy atm it's my half sister's birthday today so there was her presents to buy then there's her xmas presents to get then xmas presents for everyone else too & on so little money is gonna be such fun i must say lol:naughty: But as & when I can if i have a bit of cash left i'll start to get one or two litle items here & there & put them to one side:thumb_yello: then after xmas ill be able to get much more stuff ok:thumb_yello:

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I need to PM TanyaK as I'm ready to send my Mika Mail, but her PM box is full. I've left a message on her wall, but if anyone else can contact her by other means please ask her to delete some mail.


Thanks :thumb_yello:

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to the two mika mail partners i had ircazo and yogabear90, im sorry but I have 2 parcels which really need to be sent BEFORE christmas but you havent replied to my pms for months! Ive given you multipul chances!



Edited by RosinaKiwi
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i think i'd like to try mikamail! :naughty:

we have a week-long school break here, and i think it'd be a good time to gather up some things and send them in a mikamail!

anyone need a partner? :wink2:


by the way, my name is kira marie, and i live in texas. :wink2:

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mmm where abouts do you live? what country? If you like Ill be your mm partner why not:punk: you'd just have to give me a week or so to gather stuff:thumb_yello:


I wasn't actually gonna do another til after xmas but if you want a mika mail partner from the uk then I don't mind at all:punk:


edited: doh *slaps self* i just noticed your sig I'm assuming that your from new zealand ok excuse my being as blind as a bat lmao :lmao:

Edited by DarkLight
couldn't see what was staring me in the face,think I need to see my optician 'hellooo is that the optician I need new glasses
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Awww!!! !! that's a fantastic MM!!!!

PPPPEEEETTTTTRRRRRAAAAAA....long time no speak :wub2:


What a brilliant MM Tanya - lovely jewellry, sweets, photos

and gifts!! Awesome!!


WOW cool mm tanya I just had one of those whirly pops myself the other day, I'd bought it a fair few weeks ago yet still hadn't eaten it lol I thought it was about time i ate it


i love the braces & the mika jewellery box they're way cool also the gloomy bear is wicked too ohh & the hello kitty thing (I LOVE hello kitty!!) and the kangaroo card is wicked!! kangaroo's are one of my absolute fave animals!!!


i really can't wait to get my 2 mm's it's gonna be soo cool getting 2 & also seeing what lucrezia & petit mika think of the things i send them i mean i was stunned by your reaction to your mm you seemed like a kid at xmas especially with the watch

btw how is the watch is it still ok?


Tanya---you got some REALLY awesome things! I see some suspenders that are so cool. And a Gloomy Bear. Not to mention all the yummy candies. Fantastic MM!


Thanks guys...the MM was awesome! Shruti and Katelyn did an amazing job:punk:


Darklight: The watch is still running brilliantly....I told you I had faith in your skillz!


It was really hard fitting my hands in the screen, especially on the first pic. lol I'm stupid too because I looked at the screen instead of the camera, while Shruti is staring straight at the camera.:blush-anim-cl::roftl: We were in there for a long time, and when we came out, some old ppl were staring, as if we were up to no good.


Is that because you are normally up to no good :naughty:


I need to PM TanyaK as I'm ready to send my Mika Mail, but her PM box is full. I've left a message on her wall, but if anyone else can contact her by other means please ask her to delete some mail.




Hello (mumsy:naughty:)....OKD e-mailed me to let me know!


I've been a good little girl and cleaned out my Inbox:wink2:

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PPPPEEEETTTTTRRRRRAAAAAA....long time no speak :wub2








Thanks guys...the MM was awesome! Shruti and Katelyn did an amazing job:punk:


Darklight: The watch is still running brilliantly....I told you I had faith in your skillz!




Is that because you are normally up to no good :naughty:




Hello (mumsy:naughty:)....OKD e-mailed me to let me know!


I've been a good little girl and cleaned out my Inbox:wink2:


helloooooo :huglove: glad it's still ok it's only on the very rare odd occaion a watch I make goes awol 97% of the time they're ok:thumb_yello:


oh btw can you pm me your address I lost it i have those things to send you & I finally found a place to order a calendar from hurrah!! they are currently out of stock but are hoping to get some in by the weekend so i placed an order for 2 one for you & one for me:thumb_yello:

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anyone want some american sweets? :wink2:


I would directly BUT I can't do anything at the moment! I've just sent off my MM to Tegan and now I won't be able to do anything until afer Christmas (as I'm moving back home and so on :boxed:)


my 2 mika mails are ready for posting in the morning:thumb_yello: which is cool


what i wanted to say is that I'd love to do mika mail again with someone else but i'd like it to be after xmas as i have presents & such to buy for both birthdays & xmas so i was wondering if anyone wanted to be my 4th mm partner & start getting items for mm every now & then as & when you can & then sending them in the new year I thought it may be good for someone who wants to collect stuff to do a mm over a longer period of time say if they don't have much money or something


just worth a mention I thought!


I think it took me about 4 months to put Bianca's MM together :naughty: - but yes, very right!

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